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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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4 hours ago, GostHacked said:

It's not the collateral damage, it is the outright INVASION and devastation of several M.E. nations that are causing the terrorism in the west and Europe.

And once again, you have ZERO evidence of this. Their own corrupt, incompetent authoritarian governments and their own religious fanaticism are creating the violence and war, not the West.

4 hours ago, GostHacked said:

And western nations SUPPORT Saudi Arabia which promotes the terrorism in the M.E.  We helped with creating the crisis in Yemen via Saudi Arabia.. We should be proud of ourselves.

We did no such thing. You are suffering from the common delusion of the Left - that brown people are delicate, dainty, innocent virginal children, and all that goes wrong must therefore be blamed on the evil white imperialists. We maintain cordial business and trade relationships with the Saudis, as we do with all the other third world and developing nations. Should we only maintain trade relationship with those who respect human rights as we do? That would pretty much shut down all developing countries from access to world trade, would it not? Then we would see teary eyed Lefties in the streets of this or that third world country bemoaning the death by sickness of children because of the evil cruelty of the west in shunning them and imposing sanctions - as we saw in Iraq. There is simply no way to please the bleeding hearts. If you trade with a nation you're an evil enabler. If you refuse to trade with them you're an evil oppressor. 

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32 minutes ago, Argus said:

And once again, you have ZERO evidence of this. Their own corrupt, incompetent authoritarian governments and their own religious fanaticism are creating the violence and war, not the West.

We did no such thing. You are suffering from the common delusion of the Left - that brown people are delicate, dainty, innocent virginal children, and all that goes wrong must therefore be blamed on the evil white imperialists. We maintain cordial business and trade relationships with the Saudis, as we do with all the other third world and developing nations. Should we only maintain trade relationship with those who respect human rights as we do? That would pretty much shut down all developing countries from access to world trade, would it not? Then we would see teary eyed Lefties in the streets of this or that third world country bemoaning the death by sickness of children because of the evil cruelty of the west in shunning them and imposing sanctions - as we saw in Iraq. There is simply no way to please the bleeding hearts. If you trade with a nation you're an evil enabler. If you refuse to trade with them you're an evil oppressor. 

Zero evidence? 

How is ..  Afghanstian?  Iraq?  Libya?  Syria? Yemen? And why is Europe being flooded with people from there and causing issues in nations like France, Germany, the UK ??

Remember 17/19 Sept 11 2001 hijackers were SAUDIS. But the west decided to invade everyone BUT the Saudis. Why?? Because Canada and the US loves sucking that Saudi cock for cheap oil.  Should be ashamed of our leaders and our government on the whole.  But instead we blame it on people in the M.E. because we cannot be consistent in our actions OR our rhetoric. We are in bed with one type of terrorist while pointing the finger at other terrorists.

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1 hour ago, GostHacked said:

Zero evidence? 

How is ..  Afghanstian?  Iraq?  Libya?  Syria? Yemen? And why is Europe being flooded with people from there and causing issues in nations like France, Germany, the UK ??

Remember 17/19 Sept 11 2001 hijackers were SAUDIS. But the west decided to invade everyone BUT the Saudis. Why?? Because Canada and the US loves sucking that Saudi cock for cheap oil.  Should be ashamed of our leaders and our government on the whole.  But instead we blame it on people in the M.E. because we cannot be consistent in our actions OR our rhetoric. We are in bed with one type of terrorist while pointing the finger at other terrorists.


Cute to watch you play the anti-Muslim...heh.

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On 9/5/2018 at 1:11 PM, turningrite said:

You do realize that the law upon which Canadian First Nations rely to establish and assert their rights, including the treaty system, the Royal Proclamation of 1763, was imposed by one of the Queen's ancestors, King George III, don't you? The proclamation is in fact part of the Canadian constitution. Interestingly, it also asserts the sovereignty of the crown and tends to undermine the "unceded territory" argument put forth by indigenous activists. Oh well, history is complicated.

