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Trudeau's Committment to Syrian Refugees - 25,000 by Year End

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Asked before: What's so special about Syrian refugees compared to millions of others (in Asia/Africa)?

They get better press.

The truth is, there is a limit to how much of our money Canadians are willing to see going to help foreigners. So our liberals assuage their guilty consciences by allowing small numbers of refugees to come here so the cost gets so spread out that people won't notice the bill.

Edited by Argus
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Personally I would bring no Syrian refugees to Canada. If we really wanted to help Syrian refugees we would send the money to Turkey and Jordan to help pay for the camps there.

pictures of that Jordan camp with 125,000+ Syrian refugees is such an awesome reflection on getting away from it all and enjoying 'campin' out'! Many lucky campers have been livin' large for over 3 years now!



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Couldn't care less about what you've said. I was making a distinction over what was promised - that they would, with the help of the UN, identify 25,000 eligible Syrians and bring them to Canada by Dec. 31 - now Feb. 28. Haven't you been reading the papers - the provinces and cities getting ready for the 25,000 arrivals - hundreds coming each day? Private sponsorships don't need government support. No Waldo - the promise was - and is - for 25,000 government sponsored refugees and as McCallum said - it will likely take more than a year.

sure you care... or you wouldn't keep coming back for more! :lol: Like I said, you whined/criticized the original time frame... and then when that was extended upon to pacify all you refugee bashers, you just shift on over and whine/criticize "a promise broken"! Of course private sponsorship requires government support... who do you think does all the assessments, document handling, medical checks, security checks, interfacing with the UN and private parties, etc.... You keep nattering on about a reckless decision, but somehow you never qualify that. I earlier put up a link that quoted from both high-level spokespersons from the RCMP and CSIS... advising that security checking would not be compromised even within that initial 'end of December' period. So, where's your "reckless" refrain (repeating refrain) coming from?

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sure you care... or you wouldn't keep coming back for more! :lol: Like I said, you whined/criticized the original time frame... and then when that was extended upon to pacify all you refugee bashers, you just shift on over and whine/criticize "a promise broken"! Of course private sponsorship requires government support... who do you think does all the assessments, document handling, medical checks, security checks, interfacing with the UN and private parties, etc.... You keep nattering on about a reckless decision, but somehow you never qualify that. I earlier put up a link that quoted from both high-level spokespersons from the RCMP and CSIS... advising that security checking would not be compromised even within that initial 'end of December' period. So, where's your "reckless" refrain (repeating refrain) coming from?

Your worship of Mr. Trudeau has so obviously made you willfully blind. "Reckless" because a knee-jerk, over-the-top, cast-iron commitment by Dec. 31 has the very real potential to be a harbinger of other irresponsible edicts to come. You don't play with people's lives. It's about more than satisfying an ill-thought election commitment that had no plan attached and yet driven by a ridiculous date - it's about creating the conditions that allow for the successful integration of newcomers.

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"Reckless" because a knee-jerk, over-the-top, cast-iron commitment by Dec. 31 has the very real potential to be a harbinger of other irresponsible edicts to come. You don't play with people's lives. It's about more than satisfying an ill-thought election commitment that had no plan attached and yet driven by a ridiculous date - it's about creating the conditions that allow for the successful integration of newcomers.

oh my! Your repeated basis for calling the commitment reckless is, as you now say... it has "potential"... it is the "harbinger"! Now just to be all word-smithy on ya, those 2 words are competing in terms of a possible versus a definitive... one definitely announcing the arrival of your "undeclared something other". Any omens you want to throw into that mix of yours? :lol:


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pictures of that Jordan camp with 125,000+ Syrian refugees is such an awesome reflection on getting away from it all and enjoying 'campin' out'! Many lucky campers have been livin' large for over 3 years now!

And just think what the billions Canada is going to spend on a handful of refugees could do to improve the quality of life for hundreds of thousands in those camps.

