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ann coulter

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Are you talking about capital punishment? Interesting then, that the U.S. is the only industrialized western country to retain capital punishment. It's retention of that policy puts it in the same category as Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China and other human rights standouts. But we're the one's that are dysfunctional? :rolleyes:

Yep rolleyes, you are disfunctional. IMHO, someone who kills a dozen people has committed a crime which does not warrent life in prison, it warrents DEATH. I suppose in that way I agree with those mentioned countries, except they cause suffering.

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Yep rolleyes, you are disfunctional. IMHO, someone who kills a dozen people has committed a crime which does not warrent life in prison, it warrents DEATH. I suppose in that way I agree with those mentioned countries, except they cause suffering.

How about the fundamental hypocrisy of saying you value life, but then advocating death? How about the fact that the people being executed in America today are disproportionately poor, black or Hispanic (People of color comprise 43% of total executions since 1976, while comprising only around 25% of the population)? How about the enormous capacity for error (more than 114 people have been exonerated from death row since 1972)? How about the fact that capital punishment does not deter crime?

I could go on, but someone who's willing to line up next to some of the worst regimes in the world probably isn't reasonable enough to debate.

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How about the fundamental hypocrisy of saying you value life, but then advocating death? How about the fact that the people being executed in America today are disproportionately poor, black or Hispanic (People of color comprise 43% of total executions since 1976, while comprising only around 25% of the population)? How about the enormous capacity for error (more than 114 people have been exonerated from death row since 1972)? How about the fact that capital punishment does not deter crime?

I could go on, but someone who's willing to line up next to some of the worst regimes in the world probably isn't reasonable enough to debate.

No, there really is no debate, only opinion exchange. You were exchanging your harmonious opinions before I came along, and you will do so after I leave. There was no debate going on here, just a bash fest of Fox News and Ann Coulter. When paralysis takes over, just go to your corner.

As far as people of color comprising 42% of the executions, so what does that prove? A bias against people of color? Far from it. More likely, it is more people of color commit crime. Talk about unbalanced reporting, any grade schooler can pick that arguement apart. As far as not detering crime, I think that is wrong. I think they do deter crime. In fact, it is truly impossible to prove one way or another.

Can I ask one question? Does Black Dog mean watch dog, junk yard dog, big dog, small dog, mean dog, a mut, a poodle, a doberman, or just a house hold pet?

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What false reports? No clue as to what they are talking about? In your opinion perhaps. Fox News is owned by an AUSTRALIAN. If people did not like its manner, they would not watch it, its ratings would go down, it would lose money, and it would report differently. Fact is, many people do not find its reporting is not accurate. The commentators are not reporting the news, they comment on it. Again, don't listen to it. What bothers those here is that people DO listen to it, and believe me they are not as stupid as you believe them to be.

I don't believe that most people who do watch are watching for accurate news source. Just watching how stupid and outrageous idiots they are. I don't watch.

It is a joke.

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you know dumb americans can say what they want about canadians. but the fact is no matter where you go in the world other than the USA(undeniably stupid americans) they are without a doubt the most hated people in the world. as a canadian i have to put a canada flag on my clothes whenever i travel to fend off the same old question, are you american? canadians are probably the most well liked country in the world . i get such awesome treatment wherever i go in the world when they find out im canadian. can you imagine being so hated ? i mean its just a matter of time before bush er.. al queda hits them again. people like ann coulter cant seem to see beyond her own borders and its not just her . all those innocent soldiers died for nothing but bushes oil wells. and they are still dying . vietnam was another stain on the american flag. canadians probably did the most to win world war 2 . i know in europe that is the general consensus. at least we dont say we can have nuclear weapons but you cant. my personal beleif is that if canada wasnt attached to the us they would've been wiped out by now. sure we have our problems like every other country but at least we didnt off our own president. i still think canada is the best place to live in the world and im glad we didnt go to iraq. i just hope the terrorists know this! ;)

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no matter where you go in the world other than the USA(undeniably stupid americans) they are without a doubt the most hated people in the world.

