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Terrorist Attack in Pittsburgh

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On 11/1/2018 at 8:47 AM, Rue said:

For the sake of brevity and faciility I have no'd you comments so I can respond to them. I appreciate responding tobyoy gives you some legitimacy but I believe silence condones your comments.

In regards to 1 your patronizing tone and suggestion the KKK are victimized no differently than Jews speaks for itself. Do tell me the last time you were shot at  or massacred when you were praying. Get back to me on that. Brilliant analogy. This need to portray yourself and now the KKK as victims of hatred  summarizes the totality of your insights as to human behaviour. Thanks for sharing.

2-No one on this post or any other post has stated or argued the death of Muslims in a Mosque, Christians in a church of Jews in a synagogue is different, only you. You have created a false slur and allegation Jews are using the death of Jews to claim are blood is more red than the blood of Christians or Muslims. The device you engage in making that false allegation is designed to incite hatred against Jews and suggest we deserve it. It's a device of revitalization that has been used to down p,at the holocaust, pogroms, attacks on Jews trying to turn all hate attacks into an imagined contest as to who is the real victim justvasvyou try twist this tragedy to suggest the KKK are victims. Again your attempt to pit targets of hatred against one another to deflect from thecagentbof hatred speaks loudly as does it again evidence your lack of insight as to what causes hatred and why you spew your hatred towards Jews in your reply. By the way putting the word Zionist before the word Jew is hilarious. Did you think it would make your rant respectful when your slurs are not limited to Zionist Jews? In fact you could not do a better job showcasing how anti-semites like you think you can couch the anti semitism and make it acceptable by using the word Zionist.

3-you started your third anti Jewish rant slurring all Jews. Oops you forgot to be consistent and place Zionist before the word Jew when you made your classic bigoted slur assigning a negative stereotype against all Jews. The rest of your rant is not worthy of a response other than to say you engage in classic slurring claiming you know how all Jews think and feel by trying to pose yourself as a German victim of Jews. How pathetic. Then again you pose as a Russian as well in another of your enlightened responses.

4-  The last response has nothing to do with the issue or topic you claim to respond to and evidences false assumptions about  what Jews believe and claim based on your projected subjective assumptions of Jews. Hey you are a victim of Jews. Got it. Hey man go goose step. Express yourself.

I am of the opinion that you do enjoy taking everything I say out of context. I never said anything about the KKK being victims? Where did I say that? Point that out will you. You are such an emotional person and no doubt is the reason why you always tend to speak before you think. When was the last time you were shot at? 

It's plain as day that Jews are always the victim to you and then you wonder why some people do not like Jews. 

It's plain to see that no one dare to question or challenge anything that has to do with Judaism or Israel or else they will be accused of promoting and ranting hatred towards the chosen ones and are then called anti-semetic or a member of the KKK or a Nazi for daring to ask questions. When any religious group cannot accept some criticism then they have something to hide. It would appear as though your people have something to hide. Just saying.  :D

It would appear to me as though it is you that is doing the goosestepping here. Many people have claimed to be victims of Jews? Are you going to deny that too? Express yourself. :unsure:

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On 10/29/2018 at 12:39 PM, turningrite said:

I'm not sure what you mean by this?

All he's means is that lefties are responsible. The tepid response to the OP from other right wingers only underscore the reluctance to assign any blame to right wing insensibilities at all.

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

It's plain as day that Jews are always the victim to you and then you wonder why some people do not like Jews.

It's plain to see that you need to have a Swastika carved into your forehead. Then there would no ambiguity about context.

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

It's plain to see that you need to have a Swastika carved into your forehead. Then there would no ambiguity about context.

And too top it all off you can put one of those white pointy tall cones on top of my head too complete the picture. Click-click. Chuckle-chuckle. 

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21 hours ago, eyeball said:

All he's means is that lefties are responsible. The tepid response to the OP from other right wingers only underscore the reluctance to assign any blame to right wing insensibilities at all.

