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Iqra Khalid and Motion M-103

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In this thread I will simply draw attention to the MP who tabled motion M-103 and her affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.

First, excerpts from:

Cruz (R-TX) earlier had a bill in the Senate which would not only ban the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. but also three of its front groups: Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) USA, Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). These American-based front groups have corresponding chapters or organizations in Canada as well.

In Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation (Project Sapphire) into the International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy (IRFAN) continues. IRFAN was one of four Muslim Brotherhood front groups identified during testimony to the Canadian Senate in 2015. The others were Islamic Relief Canada, the Muslim Association of Canada and the National Council of Canadian Muslims, formerly known as CAIR CAN. CAIR CAN, according to the U.S. State Department and a multiplicity of other sources, is the Canadian chapter of CAIR USA.

Another group, the Muslim Student Association (MSA) of the United States and Canada was established in January 1963 by members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign campus. Its creation was the result of Saudi-backed efforts to create a network of international Islamic organizations in order to spread its Wahhabist ideology. It was essentially "an arm of the Saudi-funded, Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Muslim World League."


**Iqra Khalid, who tabled motion M-103 (Sharia anti-blasphemy law), is the former president of the Muslim Student Association.**


Excerpt from:

Interestingly enough, despite noting her work as President of a Pakistani student club, her official Liberal Party website makes no mention of her work as President of the York University Muslim Student’s Association.

And excerpts from:


The Muslim Student Association at York University handed out a book at Islam Awareness Week with the title “Women in Islam & Refutation of some Common Misconceptions.”  The chapter on WIFE DISCIPLINING (page 99 of the online version) makes the following observation:  Submissive or subdued women. These women may even enjoy being beaten at times as a sign of love and concern.

Iqra Khalid is/was a member of CAMP – Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals. She was the Communications Coordinator under (then) President and CEO Najamuddin Mohammed.

CAMP has multiple ties to the North American Muslim Brotherhood.


There are numerous articles one can search to solidify the affiliations of the parties mentioned above.

This is an example of how political Islam (in contrast to the religion of Islam) infiltrates Western democracies and introduces pro-Sharia motions/legislation:
1. You can not criticize Qur'an
2. You can not criticize Muhammad
3. You can not criticize Islam

Individuals who do so are now at the mercy of the newly empowered pro-Sharia proponents to merely point their finger and say a single word "Islamophobe" to shut down the conversation. This is a form of social jihad warfare and is being employed not only in Canada but every country with high intake of Muslim migrants.

This, in combination with Canada's dramatic influx of immigration, should at the very least be something to remain focused on as Canada continues to suffer attacks based on political Islamic doctrines designed to transform democracies into Sharia states over many decades/generations.

Finally, if anyone is interested in understanding further the true nature of the threat to Canada posed by the Muslim Brotherhood, a treatise was recently released on amazon.ca Dec. 05 2017 (free with kindleunlimited) found here:


I have also attached a PDF of the full document here.


Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami are
paving their way to introduce Sharia law here in Canada. Federal
parliamentary motion number 103 (also known as M-103) on Islamophobia is
part of this activity. It seems that Islamist groups in Canada are trying their
best to prove that Islamophobia is a big issue here. Some Muslim Canadian
MPs are working hard in our federal parliament on behalf of the Islamist

M-103 is unnecessary. If there would have been islamophobia, Canadians
would have not elected 11 members of the Muslim faith to the Canadian
Parliament (Ten Liberal and one Conservative).
Progressive Muslims find it difficult to raise questions about this loose
motion. It’s against the wind of populism. Since the Liberal Government
passed M-103, opponents to modernist Muslims are calling them traitors and
infidels. But modernist Muslims are the voice of the voiceless. It is also they
who suffer at the hands of Islamists.
Canadians of diverse religious backgrounds are also concerned about mixing
religion with politics. Unfortunately, most politicians are playing with this
motion for their short term political gain, but they are unable to understand
the magnitude of damage they are causing to our own beloved Canada. They
are unable to understand the damage to Muslims in Canada. This motion has
put Muslims' safety and security at risk. Now, Muslims in Canada are
selected targets of backlash and retaliation.

