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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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21 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

Cuba has managed to employ, feed and provide strong education and health care for its citizens. Prior to the revolution there, a small group of foreign interests dominated the economy. There was corruption, organized crime, and much poverty.  While I don’t agree with communism or the political oppression and control in Cuba, it hasn’t been a complete failure. Cuba has a rich culture that I’m sure many Americans would really enjoy if relations were normalized.  An incremental approach to capitalism is the healthiest move there and what the people want.  There are certainly business opportunities. 

The only reason the Castro regime could feed, employ and educate its population for the many decades under Communist rule was the endless aid provided by Moscow to maintain this outpost (and listening post) on the American doorstep.   When Gorbachev dumped them, they were in deep, deep doo doo.

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So why are the Saudi's on the Human Rights council at the UN??  Are these the 'friends' we want to keep?



DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- Rights groups are warning that a female Shiite activist detained in Saudi Arabia since December 2015 may be beheaded along with other activists.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other groups have said that Israa al-Ghomgham and at least four other activists face execution for participating in 2011 Arab Spring protests in eastern Saudi Arabia's Shiite heartland.


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1 hour ago, GostHacked said:

Wrong. All members here are against Islamist extremism.  Even you.


There is just Islam, actually. It comes from the Quran and Hadiths and not any other source. Not you...not a media article...not dialamah....not even moi.


Even the schism between Shia and Sunni was just about who succeeded Mohammad, Abu Bakr or Ali...not any disagreement over Big Mo's modus operandi. 

So-called moderate Muslims technically are not Muslims. No more than one is a Christian for having been baptized in a church when a baby...and never bothered with Jesus's laws again.

But the Quran even has THAT covered...as apostasy is a capital offence under Sharia. No leaving the faith allowed (or rejecting the faith or ignoring the faith)...which makes it pretty cult like in its entirety. Murdered for leaving Islam? Whipped for showing hair? Screw that.


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1 minute ago, DogOnPorch said:


There is just Islam, actually. It comes from the Quran and Hadiths and not any other source. Not you...not a media article...not dialamah....not even moi.


Even the schism between Shia and Sunni was just about who succeeded Mohammad, Abu Bakr or Ali...not any disagreement over Big Mo's modus operandi. 

So-called moderate Muslims technically are not Muslims. No more than one is a Christian for having been baptized in a church when a baby...and never bothered with Jesus's laws again.

But the Quran even has THAT covered...as apostasy is a capital offence under Sharia. No leaving the faith allowed (or rejecting the faith or ignoring the faith)...which makes it pretty cult like in its entirety. Murdered for leaving Islam? Whipped for showing hair? Screw that.


And yet you are hesitant to kick out all Saudis.  And then I get accused of making blanket statements as you just have.

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Just now, GostHacked said:

And yet you are hesitant to kick out all Saudis.  And then I get accused of making blanket statements as you just have.


Much like forcing a Carbon Tax on all Canadians to pay for China's pollution, deporting dental students over a diplomatic fight is hardly combating Islam.

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55 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Much like forcing a Carbon Tax on all Canadians to pay for China's pollution, deporting dental students over a diplomatic fight is hardly combating Islam.

But it's a start! Because our current approach does not seem to be working (war on terror,  mass immigration fro shithole countries) . Time for a new approach.

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Everyone on this planet pays attention to twitter in one form or another, how many times do we tune in to see what President elect trump has got to say on any topic....Fact is our government has seen countless of times, the problems that Mr trump has created for himself and his party, it's laid out in our media thousands of times to date, so much it is a joke really...So our government who has made a jokes several times about Trumps twitter presence should have known better.....Presidents trumps twitters feed is listened to bvy the entire planet, it has sent shock waves around the globe, effected nations economies,  people do pay attention to what world leaders put out there on any media source...


I did not think that "I", was better or "our" nation was better in any fashion, I original signed up, to be part of an organization that stood for traditional Canadian morals and values along with a long history of Canadians serving selfishly..... That and the fact our nation has so much to offer other nations , be it financially , plentiful resources , expertise in many areas...sometimes all it takes is a helping hand to bring a nation back from the brink...were not better but rather more fortunate. 

We should have stood up to the Saudis, but that moment is gone don't you think....I don't blame Trudeau for all our human rights violations, but come on how can we sit back and say we are better than anyone else when we look back at our past and see it has many black marks on it....The liberals ,made a huge mistake taking to twitter, condemning the Saudis while be cozy with every one else with a lot larger human rights issues....

We sold weapons because we love to swim in dollars, we have no values or morals when it comes to dollars....even liberals love dollars....now you know why we give the Saudis a free pass. 


