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The Ill feeling between left and right on immigration

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11 minutes ago, Argus said:

I was actually hoping to discuss the motivation behind those who take strong positions on immigration rather than simply the wisdom of immigration itself. 

My comment was highly tongue in cheek, Argus.

I support 100% you starting this new thread to discuss a specific issue. Carry on. My apologies. 

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13 hours ago, hot enough said:

Why the new thread then? I prefer all immigration discussion to be centralized so that I know exactly where to go for my daily entertainment.

I was hoping to discuss the motivation behind those who take strong positions on immigration rather than simply the wisdom of immigration itself.

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19 minutes ago, Argus said:

In the latest government projections the number of immigration visas allotted to Europe has fallen and the number allotted to the middle east has risen. A cynic might suggest that has something to do with the wholehearted electoral support the Muslim community showed to the Liberal party last election, despite government data showing immigrants from the middle east are the least economically successful immigrants to Canada.

I guess that makes me a cynic.

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1 hour ago, cannuck said:

BUT:  I have absolutely no tolerance for economic "refugees" who seem to be bringing not much of anything except criminal records to our country (I understand that over 50% of those now crossing from the US have criminal records).  It is hard to ignore the clear ethnicity of certain criminal groups related to drugs and violence in places such as Toronto.


Yes, there is a video on The Rebel Media dot com with Faith Goldy where she actually went to the border in Manitoba to see first hand the migrants coming across the border. 

The RCMP has stopped reporting on the numbers crossing every day.   There appears to be an organized smuggling operation going on with taxi drivers bringing people to the border.   Most of them are single men, strong and able. One man she talked to came from Iritrea and was in the army there and there was no war going on.   Not sure why he came to Canada.   But any migrant in the U.S. with a criminal record or past is going to come across because he has a good chance of being deported by the U.S. 

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53 minutes ago, Argus said:

Again, I have repeated posted demographic experts who say this will not work. We cannot counter an aging populace with immigration. Though I agree it would at least work a little better if we ensured the immigrants were skilled enough to take good jobs and pay taxes, rather than being poor and on welfare much of their lives.

Even so, immigration rates equal to 1% of the already resident population would not prevent workforce growth in Canada dipping to historic lows in the 2020s, and the immigration that would be needed—even with major efforts to attract a larger share of younger people—to maintain workforce growth at its recent rate would be well outside the realm of economic or political feasibility. Aging is more difficult yet. Increasing immigration to 1% of population a year without varying its age distribution would slow the rise in the OAD ratio only marginally. And raising immigration to this level while trying to select only very young immigrants with children, so as to lower dramatically the average age of immigrants, would still not prevent a historic rise in the ratio. Only extreme and unpalatable policies, such as rapidly increasing immigration from less than 1% of the population to well over 3% for decades, could come close to stabilizing the OAD ratio.

A study by the RAND Corporation (Grant et al., 2004), for example, looked at the demographic consequences of low fertility in Europe and reached conclusions broadly similar to ours on the question of whether immigration could compensate for the demographic challenges faced by EU nations. Schertmann (1992) shows that a constant inflow of immigrants, even relatively young ones, does not necessarily rejuvenate low fertility populations, and may in the long term actually contribute to population aging. Specific studies on Canada (United Nations, 2004; Denton and Spencer, 2004; Guillemette and Robson, 2006) have found that the dynamic of aging among the resident population is so strong that immigration’s ability to affect it is remarkably small.



The caucasian race in Canada is threatened with extinction because of the present decline in the birth rate of caucasians.  It might be irreversible.  The only hope I think is to bring in only immigrants from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S.   We could also put a stop to abortion which is killing off caucasians in Canada.  That would be a partial solution because it might save close to 100,000 babies a year.  But it is not the main solution.  Without caucasian immigration in large numbers, Canada is on a downward spiral.

I'm not sure what statistics you are looking at.  But projections are for huge increases in old people in Canada.  Who is going to pay for the health care and old age homes, etc?

