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Munk debate 2015/09/28

Derek 2.0

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I agree with you 100%. I just don't understand it.

Trudeau is the best of the three on the stump, meeting floating voters. The other two are old and fusty; Justin has a bit of optimism and energy - 'what we need for tomorrow' - about him. The debates are his most vulnerable place and he has managed to do fairly well in them, certainly exceeding the expectations that endless Conservative ads have drummed into the minds of the electorate. The anarchic format has aided him as well, compared to the HoC. He's able to keep moving.

I am a Blue Liberal, former PC voter as well, and I would never vote for Harper. I would consider the Tories under different management but it would have to be a big change in style.

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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Because we know what a failure he will be and what a disaster his government will be. It is the obsession of the people that want him to be PM, that is scary. To give the country to this nitwit and that is not a insult, that is a fact. We would be the laughing stock of the world with him at the helm .

More partisan apocalyptic mumbo jumbo.

The sun will still rise no matter who forms government.

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Harper has already done that.

Canada is the "most admired" country with the "best reputation" in the world, according to an annual survey ranking the reputations of developed nations across the globe.

The 2015 report from the Reputation Institute ranked Canada as the most reputable country in the world, based on a variety of environmental, political, and economic factors.


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I am a Blue Liberal, former PC voter as well, and I would never vote for Harper. I would consider the Tories under different management but it would have to be a big change in style.

You mean it would have to be headed by a spendthrift liberal? Yeah, that's why the old PC party went down in flames. Guys like you turned it into Liberal light, and all the actual conservatives walked away.

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You mean it would have to be headed by a spendthrift liberal? Yeah, that's why the old PC party went down in flames. Guys like you turned it into Liberal light, and all the actual conservatives walked away.

A spendthrift Liberal. Like Chretien.

What I want is somebody who is not brow-beating me the whole time about campaign issues that are years away. Somebody who tries to unite the country, not divide it.

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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Canada is the "most admired" country with the "best reputation" in the world, according to an annual survey ranking the reputations of developed nations across the globe.

The 2015 report from the Reputation Institute ranked Canada as the most reputable country in the world, based on a variety of environmental, political, and economic factors.


And here are a few of the "highlights" which dispute that.


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A spendthrift Liberal. Like Chretien.

What I want is somebody who is not brow-beating me the whole time about campaign issues that are years away. Somebody who tries to unite the country, not divide it.

And if he's a spendthrift like Justin Trudeau, so much the better, right?

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And here are a few of the "highlights" which dispute that.


LOL. I posted an international survey of Canada's reputation, and you respond with an opinion piece written by a Toronto progressive? :rolleyes:

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When has harper ever been angry or did you just read that. And on dividing the country, this country has not been at peace like it is now for decades, not until harper became PM. Tom can be called angry and so can trudeau, it was trudeau that swears at ministers in the commons. Enough of the bull. Harper is the only choice.

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But who will be the wizard behind the curtain? Honestly - who will that be? We know it's not Trudeau - who will be pulling the strings - Gerald Butts for example?

And more partisan apocalyptic mumbo jumbo. Canada will be here in four years even Trudeau becomes PM. It will still be a pretty good country, well-governed and generally peaceful and prosperous.

Partisans need to cast things in dire predictions, because that's the only way they think. "Oh my God, if my team doesn't win, IT'S ALL OVER!!!!!"

It's largely why I think partisans have the emotional age of a poorly developed three year old.

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When has harper ever been angry or did you just read that. And on dividing the country, this country has not been at peace like it is now for decades, not until harper became PM. Tom can be called angry and so can trudeau, it was trudeau that swears at ministers in the commons. Enough of the bull. Harper is the only choice.

Is that why 62% of Canadians disapprove of Harper's job as PM?

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When has harper ever been angry or did you just read that. And on dividing the country, this country has not been at peace like it is now for decades, not until harper became PM. Tom can be called angry and so can trudeau, it was trudeau that swears at ministers in the commons. Enough of the bull. Harper is the only choice.

Your reply says it all. On every issue, he expresses anger and attempts to incite it. We saw that last night. Go after the foreigner. He appeals to the darker side of people's natures.

Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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Guard every election has 60% of the people want a change. And the world economy is tanking you investments, not harper. And spanky if you are worried about your investments the NDP or the Liberals are not the way to go. And again how does harper incite anger? And the darker side thingy you mentioned, well I hate to tell you but there is a very dark side out there and it needs to be fixed now. The world is not a nice place at times and harper is the only one that knows it or has the balls to say it, compared to the other politically correct candidates.

Edited by PIK
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Canada is the "most admired" country with the "best reputation" in the world, according to an annual survey ranking the reputations of developed nations across the globe.

The 2015 report from the Reputation Institute ranked Canada as the most reputable country in the world, based on a variety of environmental, political, and economic factors.


Canada took the highest score in the report when it came to having an appealing environment, but it was fifth on advanced economy, trailing Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden.

It also came fourth on having an effective government, behind Sweden, Norway and Switzerland.


Congratulations, Canada! The people are nice and the natural environment is pretty. Too bad the Harper government is playing Canadians against each other with bigoted intolerance and has gutted regulations that protect the environment that delivered us the top ranking.

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Guard every election has 60% of the people want a change. And the world economy is tanking you investments, not harper. And spanky if you are worried about your investments the NDP or the Liberals are not the way to go. And again how does harper incite anger? And the darker side thingy you mentioned, well I hate to tell you but there is a very dark side out there and it needs to be fixed now. The world is not a nice place at times and harper is the only one that knows it or has the balls to say it, compared to the other politically correct candidates.

Good, at least you admit it's time for a change. And I don't think it has anything to do with balls, Harper simply tries to use scare tactics to flog his bills, (C 51) to take away rights while appealing to the tin hat voter.

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Because we know what a failure he will be and what a disaster his government will be. It is the obsession of the people that want him to be PM, that is scary. To give the country to this nitwit and that is not a insult, that is a fact. We would be the laughing stock of the world with him at the helm .

PIK, do you know how scary it is that the Harper base supports him? It's like as long as he promises tax breaks and to keep you safe from the "bogeyman", he can do anything - cheat, lie, ignore laws, ignore the charter, create a police state. That's scary.

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And more partisan apocalyptic mumbo jumbo. Canada will be here in four years even Trudeau becomes PM. It will still be a pretty good country, well-governed and generally peaceful and prosperous.

Partisans need to cast things in dire predictions, because that's the only way they think. "Oh my God, if my team doesn't win, IT'S ALL OVER!!!!!"

It's largely why I think partisans have the emotional age of a poorly developed three year old.

This made me laugh. In the last three elections, I voted Cons once, Green once, and not at all once. But I admit, I'm more emotionally vested in this election than I have ever been in my life. I really do feel quite strongly that Harper is doing serious damage to our society as a whole, reducing us from what we were - confident, open and welcoming to frightened and mean. I don't want to be a nation that drops bombs on other countries, refuses refugees, tells fellow Canadians they can't vote, or can't stay or can't wear what they want. I don't want to hear news stories about how the government has lost yet again in court, trying to do an end-run around the law or the charter. I don't want to be the laughingstock of the world for re-electing a government that has been convicted of election fraud. So while I don't actually think Harper can ruin the country entirely if he gets another four years, I don't want to give him the chance to do any more damage.

Edited by dialamah
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Canada took the highest score in the report when it came to having an appealing environment, but it was fifth on advanced economy, trailing Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden.

It also came fourth on having an effective government, behind Sweden, Norway and Switzerland.


Congratulations, Canada! The people are nice and the natural environment is pretty. Too bad the Harper government is playing Canadians against each other with bigoted intolerance and has gutted regulations that protect the environment that delivered us the top ranking.

You just can't stand that Canada is well respected and well admired.

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It's clear that he hasn't. Only in the heads of the Harper Haters.

Well let's see, we have no permanent position at the UN, Harper never shows up there anyways, we are criticized for being so far behind on climate change, Harper won't be attending in France either, and our relationship with our largest trading partner is about as frosty as it ever has been, ad that's just a start. So it's clear he has, but perhaps not seen by the blinkered eyes of his supporters.

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