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Compared to applicants with Anglo names, Asian-named applicants with all-Canadian qualifications had 20.1 per cent fewer calls from organizations with 500 or more employees, and 39.4 per cent and 37.1 per cent fewer calls, respectively, from medium-sized and small employers.

Using data from a recent large-scale Canadian employment study that examined interview callback rates for resumés with Asian and Anglo names, researchers found Asian-named applicants consistently received fewer calls regardless of the size of the companies involved.

Although a master’s degree can improve Asian candidates’ chances of being called, it does not close the gap and their prospects don’t even measure up to those of Anglo applicants with undergraduate qualifications.



Paul Nguyen, 36, who was born in Canada to Vietnamese parents, said he was not surprised by the findings, as he has seen first-hand how a visible minority colleague with a doctoral degree was passed over for promotion in favour of a Caucasian with a bachelor’s degree.



For Anglo applicants citing a master’s degree in resumés, the study found, the chance of an interview improved from 69.9 per cent to 81 per cent, or 11.1 percentage points — about the same percentage point increase as for their Asian counterparts (from 45.9 per cent to 56.5 per cent).



What do you all think is the reason behind this, is Canada a racist society?  I wonder what the difference between different type of Asians and call backs were.  It is clear in my view, we need affirmative action laws to correct the biases of the employers.




So first steal Asian-origin native's lands first, then use their lands to make money and then reject them when they want to work to maintain their life on their own lands.

"You cant ask people about their belief, its none of your business, its between them and their God but you have to ask them whether or not they need something or they have a problem to be solved." Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed The Conqueror

"We are not intended to conquer someone's lands but we want to conquer hearts." Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed The Conqueror

2 hours ago, Altai said:

So first steal Asian-origin native's lands first, then use their lands to make money and then reject them when they want to work to maintain their life on their own lands.

That is true, but I could imagine white people countering by pointing out that the Asian natives stole the land from the African-Pacific paleo-Indians.  So by that logic, white people stole the land fair and square!  :lol:

Posted (edited)

Resume selection is an arbitrary and discriminatory way to choose applicants. People are rejected for any number of a unreasonable criteria because a large stack a resumes has to be reduced to a manageable number in a short period of time. Large companies are already moving to AIs which do the filtering which won't make the process less arbitrary but it should reduce the screams of racism. 

It would be interesting to see what the results were for people with Anglo first names but non-Anglo last names. I would be surprised if there was any difference because any filtering going on is likely due to the unconscious belief that non-Anglo name less likely to have adequate English skills. 

Edited by TimG

So are Asian hirers discriminating against whites?  I've seen enough racism in little China to know that it happens.  Is it any better than any other racism?

16 hours ago, hernanday said:

That is true, but I could imagine white people countering by pointing out that the Asian natives stole the land from the African-Pacific paleo-Indians.  So by that logic, white people stole the land fair and square!  :lol:

By that logic, currently any countries have right to attack and invade Canada fair and square.

"You cant ask people about their belief, its none of your business, its between them and their God but you have to ask them whether or not they need something or they have a problem to be solved." Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed The Conqueror

"We are not intended to conquer someone's lands but we want to conquer hearts." Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed The Conqueror

Posted (edited)

Oooh, another Phil Oreopolous study.


I see they aren't even bothering to test for female name bias anymore. I wonder why this is...


It's almost like previous studies found a female name bias that was larger and more statistically significant than the bias against foreign names.

Edited by -1=e^ipi

Quite a few companies use computers to weed out applications. They search your resume for certain words or phrases. If you haven't used them in your resume, it's rejected before anyone even sees it.

For instance, if the job listing requires post-secondary education or a certain number of years of experience and your resume doesn't have the correct wording, it's rejected outright.

"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

3 hours ago, Goddess said:

Quite a few companies use computers to weed out applications. They search your resume for certain words or phrases. If you haven't used them in your resume, it's rejected before anyone even sees it.

For instance, if the job listing requires post-secondary education or a certain number of years of experience and your resume doesn't have the correct wording, it's rejected outright.

These were mock resumes, crafted to be similar in style and language. Its not one resume full of errors and the other was perfect, no they controleld for those things.

3 hours ago, hernanday said:

These were mock resumes, crafted to be similar in style and language. Its not one resume full of errors and the other was perfect, no they controleld for those things.

I missed that.  Sorry.

Ummmm.....Carry on!  :lol:

"There are two different types of people in the world - those who want to know and those who want to believe."