Please observe the types of responses generated in this thread, as I would be interested to see who (and how) individuals try to shut down the discussion of such topics, as there is no doubt that the MB will have an online presence as well. Please stay on topic as all trolling will be reported - this discussion is about M-103, and nothing else.


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6 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Sounds more sketchy than Stephen Harper and the Northern Foundation.

You want sketch? Look at these quote as contained within the attached document:

“It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law
on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.”

Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of
the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam
regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it.”

Abul A’la Maududi, founder of Jamaat-e-Islami.

“Conquest through dawah, that is what we hope for. We will conquer
Europe, we will conquer America! Not through sword but through dawah.”

Yusuf Qaradawi, International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS).

“Therefore, prepare for jihad and be the lovers of death. Life itself shall
come searching after you. You should yearn for an honourable death and you
will gain perfect happiness. May Allah grant myself and yours the honour of
martyrdom in His way!”

Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood as quoted by the
Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) Youth Wing of Canada.

“Here, we follow the teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Dr. El-Tantawi Attia, Executive Director, Dundas Street Mosque,

Muslim Association of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
“Islam is not incompatible with free and open Western secular

“Much of the philosophy and vision of the Muslim Association of Canada
derives from the heritage of the Muslim Brotherhood. Our commitment to the
model of individual self-development expressed in communal organization is
based largely on the vision of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hassan Al-
Banna… We believe that the efforts of Al-Banna and subsequent generations
of the Muslim Brotherhood remain the truest reflection of Islamic practice in
the modern era.”

The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) web site.
“We do not work for anything else and anybody else but the establishment of
Allah’s government.”
Maulana Asad Jafri, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


The current Canadian government is accommodating Islamist enablers at a
time when the violence emanating from these ideologies is increasing. As the
spread of the Islamist ideology and violence accelerates, the respective
positions of the Canadian and American governments are evolving.

The previous Administration of President Obama (2009 to 2017) allowed
Muslim Brotherhood leadership figures into the White House and other
corridors of influence such as the State Department.
Under the influence of
Valerie Jarrett, the Obama Administration was also accommodating to the
demands of the Iranian regime. At roughly the same time, from 2006 to 2015,
Prime Minister Harper of Canada took a relatively hard-line stance against
the Islamists resident in Canada and went so far as to remove the Iranian
Ambassador and his staff from Canada in 2012. Several charities in Canada
with Islamist connections had their charitable status revoked for funding
terrorism (See Chapter 15 on IRFAN and the ISNA Development Fund etc.).

Now the roles have reversed. The Administration of President Trump is
taking a harder line against the Islamists and the Iranians. By contrast, Prime
Minister Trudeau has shown himself to be repeatedly submissive to the
Islamist cause.
While difficult to categorize, Western leaders appear to be
split into to “globalists” who favour immigration without integration and
“sovereigntists” who favour national priorities over globalist agendas.
Trudeau regularly appears in the globalist anti-border camp, while Trump is
moving in a nationalist pro-border direction.

Yes, this is real folks. Canada is under attack, to use some Trump lingo, "big league".

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Individuals who do so are now at the mercy of the newly empowered pro-Sharia proponents to merely point their finger and say a single word "Islamophobe" to shut down the conversation.

So simple!   By the power of M-103, I do hereby and forthwith say Islamophobe! and point my finger. 


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Legitimate concerns about M103 can't be expressed on a thread that includes blatant bullshit, like saying M103 outlaws blasphemy.  

Anybody who wishes to legitimately criticize Canadian policy has a choice to jump on the bullshit train with this thread, or to base their criticism on facts and truth.

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5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Legitimate concerns about M103 can't be expressed on a thread that includes blatant bullshit, like saying M103 outlaws blasphemy. 

The original poster clearly stated: Please stay on topic as all trolling will be reported - this discussion is about M-103, and nothing else.

The only problem is the original post was about anything but M-103.

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19 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

The only problem is the original post was about anything but M-103.

I submit that using fake news as source is about M103, tangentially.  It says that opposition must resort to lies in order to shut down the law, much as the proponents will try to shut down discussion.

