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Paul Fromm is a Nazi.


In the 1990s, Fromm spoke at several Heritage Front events, including a celebration of Adolf Hitler's birthday.[32] A video surfaced of him addressing the rally and referring to Canadian fascist John Ross Taylor as a "hero".[32] Taylor was one of two Canadian Nazis interned by the government during World War II. The video shows Fromm standing beside a Nazi flag during the Heritage Front's "Martyr's Day". The rally included shouts from the audience of "Sieg Heil!", "white power", "Hail The Order!" and "n----r, n----r, n----r, out out out".[7]

Now isn't that just 'special'!

Kinda like you, taxme ... Hmmm ...


I never see any hatred or racism being promoted from people like Paul Fromm and Ross Taylor. But I do see hatred and violence and intolerance from their enemies. Fromm and Taylor have something to say, and for that they are portrayed as Nazis and white supremos. They are pro-white activists, and for that they are labelled with such lovely words of Nazi and white supremos, the same words that I get from some members around here. David Duke once wore the outfit of a KKK member one time but that was decades ago in his younger days. He does not do that anymore.

Duke has a website that people should go watch and listen too. It never hurts to get the other side of the story, something that so many people fail to do. They just don't want to know the other side. Dukes website won't bite.

Paul Fromm may have attended some pro-white rallies in the 90's but those days are pretty much in the past. Fromm and Taylor have a goal just like the zionists have a goal. The only difference between Fromm and the zionists is that they pretty much own and control the mainstream media, and can pretty much say whatever they want too about their opponents and get away with it. Politicians won't challenge zionism either if they want to keep their political careers going. But you don't have to believe me, just go on the internet, it's there for the taking.

Indeed, I am kind of special even if I do say so myself. :D

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And what kinds of comments have I made that appear to have offended you? You appear to be a proud zionist jew, so why do you try to camouflage it? Tell me that you are so we may get on with it. Or are you too scared to say so?

You are absolutely ridiculous.


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I never see any hatred or racism being promoted from people like Paul Fromm and Ross Taylor. But I do see hatred and violence and intolerance from their enemies. Fromm and Taylor have something to say, and for that they are portrayed as Nazis and white supremos.

Because they are, and they don't bother denying it.

Why are you ashamed to call yourself what you are?

They are pro-white activists,

They don't speak for white people, just for the racist minority.

and for that they are labelled with such lovely words of Nazi and white supremos, the same words that I get from some members around here.

Why deny?

Embrace what you are!

David Duke once wore the outfit of a KKK member one time but that was decades ago in his younger days. He does not do that anymore.

Only when they're having 'meetings' I'll bet.

Duke has a website that people should go watch and listen too. It never hurts to get the other side of the story, something that so many people fail to do. They just don't want to know the other side. Dukes website won't bite.

Paul Fromm may have attended some pro-white rallies in the 90's[

Nazi rally ... "Heil Hitler" salute, swastikas ...

but those days are pretty much in the past.

Got him fired from his job, so he's more secret about it now, no doubt.

Fromm and Taylor have a goal just like the zionists have a goal. The only difference between Fromm and the zionists is that they pretty much own and control the mainstream media, and can pretty much say whatever they want too about their opponents and get away with it. Politicians won't challenge zionism either if they want to keep their political careers going. But you don't have to believe me, just go on the internet, it's there for the taking.

Indeed, I am kind of special even if I do say so myself. :D

Nazis are some kind of 'special' alright.


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If you or anyone else want to go watch a bunch of men prancing around like a bunch of fairies or look at women that look like butches than go for it.

Thank you, That's very big of you.

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You are absolutely ridiculous.


So, it is alright for you to accuse me of being something I am not, but it is not alright for me to accuse you of something that you may be, uhmm? Works both ways fella.

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So, it is alright for you to accuse me of being something I am not, but it is not alright for me to accuse you of something that you may be, uhmm? Works both ways fella.

You've been very clear about what you are.

Obviously I haven't if you're calling me "fella". ?


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Because they are, and they don't bother denying it.

Why are you ashamed to call yourself what you are?

They don't speak for white people, just for the racist minority.

Why deny?

Embrace what you are!

Only when they're having 'meetings' I'll bet.

Nazi rally ... "Heil Hitler" salute, swastikas ...

Got him fired from his job, so he's more secret about it now, no doubt.