Well just to bring up what came to mind within the first few seconds of reading this statement. You don't think that maybe the English despise the French more? Or that the Pakistani's and Indians hate each other more? Or that the northern Irish hate the English more? And so on and so forth.

canadians are probably the most well liked country in the world

Riiiight. While I am sure that there are many people around the globe who share that sentiment I am just as certain that there are many others who feel as strongly about other nations.

canadians probably did the most to win world war 2 . i know in europe that is the general consensus.

Yes and Australia is chiefly responsible for the development of NASA and is the chief architect of all scientific advancement ever...

my personal beleif is that if canada wasnt attached to the us they would've been wiped out by now

This just gets better. I'm sure the deterrence presented by US military power is insignificant when compared to the defensive role Canada provides the US.

In closing I suppose I shouldn't be ignoring my own advice about feeding trolls. I'll have to make this a last.

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Riiiight. While I am sure that there are many people around the globe who share that sentiment I am just as certain that there are many others who feel as strongly about other nations.

Oh, name one. Certainly not Australia that followed the USA into Iraq. As one of your countrymen visiting here said: It was for the "money mate" to accomodate the Yanks.

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Oh, name one.

Is this a serious question? Are you asking me to name one country, apart from Canada, that people may consider to be the best in the world? Can you not come up with ANY yourself? If you can not that would seem, to me. to be incredibly arrogant.

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PEORGIE: As another proud Canadian, I have to say that I found that last post of yours to be nonsense combined with over-the-top nationalistic braggadocio. Yes, Canada made a large contribution in WWII. It is ludicrous to say we did more to win than anyone else. Each individual soldier from each individual nation did all he could. That's enough.

The "undeniably stupid americans" comment was especially unwarranted and offensive.

(To all Americans on this board, please understand that this opinion is not shared by all Canadians. I may disagree with many of the actions and policies of the current administration, but GWB is NOT the American people, nor is he the USA. America is a wonderful country, the vast majority of her people are good folk, and the premise on which the country was founded is admirable. However, America is not perfect. Neither is Canada, or anywhere else for that matter, but if I could not live in Canada, then my next choice would be the USA.)

And as for this......

my personal beleif is that if canada wasnt attached to the us they would've been wiped out by now.

Complete and utter nonsense. Like some aggressive nation is going to say "Well, we want to invade the USA, but we better not because we might accidentally hurt a few Canadians". Uh-huh. Yup. That would be the first thing on MY mind if I were a bloodthirsty, invasive, dictator-type.

The rest of the post not even merit refuting.

TAWASAKM has got it right about feeding the trolls, but some offensive posts need to be addressed.

Back to the issue at hand. Coulture, Hannity et al, are NOT in the business of reporting news. They are in the business of increasing ratings. They will say whatever they feel like saying on the air. No matter how stupid or outrageous each comment is, they will continue to make those comments until their respective networks have decided that they are no longer getting the ratings, or until they finally step over the line and say something so offensive that it embarasses the network itself.

Same goes for FOX news. The news reporting itself is not all that bad, much like any news station or network. The editorial comments and/or insinuations made in their commentaries are pieces of OPINION, which are designed to, you guessed it, GET THE RATINGS.

As long as ratings are king, we'll continue to see trash-talking commentaries from both sides of the spectrum, and Coulter is simply another mouthpiece who makes loud noises and happens to appeal to a certain demographic.

But then again, World Weekly News also appeals to a certain demographic.

Maybe someday soon we'll be seeing "Bat Boy" doing commentaries, too.

His opinions have just as much merit as Coulter's, or Hannity's, or mine, for that matter.

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Riiiight. While I am sure that there are many people around the globe who share that sentiment I am just as certain that there are many others who feel as strongly about other nations.

Oh, name one.