Of course I realize that, what complicated things where I live is that George's proclamation was largely ignored by settlers - that's why modern treaties in BC are so powerful compared to elsewhere in Canada.  AFAIC activists elsewhere in Canada should be forcing Canada to renegotiate and using treaties in BC as the new standard. Screw what the Queen thinks. 

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2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Zero evidence? 

How is ..  Afghanstian?  Iraq?  Libya?  Syria? Yemen? And why is Europe being flooded with people from there and causing issues in nations like France, Germany, the UK ??

Remember 17/19 Sept 11 2001 hijackers were SAUDIS. But the west decided to invade everyone BUT the Saudis. Why?? Because Canada and the US loves sucking that Saudi cock for cheap oil.  Should be ashamed of our leaders and our government on the whole.  But instead we blame it on people in the M.E. because we cannot be consistent in our actions OR our rhetoric. We are in bed with one type of terrorist while pointing the finger at other terrorists.

Good post. I never thought about that. It is interesting indeed as to why the Americans never went after the Saudis instead for being involved in 9/11. So, millions of innocent Arabs in other countries were injured or murdered by America and Canada when it should have been Saudi Arabia that was attacked instead and had it's own people injured and murdered. When it comes to politics and politicians they sure do enjoy f'n with we the people's heads, don't they? If only we the people could fire the whole dam lot of them and start over. Maybe with the help of Trump it can be done. Hey, you never know, eh? :D

Canada should be cutting off all ties with that Islamic 10th century archaic religious regime that still beheads people and throws gays off roof tops. I mean was it not Canada who assisted in the abolishing of apartheid in South Africa many decades ago? Oh sorry, Canada will only do what they are told too by their elite globalist billionaire zionist bankster Soros elites. When they say to Canada get your troops ready for invasion of some country our dear leader puppet on a string politicians are right there ready to hand out the uniforms and guns. Pretty much all of the Western leaders of most countries will be told as to who or what terrorists to attack today and what terrorists to attack tomorrow. Maybe it is the Western leaders who are the real terrorists here, eh? 

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5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Zero evidence? 

How is ..  Afghanstian?  Iraq?  Libya?  Syria? Yemen? And why is Europe being flooded with people from there and causing issues in nations like France, Germany, the UK ??[/quote]

Afghanistan was at war for years before the West even got involved, and the West only got involved after Al Quaeda set up shop there and blew up the WTC. Iraq was a violent shithole of misery and war, too, and Libya and Syria and  Yemen had nothing to do with the West, though the West did step in to try and end the war in Libya.

Why do you think all those people from Afghanistan don't go north into the former Soviet republics, which are also Muslim, or into Russia, or south into Pakistan? You ever ask yourself that? Why do they trek across Iran and Turkey to get to Europe? If they're simply fleeing war, why not step across the border into one of these nearby countries? Most Iraqis are Shiite Muslims. Why don't they just go next door into Iran? Why don't they and the Syrians just go to Turkey and stay there, a nice, safe, relatively prosperous Muslim country? Have you ever asked that question either? You believe they're all coming to the West fleeing war and seeking safety, but that makes no sense. There are many safe places much closer to home.

I mean, even when they get to Europe, they don't say "Whew! We're safe here in Greece! Yay!" No. They continue to trek northward, through Bulgaria and Serbia, Croatia and Hungary... all fleeing war? Seriously? These are economic migrants drawn by Angela Merkel's idiotic bleeding heart offer to take in anyone who arrived, and a similar offer from the Swedes.


Remember 17/19 Sept 11 2001 hijackers were SAUDIS. But the west decided to invade everyone BUT the Saudis. Why??

Because the organization they were working for was Al Quaeda in Afghanistan.

Edited by Argus
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2 hours ago, Argus said:

Afghanistan was at war for years before the West even got involved, and the West only got involved after Al Quaeda set up shop there and blew up the WTC. Iraq was a violent shithole of misery and war, too, and Libya and Syria and  Yemen had nothing to do with the West, though the West did step in to try and end the war in Libya.

