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Should Donald Trump win a Nobel Peace Prize?

Should Donald Trump win a Nobel Peace Prize?  

16 members have voted

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On 5/16/2018 at 5:05 AM, BubberMiley said:

I can't imagine the reaction if Obama had sucked up to Kim so pathetically as Trump has. Now Kim has him right where he wants him, begging for a meeting just to save face.

Boy, do you have a lot to learn about Trump. It is more like Trump has rocket man by the you know what. It looks like rocket man wants out of the meeting now. He may have to hand over some new freedoms to his slaves, I mean people. 

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8 hours ago, BubberMiley said:

I agree. When Trump does something naïve and embarrassing, we should always change the subject to Trudeau and Canada.

On the contrary. It is the kid that is embarrassing himself and Canadians all the time. Canadians like you need to expose more about the kid than always worrying about what Trump says or does all the time. Remember the kid is your prime mistake of Canada, not Trump. 

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9 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


If Trumps get a Nobel for being "played", then it is very obvious.



What happens in the USA seems to matter a lot to some Canadians....if only for more interesting content.

Apologizing is more of a Trudeau / Canadian thing.

Correction. Apologizing is more of a Trudeau thing not a Canadian thing. Canadians are not the ones apologizing to anyone. It is being made to appear as though Canadians are asking for forgiveness. As a Canadian I will not apologize to anyone or any group for something I personally have not done anything to anyone in the past. It is a sign of weakness to grovel and ask for forgiveness. My way of doing things is to say let's just sit down and have a couple of drink together and let's forget about the past and let's get on with the future. 

And why are Canadians apologizing to people who are alive today anyway who were not around at the time when some of these so called incidents of racism took place in the past? It is ridiculous. Again a sign of weakness and it has opened yourself up to more intimidation by those people. They will always rub it in your face after that. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Someone should tell Trump that the only way to win a Nobel is for the members of the Nobel committee to vote for him, and they're Europeans, a place he's doing his level best to make hate his guts. 

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Well first we need to Revoke Obama's Peace prize, and than give it to Trump. No politician deserves a peace prize just for talking. What did Obama do, but destroy Libya, and see the destruction of Syria under his watch. Contribute to hundreds of innocent drone Strikes in Pakistan and Yemen. While Obama partied with Jay Z, Trump just helped stop World War 3.

Edited by Robert Greene
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On 5/9/2018 at 2:56 PM, Centerpiece said:

For decades, "diplomacy" had gotten nowhere with North Korea - leading to a steady buildup of nuclear capabilities. Then along came Donald Trump - made it clear to North Korea that "enough is enough". That stick and carrot approach has us on the brink of a potentially historic break-through that could lead the de-nuclearization of the North but just as important, a thawing in international relations that might see the Hermit Nation start to re-engage. 

Al Gore shared a Nobel Peace Prize with the IPCC for "for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change" Barack Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"

Surely, if North Korea makes substantial strides towards peace and normalization - Donald Trump should win a Nobel Peace Prize or perhaps share one with Kim Jong Un?



YOu forgot to mention War Criminal- Henry Kissinger won a Peace Prize for his negotiations with North Vietnam back in the 70's too.  I didn't vote in the poll, because NO, I don't think Trump deserves a peace prize, but give him one anyway if it removes one of the many potential war zones from erupting into an epic disaster.

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4 hours ago, WIP said:

YOu forgot to mention War Criminal- Henry Kissinger won a Peace Prize for his negotiations with North Vietnam back in the 70's too.  I didn't vote in the poll, because NO, I don't think Trump deserves a peace prize, but give him one anyway if it removes one of the many potential war zones from erupting into an epic disaster.

Then you should vote NO - otherwise the results will look better for Trump than they should.

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I think a Nobel prize is in order if peace is achieved. However peace doesn’t seem to be the driving force with trump since he tore up the iran deal with no replacement. Quite frankly I don’t know of any country that would give up their nuclear program for a pathological liar.

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On 6/12/2018 at 2:14 PM, Jimwd said:

I think a Nobel prize is in order if peace is achieved. However peace doesn’t seem to be the driving force with trump since he tore up the iran deal with no replacement. Quite frankly I don’t know of any country that would give up their nuclear program for a pathological liar.

Because that liar controls the world strongest military and economic powerhouse it's not a matter of want it is a matter of survival. Our new world order is peace through negotiation with the credible threat of force (economically, covertly, millitarily etc...)  We in the state call it poker face. We look at it more like shrewd and cunning as oppose to lies. 

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On 6/12/2018 at 8:16 AM, Centerpiece said:

Then you should vote NO - otherwise the results will look better for Trump than they should.

Our leaders are always pro diplomacy and use force as a last resort. But be aware if we do use force it will be brutal, savage, and quick. Like what happened to the Russian mercenary who tried to attack us....complete obliteration of an entire russian armored column within minutes. We command the air, cyber, ground and sea. They had no chance to retaliate. The weak obama loving days are over. We like the warrior monk approach. Fear and wonder, very powerful tools in the arsenal of freedom. 