The last point is important: I will be accused of 'shutting down' discussion because I call attention to fake sources and lies in the OP, which is actually my freedom of speech to point out falsehoods.  In response, the poster will bring the moderation in to remove my posts.  Which of these sounds like 'shutting down' freedom of speech ?


 Seventy-two years after the surrender of Hitler Germany, national socialism is completely scrubbed from the face of the earth. Well, not entirely. One small village of indomitable Ontarians, Puslinch Township, still holds out against the forces of good 

That's from one of the sources linked above.  If we're going to engage in guilt-by-association, that's fine, but what about using a website called 'Canada First' that seems to be saying whites are under attack ?  That says Swastika should be kept as the name of a place in Ontario ?  

Why doesn't the OP just come out and say this is about protecting the white race ?

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3 hours ago, Peter F said:

So simple!   By the power of M-103, I do hereby and forthwith say Islamophobe! and point my finger. 


Did you read the attached document?

2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Can we wish the OP into the cornfield as well?

Did you read the attached document?

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Legitimate concerns about M103 can't be expressed on a thread that includes blatant bullshit, like saying M103 outlaws blasphemy.  

Anybody who wishes to legitimately criticize Canadian policy has a choice to jump on the bullshit train with this thread, or to base their criticism on facts and truth.

Did you read the attached document?

M-103 does outlaw Islamic blasphemy. It's in the document, if you cared to read.


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1 hour ago, 9-18-1 said:

1. Did you read the attached document?

2. M-103 does outlaw Islamic blasphemy. It's in the document, if you cared to read.

1. No, because a document attached without reference isn't believable.

2. It's a 'Motion', hence the 'M'.  It's not a 'law' hence it doesn't outlaw anything.  This is another example of a falsehood from you, and further reason why you should stop posting.  

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5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. No, because a document attached without reference isn't believable.

2. It's a 'Motion', hence the 'M'.  It's not a 'law' hence it doesn't outlaw anything.  This is another example of a falsehood from you, and further reason why you should stop posting.  


Thomas Quiggin, MA, CD
Thomas is a court-qualified expert on terrorism (criminal court and federal
court) and has had his expertise on the “the reliability of intelligence as
evidence” recognized by the Federal Court of Canada. He has also testified
as a court expert to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He was a
Senior Fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Thomas has 25 plus years of
practical intelligence experience in a variety of positions. These include the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (NSIS/INSET); the Bank of Canada; the
Canadian Armed Forces; the United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia;
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (War Crimes); the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, and the
Privy Council Office of Canada. He was also a qualified arms control
inspector for the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty and the Vienna
Document. He has also testified to a Senate Committee on intelligence
matters (The Kelly Commission, 1998); the Air India Inquiry (2007) as well
as providing testimony to the Special Senate Committee on Anti-terrorism
(2010) and to the House of Commons on 25 March and 28 May 2015.
Thomas holds a Master’s Degree in International Relations and is a certified
knowledge management practitioner. He has also provided three training
sessions to the Canadian Department of Justice as part of the special
advocates program with the focus being on intelligence and evidence.
Thomas also has been a guest lecturer at the Canadian Police College with
the lectures on terrorism and intelligence. He has spoken at various
conferences in Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia on related matters.
Thomas has authored many publications on security and terrorism matters in
Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, USA, Canada, and Singapore. He has
previously published a book on national security titled Seeing the Invisible:
National Security Intelligence in an Uncertain Age, (2007, World

Tahir Gora
Tahir is a Director General and founder of Canadian Thinkers’ Forum (CTF),
a Think Tank focusing on complexities of diversity in Canada. He is recipient
of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for his services.
He contributes regularly to various well-known Canadian newspapers and
web-based forums including The Huffington Post. He is a strong proponent
of freedom of speech and has developed various initiatives to bring about the
much-needed changes in the representational and communal aspects of
Canadian Muslim Community.
Tahir is a prominent writer, novelist, poet, journalist, editor, translator,
publisher and TV Host (for South Asian TV Channels) with over 30 years of
experience in the industry. He is recognized as a bold social activist who has
initiated many interfaith and pluralistic streams to bring Muslim community
of Canada together to support progressive ideas and actions. He is an author
of two novels, three collections of short stories and three collections of poems
in the Urdu and Punjabi languages. One novel and a collection of poems have
been translated and published in Russian and Uzbek languages.
Tahir is also a founder of the online multicultural TAG TV. Some of his
shows in Urdu-Hindi languages have received millions of views in South
East Asia.