Brazil and Jamaica. Everybody loves Brazil and Jamaica, two countries known the world over for their happy dispositions, sunny beaches, friendliness to visitors, lack of interest in starting wars or invading Iraq, and enthusiasm for partying. As well, Brazil exports all those spectacular models and soccer players, and Jamaica gave us reggae and many terrific athletes. Who doesn't love Jamaica and Brazil? Certainly neither of those countries are on Al Qaeda's hit-list, unlike us...


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Certainly not Australia that followed the USA into Iraq. As one of your countrymen visiting here said: It was for the "money mate" to accomodate the Yanks.

Additonally, caesar, yes there are people who think Australia is one of the best countries in the world. There are people all over the world who would like to live here or holiday here. There is alot more to the entity known as Australia then its involvement in Iraq. You viewpoint seems to be very narrow and weighted inordinately to recent events in the middle east. What about Australias involvement in liberating East Timor (putting us very firmly on al Quaedas hit list), or our massive donations to Indonesia after the tsunami, or our various other humanitarian efforts? What about our friendly culture and pleasant weather? I'm not going to say to you that Australia is the Best Nation on Earth (although I love it above all others) but it has as much right to that claim as Canada or the United States or many other nations. There is good and bad everywhere.

Why don't you try to view Australia on balance instead of through a narrow, agenda biased perspective?

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Riiiight. While I am sure that there are many people around the globe who share that sentiment I am just as certain that there are many others who feel as strongly about other nations.

Oh, name one.

Brazil and Jamaica. Everybody loves Brazil and Jamaica, two countries known the world over for their happy dispositions, sunny beaches, friendliness to visitors, lack of interest in starting wars or invading Iraq, and enthusiasm for partying. As well, Brazil exports all those spectacular models and soccer players, and Jamaica gave us reggae and many terrific athletes. Who doesn't love Jamaica and Brazil? Certainly neither of those countries are on Al Qaeda's hit-list, unlike us...


Brazil is a cesspool, and Jamaica is worse.

I doubt anyone hates them, except their own people.

That is because, like Canada, they are too unimportant for anyone to spend any time thinking about, much less getting emotional about.

Like Canada, they have little or no influence on anything in the world outside their borders. They are inconsequential third rate nations as far as the world goes. No one writing a history of the Earth is going to spend much effort on Brazil's influence - or Canada's.

I suppose some people might be proud of that.

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The commentators are not reporting the news, they comment on it. Again, don't listen to it. What bothers those here is that people DO listen to it, and believe me they are not as stupid as you believe them to be.

Are you daft? So if someone moves his/her lips, you characterize their actions as commentating. Boy, you're easy. But then, you are precisely the type FOX caters to. What's so frightening is that there is no derth of ignorance out there. Believe me, those who watch FOX are way beneath stupid--they're certifiably brain dead--which is precisely why all the yelling.

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The commentators are not reporting the news, they comment on it. Again, don't listen to it. What bothers those here is that people DO listen to it, and believe me they are not as stupid as you believe them to be.

Are you daft? So if someone moves his/her lips, you characterize their actions as commentating. Boy, you're easy. But then, you are precisely the type FOX caters to. What's so frightening is that there is no derth of ignorance out there. Believe me, those who watch FOX are way beneath stupid--they're certifiably brain dead--which is precisely why all the yelling.

If you don't understand the difference between news and commentary, I'm not sure you should be calling others daft.


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If you don't understand the difference between news and commentary, I'm not sure you should be calling others daft.

Someone doesn't understand the difference between commentary and mindless ranting. Commentary typically requires some sort of insight. There is no such thing on Fox.

I've never actually seen Fox News, so I can't comment. I can comment on Ann Coulter, who I think is a fruitcake of galactic proportions. That doesn't have much to do with the distinction that PocketRocket was drawing between news and editorial content, which appears to be beyond some peoples' ability to grasp.