Why do you think all those people from Afghanistan don't go north into the former Soviet republics, which are also Muslim, or into Russia, or south into Pakistan? You ever ask yourself that? Why do they trek across Iran and Turkey to get to Europe? If they're simply fleeing war, why not step across the border into one of these nearby countries? Most Iraqis are Shiite Muslims. Why don't they just go next door into Iran? Why don't they and the Syrians just go to Turkey and stay there, a nice, safe, relatively prosperous Muslim country? Have you ever asked that question either? You believe they're all coming to the West fleeing war and seeking safety, but that makes no sense. There are many safe places much closer to home.

I mean, even when they get to Europe, they don't say "Whew! We're safe here in Greece! Yay!" No. They continue to trek northward, through Bulgaria and Serbia, Croatia and Hungary... all fleeing war? Seriously? These are economic migrants drawn by Angela Merkel's idiotic bleeding heart offer to take in anyone who arrived, and a similar offer from the Swedes.

Because the organization they were working for was Al Quaeda in Afghanistan.

Actually I have to disagree.  America, the Soviets and the Brits had been heavily involved in Afghanistan, taking control of trade in the colonial period and later manipulating affairs during the Cold War, including America’s support of the Mujahideen, a forerunner to Al Qaeda, sadly.  

Edited by Zeitgeist
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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

Of course I realize that, what complicated things where I live is that George's proclamation was largely ignored by settlers - that's why modern treaties in BC are so powerful compared to elsewhere in Canada.  AFAIC activists elsewhere in Canada should be forcing Canada to renegotiate and using treaties in BC as the new standard. Screw what the Queen thinks. 

I doubt the Queen thinks about any of this very much. As for indigenous claims, my point is that the legal situation is much more nuanced than many First Nations activists seem willing to admit. Were politicians, and particularly Libs and NDPers, more forthright and less visibly obsequious when dealing with indigenous issues I think the dialogue would be much more productive. Trudeau's tears and hand-over-heart apologies (on behalf of many who feel no personal need to apologize) aren't apparently accomplishing much.

Edited by turningrite
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17 hours ago, Argus said:

Afghanistan was at war for years before the West even got involved, and the West only got involved after Al Quaeda set up shop there and blew up the WTC. Iraq was a violent shithole of misery and war, too, and Libya and Syria and  Yemen had nothing to do with the West, though the West did step in to try and end the war in Libya.

Let's start with the CIA and Operation Cyclone and how they armed Bin Laden and the Muhajedeen to fight off the Soviets.

Iraq was also considered a friend to the USA back in the 80s. I do recall Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein. Hussein's mistake was going after the oil in Kuwait and trying to put in an alternative to the Petrodollar. So he had to go.  Same with Libya, Qaddafi was about to throw down the gold Dinar to trade oil in Africa where other nations were on board. So British SAS went in with weapons and explosives and supplied them to the radical rebels.

We've been over this at length on this forum over the years. Contesting all that is ignorant of real facts and are duped into believing the invasion of the M.E was about bringing freedom and democracy to the M.E. It was never about the people, or democracy. It's about the oil and the currency behind it. All that money built a global police force to enforce the will of those nations that control the flow of oil and the global currency it is traded in.

And again, with Syria, we went in to 'save people' from Assad. But that turns out to be a tougher battle as have Russia on the other side. And they are having none of it. It also seems Syria has dropped off the news as of late.

17 hours ago, Argus said:

Why do you think all those people from Afghanistan don't go north into the former Soviet republics, which are also Muslim, or into Russia, or south into Pakistan? You ever ask yourself that?

Ask why that question of Israelis/Jews and the backlash is amazing. But they would rather stay and fight for the lands in which they live. If Canada was invaded, we should accept it and move to nations like the US, UK, ... But a lot of them did flee to other nations. International borders are not recognized by many so they go where they please. And yes some did flee to Pakistan, that is where Bin Laden was killed.  I am sure Russia is also seeing a problem, but I have no idea about that at all. Actually with a quick search it seems that those M.E. migrants are helping rural areas in Russia.

17 hours ago, Argus said:

Why do they trek across Iran and Turkey to get to Europe?

