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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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6 hours ago, betsy said:

Gosthacked gives lopsided rationale the same way you do.   Arguing with Gosthacked is like arguing with you.  Both of you struggle with getting it.

I don't think many people will "get it" when you say Trudeau is a worse human rights violator than Saudi Arabia or that it's okay for Trump to tweet all day and all night, while Trudeau shouldn't.

Shame on you.

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1 hour ago, marcus said:

I don't think many people will "get it" when you say Trudeau is a worse human rights violator than Saudi Arabia or that it's okay for Trump to tweet all day and all night, while Trudeau shouldn't.

Shame on you.

EHHHH?   surprised-smiley-emoticon.png

Are you hallucinating????


No, shame on you.........for not understanding what you read.  :rolleyes:


You and I aren't going to move on unless we settle this.  Where did I say that?  Cite. 



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31 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

Trudeau bats for team Islam no matter the human rights issues. Bombs...rape...terrorism...no matter. 

Islam is Peace after-all.

The reason he's criticizing Saudi is because of ........Muslims.


Notice how he gave China a pass with 4 - count them, 4 Canadians jailed in China   Could it be because not one of them is a Muslim?



The four Canadians are Huseyin Celil, a Uyghur dissident, imprisoned since 2006; Falun Gong practitioner Qian Sun, in jail since February; and British Columbia wine merchants John Chang and Allison Lu.



Did anyone catch a tweet demanding China to free them immediately??  I didn't.



Edited by betsy
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11 minutes ago, betsy said:

The reason he's criticizing Saudi is because of ........Muslims.


Notice how he gave China a pass with 4 - count them, 4 Canadians jailed in China   Could it be because not one of them is a Muslim?




Did anyone catch a tweet demanding China to free them immediately??  I didn't.




Islam is the ultimate exception to the rules of decency. WE GIVE IT A PASS...period...out of fear of violence on Muslim's part.



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5 hours ago, betsy said:

Are you hallucinating????

No, shame on you.........for not understanding what you read.  :rolleyes:

You and I aren't going to move on unless we settle this.  Where did I say that?  Cite.

On 8/12/2018 at 9:50 AM, betsy said:

You're merely focusing on the amount of suppression and  methods that they do and use (Trudeau and Saudi)  - of course, there's no comparison with the amount of loss of freedom, also the killings and withholding grants as punishment. 

I'm saying Trudeau is as much a violator of human rights (freedom to express and freedom of Religion) since he's also suppressing them.

It's not our reading comprehension that is the issue.



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13 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Yes...seriously...Canada has been violating "human rights" a lot longer than the State of Israel.

4 minutes after a post about you. You need to take a break from this Canadian political forum.

Oh and, I can see what you're saying; Canada has non-native roads and native cantons all over Canada. Not to mention the thousands of natives it is killing today by dropping bombs on them. Don't forget the thousands of native children it throws into prisons through kangaroo courts.

2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

I thought you would be happy that the Saudis are leaving.

They have no problem defending the most extreme Islamic fundamentalist states and human violators, who are behind the worst terrorist groups around the world, because Israel is in bed with them. 

This is what morally and ethically corrupt people do.

Guess who said this, Saudi propaganda or betsy/bc2004:




In addition to trying to prove that the Canadian government has mistreated its critics, the Saudi media has attempted to paint the country as having a poor record when it comes to women’s rights. 

One news segment last week, an Al Arabiya commentator claimed Canada has one of the world’s highest rates of oppression against women

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6 minutes ago, marcus said:

4 minutes after a post about you. You need to take a break from this Canadian political forum.



No way....seems you are far more interested in what happens in and around Israel....not human rights violations in Canada.

Trudeau and his "human rights" agenda are inviting targets given Canada's history and present.

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12 hours ago, GostHacked said:

It's not our reading comprehension that is the issue.



Yes it is. 

Funny you quoted me.  Read that quote again.    Now, read his response.




17 hours ago, marcus said:

I don't think many people will "get it" when you say Trudeau is a worse human rights violator than Saudi Arabia or that it's okay for Trump to tweet all day and all night, while Trudeau shouldn't.

Shame on you.


You and Marcus, and the other poster doesn't only have comprehension issues - you've got major comprehension problems!
Go attend a workshop or sumthin.  You need help.
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9 hours ago, marcus said:

4 minutes after a post about you. You need to take a break from this Canadian political forum.




Look who's talking!

You're the one who has to take a break from forums - and learn how to read........... and comprehend!  Give us a break, too! :D


Look up READING and COMPREHENSION.   That's an old subject back when I was still in elementary school.  We're given a paragraph or a chapter to read within an alloted time - reading fast - and then we summarise how we understood it!  


I guess they don't do that anymore.  So it's like talking to a brick wall with a lot of you folks.



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10 hours ago, marcus said:


You are out to lunch.

I thought BC2004's claim that Canada is as much a human rights violator as Israel was ridiculous, but you've taken it to the next level.

Of course you won't see it.    Because you don't understand what you read! :D


Here, you've earned the large font again!




On 8/12/2018 at 9:50 AM, betsy said:

I'm saying Trudeau is as much a violator of human rights




Just look how you understood that.




17 hours ago, marcus said:

I don't think many people will "get it" when you say Trudeau is a worse human rights violator than Saudi Arabia 





And you're so incensed by this! :lol:  


I hope you never get into any fight over what you read!  rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emo


Before you react to what you read - always,  get a second opinion!  rolling.gif

But, never  Gosthacked's opinion!  crying-with-laughter.gif




   You make my day! 