~~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~~

Posted (edited)
On 1/25/2017 at 4:12 PM, TimG said:

It would be interesting to see what the results were for people with Anglo first names but non-Anglo last names. I would be surprised if there was any difference because any filtering going on is likely due to the unconscious belief that non-Anglo name less likely to have adequate English skills. 

Yup. Guilty. I picked a person from a list of resumes once because of the very anglo first name. All the last names of the dozen resumes sent to me for a bilingual position were Francophone, and we already had a number of Francophones with ... uneven English skills.

Hiring preferences for anglo names are probably almost all related to the worry most of those with complicated 'foreign' names won't have a very good grasp of English.

Edited by Argus

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

16 minutes ago, cybercoma said:

For someone who cries about "the most qualified" gets hired, you yourself are demonstrating that this doesn't happen. You made assumptions based on people's names. You discriminated against candidates. What you did was illegal.

No different than rejecting a candidate because of spelling errors. Resume filtering is an arbitrary process and a generally horrible way to fill a position. Using computers would not reduce this arbitrariness but it would at least stop people from trolling for spurious correlations and drawing unfounded conclusions.

1 minute ago, cybercoma said:

You said it before and it was a stupid argument then and is a stupid argument now. If you can't see how rejecting someone's name is entirely different than rejecting someone because they demonstrate ineffective communication, then there's not much to discuss with you.

A spelling error *could* indicate ineffective communication skills. You can't know that unless you investigated further. Similarly a foreign name *could* indicate inadequate English skills but you can't know for sure. However, people filter resumes because they do not have the time to properly investigate every candidate so some suitable candidates will be excluded for petty reasons. This is unavoidable. It is ridiculous to get exercised because a troll mined enough data to find a headline grabbing correlation.

3 hours ago, TimG said:

No different than rejecting a candidate because of spelling errors. Resume filtering is an arbitrary process and a generally horrible way to fill a position. Using computers would not reduce this arbitrariness but it would at least stop people from trolling for spurious correlations and drawing unfounded conclusions.

And if you don't have the time to interview them all, or even most of them, then you use whatever comes to mind.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

On 1/26/2017 at 7:14 AM, -1=e^ipi said:

I see they aren't even bothering to test for female name bias anymore. I wonder why this is...It's almost like previous studies found a female name bias that was larger and more statistically significant than the bias against foreign names.

We had this manager called Larry, and he did a lot of hiring because a lot of people were retiring at the time. The unofficial word for those he hired was "Larry's Angels", because he tended to hire very attractive young women in their early twenties or late teens. Our corner of the floor had a huge uptick in traffic, after that, for some reason, as all sorts of middle aged men found an excuse to walk through there, or to come to see people in person rather than phone or send email.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

On 2017-01-25 at 9:18 PM, sharkman said:

So are Asian hirers discriminating against whites?  I've seen enough racism in little China to know that it happens.  Is it any better than any other racism?

So true. But but but... white priviledge :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Bob Macadoo said:

....but white privilege doesn't exist so there must be a fix in on this study.

Except this study does nothing to support that fiction because many black people have Anglo names and would be more likely to get an interview. More importantly, by any meaningful measure Asians have no problems succeeding in Canada and can hardly claim to be held back by discrimination. 

All this study shows is that perceived language abilities are a factor in resume selection. Whether it is a bad punctuation or spelling error or a name that suggests recent immigrant it all comes done to the reviewers' perception of language ability.

Edited by TimG
On ‎2017‎-‎01‎-‎25 at 0:13 PM, hernanday said:






What do you all think is the reason behind this, is Canada a racist society?  I wonder what the difference between different type of Asians and call backs were.  It is clear in my view, we need affirmative action laws to correct the biases of the employers.



Naïve. Discrimination against economic status/class, educational level, disability,  age, gender, gender preference, ethnicity (race, religion, culture) politics exists in all societies.

What are the reasons behind it? Lol. Are you serious. You think  you can list them? They are infinite. It comes down to the reasoning process of the person doing the hiring.

We have had affirmative action laws now since the 60's.

Let's talk about the provincial Ontario government where I worked 10 years. The NDP implemented an application form asking people to tick of a box. Interestingly the ONLY minority it did not define as a minority were Jews. We were lumped in with white people.  I was told we were white and to tick off white.

Let me tell you something. Up until the 1980's if a Jew wanted to work in he OPS they changed their name. The United Way Agency was used to discriminate against Jews. It only collected money for non Jewish charities and if you refused to be part of United Way campaigns your career was over.

When I  went into government my last name was as visible as it gets. I had managers openly make anti-Semite comments to me. These anti-semites were WHITE women.

The white women were considered minorities. They flooded into the OPS creating a pink ghetto that excluded any non white women. They simply continued discrimination n favour of other white women.