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And just think what the billions Canada is going to spend on a handful of refugees could do to improve the quality of life for hundreds of thousands in those camps.

sure, sure! Let's just send them a few online links to get started: Cabela's // CanTire

anything longer term in mind? You know, when/if they could ever presume to return to their own country, notwithstanding the state it would be in...


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oh my! Your repeated basis for calling the commitment reckless is, as you now say... it has "potential"... it is the "harbinger"! Now just to be all word-smithy on ya, those 2 words are competing in terms of a possible versus a definitive... one definitely announcing the arrival of your "undeclared something other". Any omens you want to throw into that mix of yours? :lol:


Read Waldo, read. Potential to be a harbinger. For example - he's already blurted out that he would implement each and every one of the Truth and Reconciliation committee recommendations. Seeing as none of those recommendations have been fully defined and costed - what does that mean to Canadians? How about being "a leader" on Climate Change? Will he similarly blurt out an unplanned, uncosted commitment? Canada has at least another 4 years of Liberal rule so for our collective sake, I'm hoping for the best but not naïve enough to ignore what may be the worst.

Edited by Keepitsimple
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no Simple - as I said, 25,000 by the end of February:

The government will identify all 25,000 refugees to come to Canada by December 31, 2015. Of those selected, the target is to have 10,000 Syrian refugees arrive in Canada by the end of this year, and the remainder to arrive by the end of February 2016.

Waldo is absolutely right.

The Trudeau government will have identified all of them very soon as "one of those people now in camps in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon. We ';re taking 25 k of them real soon".

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no Simple - as I said, 25,000 by the end of February:

The government will identify all 25,000 refugees to come to Canada by December 31, 2015. Of those selected, the target is to have 10,000 Syrian refugees arrive in Canada by the end of this year, and the remainder to arrive by the end of February 2016.

So the gov't can screen 25,000 refugees from the world's foremost terrorist hotbed in the 2 months since Trudeau was elected without having a single Tashfeen Malik among them? Or is one or two ok? Gimme a break. Trudeau is the biggest idiot ever elected since democracy was invented.

When the first Canadian is killed by a Syrian refugee I want Trudeau run out of office and I hope someone files a civil suit against him personally for criminal negligence. I doubt he can be charged criminally.

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Why should Canada be left to deal with the mess made by our friends down south?

We refused to say or do anything to stop our friends. There's a reason why we don't let friends drive drunk and why we hold people who do accountable for contributing to the disasters drunks cause. It's the same thing as I see it.

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So the gov't can screen 25,000 refugees from the world's foremost terrorist hotbed in the 2 months since Trudeau was elected without having a single Tashfeen Malik among them? Or is one or two ok? Gimme a break. Trudeau is the biggest idiot ever elected since democracy was invented.

When the first Canadian is killed by a Syrian refugee I want Trudeau run out of office and I hope someone files a civil suit against him personally for criminal negligence. I doubt he can be charged criminally.

let me put the following forward... once again! You'll need to expand on your civil suit... even when the time period was still the end of December:

RCMP, CSIS support Trudeau’s plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees

The heads of Canada’s police and spy agencies are backing the Trudeau government’s plans to safely screen and bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of the year.

A number of municipal and provincial politicians have called on the government to take longer to conduct security checks on the asylum seekers, but RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and CSIS director Michel Coulombe insist the government’s plans are feasible.

As the pair spoke alongside Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale at a news conference in Ottawa Wednesday, giving assurances that it can be done in that time frame without compromising the country’s safety

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sure, sure! Let's just send them a few online links to get started: Cabela's // CanTire

anything longer term in mind? You know, when/if they could ever presume to return to their own country, notwithstanding the state it would be in...


Long term they could go home, notwithstanding the state it would be in.

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let me put the following forward... once again! You'll need to expand on your civil suit... even when the time period was still the end of December:

RCMP, CSIS support Trudeau’s plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees

I'm a little confused why you seem to believe that public service employees supporting the government's policies is evidence of anything whatsoever other than them not wishing to seek other employment at this time.