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Betsy is trying her best to equate Trudeau to this ..



Saudi Arabia has executed 48 people in the past four months, half of them on non-violent drug charges, Human Rights Watch has said.

The US-based group urged the kingdom to improve what it called a “notoriously unfair criminal justice system”.

Saudi Arabia has one of the world’s highest rates of execution: suspects convicted of terrorism, homicide, rape, armed robbery and drug trafficking face the death penalty.

Rights experts have repeatedly raised concerns about the fairness of trials in the kingdom, which is governed by a strict form of Islamic law. The government says the death penalty is a deterrent for further crime.

But hey at least the women are free now to drive in Saudi Arabia. And women got their chance to vote FINALLY after all the years back 2015.  Good thing Betsy is in Canada. or she would be jailed for even posting what she posts on this forum. If she was allowed on the Internet, and if Saudi Arabia did not block this site.



What women in Saudi Arabia cannot do:

-- Marry, divorce, travel, get a job or have elective surgery without permission from their male guardians. Women still are beholden to restrictive guardianship laws that govern nearly every aspect of their lives. In cases where a woman's father is deceased or absent, her husband, a male relative, brother, or in some cases, even a son, must give his approval before a woman can obtain often basic entitlements.
-- Mix freely with members of the opposite sex. Some exceptions include hospitals, banks and medical colleges. In 2013 authorities ordered shops that employ both men and women to build "separation walls" to enforce rules preventing the sexes from mixing together.
-- Appear in public without wearing a full-length black abaya. The all-encompassing loose robe is meant to protect women's modesty in public.
-- Conduct certain business without a male sponsor. Women wanting to open their own business often have to call on at least two men who can testify to her character before she can be granted a loan or a license.
-- Retain custody of their children in a divorce after they reach the age of seven for boys and nine for girls.
-- Apply for a national identification card or passport without the permission of a male guardian.
-- Eat at restaurants that don't have a separate designated family section. Most restaurants have a "family" section with a divider that separates families from dining near all-male parties. Women are also required to use a separate entrance to the men. It is usually a side door.
-- Get a fair hearing in court, where "the testimony of one man equals that of two women." The legal position in Saudi Arabia of a woman is equal to that of a minor, and therefore she has little authority over her own life.
-- Receive an equal inheritance. Under Sharia inheritance laws, daughters receive half what is awarded to their brothers. Critics say this is due to a misinterpretation of Islamic laws, sometimes sending women into poverty because they are left out of their fathers' wills.


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2 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:

Women are allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia as long as a male family member accompanies them as their master.

Even proving my point more. Also I am happy that the last flight from the Saudi Airlines left Toronto today. I can only see this as a good thing.

But Trudeau is as bad as the Saudis .. right?

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Just now, GostHacked said:

Even proving my point more. Also I am happy that the last flight from the Saudi Airlines left Toronto today. I can only see this as a good thing.

But Trudeau is as bad as the Saudis .. right?


You're free to say what you like about sock boy.

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9 minutes ago, betsy said:

.....unless he start wearing a burqua! :lol:


Trudeau is a globalist who wants to destroy the nation state...Canada first as an example...and flood the existing population with refugees from alien cultures. This as both punishment and enlightenment...

His sort are dangerous...as are those that follow him.

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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:


You're free to say what you like about sock boy.

I am confused, I thought kicking radical Muslims out of the country would be a GOOD thing in your view. You know as well as I do that Saudi Arabia exports A LOT of terrorism. But your money ain't where your mouth is this time.  That's a real problem for your 'stance'. 

You hate Islam, but then seem to complain about me celebrating kicking out terrorists.

Why do you hate freedom? I guess you are free to support the terror nation of Saudi Arabia.

54 minutes ago, betsy said:

.....unless he start wearing a burqua! :lol:

Well, that's something you don't have to wear in Canada. Good thing eh?

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14 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

I am confused, I thought kicking radical Muslims out of the country would be a GOOD thing in your view. You know as well as I do that Saudi Arabia exports A LOT of terrorism. But your money ain't where your mouth is this time.  That's a real problem for your 'stance'. 

You hate Islam, but then seem to complain about me celebrating kicking out terrorists.

Why do you hate freedom? I guess you are free to support the terror nation of Saudi Arabia.

He ain't the only one who is mysteriously inconsistent; who knew Trudeau Derangement Syndrome would make Muslim refugees virtual terrorists and Saudi Arabian Muslims welcome in Canada.

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5 hours ago, betsy said:

"As much"

NO betsy.

There is NO "as much" here either.

Whether you said "as much" or "worse", you are still out to lunch.

Saudi Arabia is on a different level when it comes to human rights violations compared to majority of the countries in the world. 

Your assessment of most things political is so skewed, that you remind me of the former Iraqi Information minister and now the Saudi propagandists who are saying "In Canada women suffer from one of the highest rates of oppression". 

You and BC2004 need to take a break from the internet together. Enough with this fantasy world you guys keep trying to push onto people.

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27 minutes ago, dialamah said:

He ain't the only one who is mysteriously inconsistent; who knew Trudeau Derangement Syndrome would make Muslim refugees virtual terrorists and Saudi Arabian Muslims welcome in Canada.

There is no mystery. These hacks are defending Saudi because the Saudi government has become best buddies with Israel. It's all about their agenda at any cost. They are morally and ethically corrupt and don't care about this inconsistency. Afterall, if one of the most inconsistent political figures who they seem to worship, Trump, keeps getting away with it, why can't they?

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