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Old Stock Canadians

Big Guy

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Do you even bother to think these things through? You're portraying the Conservatives as this venal, self serving, vote greedy group who care about no one and nothing but getting elected. Okay. Soooo, why are they bothering to appeal to visible minorities? Why are they putting all this effort into glad handing minorities and ethnic politics? Isn't it well known that if they don't think a group will vote for them they ignore that group? I'm willing to bet tons of visible minorities vote for the Conservatives. Nothing else makes sense.

When did I say the CPC doesn't care about anything but getting elected - my first post on this thread was when I said I'm not their demographic!

Oh since then I've gone on to say that I find the term 'old-stock' offensive to me and people like me.

I have no idea why you're going on about CPC MP's. Yes, they have many ethnic MP's, especially in ridings with large numbers of certain ethnicities. The fact that they're trying to woo 'the ethnic vote' kind of actually proves my point, if anything.

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I said it earlier too but this overemphasis on birthright is exactly the reason why we end up with a two-tier citizenship with things like C-24.

What's wrong with birthright? I think we give citizenship out far too easily, often enough to people who can barely speak the language, and are about as "Canadian" in their attitudes, beliefs and values as residents of Bejing and Tehran.

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I have no idea why you're going on about CPC MP's. Yes, they have many ethnic MP's, especially in ridings with large numbers of certain ethnicities. The fact that they're trying to woo 'the ethnic vote' kind of actually proves my point, if anything.

You just finished saying they have no interest in ethnic voters like you and now you're saying the fact they woo the ethnic vote proves your point.

Edited by Argus
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What's wrong with birthright? I think we give citizenship out far too easily, often enough to people who can barely speak the language, and are about as "Canadian" in their attitudes, beliefs and values as residents of Bejing and Tehran.

I actually agree about the language issue but that has nothing to do with old-stock comment. Many Canadians like me have been here forever and we've adopted the culture just fine.

There is no reason to make birthright the defining factor.

Edited by BC_chick
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Exactly.... why use that terminology at all, unless you are trying to be divisive? I think it was in poor taste and shows a lack of character.

But then those who buy into that kind of divisive white nationalist garbage are bowing before the Tory altar and asking for a refill of blue Koolaid. So it doesn't matter what you (or I) think because you were never going to vote Tory anyway.

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I think it was an unintentional use of language. But then, I'm just a human being, and I tend to make a lot of mistakes, so I can identify with other human beings.

Clearly you are not fit for politics! You must be absolutely perfect, never having done anything wrong, at least nothing that someone twitted, Facebooked or Google-plussed or whatever.

I'm looking back to ye olde days, when good ol' Sir John A could actually win an election despite having previously been caught red handed accepting bribes. While I don't suggest we go that easy on politicians, it's reaching the point of stupidity when a major political leader has to apologize for using the term "Newfie" in 1989.

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But then those who buy into that kind of divisive white nationalist garbage are bowing before the Tory altar and asking for a refill of blue Koolaid. So it doesn't matter what you (or I) think because you were never going to vote Tory anyway.

Exactly. I would appreciate it if the socialists would butt out if our affairs. We don't need government intrusion into our lives. Edited by Canada_First
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what does this mean Toad?

It means the Tories are all about individual freedoms, until those freedoms cross the Tories' own magic lines, in which case the government must use its powers to prevent people doing things the Tories don't like.

Also reference marijuana laws. It strikes me the Tories are every bit as into social engineering as anyone on the Left.

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It means the Tories are all about individual freedoms, until those freedoms cross the Tories' own magic lines, in which case the government must use its powers to prevent people doing things the Tories don't like.

Also reference marijuana laws. It strikes me the Tories are every bit as into social engineering as anyone on the Left.

I don't use pot but I'm all in favor of legalization. I want it to be legal to grow possess and consume with prohibition while driving like alcohol.

I think all parties change rules based upon the own beliefs of the party. Conservatives like tradition. The other parties hate tradition and are constantly trying to destroy tradition. Wanting to replace tradition with foreign culture.

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I think it was an unintentional use of language. But then, I'm just a human being, and I tend to make a lot of mistakes, so I can identify with other human beings.

I very much doubt that. Harper doesn't do anything by accident. I happened to be watching him on TV with the sound off. His hand actions appeared to be obviously practised as he went through the same body motions over and over. With the sound on, it would have been less noticeable.

I also think that it is no accident that this happened just a couple days after the Australian guy who used race baiting to win other elections was invited to run Harper's campaign.

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I very much doubt that. Harper doesn't do anything by accident. I happened to be watching him on TV with the sound off. His hand actions appeared to be obviously practised as he went through the same body motions over and over. With the sound on, it would have been less noticeable.

I also think that it is no accident that this happened just a couple days after the Australian guy who used race baiting to win other elections was invited to run Harper's campaign.

What I really find amusing is as much as Tory partisans seem to think that Harper is some sort of pure genius, so does his critics.

Read the transcript it context. Harper meant nothing bigoted at all. This doesn't even qualify as a tempest in a tea pot, any more than Mulcair using the term "Newfie" in 1989 means anything either.

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Unless, of course, we want to seek out physician-assisted suicide or a brothel.

It's interesting how the Left can abruptly switch positions on issues they've held for decades, and then preen about how progressive they now are.

Everyone in this country was against prostitution and suicide not so very long ago, and in fact, most still are. Even the Left still vilifies prostitution and pornography and strip clubs for their 'exploitation' of women, who they see as 'victims'. This recent deep and abiding concern for the freedom of prostitutes to do whatever they want seems to me to largely be based on the government being Conservative.

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It's interesting how the Left can abruptly switch positions on issues they've held for decades, and then preen about how progressive they now are.

Everyone in this country was against prostitution and suicide not so very long ago, and in fact, most still are. Even the Left still vilifies prostitution and pornography and strip clubs for their 'exploitation' of women, who they see as 'victims'. This recent deep and abiding concern for the freedom of prostitutes to do whatever they want seems to me to largely be based on the government being Conservative.

I'm not on the Left, I'm what you might call a bleeding heart Libertarian, in that, on social issues, I think governments should quite literally keep their noses out of the bedroom, and by the same token, completely out of the business a citizen and their doctor.

Heck, the Conservatives don't even want me smoking marijuana (not that I would, I don't even really like drinking). So all this nonsense about how the Left loves to control people can equally be hurled at the right. In reality, both sides of the spectrum have no lack of social reactionaries who seem to believe they have some special right to tell other people what to do, and both sides of the political spectrum find that these busy-body social reactionaries make up a large enough fraction of their constituencies that they feel they have to keep them mollified as much as possible.

Social reactionaries have no "home" side of the Left-Right spectrum. They can be found on either side.

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