Edited by blackbird
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Trudeau seems to be obsessed with bringing in Syrian Muslim refugees.  How many of these people are even employable?  Many people raised in the middle east are taught to hate westerners and non-muslims.  That's what the Quran teaches.  They don't speak English and many probably have no employable skills. 

The CBC News channel is trying to bolster Muslim immigration by running short ads now extolling the virtues of diversity, particularily Muslim immigration.  I saw them in the last couple of days.  One featured Mayor Nenshi from Calgary.  

Saskatchewan needed carpenters for construction sites in Regina and other places so they went to Ireland and hired tradesmen and carpenters to work in Saskatchewan.  That's is the best solution.  That's what other provinces should be doing.

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50 minutes ago, Argus said:

I was actually hoping to discuss the motivation behind those who take strong positions on immigration rather than simply the wisdom of immigration itself. 

The economics of it all are certainly of zero importance to me. My main motivation as I've stated is to see humanity put nationalism and racialism behind us and start moving towards becoming Earthlings. A secondary motivation is the schadenfreude afforded by the angst of right-wing conservatives who appear to be utterly aghast at the notion.  

I, for one and all, am quite supportive of the Passing of the Great Race and the eventual blending of our species into the Race of the future where we all look like Brazilians or something. 

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19 minutes ago, blackbird said:

I'm not sure what statistics you are looking at.  But projections are for huge increases in old people in Canada.  Who is going to pay for the health care and old age homes, etc?

I posted the information above. No amount of immigration is going to do much to address an aging population or a low birthrate. The only real solution is to encourage people here to have more babies.

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Trudeau seems to be obsessed with bringing in Syrian Muslim refugees.  How many of these people are even employable?  Many people raised in the middle east are taught to hate westerns and non-muslims.  They don't speak English and many probably have no employable skills.    

Saskatchewan needed carpenters for construction sites in Regina and other places so they went to Ireland and hired tradesmen and carpenters to work in Saskatchewan.  That's is the best solution.  That's what other provinces should be doing.

Economically, I certainly agree. I do not underestand why we bring in thousands of university grads who don't speak English and whose credentials are likely not going to be respected rather than bricklayers, carpenters and other tradesmen from portugal and Italy, which both have sky high unemployment rates. If we can get them from Ireland or the UK, that's even better,

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The economics of it all are certainly of zero importance to me. My main motivation as I've stated is to see humanity put nationalism and racialism behind us and start moving towards becoming Earthlings. A secondary motivation is the schadenfreude afforded by the angst of right-wing conservatives who appear to be utterly aghast at the notion.  

I, for one and all, am quite supportive of the Passing of the Great Race and the eventual blending of our species into the Race of the future where we all look like Brazilians or something. 

Are you from Brazil?   LOL     What you believe in is called multicultural marxism.   It would never work for a variety of reasons.  Multiculturalism has already proven to be a failure.  European immigrants blend in and accept Canadian culture because they come from the same cultural/religious background.  Other reliigious groups do not blend in but seem to want to form their own enclaves.  They do not accept Canadian culture very well.  They want to advance their own religion.   So you idea is a non-starter.  You obvously haven't done any research or given it any serious consideration.

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3 minutes ago, Argus said:

Economically, I certainly agree. I do not underestand why we bring in thousands of university grads who don't speak English and whose credentials are likely not going to be respected rather than bricklayers, carpenters and other tradesmen from portugal and Italy, which both have sky high unemployment rates. If we can get them from Ireland or the UK, that's even better,

Isn't the underlying factor the racial issues and not high unemployment rates which is masking the prejudice against colour and values??

Afterall both Irish anf English are whiter and closer culture to Canadians as you have repeatedly said.

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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Are you from Brazil?   LOL     What you believe in is called multicultural marxism.   It would never work for a variety of reasons.  Multiculturalism has already proven to be a failure.  European immigrants blend in and accept Canadian culture because they come from the same cultural/religious background.  Other reliigious groups do not blend in but seem to want to form their own enclaves.  They do not accept Canadian culture very well.  They want to advance their own religion.   So you idea is a non-starter.  You obvously haven't done any research or given it any serious consideration.