Saied Shoaaib
Saied is a writer and researcher who has specialized in Islamic movements.
Originally from Egypt, he has previously served as the editor/manager of the
Alyoum 7 news website (www.youm7.com). Saied has also been the manager
of “United Journalists” which is a human rights organization that works in
the training and protection of the rights of journalists. He also been the
editor-in-chief of the Sada Albalad news website, the Editor/Advisor of the
Vetogate news website and the Editor/Advisor of the Albasaba News
website. Saied has also taught electronic journalism at the Canadian
University of Egypt.
His work in Egypt has earned him fatwa death threat in Egypt and online
death threats in Canada.
Saied has written several books, which include:
“Lovers of Death”: Islamist extremism in our Canadian mosques,
schools, and libraries (2016) co-authored with Thomas Quiggin about
the sources of Islamic terrorism in Canada, and
How to be a successful journalist and how to profit from the
electronic media, (2014) Dar Awrak;
The Demise of the State of the Muslim Brotherhood, (2013) Dar
Toz in Egypt: The Sins of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, (2010)
Where does Egypt Go? (2001)
State rigging - confessions of the first police officer of election fraud
(2000) in conjunction with Mahmood Kotry, published by the Centre
for the Future;
Saied also wrote a play titled Do not be Satisfied, 1990.

Jonathon Cotler
Raised mainly in Canada, Jonathon has travelled extensively in the Middle
East. His B.A. was from McGill University in Montreal and his law degree is
from the New York Law School.

Rick Gill, CD
Rick is a 38-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, 32 years of which
were served in military intelligence as an intelligence analyst, intelligence
plans staff officer, instructor, training developer, and analytic methodologist.
He has over ten years’ experience as an intelligence analytic instructor and
training developer. Rick has served in numerous strategic, operational, and
tactical environments, both domestically and abroad, including deployments
to Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo and Afghanistan. Since retiring from the
Canadian Armed Forces in 2012, Rick has worked in both the public and
private sectors, focusing on the development and delivery of tools, training,
and education for intelligence analysts.

2. The intention of M-103 is not to "outlaw" anything. It is to legitimize the use of a term in order to shut down criticisms of Islam, which is a real law in Sharia.


With your unrelenting and systemic attempts to completely dismiss discussions on this matter using sweeping statements, you are using the exact same tactics outlined in this treatise which is presently threatening Canada:

1. You attempt to dismiss *all* references/resources without having read them
2. You consistently employ ad hominem
3. You never once contributed to a single discussion in any meaningful way whatsoever
4. Your ignorance regarding the socio-political fabric of Islam is obvious (and destructive)
5. Your attempts to shut down discussion is reminiscent of fascist and totalitarian behavior

The attitude you adopt is the very same attitude adopted by pro-Sharia Islamists who are hellbent on destroying open discussion. Just be honest with us all, are you a covert social jihadist?

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42 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Provided by whom? I understand the motion, I don't subscribe to propaganda.

...by the authors directly underneath your post.

I can't believe how stupid people are.

Thomas Quiggin, MA, CD
Thomas is a court-qualified expert on terrorism (criminal court and federal
court) and has had his expertise on the “the reliability of intelligence as
evidence” recognized by the Federal Court of Canada. He has also testified
as a court expert to the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He was a
Senior Fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Thomas has 25 plus years of
practical intelligence experience in a variety of positions. These include the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (NSIS/INSET); the Bank of Canada; the
Canadian Armed Forces; the United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia;
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (War Crimes); the International
Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, and the
Privy Council Office of Canada. He was also a qualified arms control
inspector for the Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty and the Vienna
Document. He has also testified to a Senate Committee on intelligence
matters (The Kelly Commission, 1998); the Air India Inquiry (2007) as well
as providing testimony to the Special Senate Committee on Anti-terrorism
(2010) and to the House of Commons on 25 March and 28 May 2015.
Thomas holds a Master’s Degree in International Relations and is a certified
knowledge management practitioner. He has also provided three training
sessions to the Canadian Department of Justice as part of the special
advocates program with the focus being on intelligence and evidence.
Thomas also has been a guest lecturer at the Canadian Police College with
the lectures on terrorism and intelligence. He has spoken at various
conferences in Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia on related matters.
Thomas has authored many publications on security and terrorism matters in
Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, USA, Canada, and Singapore. He has
previously published a book on national security titled Seeing the Invisible:
National Security Intelligence in an Uncertain Age, (2007, World