Edited by paxrom
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1 hour ago, paxrom said:

Our leaders are always pro diplomacy and use force as a last resort. But be aware if we do use force it will be brutal, savage, and quick. Like what happened to the Russian mercenary who tried to attack us....complete obliteration of an entire russian armored column within minutes. We command the air, cyber, ground and sea. They had no chance to retaliate. The weak obama loving days are over. We like the warrior monk approach. Fear and wonder, very powerful tools in the arsenal of freedom. 

I watch america lose every war they started  17 years in Afghanistan and can’t beat goat herders .how well did you do on 911?

great military defence..... Iraqis threw IEDS  at you now 3 veterans a day blow their brains out, you tortured and committed war crimes.

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5 hours ago, Jimwd said:

I watch america lose every war they started  17 years in Afghanistan and can’t beat goat herders .how well did you do on 911?

great military defence..... Iraqis threw IEDS  at you now 3 veterans a day blow their brains out, you tortured and committed war crimes.

That is the price to pay for war. No one says it was going to be pretty or that collateral damage is not part of it. We didn't ask to start the war in Afghanistan by the way, some angry people decided they prefer radicalization of a beautiful religion for their perverted cause. We decided to do something about it and am proud of it. Btw we got Osama so I wouldn't say we lost. Besides look at the new democracy we have establish in our wake. Sure it's not pretty now but in several year it might turn out like japan and south korea. Okay Iraq was a mistake from the beginning but that doesn't matter, we removed another dictator in the world and they are now able to hold democratic elections. The worse mistake was pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan completely and allowing the extremist factions funded by Iran to take root. But no worries the new sheriff is in town and we have since redeployed troops to stabilize those areas. A insurgency war doesn't take a few years it takes decades root out the bad actor, to train and rebuild a country. I don't see anyone bothering to do that ever... seems like America is the only one who care enough to do that. We play the hand we are dealt with, but know this, we will maintain the world order established since WWII, what ever the price. Sure We never had a sound strategy for those theaters and that is why you can fairly criticize that we "lost" but look we got a new strategy plan now it's publicly available so you can read it. 

PTSD is attributed to the sense of isolationism our men and women who return from theater feel. Believe me I know, I have many buddies returning from service,  I had to talk to one guy for four hours all the way until 4 am so he wouldn't blow his own brains out. I asked him would he rejoin the service again if they didn't medically discharge him he said no doubt about it. Because he knows he is part of something greater . It's a sacred bond of brother hood we civilians will never know. To fight and die for one another, be part of something greater than your self, to defend freedom and prepare to lay down your life should it come to it.  Currently we are working on many veterans benefits program and I see them bearing fruits every where I go. I have never seen so many wounded veterans on a college campus studying to rebuild their future and are now established in well paid careers than I have seen in previous generations. So go ahead criticize away if you only want to see the negativity America has done. You are a classic case of what the KGB call a demoralize target or half baked intellectual, because you stand for nothing and criticize everything .Keep drinking that political subversion the Russians the rest of our adversary have been feeding you. I'm sure they can win wars and make peace much better than us! Cough* Ukraine, Georgia, Spratly Islands, Tibet, Yemen, Lebanon cough* Do your self a favor and watch this video, it was made by a soviet defector who defected to Canada... maybe you'll get some new perspective. 


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5 hours ago, paxrom said:

That is the price to pay for war. No one says it was going to be pretty or that collateral damage is not part of it. We didn't ask to start the war in Afghanistan by the way, some angry people decided they prefer radicalization of a beautiful religion for their perverted cause. We decided to do something about it and am proud of it. Btw we got Osama so I wouldn't say we lost. Besides look at the new democracy we have establish in our wake. Sure it's not pretty now but in several year it might turn out like japan and south korea. Okay Iraq was a mistake from the beginning but that doesn't matter, we removed another dictator in the world and they are now able to hold democratic elections. The worse mistake was pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan completely and allowing the extremist factions funded by Iran to take root. But no worries the new sheriff is in town and we have since redeployed troops to stabilize those areas. A insurgency war doesn't take a few years it takes decades root out the bad actor, to train and rebuild a country. I don't see anyone bothering to do that ever... seems like America is the only one who care enough to do that. We play the hand we are dealt with, but know this, we will maintain the world order established since WWII, what ever the price. Sure We never had a sound strategy for those theaters and that is why you can fairly criticize that we "lost" but look we got a new strategy plan now it's publicly available so you can read it. 

PTSD is attributed to the sense of isolationism our men and women who return from theater feel. Believe me I know, I have many buddies returning from service,  I had to talk to one guy for four hours all the way until 4 am so he wouldn't blow his own brains out. I asked him would he rejoin the service again if they didn't medically discharge him he said no doubt about it. Because he knows he is part of something greater . It's a sacred bond of brother hood we civilians will never know. To fight and die for one another, be part of something greater than your self, to defend freedom and prepare to lay down your life should it come to it.  Currently we are working on many veterans benefits program and I see them bearing fruits every where I go. I have never seen so many wounded veterans on a college campus studying to rebuild their future and are now established in well paid careers than I have seen in previous generations. So go ahead criticize away if you only want to see the negativity America has done. You are a classic case of what the KGB call a demoralize target or half baked intellectual, because you stand for nothing and criticize everything .Keep drinking that political subversion the Russians the rest of our adversary have been feeding you. I'm sure they can win wars and make peace much better than us! Cough* Ukraine, Georgia, Spratly Islands, Tibet, Yemen, Lebanon cough* Do your self a favor and watch this video, it was made by a soviet defector who defected to Canada... maybe you'll get some new perspective. 


thats the price you pay for lying.