I can assure you if someone wants to make an issue about the colour of skin the said person will also make an issue of integrating portugese and spaniards into canadian culture. It is the racist genes...

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1 minute ago, kactus said:

Isn't the underlying factor the racial issues and not high unemployment rates which is masking the prejudice against colour and values??

Afterall both Irish anf English are whiter and closer culture to Canadians as you have repeatedly said.

Our western Judeo-Christian civilization is threatened by bringing in people from third world countries who have a hostile religion and culture and do not fit in with us. 

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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

Our western Judeo-Christian civilization is threatened by bringing in people from third world countries who have a hostile religion and culture and do not fit in with us. 

Who makes that choice that anyone who is judo christian is ok to integrate and whoever isn't it is not ok?

it's all a matter of perception and preference if you are affiliated with the two above and in your head.

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3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Our western Judeo-Christian civilization is threatened by bringing in people from third world countries who have a hostile religion and culture and do not fit in with us. 

Not according to Argus who prefers brits to portugese. Both christians one whiter...,

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1 minute ago, kactus said:

Who makes that choice that anyone who is judo christian is ok to integrate and whoever isn't it is not ok?

it's all a matter of perception and preference if you are affiliated with the two above and in your head.

The Government and Immigration department has the right to make that choice.  There are some laws that come into play.

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4 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Are you from Brazil?   LOL     What you believe in is called multicultural marxism.   It would never work for a variety of reasons. 

I'm from Earth.  Whether it works or not its happening.


Multiculturalism has already proven to be a failure.  European immigrants blend in and accept Canadian culture because they come from the same cultural/religious background.

It seems to work just fine in my family where Chinese, Mexicans and Europeans are blending and accepting each other because we all love one another.


Other reliigious groups do not blend in but seem to want to form their own enclaves.  They do not accept Canadian culture very well.  They want to advance their own religion. So you idea is a non-starter.  You obvously haven't done any research or given it any serious consideration.

Yes I realize my direct anecdotal experience is not evidence or proof of anything but it is what it is.

Interestingly enough we're pretty much all atheists too, go figure.


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2 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The Government and Immigration department has the right to make that choice.  There are some laws that come into play.

The government does not discriminate against non judo/ christians....

It is the perception of individuals with racist tendencies who discriminates against non judo/christian groups

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:


I'm from Earth.  Whether it works or not its happening.

It seems to work just fine in my family where Chinese, Mexicans and Europeans are blending and accepting each other because we all love one another.

Yes I realize my direct anecdotal experience is not evidence or proof of anything but it is what it is.

Interestingly enough we're pretty much all atheists too, go figure.


Yes, because of your multicultural situation and being atheists, you will likely not be much use in defending our historic Judeo-Christian civilization from the threat of Islamization.   The issue is not about a group of people who are assimilating and getting along with each other.  That is not the real problem .  The problem is the third world immigrants who bring a hostile religion and demand to change our culture to accommodate themselves and their religion.

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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

Yes, because of your multicultural situation and being atheists, you will likely not be much use in defending our historic Judeo-Christian civilization from the threat of Islamization.   The issue is not about a group of people who are assimilating and getting along with each other.  That is not the real problem .  The problem is the third world immigrants who bring a hostile religion and demand to change our culture to accommodate themselves and their religion.

What is your affiliation with judaism!?

I thought that mindset only sees native canadians as christians only!

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3 minutes ago, kactus said:

The government does not discriminate against non judo/ christians....

It is the perception of individuals with racist tendencies who discriminates against non judo/christian groups

Discrimination on immigration policy is necessary for a country to defend it's historic culture.  Many countries do this.   It is not racist.  It is common sense to only have immigration that is going to protect one's culture and civilization.  

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1 minute ago, blackbird said:

Discrimination on immigration policy is necessary for a country to defend it's historic culture.  Many countries do this.   It is not racist.  It is common sense to only have immigration that is going to protect one's culture and civilization.  

Well according to some posters native canadians are white christians only. If so you are discriminating against everyone else including thise practising judaism

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