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2 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

2. The intention of M-103 is not to "outlaw" anything. It is to legitimize the use of a term in order to shut down criticisms of Islam, which is a real law in Sharia.

And yet you said above:


M-103 does outlaw Islamic blasphemy

You come on here with cut/pastes of material from elsewhere on the web, and start ringing hysterical alarms with your posts and paint those of us who support Western pluralists as 'Islamists'.  If your cause is so just, then why do you resort to misinformation and quote from white supremacist websites to make your point ?  

We have seen these types of posts here before.  Your posts are simple fear-mongering and hate-mongering.  The Muslim Canadians I know work hard, appreciate pluralism, and they don't need to lie to convince me of their points of view.

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7 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Legitimate concerns about M103 can't be expressed on a thread that includes blatant bullshit, like saying M103 outlaws blasphemy.  

As M103 is a motion and not a law it cannot outlaw anything. It does, however, call for a study of a 'whole government' solution to Isllamophobia - which is currently underway.

The concern among some of us is this study is being conducted under a party which is zealously pursuing the Muslim vote, under a shallow, progressive prime minister who quite likely would see nothing wrong with outlawing any criticism of Islam or Muslims or any other identity group in the name of inclusiveness and diversity and multiculturalism and fighting 'racism'.


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14 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

In this thread I will simply draw attention to the MP who tabled motion M-103 and her affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.

First, excerpts from:

Cruz (R-TX) earlier had a bill in the Senate which would not only ban the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. but also three of its front groups: Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) USA, Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT). These American-based front groups have corresponding chapters or organizations in Canada as well.

In Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation (Project Sapphire) into the International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy (IRFAN) continues. IRFAN was one of four Muslim Brotherhood front groups identified during testimony to the Canadian Senate in 2015. The others were Islamic Relief Canada, the Muslim Association of Canada and the National Council of Canadian Muslims, formerly known as CAIR CAN. CAIR CAN, according to the U.S. State Department and a multiplicity of other sources, is the Canadian chapter of CAIR USA.

Another group, the Muslim Student Association (MSA) of the United States and Canada was established in January 1963 by members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign campus. Its creation was the result of Saudi-backed efforts to create a network of international Islamic organizations in order to spread its Wahhabist ideology. It was essentially "an arm of the Saudi-funded, Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Muslim World League."


**Iqra Khalid, who tabled motion M-103 (Sharia anti-blasphemy law), is the former president of the Muslim Student Association.**


Excerpt from:

Interestingly enough, despite noting her work as President of a Pakistani student club, her official Liberal Party website makes no mention of her work as President of the York University Muslim Student’s Association.

And excerpts from:


The Muslim Student Association at York University handed out a book at Islam Awareness Week with the title “Women in Islam & Refutation of some Common Misconceptions.”  The chapter on WIFE DISCIPLINING (page 99 of the online version) makes the following observation:  Submissive or subdued women. These women may even enjoy being beaten at times as a sign of love and concern.

Iqra Khalid is/was a member of CAMP – Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals. She was the Communications Coordinator under (then) President and CEO Najamuddin Mohammed.

CAMP has multiple ties to the North American Muslim Brotherhood.


There are numerous articles one can search to solidify the affiliations of the parties mentioned above.

This is an example of how political Islam (in contrast to the religion of Islam) infiltrates Western democracies and introduces pro-Sharia motions/legislation:
1. You can not criticize Qur'an
2. You can not criticize Muhammad
3. You can not criticize Islam

Individuals who do so are now at the mercy of the newly empowered pro-Sharia proponents to merely point their finger and say a single word "Islamophobe" to shut down the conversation. This is a form of social jihad warfare and is being employed not only in Canada but every country with high intake of Muslim migrants.