Then they came up with a quota system. They would audit the units and you had to have one visible ethnic, i.e., someone with brown or black skin or narrow eyes in your unit.

So they would have interviews where a visible minority started off with 10 and worked there way down to 1 point, and white candidates up against them would start at 1 and have to make their way up to 10.

People of merit were not hired. It was basically an exercise of hiring the first minority that answered the ad because the most so turned off by the pink ghetto and the pitting of minorities against each other for that one opening declined to be part of the idiotic process.

I was asked to do cross cultural sensitivity training for  several agencies and tribunals. What a damn joke.

The one guy I saw hired they treated like a token black man. He was extremely qualified. He was eloquent, and perfect for his job and the message was clear-we hired you on a quota now shut up and be a Sambo and be grateful.

I aw very pale women claiming they were aboriginal and black tick off all kinds of boxes and people creating disabilities.

When I started losing my hearing I was ridiculed for needing hearing aids. My friend who was blind was harassed continuously.

I could go on and on explaining that when you tick off a box identifying yourself as aboriginal, disabled, gay, whatever-in today's climate you make it easier to discriminate against you. No you can't force a so called racist to hire someone outside his or her ethnic group. They won't.

If you go apply for a position in an all Chinese company and you are black and don't speak Mandarin or Cantonese or preferably both you think they will hire you? Say you did because I know a black man that does-he is openly treated like he has leprosy or tuberculosis for Gawd's sake when I have gone to meetings with him.

Asian people claim discrimination?  Yes. They also discriminate against non Asians. Even worse what does Asian mean? There are a whole lot of Asians.

Indians are Asians. You have any idea how they disrcriminate when they hire not just against non Indians but their own people based on what village and class they come from?

You think new Canadians are not as bigoted as so called old ones?

I am defending an aboriginal group now openly ridiculed in a company where they worked and the lawyer representing the company calls herself a progressive human rights lawyer fighting for affirmative action in her friggin brochures while ridiculing my client and aboriginals. Oh you bet she is a feminist and claims to be for affirmative action for women.

Excuse me, I have lived long enough to know, no law can change people. The Human Rights tribunal in Ontario is a joke. It might fine some people. Tell me if you went to a company, they wouldn't hire you because you were black, you bother to go to the Human Rights Commission and two years later they tell the company to hire you then what?

You want to go work with a bunch of racists?

Today people look at my resume and make insulting comments about my age and some my perceived politics because of my Jew name.

I have had people openly ridicule me in job interviews where they saw my hearing aids.I now have to work as a consultant and self employed as a professional.  Its life. You hit a certain age, the age alone makes it impossible for you to find work.

Reality today? Reality today is employers hire young people on contract-they don't won't to pay benefits and they don't want anyone who feels they are in a position to  expect anything but the salary they are offered.

Employers have no loyalty. They won't commit to employees and leave them on indefinite temporary contracts, then they wonder why the young generation doesn't stay anywhere more than a year or so.

Welcome to the real world. If you are qualified, you mus believe in yourself, carry yourself high no matter how hopeless it seems. live each day like it could be you last, and constantly look for work and not let people get to you.

No government is going to guarantee you work. At best they make it easier to discriminate using their affirmative action laws go avoid hiring people by identifying  what it is they should discriminate against and they provide the system of discrimination, which is to play one minority off of another.


I come to you to hell.

2 hours ago, Rue said:

We have had affirmative action laws now since the 60's.

Who is we?  Canada doesn't have affirmative action.


2 hours ago, Rue said:

Let's talk about the provincial Ontario government where I worked 10 years. The NDP implemented an application form asking people to tick of a box. Interestingly the ONLY minority it did not define as a minority were Jews. We were lumped in with white people.  I was told we were white and to tick off white.

We have been over this multiple times.  Jews are not a race.  Jews are a religious minority.  Jews have not faced the types of overt racism some visible minority groups have in Canada.


2 hours ago, Rue said:

Up until the 1980's if a Jew wanted to work in he OPS they changed their name. The United Way Agency was used to discriminate against Jews. It only collected money for non Jewish charities and if you refused to be part of United Way campaigns your career was over.



2 hours ago, Rue said:

I had managers openly make anti-Semite comments to me. These anti-semites were WHITE women.

The white women were considered minorities. They flooded into the OPS creating a pink ghetto that excluded any non white women. They simply continued discrimination n favour of other white women.



2 hours ago, Rue said:

People of merit were not hired. It was basically an exercise of hiring the first minority that answered the ad because the most so turned off by the pink ghetto and the pitting of minorities against each other for that one opening declined to be part of the idiotic process.