Would you rather stay in a demolished city or move to modern advanced metropolis? And Turkey and Iran also are having a lot of issues. So I don't suspect they will be stable forever. Which the the next change in leadership in either nation, it will have a decent impact on all that activity. But once you get into the Europe, and being all part of the EU still, travel between borders would still be open, correct?

17 hours ago, Argus said:


If they're simply fleeing war, why not step across the border into one of these nearby countries? Most Iraqis are Shiite Muslims.

Why don't they just go next door into Iran? Why don't they and the Syrians just go to Turkey and stay there, a nice, safe, relatively prosperous Muslim country? Have you ever asked that question either? You believe they're all coming to the West fleeing war and seeking safety, but that makes no sense. There are many safe places much closer to home.

As I posed above, if Canada was invaded, why would we not go to the USA or UK? However, Turkey is not that stable.  And again, the west helped bring a big war to the M.E. and yet cannot connect the dots from that to the problems we see today.

17 hours ago, Argus said:

I mean, even when they get to Europe, they don't say "Whew! We're safe here in Greece! Yay!" No. They continue to trek northward, through Bulgaria and Serbia, Croatia and Hungary... all fleeing war? Seriously? These are economic migrants drawn by Angela Merkel's idiotic bleeding heart offer to take in anyone who arrived, and a similar offer from the Swedes.

Because the organization they were working for was Al Quaeda in Afghanistan.

Greece had their own crisis where a good percentage of Greeks could not find jobs, you think there would be any for migrants? So they would move on.

I DO agree with you that no nation should be taking anyone in just for the hell of it. Not much of a vetting process from what I can tell. And that is disastrous.

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26 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Meh...well let me know which particular lie you're going with when ready.

Which one? The one where you say I am Anti-islam? Or is in the other where you say I am Pro-Islam? However the real answer is neither. Moving on.


Devastated by a 'civil war' perpetuated by outside forces which Saudi Arabia is a part of. Attacking and killing children.  Damn I recall how Assad was raked over the coals for alleged gas attacks and here we have a confirmed incident where Saudi Arabia killed children and people like you are saying nothing about it.

So maybe I can ask a question. Why would people like yourself Dog, give Saudi Arabia a pass on targeting and killing children in Yemen, but have no problems with dropping bombs on Syria for Assad's alleged gas attacks?  One incident is confirmed and the other was not. Care to clear that up for me?

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11 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Which one? The one where you say I am Anti-islam? Or is in the other where you say I am Pro-Islam? However the real answer is neither. Moving on.


Devastated by a 'civil war' perpetuated by outside forces which Saudi Arabia is a part of. Attacking and killing children.  Damn I recall how Assad was raked over the coals for alleged gas attacks and here we have a confirmed incident where Saudi Arabia killed children and people like you are saying nothing about it.

So maybe I can ask a question. Why would people like yourself Dog, give Saudi Arabia a pass on targeting and killing children in Yemen, but have no problems with dropping bombs on Syria for Assad's alleged gas attacks?  One incident is confirmed and the other was not. Care to clear that up for me?


Only you claim I give Saudi Arabia a "pass". You want me to say that Saudi dental students are terrorists...that's your claim. I won't say Saudi dental students are automatically terrorists simply because they come from your target country. Your hate is not what motivates me re: countering Islam in the West.

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4 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Only you claim I give Saudi Arabia a "pass". You want me to say that Saudi dental students are terrorists...that's your claim. I won't say Saudi dental students are automatically terrorists simply because they come from your target country. Your hate is not what motivates me re: countering Islam in the West.

You have said however that Muslims are automatically terrorists because of the Koran.

You won't say that about Saudis, in this case however, because you're completely full of shit.

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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You have said however that Muslims are automatically terrorists because of the Koran.

You won't say that about Saudis, in this case however, because you're completely full of shit.


I said no such thing. The Quran speaks for itself as the immutable word of Allah and who are you to question what it says? The Quran says that Muslims are to fight the Unbeliever until all religion (including dirty atheists like moi) are for Allah.