This, in combination with Canada's dramatic influx of immigration, should at the very least be something to remain focused on as Canada continues to suffer attacks based on political Islamic doctrines designed to transform democracies into Sharia states over many decades/generations.

Finally, if anyone is interested in understanding further the true nature of the threat to Canada posed by the Muslim Brotherhood, a treatise was recently released on amazon.ca Dec. 05 2017 (free with kindleunlimited) found here:


I have also attached a PDF of the full document here.


Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaat-e-Islami are
paving their way to introduce Sharia law here in Canada. Federal
parliamentary motion number 103 (also known as M-103) on Islamophobia is
part of this activity. It seems that Islamist groups in Canada are trying their
best to prove that Islamophobia is a big issue here. Some Muslim Canadian
MPs are working hard in our federal parliament on behalf of the Islamist

M-103 is unnecessary. If there would have been islamophobia, Canadians
would have not elected 11 members of the Muslim faith to the Canadian
Parliament (Ten Liberal and one Conservative).
Progressive Muslims find it difficult to raise questions about this loose
motion. It’s against the wind of populism. Since the Liberal Government
passed M-103, opponents to modernist Muslims are calling them traitors and
infidels. But modernist Muslims are the voice of the voiceless. It is also they
who suffer at the hands of Islamists.
Canadians of diverse religious backgrounds are also concerned about mixing
religion with politics. Unfortunately, most politicians are playing with this
motion for their short term political gain, but they are unable to understand
the magnitude of damage they are causing to our own beloved Canada. They
are unable to understand the damage to Muslims in Canada. This motion has
put Muslims' safety and security at risk. Now, Muslims in Canada are
selected targets of backlash and retaliation.

Please observe the types of responses generated in this thread, as I would be interested to see who (and how) individuals try to shut down the discussion of such topics, as there is no doubt that the MB will have an online presence as well. Please stay on topic as all trolling will be reported - this discussion is about M-103, and nothing else.


Well, not be a pro multiculturalist like others here appear to be, and being the so-called resident racist here, what I would suggest is that all Muslims be banned from immigrating to Canada. If they are going to be a possible terrorist problem and threat to Canada and Canadians in the future than the right and proper thing to be doing is stop all immigration from Muslim countries. I have a right to be protected and feel secure from people who appear to be a danger to my safety. I will say this that I am pretty sure that not all Muslims may be a danger to me and my family and my country but just to be on the safe side we need to do whatever it takes to make sure that I can go somewhere and anywhere in Canada and not get blown up or shot. We all know that Muslims will be Muslims and they have already shown us that they will not assimilate like so many other cultures that have been allowed to immigrate to Canada by the millions and appear to be moving away from becoming Canadian and assimilating. 

Canada is headed down the road to turmoil if the liberal fools out there keep wanting to make us all believe that Islam is just another religion and culture and they that just want to live among us peacefully. With that Islamic terrorist Ikra Khaiid Islamic terrorist being allowed to even get as far as she has in Canada with her Motion tells me that our politicians are not the least bit concerned about the safety of Canada or Canadians, and are allowing Muslims like her to get away with what she is saying and doing in Canada. Canada appears to be the last on the list when it comes to our useless politicians who appear to worry more about the rest of the world and their cultures rather than with Canada or Canadian culture. 

Our Canadian  politicians have to be the most politically correct cowards and wimps the world has ever seen or known. These dear leader politicians of ours can't even protect our borders from illegal criminals entering into Canada illegally. Thousands have crossed the border illegally, and once in are protected from being deported right away thanks to the charter that gives them the same rights that Canadians have. Canada is being taken over by all the new immigrants that Canada has brought in by the millions and allowing them to bring with them so many languages and religions and cultures and protected that it is hard to know just what culture is the real true dominate culture in Canada anymore. 

All I can say here is that if Canada had kept in place our past immigration policy of bringing in more British and European immigration, and less non-British/European immigration, Canada would not be the mess that it is starting to find itself into today, and idiots like Ikra would not be doing and getting away with what she is being allowed to get away with today.

That is a fact, not a fantasy. 