Lefties openly talk about genocide and violence against Jews. Lefty news, like CNN, doesn't speak out against it. So according to lefties, it's a valid discussion. Lefty news will never even hold Obama's feet to the fire for secretly associating with people like Farrakhan who openly discuss "reasons for hating, fearing or killing Jews". 

Then after all the division that Democrats have sown over the past 4 years, lefties blame this killing spree on Trump, based on their unsubstantiated and stupid beliefs.

Everyone who knows anything about Trump knows that he supports Israel (Jewish) and that his son-in-law and grandkids are Jews. He's never said a bad word about Jews, he doesn't sow division within the country. 

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21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Lefties openly talk about genocide and violence against Jews.

No, you're deliberately confusing and equating criticism for Israel with antisemitism.



Lefty news, like CNN, doesn't speak out against it. So according to lefties, it's a valid discussion.


The ridiculous assertion you made in your OP is valid? That Justin Trudeau bears responsibility for the incident in Pittsburgh because he made hate speech against Jews legal?  



Lefty news will never even hold Obama's feet to the fire for secretly associating with people like Farrakhan who openly discuss "reasons for hating, fearing or killing Jews".


I don't recall an overabundance of people holding Obama's feet to the fire when he was killing Muslims with drones do you?



Then after all the division that Democrats have sown over the past 4 years, lefties blame this killing spree on Trump, based on their unsubstantiated and stupid beliefs.


Well Democrats aren't exactly lefties but in any case what's being blamed is an overheated political climate that Trump is merely adding fuel too.  Trump is just the latest symptom of a disease that has been festering for almost a couple of decades now.   



Everyone who knows anything about Trump knows that he supports Israel (Jewish) and that his son-in-law and grandkids are Jews. He's never said a bad word about Jews, he doesn't sow division within the country.


No, he unifies people by fanning the political fury they're in.

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23 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, you're deliberately confusing and equating criticism for Israel with antisemitism.

The ridiculous assertion you made in your OP is valid? That Justin Trudeau bears responsibility for the incident in Pittsburgh because he made hate speech against Jews legal?  

I don't recall an overabundance of people holding Obama's feet to the fire when he was killing Muslims with drones do you?

Well Democrats aren't exactly lefties but in any case what's being blamed is an overheated political climate that Trump is merely adding fuel too.  Trump is just the latest symptom of a disease that has been festering for almost a couple of decades now.   

No, he unifies people by fanning the political fury they're in.

Critism against Jews/Israel that’s inaccurate with a hateful bias is anti Semitic.


Trudeau made hate speech against Jews not just legal, but he normalized it by refusing to denounce a call for genocide against them.


Obama wasn’t killing “muslims”, he was killing terrorists. I thought that there was supposed to be a very big difference?


Trump isn’t ramping up any racist rhetoric, that’s CNN. All they talk about is race. It’s sickening. Trump is pro-American. That shouldn’t be surprising for a US President, but it’s a dramatic turnaround from the last administration where the First Lady was on record saying “for the second time in my adult life I was proud to be an American.”

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21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Lefties openly talk about genocide and violence against Jews. Lefty news, like CNN, doesn't speak out against it. So according to lefties, it's a valid discussion. Lefty news will never even hold Obama's feet to the fire for secretly associating with people like Farrakhan who openly discuss "reasons for hating, fearing or killing Jews". 

Then after all the division that Democrats have sown over the past 4 years, lefties blame this killing spree on Trump, based on their unsubstantiated and stupid beliefs.

Everyone who knows anything about Trump knows that he supports Israel (Jewish) and that his son-in-law and grandkids are Jews. He's never said a bad word about Jews, he doesn't sow division within the country. 