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17 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Everyone on this planet pays attention to twitter in one form or another, how many times do we tune in to see what President elect trump has got to say on any topic....Fact is our government has seen countless of times, the problems that Mr trump has created for himself and his party, it's laid out in our media thousands of times to date, so much it is a joke really...So our government who has made a jokes several times about Trumps twitter presence should have known better.....Presidents trumps twitters feed is listened to bvy the entire planet, it has sent shock waves around the globe, effected nations economies,  people do pay attention to what world leaders put out there on any media source...


I did not think that "I", was better or "our" nation was better in any fashion, I original signed up, to be part of an organization that stood for traditional Canadian morals and values along with a long history of Canadians serving selfishly..... That and the fact our nation has so much to offer other nations , be it financially , plentiful resources , expertise in many areas...sometimes all it takes is a helping hand to bring a nation back from the brink...were not better but rather more fortunate. 

We should have stood up to the Saudis, but that moment is gone don't you think....I don't blame Trudeau for all our human rights violations, but come on how can we sit back and say we are better than anyone else when we look back at our past and see it has many black marks on it....The liberals ,made a huge mistake taking to twitter, condemning the Saudis while be cozy with every one else with a lot larger human rights issues....

We sold weapons because we love to swim in dollars, we have no values or morals when it comes to dollars....even liberals love dollars....now you know why we give the Saudis a free pass. 


That says a lot about our government than the Saudis.  We need to stop dealing with them.  Canada has a rough history, but blaming all that on Trudeau is retarded. Canada IS better than Saudi Arabia. Hands down.

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6 hours ago, GostHacked said:

That says a lot about our government than the Saudis.  We need to stop dealing with them.  Canada has a rough history, but blaming all that on Trudeau is retarded. Canada IS better than Saudi Arabia. Hands down.

What does it say about our government, that they are amateurs not to mention two faced, they have discussed at great length at how twitter is not a diplomatic tool, they seen how much President Trump has created world level issues while on it..... And yet our MP that is in charge of foreign affairs decided that what harm could it cause ….a simple twit....well lets add up the cost over a bil dollars so far.....peanuts right, I wonder how that blogger is doing , think that tweet did him any favors, think he is any closer to getting out....Did she even think about the consequences before she sent that twitter message.....I think not....and now is she being held reasonable for the cost of this amateur mistake, if she is it is not been made public....

I do know this if I had cost Canada 1 bil dollars while serving in the public service I'd be in cells for a long time...but not if your a liberal. the Budget will balance itself...... 

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I'd much rather live in Canada as well, I'm grateful to be Canadian , but are we better....that's a tough call, not just for me, but look at the all those nations that are standing behind us on this issue.....take a look around, we are by ourselves....OIL and MONEY talk volumes.....Canada knows this better than anyone else just look at the LAV deal....Ask yourself this why did the liberals not cancel that contract.....jobs....and big money 

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17 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I'd much rather live in Canada as well, I'm grateful to be Canadian , but are we better....that's a tough call, not just for me, but look at the all those nations that are standing behind us on this issue.....take a look around, we are by ourselves....OIL and MONEY talk volumes.....Canada knows this better than anyone else just look at the LAV deal....Ask yourself this why did the liberals not cancel that contract.....jobs....and big money 

Oil and money do talk. That is a large reason as to why you and many Canadian soldiers were slapped in Afghanistan. It was never about freedom.

Recently Saudi Arabia attacked a bus in Yemen killing 20+ people including children.  If this was done in Syria by Assad, those who are giving Saudi Arabia a pass would be balls to the wall to get rid of Assad.

We don't need to be dealing with Saudi Arabia for anything. Our government needs to get that through their thick skulls.

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21 minutes ago, Wilber said:

The LAV deal is like Saudi oil. If they were really serious, the Saudi's would be cutting us off. Money talks and existing deals will be honoured, at least for now. 

Yes, and the Saudi prince gets to look tough by challenging interfering Western infidels while Trudeau gets to posture about "our values" here at home. I find his values blustering particularly discordant as his party's general penchant is to castigate others for 'dog-whistling' whenever the concept of our (Western) values arises. Now that his government is involved in a dispute with an unabashedly fundamentalist Islamic regime, I guess it's okay to trot our values out for political gain. But Kellie Leitch must be frozen in disbelief. Were Trudeau ethically and philosophically consistent, he'd issue an abject apology to the Saudi regime, noting that he'd violated that regime's right to unfettered religious freedom, which in a domestic context our government essentially interprets as meaning 'anything goes' provided it's ostensibly justified by religious belief. Our role is merely to shut up.