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12 minutes ago, Argus said:

As M103 is a motion and not a law it cannot outlaw anything. It does, however, call for a study of a 'whole government' solution to Isllamophobia - which is currently underway.

The concern among some of us is this study is being conducted under a party which is zealously pursuing the Muslim vote, under a shallow, progressive prime minister who quite likely would see nothing wrong with outlawing any criticism of Islam or Muslims or any other identity group in the name of inclusiveness and diversity and multiculturalism and fighting 'racism'.


A study which hasn't been completed making your concerns unfounded. 

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

And yet you said above:

You come on here with cut/pastes of material from elsewhere on the web, and start ringing hysterical alarms with your posts and paint those of us who support Western pluralists as 'Islamists'.  If your cause is so just, then why do you resort to misinformation and quote from white supremacist websites to make your point ?  

We have seen these types of posts here before.  Your posts are simple fear-mongering and hate-mongering.  The Muslim Canadians I know work hard, appreciate pluralism, and they don't need to lie to convince me of their points of view.

You are not a Western pluralist, you are simply ignorant. I have not posted a single piece of misinformation - you only perceive it this way because of the cognitive dissonance that resides within you. Why don't you go read the first page of Genesis and understand why God forbade the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. If you eat, you remain in the flesh and suffer successive deaths based on your own ignorance. You are probably one of the most ignorant people I have ever (not) shared discourse with, because you don't read anything, you don't present any argument of substance, no references, no links, no discussion, just constant sweeping dismissive statements because you are anti-discussion, anti-democratic, anti-humanist, and indeed extremely ignorant. If you are as old as you say, you are just a crusty being with absolutely no sense or regard for the future of younger Canadians.

I don't care what kinds of posts you have seen. Fear is relative to the individual who chooses to allow it to overcome them, just as peace is internal. If you allow others to have any power whatsoever over your internal state of being (look at how liberals always cry about political correctness) then you are simply a weak individual. Islam has been using fear as a political tool for 1400 years, and the vast majority of Liberals capitulate to it, just as the vast majority of Western powers capitulated to the rise of fascism in the early-mid 20th century based on appeasement, which is the wrong thing to do. You fit into this category precisely.

My last girlfriend was a Muslim, guess what happened to her?

-She was raped by a family member when she was 6
-She was forced into an arranged marriage wherein her husband beat her regularly
-She fled and married a non-Muslim whereupon her father disowned her and told her she is dead to him
-She lived out of her car because her family wouldn't take her back and tried to commit suicide twice
-Her family told her the only way she is allowed back is if she agreed to become part of a business transaction by being offered as a wife

There isn't a single thing above that Muhammad did not do and/or condone. When I tried to understand how someone could treat a woman in this way, that's when I started to research Islam. Not only did I find the root cause of her suffering, but I also inadvertently stumbled across a major source of suffering on the planet as a whole, which is what prompted my research into political Islam.

Now individuals such as yourself, in your profound ignorance, obviously have no idea how serious this is as you take refuge in your so-called "pluralism" which is merely a conduit through which political Islam uses to progress its Sharia-motivated agenda.

Your kind of attitude is toxic to a free democracy, and given above, it is the ignorance of people like you (and in the Left such as eyeball) that allows such ideologies to penetrate the fabric of free societies to implement a dark-ages mentality that involves the belief that women are property of men.

I have attached a document entitled "Sharia Law for Non-Muslims" just to give you an idea of what you are supporting through your "pluralism'; it makes you just as much a part of the problem as political Islam itself, and for this you are a disgusting individual.



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14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

And yet you said above:

You come on here with cut/pastes of material from elsewhere on the web, and start ringing hysterical alarms with your posts and paint those of us who support Western pluralists as 'Islamists'.  If your cause is so just, then why do you resort to misinformation and quote from white supremacist websites to make your point ?  

We have seen these types of posts here before.  Your posts are simple fear-mongering and hate-mongering.  The Muslim Canadians I know work hard, appreciate pluralism, and they don't need to lie to convince me of their points of view.