I respectfully  disagree with the last paragraph and strongly agree with the first two. I would contend he has used couched words to rally bigots. He uses the exact tactic of Hitler and that is defining scapegoats and calling on people to vote based on a shared hatred of those scapegoats. That is clear, it's open, and he's been called out on it by Republicans like Mitt Romney in the US but unfortunately not enough of them. I believe Trump is a hateful man using rhetoric to incite rage. To ignore that in his speeches is pointless. You think a man who says barbed wire is a wonderful thing when seen going up and used properly is not using terms Jewish people recoil from ? What next a speech on how to use cyanide responsibly?

Trump is inciting hatred to get voters out. He does not appeal with positive visions. He uses negative fear mongering. His sole platform is to hate immigrants and blame crime and anything bad on immigrants, Democrats, the press, China, Canadian dairy farmers, and whoever else is the target of the day on his Twitter. He is a classic hate monger.

That said I find no difference between him and trendy leftists. They use the same tactics and stereotyping. He is not a positive role model. He is to politics what crude porn is to film making. 

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Critism against Jews/Israel that’s inaccurate with a hateful bias is anti Semitic.


Trudeau made hate speech against Jews not just legal, but he normalized it by refusing to denounce a call for genocide against them.


Obama wasn’t killing “muslims”, he was killing terrorists. I thought that there was supposed to be a very big difference?



I strongly agree with the above comments.

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Critism against Jews/Israel that’s inaccurate with a hateful bias is anti Semitic.

Accurate criticism of Israel without hate isn't.



Trudeau made hate speech against Jews not just legal, but he normalized it by refusing to denounce a call for genocide against them.


You keep stressing that Trudeau made hate speech legal, can you please show us the legislation Ottawa passed that did this, especially the part that legalized it in the US?



Obama wasn’t killing “muslims”, he was killing terrorists. I thought that there was supposed to be a very big difference?


I would have thought so too.


Trump isn’t ramping up any racist rhetoric, 

I said fanning political fury not racist rhetoric.  You really need to pay better attention to what words mean especially the ones you're using to make your point.

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40 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, you're deliberately confusing and equating criticism for Israel with antisemitism.

I don't recall an overabundance of people holding Obama's feet to the fire when he was killing Muslims with drones do you?

Well Democrats aren't exactly lefties

No, he unifies people by fanning the political fury they're in.

In regards to your first comment, no he is not bt you enable the tactic of justifying anti semitic remarks by denying Jews do not have the same right to a collective national identity as Muslims and Christians do. 

In regards to your second comment you ignore the fact the Muslims Obama targetted  were targetted for their terrorist acts. Are you saying a terrorist who is a Muslim is not singled out for his terrorism only his being a Muslim? Interesting how that works with you.

One can not according to you target a terrorist who is a Muslim without being anti Muslim but what can be anti Zionist but not anti - Jewish. Nice to see how consistent you are with how you apply your concepts.

In regards to your pronouncement Democrats are not to the left I am sure Bernie Saunders would agree with you.

In regards to your last sentence I agree and I find he engages in the playbook of Hitler, or to be specific the propaganda game crafted by Josef Goebels,Hitler's propaganda Czar and also used by Putin.

Trump and Putin are two peas in pod.


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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Accurate criticism of Israel without hate 


Yes. Accurate criticism of Israeli state policies without making hateful comments about all Jews is not anti semitism.

Criticism of Israeli state policies that slurs Israelis for existing as Israeli or having a Jewish identity is hateful and could be anti semitic depending on the words or context or reference.

It would be nice if you examine your own words and ask are they consistent. Do you hold yourself to the same standards you expect others to follow..all I ask is you understand Israel is Jewish no differently than Muslim countries are Muslim or Britain is Anglican.

You not I have a problem with Israel having a Jewish identity but you don't have a problem with Middle East states having Muslim identities. You use different standards based on discriminatory subjective biases no different than neo Nazis. There is no difference to me between you and Taxme. You pics from the left and he from the right, at the same target.


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22 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


What is a "hate longer" ?   Is that another kind of Canadian limit on free speech ?

I edited the spelling error. When you revert to pointing out spelling errors I get it. Wuttzah matta Uncle Sam you run out of gas? Build another pipeline to Canada.