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If you don't understand the difference between news and commentary, I'm not sure you should be calling others daft.

Huh? Wakey, wakey, kimmy! What's in red is what someone else said which is that the commentators on FOX are not reporting the news, they are commenting--and I said, "........what I said. Besides which, kimmy, I never called anyone "daft," I asked if they were "daft." Calling someone daft is a statement; asking if they're daft is a question, albeit rhetorical :D

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No, there really is no debate, only opinion exchange. You were exchanging your harmonious opinions before I came along, and you will do so after I leave. There was no debate going on here, just a bash fest of Fox News and Ann Coulter. When paralysis takes over, just go to your corner.

Oh and you brought so much to the table! Aside from blowing smoke up Coulter's colon and pontificating about the subject of Canada (a subject you clearly know FA about) you slink away. You're out of your element.

As far as people of color comprising 42% of the executions, so what does that prove? A bias against people of color? Far from it. More likely, it is more people of color commit crime.

Uh look at the numbers again: are you seriously positing that a quarter of the population is committing half the crimes?

As far as not detering crime, I think that is wrong. I think they do deter crime. In fact, it is truly impossible to prove one way or another.

Oh well, if you think so. That changes everything. :rolleyes:

But if one wanted to prove the deterrent value of the death penalty , one would simply have to look at the crime rate for capital crimes in juridtictions death penalty versus those that don't have the death penalty. And guess what? Homicide rate in U.S. states with capital punishment have been 48% to 101% higher than those without the death penalty (New York Times). As well, the five countries with the highest homicide rates that do not impose the death penalty average 21.6 murders per 100,000 people. The five countries with the highest homicide rate that do impose the death penalty average 41.6 murders for every 100,000 people.

Can I ask one question? Does Black Dog mean watch dog, junk yard dog, big dog, small dog, mean dog, a mut, a poodle, a doberman, or just a house hold pet?

And that has what to do with this discussion?

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As far as not detering crime, I think that is wrong. I think they do deter crime.

The death penalty does not deter crimes such as murder. For one thing, very few people would commit murder if it was completely legal. People just don't do it.

Second, the odds of someone about to commit murder thinking "Hmmm, I may be executed for this, I better put down the gun." are also very slim.

The suggestion that capital punishment deters crime is laughably absurd.

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you know dumb americans can say what they want about canadians. but the fact is no matter where you go in the world other than the USA(undeniably stupid americans) they are without a doubt the most hated people in the world. as a canadian i have to put a canada flag on my clothes whenever i travel to fend off the same old question, are you american? canadians are probably the most well liked country in the world . i get such awesome treatment wherever i go in the world when they find out im canadian. can you imagine being so hated ? i mean its just a matter of time before bush er.. al queda hits them again. people like ann coulter cant seem to see beyond her own borders and its not just her . all those innocent soldiers died for nothing but bushes oil wells. and they are still dying . vietnam was another stain on the american flag. canadians probably did the most to win world war 2 . i know in europe that is the general consensus. at least we dont say we can have nuclear weapons but you cant. my personal beleif is that if canada wasnt attached to the us they would've been wiped out by now. sure we have our problems like every other country but at least we didnt off our own president. i still think canada is the best place to live in the world and im glad we didnt go to iraq. i just hope the terrorists know this! ;)

[/b]canadians probably did the most to win world war 2

hahah you lost all credibilty right there with me and hopefully anyone else who post here.

as for the actualy topic, i wish that women would shut her mouth. the venom she spews is such utter lies and propoganda you would think someone was paying here to make a good april fools joke. believe me many americans including myself love canada. where else would we go to get good looking women ^^?

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Pocket rocket doeshave a good point. There is always too much spin on the news and not enough straight reporting. People who skim the news or don't really listen do often come up with a lot of cockeyed ideas of the truth. Lots of people out there still believe that Iraq had any weapons of mass destruction; that Iraq was a serious threat to the USA.

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