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1 hour ago, turningrite said:

Yes, and the Saudi prince gets to look tough by challenging interfering Western infidels while Trudeau gets to posture about "our values" here at home. I find his values blustering particularly discordant as his party's general penchant is to castigate others for 'dog-whistling' whenever the concept of our (Western) values arises. Now that his government is involved in a dispute with an unabashedly fundamentalist Islamic regime, I guess it's okay to trot our values out for political gain. But Kellie Leitch must be frozen in disbelief. Were Trudeau ethically and philosophically consistent, he'd issue an abject apology to the Saudi regime, noting that he'd violated that regime's right to unfettered religious freedom, which in a domestic context our government essentially interprets as meaning 'anything goes' provided it's ostensibly justified by religious belief. Our role is merely to shut up.

It's this new Saudi leader.  He's been changing a lot of things in the country, but for the good?? I doubt it.  I guess this new guy needs to look strong internally but that may not be working out for him either.  Yes Canada needs to stand up and tell the Saudis off. But they are vindictive enough that if that does happen, I would expect a terror attack within our borders.

Canada seems to love the Saudis while hating the rest of the nations in the M.E, (excluding Israel) and blaming other nations and bombing them while making excuses for the Saudis when they do the exact same thing, and are nothing more than terrorists.

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5 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

It's this new Saudi leader.  He's been changing a lot of things in the country, but for the good?? I doubt it.  I guess this new guy needs to look strong internally but that may not be working out for him either.  Yes Canada needs to stand up and tell the Saudis off. But they are vindictive enough that if that does happen, I would expect a terror attack within our borders.

Canada seems to love the Saudis while hating the rest of the nations in the M.E, (excluding Israel) and blaming other nations and bombing them while making excuses for the Saudis when they do the exact same thing, and are nothing more than terrorists.

My post was intentionally facetious, at least in part. I have no use for Saudi fundamentalism, nor for any other manifestation of religious extremism, either in Canada or abroad. I was simply addressing Trudeau's hypocrisy in standing on principle for "our (Western) values" where it suits him and otherwise castigating those who reference Western values where it's politically expedient for him to do so. The Western alliance with the Saudis is, of course, predicated mainly on oil and money, although there's a dollop of strategic value in it for some, including the Americans, in that the Saudis help keep the Iranians and Russians in check in the ME. But Canada can't claim strategic virtue here.

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2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Oil and money do talk. That is a large reason as to why you and many Canadian soldiers were slapped in Afghanistan. It was never about freedom.

Recently Saudi Arabia attacked a bus in Yemen killing 20+ people including children.  If this was done in Syria by Assad, those who are giving Saudi Arabia a pass would be balls to the wall to get rid of Assad.

We don't need to be dealing with Saudi Arabia for anything. Our government needs to get that through their thick skulls.

Lots of myths out there, OIL and BIG money in Afghanistan is one of them....next you'll say pipe lines....ya there is none....so what is next....Why did we go to Afghanistan again ?....


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15 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Lots of myths out there, OIL and BIG money in Afghanistan is one of them....next you'll say pipe lines....ya there is none....so what is next....Why did we go to Afghanistan again ?....


You had admitted a couple posts back that oil and money are the reason we keep bedfellows like the Saudis. Why would you not think Afghanistan was not about resources?  It was also about the supply of opiates for the medical industry in Europe and NA.  The Taliban had wiped out opium production, but only a year after the invasion , the production was up to the same levels before the Taliban started taking it out.

It seems quite obvious to me that this was never about freedom and democracy for the people of Afghanistan.


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Those concerned about the Saudi Doctors....  They will be allowed to stay to finish their education. So no need to worry about the schools not getting their money!!!


And you think they stay here anyways after the training? And why does Saudi Arabia suck so much that they have to send people here for education and training? We should have incentives for people already here to enter the medical field, but the cost of tuition is so high only foreign rich terrorists are able to afford it.

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And for those who like to call out terror attacks done by Muslims,  why are you silent on this matter??



Three experts working for the UN's top human rights body say the governments of Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia may have been responsible for war crimes including rape, torture, disappearances and "deprivation of the right to life" during three and a half years of escalated fighting against rebels in Yemen.

In their first report for the Human Rights Council, the experts also point to possible crimes by rebel Shia militia in Yemen, which has been fighting the Saudi-led coalition and Yemen's government since March 2015.

The experts have also chronicled the damages from coalition air strikes, the single most lethal force in the fighting, over the last year.

If Assad had done this in Syria,  we'd be hearing about it.

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