I was asked to do cross cultural sensitivity training for  several agencies and tribunals. What a damn joke.

The one guy I saw hired they treated like a token black man. He was extremely qualified. He was eloquent, and perfect for his job and the message was clear-we hired you on a quota now shut up and be a Sambo and be grateful.

No wonder you were sent to racism training.


2 hours ago, Rue said:

I aw very pale women claiming they were aboriginal and black tick off all kinds of boxes and people creating disabilities.

Yeah but some aboriginal and original people are very pale.  Can't speak about creating disabilities part though.




" "While she was looking, I overheard her speaking to another employee, that she didn't know why she was helping me; I probably wouldn't be able to afford the coat because I was black"  Samantha Grant, cbc.

3 hours ago, Rue said:

I could go on and on explaining that when you tick off a box identifying yourself as aboriginal, disabled, gay, whatever-in today's climate you make it easier to discriminate against you. No you can't force a so called racist to hire someone outside his or her ethnic group. They won't.

Which is exactly why Affirmative Action is needed as a policy to force their hiring because they will not be hired based on qualifications.  What we have is a de-facto white affirmative action policy where underqualified whites are hired over anyone.  We need something to balance the scales against this over discrimination.


3 hours ago, Rue said:

The Human Rights tribunal in Ontario is a joke. It might fine some people. Tell me if you went to a company, they wouldn't hire you because you were black, you bother to go to the Human Rights Commission and two years later they tell the company to hire you then what?

I agree the HRTO is a waste, which is why affirmative action based on race should simply be implemented rather than wasting everyone's time


3 hours ago, Rue said:

You want to go work with a bunch of racists?

Well you have no problem with it occuring in the schools when you wanted to force integration in the schools, so why not the work place rue?


3 hours ago, Rue said:

I have had people openly ridicule me in job interviews where they saw my hearing aids.I now have to work as a consultant and self employed as a professional.  Its life. You hit a certain age, the age alone makes it impossible for you to find work.

I had a teacher who expressed the same thing about age to me and discrimination.  The question I have is, since this is well understood, why don't the older workers have saving over time and use that to start a business in the same field?  I don't think I would want to be working under anyone at 60, at 60, I want to run my own business and have people reporting to me.  I don't see alot of job ads for people with 30 years experience, I'd imagine it is just a bad idea to be working for someone at that age, and should you


3 hours ago, Rue said:

Employers have no loyalty. They won't commit to employees and leave them on indefinite temporary contracts, then they wonder why the young generation doesn't stay anywhere more than a year or so.

I agree, which is why I became a business owner, got tired of being jerked around by business owners.  Can't beat em join em.

Posted (edited)

Hernanday you stated: "We have been over this multiple times.  Jews are not a race.  Jews are a religious minority.  Jews have not faced the types of overt racism some visible minority groups have in Canada."

Your comments are ignorant. Of course Jews have suffered discrimination in Canada. Your comments are absurd. Provide the method you used to determine the discrimination Jews have undergone in Canada was not as severe or negative or as overt "some minority groups have in Canada". Please you make a sweeping statement posing one minority group as more suffering than another, prove it. Please indicate who this "some  minority groups" are.

I have also  repeatedly stated Jews are not a race nor are we or have we ever claimed to be simply a religious minority. That is your bigoted, false belief. We are a collective and our collective identity is made up of many concepts including but not limited to religion. Our identity is also made up of ethnicity, culture, language, shared history, shared political persecution, and a connection back to our forefathers/mothers who were Israelites/Hebrews.

As well race is a subjective construct that was created at a time when people ignorant of genetics defined people by their secondary characteristics of lip size, nose shape, hair texture, eye shape, degree  and tone of  skin pigment.

It’s used by people like you today who have no clue what Jews are to  define Jews as whites, and equally as racist people like Taxme to claim Jews look white but are not white.

In your world racism is acceptable as long as the race being favoured is the race you choose to be the favoured one. Look at how you play off minorities deeming some are more suffering than others.

Its not just Jews you are bigoted against but anyone that doesn't fit into your "some minorities" group which of course you have to keep vague.

Go on explain to me how some filthy rich black man who comes to Canada with money plundered from his country needs affirmation action because he has black skin.

Please enlighten me.

You actually provide a classic example of how minorities like you are the worst of bigots playing one minority over another for favouritism.

You do it in the name or racial equality, Taxme does it in the name of protecting the white race. You define whites as Jews, he defines Jews as non whites.

Yep the two of you need to live next door to one another.




Edited by Rue

I come to you to hell.

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