Sure, any of those so-called white supremacist websites that people like you like to call them have no right to their opinions and points of view. All those conservative websites are all stacked with racists and bigots, and have nothing of any value to report or talk about. It would appear as though the white supremacist websites that you go to visit or report on are the ones that really do support white supremacy and racists views and then use them to mock and attack all conservative patriotic nationalist Canadians like myself. Conservatives should just shut up and allow people like yourself to tell us has to how Canada and the world should work. Intolerance is so prevalent with liberals and they are the bigots here, not the conservatives.

We have seen and read your types of posts here also, and they appear to be of an intolerant and bigotry nature. With liberals, they must all believe that they are God's gift to mankind. Personally, I believe that they were sent here by Mr. Satan himself to mess the world up. My personal opinion, of course.  Works for me. :D

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24 minutes ago, Argus said:

The concern among some of us is this study is being conducted under a party which is zealously pursuing the Muslim vote, under a shallow, progressive prime minister who quite likely would see nothing wrong with outlawing any criticism of Islam or Muslims or any other identity group in the name of inclusiveness and diversity and multiculturalism and fighting 'racism'.

Your caution over what M103 might become is entirely different from an OP that uses white supremacist and alarmist cites.

As an analogy, an anti-US govt. thread that submitted government responsibility for 9/11 would be a non-starter for me.  The only discussion possible on this thread, for me, is to address the illegitimate and dishonest OP.

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7 minutes ago, taxme said:

Sure, any of those so-called white supremacist websites that people like you like to call them have no right to their opinions and points of view.

And in the same post, you decry 'bigotry'.  And you are defending an OP which itself engages in 'guilt by association'.  Your argument is transparently self-contradictory, and is designed to deceive.  

Western society was designed to accommodate plurality of views and to remove discrimination between religions by the state.  You and the OP are essentially posting for a Christian theocracy, which is about the worst idea there is.  Take a look at Iran today to find out how theocracies are enjoyed by the people.


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3 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Your caution over what M103 might become is entirely different from an OP that uses white supremacist and alarmist cites.

As an analogy, an anti-US govt. thread that submitted government responsibility for 9/11 would be a non-starter for me.  The only discussion possible on this thread, for me, is to address the illegitimate and dishonest OP.

But we all should just agree with you and your intolerant and bigoted opinions of others whom you do not agree with, eh?  Are you sure that your aim here is to keep this website all for yourself, and only want people here that will agree with you? It sure looks that way, fella? 

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Just now, taxme said:

But we all should just agree with you and your intolerant and bigoted opinions of others whom you do not agree with, eh?  

No, I suppose we should agree with persecution of religious minorities, and white supremacists.  Your assertions are mixed-up.   Are you trying to say you're tolerant of other religions, and minority groups to which you don't belong ?


Just now, taxme said:

Are you sure that your aim here is to keep this website all for yourself, and only want people here that will agree with you? It sure looks that way, fella? 

I can discuss reality very well with anyone who uses truthful sources, and has a different perspective... as long as that perspective is on reality, and is given honestly.

The OP can't even get its deceptions on whether M-103 outlaws speech or not.

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

And in the same post, you decry 'bigotry'.  And you are defending an OP which itself engages in 'guilt by association'.  Your argument is transparently self-contradictory, and is designed to deceive.  

Western society was designed to accommodate plurality of views and to remove discrimination between religions by the state.  You and the OP are essentially posting for a Christian theocracy, which is about the worst idea there is.  Take a look at Iran today to find out how theocracies are enjoyed by the people.


Take a look as to what is going on in Canada today. We are having more problems now with religions and languages and cultures today than we ever had before our past immigration policy was changed and a new immigration policy implemented which was started by no doubt your hero old man Trudeau. The liberals are trying to destroy a country that was once a great nation and where the people were living in peace and harmony before the likes of the Trudeau's came along and who have shown that they have no love for the old Canada but just hatred and for the destruction of the old Canada on their pea brain minds.

Take a look at all Muslim countries out there yourself. Is that what you are trying to tell us is what you want for Canada?  Well, this is one yahoo cowboy that will never go along with any of your opinions and points of view because it is my opinion that just about all of them are for the end of the old Canada that I once knew and was brought up in. You are talking to a real nationalist patriotic conservative Canadian, and not a wimpy liberal emotional one. Yahoo. :D

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