Nazis are some kind of 'special' alright.


Like you said to me, and I will say too you: "you are absolutely ridiculous".

But besides that, what is wrong with reading and getting the other side of the story? Isn't it in everybody's interest to know what the other side has to say? Are you just one of those one sided people who don't want to know or hear what the other side has to say? That sounds just like you? I should be able to read anything about anybody and get their side of the story without being accused of being someone I am not. At least I have an open mind where as with you you seem to be a person with a closed mind.

If one can still get it on the internet go watch "The greatest story never told" a story on Hitler's life. Although the mainstream controlled zionist media have made Hitler out to be a mad man, he actually was quite an intelligent person. But hey, what do you care, the MSM media is your source for what you believe is telling you the truth. Aw well.

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But besides that, what is wrong with reading and getting the other side of the story? Isn't it in everybody's interest to know what the other side has to say?

Oh I've read what Paul Fromm, David Duke and other nazi/white supremacists have to say.

There's something missing in those guys' brains.

I think it's called 'humanity'.

Are you denying what you are now?


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Oh I've read what Paul Fromm, David Duke and other nazi/white supremacists have to say.

There's something missing in those guys' brains.

I think it's called 'humanity'.

Are you denying what you are now?


There is nothing missing in their brains. They are very smart and intelligent people, and worth listening too. They would be able to run circles around you if you ever tried to debate with them. You would be off running down the street with your tail between your legs. But I do believe that the gang that you appear to support do lack any kind of humanity or compassion, and it shows everyday. Your problem, not mine.

Nope, I am not denying anything. I already told you that I am a pro-white activist, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are pro-black activists and there are pro-active native Indians, and there are pro-gay activists, and no one seems to have a problem with that. You especially. But you seem to have a problem with someone who is a pro-white activist. Hey, if you don't like it well that is too darn bad for you. Live with it.

It is you who is not coming out and saying who you really are? What are you waiting for? I told just you again who I am? Well? Over too you, fella.

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There is nothing missing in their brains. They are very smart and intelligent people, and worth listening too. They would be able to run circles around you if you ever tried to debate with them. You would be off running down the street with your tail between your legs. But I do believe that the gang that you appear to support do lack any kind of humanity or compassion, and it shows everyday. Your problem, not mine.

Nope, I am not denying anything. I already told you that I am a pro-white activist, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are pro-black activists and there are pro-active native Indians, and there are pro-gay activists, and no one seems to have a problem with that. You especially. But you seem to have a problem with someone who is a pro-white activist. Hey, if you don't like it well that is too darn bad for you. Live with it.

It is you who is not coming out and saying who you really are? What are you waiting for? I told just you again who I am? Well? Over too you, fella.

Fella? That's the best you have? Baiting Jacee by calling her Fella?

Fella? That's the best you can do?


This white supremacist posing is pathetic..

Since you've introduced the issue of who you are and pose as a white supremacist baiting Jacee's gender, let me tell you what I

see in your words, a pathetic self hating minority who can't handle his own sexual gender identity confusion.

You don't speak for the Muslim radicals or the white supremacists you think you are allied with.

Moe I will say this to you. You brought out a part in Jacee I asked for and she bloody well responded

and shown me something you'll never understand.

Thank you Jacee for the exact words you have used.

Yo taxme your bilge on this thread is worth it for that reason. Jacee's comments mean a lot for someone like me.

See you can pose as a neo Nazi, whatever but you don't have a clue. You don't know what makes

people violent, what robs them of hope, strips them of thinking they have choices and turns some into terrorists.

You have no clue what its like to fail preventing violence and terror.

You have no idea what dead people look like and how they all look the same and in their death make a mockery

in their twisted and bloody poses of the differences they were supposed to have when alive.

It takes having their blood and guts spilled and their bodies rendered obscene to drive the point home we all

are the same and want the same damn things.

Fella? You that afraid of women taxme? Really?

Hey Moe on day you and me. I will show you whether its kosher or halal, you are still chicken.

Jacee chicken has to be cooked real good because its full of bacteria. I am sureyou have your own recipe.

Me I love it jerked.

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But besides that, what is wrong with reading and getting the other side of the story? Isn't it in everybody's interest to know what the other side has to say?

Nothing wrong with reading it. The problem arises when you are credulous enough to believe the crap they're spouting.