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let me put the following forward... once again! You'll need to expand on your civil suit... even when the time period was still the end of December:RCMP, CSIS support Trudeau’s plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees

Trdeau is shaking all the trees in Ottawa now, asking for the top people in a lot of govt appointed jobs to step down. It was just on the news last night.

This guy who is pretending to be the flower of democracy is doing a pretty fine job of not actually limiting his powers to fit within the confines of the prime minister in a democracy. Banning liberal candidates who didn't share his views on abortion was the first sign that something was seriously wrong with that guy. It's embarrassing just how many Canadians still adore him.

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The cost to refurbish accommodations for Syrian refugees at the military base Valcartier, Quebec has reached $2.7M, without even knowing whether the base will in fact receive any of them.

2,7 M$ pour recevoir 2000 Syriens

La Base militaire de Valcartier a mis le paquet même si l’accueil des migrants reste hypothétique

Plus de 2000 lits, une mosquée, un centre médical, une cafétéria, un dépanneur et un barbier: la base militaire de Valcartier a mis le paquet pour l’accueil des réfugiés syriens, et ce, sans avoir l’assurance d’en héberger un seul.


That is, $2.7M in renos such as 2,000 beds, a mosque, medical centre, cafeteria, tuck shop and barber, etc to receive Syrian refugees, even though there is no guarantee the base will receive even one. A complete list of the facilities made ready is found in the linked article. In the comments section someone said they ran out of money for a beauty salon. :lol: The article appeared in Montreal's French media yesterday.

Originally, it was reported that plans were simply to winterize accommodations. Surprise! Looks like found money resulted in more elaborate renos.

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I'm a little confused why you seem to believe that public service employees supporting the government's policies is evidence of anything whatsoever other than them not wishing to seek other employment at this time.

how conspiratorial of you! Why would the heads of both the RCMP and CSIS set themselves... and their agencies... up for failure like that? Those kinds of forceful and direct statements don't get made without significant internal reviews within both agencies. You better revise your conspiracy to include the independent SRIC - what you're implying would most definitely come out through the SRIC oversight mandate.


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The cost to refurbish accommodations for Syrian refugees at the military base Valcartier, Quebec has reached $2.7M, without even knowing whether the base will in fact receive any of them.

Originally, it was reported that plans were simply to winterize accommodations. Surprise! Looks like found money resulted in more elaborate renos.

it's a shame the quote from one of the base commander's under-cuts your agenda here... I note you don't seem to include that quote within your post!

... that, "According to the forces, the majority of investments were already long planned for the cadet camp. "We took advantage of a fact that there was a clear mission for us to invest. We really used the opportunity, but it was in the base plans. It's things that are going to stay and be used, "said Colonel Bouchard."


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Trdeau is shaking all the trees in Ottawa now, asking for the top people in a lot of govt appointed jobs to step down. It was just on the news last night.

most of which were made by Harper, as outright patronage, during the last throes of the election campaign. It's an ask; they can certainly refuse the ask - yes?

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how conspiratorial of you! Why would the heads of both the RCMP and CSIS set themselves... and their agencies... up for failure like that? Those kinds of forceful and direct statements don't get made without significant internal reviews within both agencies. You better revise your conspiracy to include the independent SRIC - what you're implying would most definitely come out through the SRIC oversight mandate.


Those significant internal reviews must have really been something.....the Liberals themselves have now had to admit that they won't be able to process 10,000 refugees by the end of the year. Just like everyone (other than the left) have been saying since day one.

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Those significant internal reviews must have really been something.....the Liberals themselves have now had to admit that they won't be able to process 10,000 refugees by the end of the year. Just like everyone (other than the left) have been saying since day one.

Most of the initial 10,000 were identified by the Harper government as privately-sponsored refugees as part of the Conservative refugee resettlement targets - so a good portion of the vetting process was already done - those form the bulk of the current arrivals. Even with that bait and switch head start, it's just about impossible that the full 10,000 will be in Canada by December 31st. It will be very interesting to track the arrivals of the 25,000 government-sponsored refugees that constitute the Trudeau commitment. McCallum has already admitted that it will take a year.....

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