The Quran says that...not me.

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5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Let's start with the CIA and Operation Cyclone and how they armed Bin Laden and the Muhajedeen to fight off the Soviets.

Why? If the CIA was arming rebels in Afghanistan then there must have already been a war there, right?

5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Iraq was also considered a friend to the USA back in the 80s.


5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

We've been over this at length on this forum over the years. Contesting all that is ignorant of real facts and are duped into believing the invasion of the M.E was about bringing freedom and democracy to the M.E. It was never about the people, or democracy. It's about the oil and the currency behind it.

The invasion of Afghanistan was about getting at Al Quaeda. The invasion of Iraq was about removing a longtime annoyance who threatened America's oil supplies from nearby smaller countries. The idea it was all about grabbing the oil for themselves seems to wilt in the light of the fact they never did so and still have not, and that they never put in place a loyal satrap to ensure they got first rights of refusal of everything.

5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

And again, with Syria, we went in to 'save people' from Assad.

And again I point out the war was there before we started bombing. And we didn't bomb Assad, but ISIS.

5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Ask why that question of Israelis/Jews and the backlash is amazing. But they would rather stay and fight for the lands in which they live. If Canada was invaded, we should accept it and move to nations like the US, UK, ... But a lot of them did flee to other nations. International borders are not recognized by many so they go where they please. And yes some did flee to Pakistan, that is where Bin Laden was killed.  I am sure Russia is also seeing a problem, but I have no idea about that at all. Actually with a quick search it seems that those M.E. migrants are helping rural areas in Russia.

Your answer is confusing and makes no sense. It also doesn't answer the question I posed.

5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

As I posed above, if Canada was invaded, why would we not go to the USA or UK? However, Turkey is not that stable.  And again, the west helped bring a big war to the M.E. and yet cannot connect the dots from that to the problems we see today.

Greece had their own crisis where a good percentage of Greeks could not find jobs, you think there would be any for migrants? So they would move on.

Turkey is entirely stable, as is Greece, as are the other countries nearby. The 'refugees fleeing war' bypassed them, went through them, heading for northern Europe, where the money is. That makes them economic migrants not refugees.

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3 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:

I said no such thing. The Quran speaks for itself as the immutable word of Allah and who are you to question what it says? The Quran says that Muslims are to fight the Unbeliever until all religion (including dirty atheists like moi) are for Allah.

The Quran says that...not me.

As you repeatedly tell us every chance you get, You clearly believe every word of it too.

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On 9/7/2018 at 2:09 PM, DogOnPorch said:


Only you claim I give Saudi Arabia a "pass". You want me to say that Saudi dental students are terrorists...that's your claim. I won't say Saudi dental students are automatically terrorists simply because they come from your target country. Your hate is not what motivates me re: countering Islam in the West.

I thought you were against Islam? The real beef as you damn well know, is with the Saudi Arabian government and how they are terrorists.  Talking about the med students is a really stupid talking point, an attempt in a 'gotcha' scenario.

My stance is quite clear.

And yes you give Saudi Arabia a pass, until you say otherwise, this is what I shall assume.

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15 hours ago, eyeball said:

As you repeatedly tell us every chance you get, You clearly believe every word of it too.


You can fault me all you wish for having at least read the Quran. I've also read the Gita and Bible. Mythology/Tribal...all sorts. You have not. 

Am I an "expert"? No...there are no "experts" when it comes to the Quran as it was meant to be a direct relationship between man and Allah. No priests are needed.

Muslims believe the Quran...every word if one is devout...as the Quran was written by Allah (God) as opposed the the other holy books which are written by mere humans.

The Quran (God) says to fight the Unbeliever until you submit. That means you. Even if only a tiny fraction of the planet's billion plus Muslims heed this divine call...that's a PROBLEM...as we have seen in recent decades, with countless terrorist attacks and other cultural enrichments like mass rape and such. 