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6 minutes ago, Jimwd said:

thats the price you pay for lying.

Trump didn't start those war he came into office dealing with these already establish issue. Attack his character all you like. Our liberal news media does it all the time. If lying as a politician is a crime then i guess we should prosecute every politician eh?

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56 minutes ago, paxrom said:

If lying as a politician is a crime then i guess we should prosecute every politician eh?

Yeah, I think politicians should have consequence for knowingly telling a lie.  On the other hand situations can and do change and new information can come to light, necessitating a change of direction.  Thats not lying, but people like to pretend the side they don't like simply lies instead of acknowledging that life is dynamic rather than static, and so governance must also be. 

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5 hours ago, paxrom said:

Trump didn't start those war he came into office dealing with these already establish issue. Attack his character all you like. Our liberal news media does it all the time. If lying as a politician is a crime then i guess we should prosecute every politician eh?

liberal news media?..i think we  all know muslims on roof tops , crowd sizes, voter fraud, hawaiin investigators, etc... ..where the fake news comes from don't we son?

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2 hours ago, Jimwd said:

liberal news media?..i think we  all know muslims on roof tops , crowd sizes, voter fraud, hawaiin investigators, etc... ..where the fake news comes from don't we son?

Those aren't news, those are make believe facts that you need to acknowledge and get over your selves with. 

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6 hours ago, dialamah said:

Yeah, I think politicians should have consequence for knowingly telling a lie.  On the other hand situations can and do change and new information can come to light, necessitating a change of direction.  Thats not lying, but people like to pretend the side they don't like simply lies instead of acknowledging that life is dynamic rather than static, and so governance must also be. 

Politicians will never say the words yes or no if they can get away with it. They prefer to say words like maybe, perhaps, could be and we will see what happens as their replies to questions that they refuse to answer. It is a very rare day to hear a politician say yes or no unless it is the politically correct thing to do so. Then they get a pass. It should be a crime for any politician that is found to be lying to we the people and they should be removed from office, fined heavily, and lose their government pensions. That should do the trick. 

I am just kidding of course because we all should know by now that none of our dear leaders will ever create such a necessary and needed law. That would be political suicide and blasphemy for politicians to do. So, they prefer to keep things just as they are and just keep lying to we the people and we the people love being lied too, now don't we? If we the Canadian people ever gave a chit about anything it would be a bloody miracle. LOL. 

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8 minutes ago, Jimwd said:

Liars lie.. Trump's lies are documented at over 3000 to date.,

I wonder as to how many lies Obama, Hillary, Billie Bob and Trudeau have told in their lifetimes? Do you have the stats for those liars? I would love to see them.  :D 

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Just now, taxme said:

I wonder as to how many lies Obama, Hillary, Billie Bob and Trudeau have told in their lifetimes? Do you have the stats for those liars? I would love to see them.  :D 

Wonder all you like. Maybe while you are sitting back wondering those hawaiin investigators will show up.

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On 5/17/2018 at 10:59 PM, taxme said:

Boy, do you have a lot to learn about Trump. It is more like Trump has rocket man by the you know what. It looks like rocket man wants out of the meeting now. He may have to hand over some new freedoms to his slaves, I mean people. 

We learned about Trump. He said he'd never settle his 25 million dollar Trump U fraud.


He settled....

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Just now, Jimwd said:

Wonder all you like. Maybe while you are sitting back wondering those hawaiin investigators will show up.

I just find it quite very interesting as to why most people here prefer to go after Trump all the time but yet prefer to give a pass and refuse to go after other American or Canadian leaders who do the same dam thing also and lie thru their yellow looking teeth? Yes indeed, Trump can and is the only politician in history that has ever lied to we the dummy people. And to those people who appear to enjoy reading about such stupid stats that are always negative towards and against Trump and who actually believe them all is quite shocking indeed. I just cannot seem to figure out the mentality of some people especially those of the liberal kind. Aw well. :rolleyes:

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

I just find it quite very interesting as to why most people here prefer to go after Trump all the time but yet prefer to give a pass and refuse to go after other American or Canadian leaders who do the same dam thing also and lie thru their yellow looking teeth? Yes indeed, Trump can and is the only politician in history that has ever lied to we the dummy people. And to those people who appear to enjoy reading about such stupid stats that are always negative towards and against Trump and who actually believe them all is quite shocking indeed. I just cannot seem to figure out the mentality of some people especially those of the liberal kind. Aw well. :rolleyes:

Other leaders aren't fascists  that are a threat to world peace. Thats why....

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