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1 minute ago, Rue said:

In regards to your first comment, no he is not bt you enable the tactic of justifying anti semitic remarks by denying Jews do not have the same right to a collective national identity as Muslims and Christians do. 

Except I never said Jews don't have that. It was the voice in your head that said I said that. In any case we're all Earthlings so get over it already.



In regards to your second comment you ignore the fact the Muslims Obama targetted  were targetted for their terrorist acts. Are you saying a terrorist who is a Muslim is not singled out for his terrorism only his being a Muslim? Interesting how that works with you.


No I'm saying Obama is stuck in the same diseased milieu Trump is.



One can not according to you target a terrorist who is a Muslim without being anti Muslim but what can be anti Zionist but not anti - Jewish. Nice to see how consistent you are with how you apply your concepts.


You have a veritable chorus of voices directing your thoughts don't you?  My thoughts are consistent with the fact we're all stuck in the same shitty place.



In regards to your pronouncement Democrats are not to the left I am sure Bernie Saunders would agree with you.

In regards to your last sentence I agree and I find he engages in the playbook of Hitler, or to be specific the propaganda game crafted by Josef Goebels,Hitler's propaganda Czar and also used by Putin.

Trump and Putin are two peas in pod.



Power corrupts....you might recall that I'm pretty consistent about my regard for people in power and the deteriorating state of affairs between the ruled and those who rule us.

Like I said we're all stuck in a shitty place.

Who'd know that such an insignificant albeit pretty little pale-blue dot could also be such an enormously hellish place? It certainly doesn't have to be and it's not like we don't know better.

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11 minutes ago, Rue said:

It would be nice if you examine your own words and ask are they consistent. Do you hold yiurself to the same standards you expect others to follow..

Fucking right I do, would you care to tell me where my words are not consistent?

And in my words not your's.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Oh look who has joined the innocent victim bandwagon.

I never claimed to be a victim. Some are simply tired of other members attempting to thinking they can speak for other members. You do this often, and now multiple members are accusing you of it.. If it was just one person calling you out on it,, that might not mean anything,  when several members call you out on it, the problem lies with you and how you post and continually try to twist what others said.  No one is having it and you are having a childish fit over it.

I will never claim to speak for you, and you will never claim to speak for anyone else here on this forum.

Now what was the topic again? All I saw were personal attacks by Rue over the past few posts.

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On 11/2/2018 at 4:00 PM, taxme said:

Why is it that every time someone questions anything that you believe in they are suddenly anti semetic and are trying to promote hatred against Jews? What is with people like you? Where is the hatred being shown? Show me where I can find those hatred words? The only one that I can see here that is trying to promote hatred here is you towards me. Prove me wrong. You are the one that appears to be the failure here. I await. Go ahead make your day. :D

Your first sentence attempts to deflect away from the fact I have only challenged you no one else. I specifically call you out asa neo Nazi KKK supporter, no one else.

You have admitted as such on this board in the past and so I challenge your bigotry. 

Next, the reference to me as  "people like you",  do you mean people with large penises....I think you have me confused with Ron Jeremy..The other Jew. 

Just saying.

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19 hours ago, GostHacked said:

I never claimed to be a victim. Some are simply tired of other members attempting to thinking they can speak for other members. You do this often, and now multiple members are accusing you of it.. If it was just one person calling you out on it,, that might not mean anything,  when several members call you out on it, the problem lies with you and how you post and continually try to twist what others said.  No one is having it and you are having a childish fit over it.

I will never claim to speak for you, and you will never claim to speak for anyone else here on this forum.

Now what was the topic again? All I saw were personal attacks by Rue over the past few posts.

Lol look out Casper has a tag team with Taxme. Bad Jew! Bad Jew stop challenging us! Ahahah. You are a hoot. Who lights the cross on my lawn, you? Tax?  Boo. Oh get back here and pick up your matches.

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