Jihad, which few here really understand, is a way for Muslims to wash away the sins of the past in order to attain Paradise. Sort of a hands-on Confessional. So if you're a Muslim by birth, say...but smoke and drink and do other un-Islamic things all your life...you can still sit at Muhammad's table in Paradise if you perform Jihad...which is historically fighting to further Islam. Dying while performing Jihad gets you a better spot in Paradise, too...the carrot. A true warrior's religion. 

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7 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

I thought you were against Islam? The real beef as you damn well know, is with the Saudi Arabian government and how they are terrorists.  Talking about the med students is a really stupid talking point, an attempt in a 'gotcha' scenario.

My stance is quite clear.

And yes you give Saudi Arabia a pass, until you say otherwise, this is what I shall assume.


Who cares what you assume? You're reduced to player word games.

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18 hours ago, Argus said:

Why? If the CIA was arming rebels in Afghanistan then there must have already been a war there, right?

A 'war' against the Soviets. But then we saw the blowback of 9/11 from the same group that the USA funded to fight off the Soviets. And that prompted the USA go to into Afghanistan after the Taliban. And after all that time Bin Laden was able to escape.

It seems really interesting that a single CNN reporter can get an interview with Bin Laden but yet the whole USA intelligence apparatus COULD NOT FIND HIM!! 

18 hours ago, Argus said:


How so? Saying 'irrelevant' is not an explanation.

18 hours ago, Argus said:

The invasion of Afghanistan was about getting at Al Quaeda. The invasion of Iraq was about removing a longtime annoyance who threatened America's oil supplies from nearby smaller countries. The idea it was all about grabbing the oil for themselves seems to wilt in the light of the fact they never did so and still have not, and that they never put in place a loyal satrap to ensure they got first rights of refusal of everything.

Yes I did indicate that most if not all of this was about resources.

18 hours ago, Argus said:

And again I point out the war was there before we started bombing. And we didn't bomb Assad, but ISIS.

At first that was the notion, and again a ruse to get the idiots on board to go in and attack Assad. As we know it was not the USA who got rid of ISIS, it was Assad and the Russians who got rid of them. Hell there is the notion that ISIS was funded by Saudi Arabia, another reason not to do any business with these terrorists.

18 hours ago, Argus said:

Your answer is confusing and makes no sense. It also doesn't answer the question I posed.

It's because your view may be a bit to narrow to understand the grand scale or scheme of things.

18 hours ago, Argus said:

Turkey is entirely stable, as is Greece, as are the other countries nearby. The 'refugees fleeing war' bypassed them, went through them, heading for northern Europe, where the money is. That makes them economic migrants not refugees.

Recal the attempted coup in Turkey back in 2017? That's not a sign of a stable nation.

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Just now, DogOnPorch said:


Who cares what you assume? You're reduced to player word games.

This is how you do things. Why the hell are you upset when someone uses your own tactics?  But most of what I have put forth is factual and not even the likes of you can debunk any of it.

4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


You can fault me all you wish for having at least read the Quran. I've also read the Gita and Bible. Mythology/Tribal...all sorts. You have not. 

Am I an "expert"? No...there are no "experts" when it comes to the Quran as it was meant to be a direct relationship between man and Allah. No priests are needed.

Muslims believe the Quran...every word if one is devout...as the Quran was written by Allah (God) as opposed the the other holy books which are written by mere humans.

The Quran (God) says to fight the Unbeliever until you submit. That means you. Even if only a tiny fraction of the planet's billion plus Muslims heed this divine call...that's a PROBLEM...as we have seen in recent decades, with countless terrorist attacks and other cultural enrichments like mass rape and such. 

Jihad, which few here really understand, is a way for Muslims to wash away the sins of the past in order to attain Paradise. Sort of a hands-on Confessional. So if you're a Muslim by birth, say...but smoke and drink and do other un-Islamic things all your life...you can still sit at Muhammad's table in Paradise if you perform Jihad...which is historically fighting to further Islam. Dying while performing Jihad gets you a better spot in Paradise, too...the carrot. A true warrior's religion. 

So again what why would you not welcome Muslims leaving Canada? Your stance is not clear at all.

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