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It seems right up your alley to me, Argus:

Anti-immigration, anti-Black, anti-Muslim ...


I am anti-stupid and pro facts. I understand those who disdain facts and don't care about reality can find that bothersome.

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Nothing wrong with reading it. The problem arises when you are credulous enough to believe the crap they're spouting.

Why do you say that it is crap that they are spouting? Is it because you don't like what they have to say? And who says that they are not telling the truth? You obviously believe what you are reading and listening too on TV or radio that the mainstream controlled elite globalist media feeds you? Who says that what the the mainstream media is really telling you is the truth?

From what I read and listen too as to what the mainstream media puts out, and what I read and listen too as to what the alternative media puts out, for me, Alternative media appears to be more credulous in what they are saying rather than what the MSM puts out. My opinion, live with it.

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Why do you say that it is crap that they are spouting? Is it because you don't like what they have to say? And who says that they are not telling the truth?

It's usually fairly easy to tell when someone is spouting bullshit. In the cases where it isn't you can almost always verify it through other sources.

And yes, mainstream media has its biases, and are even capable of lying by omission. What they won't do is tell deliberate falsehoods, or say something is true without checking it out first. Certainly there is no excuse for expressing an iota of sympathy for the evil that Hitler wrought.

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It's usually fairly easy to tell when someone is spouting bullshit. In the cases where it isn't you can almost always verify it through other sources.

And yes, mainstream media has its biases, and are even capable of lying by omission. What they won't do is tell deliberate falsehoods, or say something is true without checking it out first. Certainly there is no excuse for expressing an iota of sympathy for the evil that Hitler wrought.

So, just how would you know if the websites that I go to visit are spouting bull chit? How would know if another website was just telling you lies about that website just to make it look bad? At least Hitler brought back Germany to life and created thousands of new jobs. The German people loved him.

I have heard and read so many stories about Hitler, good and bad. But he was nowhere near the likes of communist Mao or Stalin who butchered their own people to promote their wonderful system called communism. Hitler wanted America and Britain and Canada to join him in trying to defeat Stalin and communism but for some strange reason those countries preferred to have sided with the communists their avowed enemy. I often wonder what the world would have been like if Hitler had been able to destroy communism. But we will never know now. Hitler is gone now and communism is still alive and doing well. Once again the West was fooled by the globalist elites and for that millions died as a result from not defeating communism when the West had the chance. If it came down to choosing between Hitler, Mao or Stalin I will take Hitler anytime.

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So, just how would you know if the websites that I go to visit are spouting bull chit? How would know if another website was just telling you lies about that website just to make it look bad? At least Hitler brought back Germany to life and created thousands of new jobs.

Yeah, most of them belonged to Jews at some point.

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Yeah, most of them belonged to Jews at some point.

Jews were quite prominent in the German government when Hitler was Germany's leader. This bull crap that Hitler killed 6 million Jews is just that, zionist crap. And the lie that the Nazis made lampshades from dead Jews is so bloody ridiculous. Hitler was more humane to Jews than Stalin was. But yet, Hitler for some reason is always portrayed as some kind of nut case. The western media is so full of it.

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Jews were quite prominent in the German government when Hitler was Germany's leader. This bull crap that Hitler killed 6 million Jews is just that, zionist crap. And the lie that the Nazis made lampshades from dead Jews is so bloody ridiculous. Hitler was more humane to Jews than Stalin was. But yet, Hitler for some reason is always portrayed as some kind of nut case. The western media is so full of it.

Quite. And the Wannsee Conference was held to discuss the appropriate venues and entertainment should he ever decide to marry Eva.

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How would know if another website was just telling you lies about that website just to make it look bad? At least Hitler brought back Germany to life and created thousands of new jobs. The German people loved him.

insightful - thanks. Helps to frame why you're such a die-hard Trump supporter... although, for now, Trumps job-creating schtick is just campaign fodder.


I have heard and read so many stories about Hitler, good and bad. But he was nowhere near the likes of communist Mao or Stalin who butchered their own people to promote their wonderful system called communism. If it came down to choosing between Hitler, Mao or Stalin I will take Hitler anytime.

hey, I'll take a bite on that somewhat peculiar, "Black Lives Matter", comparative justification benchmark between Hitler and Stalin: :D

Hitler vs. Stalin --- Who Killed More - Who Was Worse?


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