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Are Ontario teachers really going to Strike?

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Teachers don't text teach in class. Show me a cite. If not, quit making things up to make teachers taxpayers look bad dumb. But that is typical for teacher bashing trolls pretend teachers on the internet.

No need to thank me. Fixed it for you free of charge.

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Lots of rural areas don't have private schools in the vicinity. Private schools often inflate marks to please parents who pay a lot of money for artificial marks. Many think private schools are better, but they are not.

So, yesterday Young Socialist commits to the idea that one group of teachers is fraudulently inflating grades,which would appear to be contradictorary to how I would define professionalism.

Jacee, I have seen none of this. I see dedicated professionals being forced to deal with more and more each day.

I have never witnessed teachers answering texts because it rarely happens. I guess you don't understand professionalism.

Then today, he seems committed to the notion that all (100%) teachers are as virtuous as driven snow where professionalism is concerned.


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So, yesterday Young Socialist commits to the idea that one group of teachers is fraudulently inflating grades,which would appear to be contradictorary to how I would define professionalism.

Then today, he seems committed to the notion that all (100%) teachers are as virtuous as driven snow where professionalism is concerned.


I said private schools inflate grades. Public schools are better. I am a supporter of public schools, not private schools for the rich and privileged. There is no proof anywhere that teachers text in class. It's just more baseless bluster by you professional teacher bashing trolls.

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I said private schools inflate grades. Public schools are better. I am a supporter of public schools, not private schools for the rich and privileged. There is no proof anywhere that teachers text in class. It's just more baseless bluster by you professional teacher bashing trolls.

Just for clarity, are you indicating that the teachers we bash are professional, or that we are professional trolls?

Damn dangling participles.

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Just for clarity, are you indicating that the teachers we bash are professional, or that we are professional trolls?

Damn dangling participles.

I guess I should have used a hyphen to describe people like you and PCT. You guys know nothing. Nice to see you providing proof that teachers text in class. Preposterous statements without proof make you look for foolish. But I see you've found an ally in PCT, who got put in his place during the BC Teachers Lock Out thread. I will give you guys credit for something; providing comic relief.

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My evidence is every bit as strong as.....yours.....that you're a teacher.

Anyways, this is becoming a major thread drift. Back on topic.

Will the teachers strike? Yup, but only if they can hold students and parents hostage during the school year. If they don't get their strike mandate together before July 1, they won't do it. Until September. When they can hold students and parents hostage again.

Your assumptions would seem valid if you were referring to any group other than teachers. Out here in BC, our beloved, hard working teachers walked away from their students about three weeks before the end of June. As June turned into July and July into August, nary a teacher could be found on picket duty. Contractors repaired school roofs, band camps were held, business at School Board offices was normal, well you get the picture. "I am on strike, but this is part of my bloated holiday schedule, so I will get back to it in September when I have students to hold hostage again."

I have no reason to follow the upcoming teachers strike in Ontario, but I am sure that they will put forth the same tired old mantras about how it is all for the students blah blah blah. Then, when offered a raise, they will settle in a heartbeat. Hopefully your government will learn from BC that it is perfectly fine to say no to the teachers unions. And, maybe if Ontario were to learn that lesson, your province would take a giant step forward towards balancing the provincial budget ala BC.

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You just restated my point - the BC teachers went on strike before the school year was done (prior to July 1). That's what I was getting at - they held students and parents hostage. If they had waited until July 1, nobody would have even noticed.

And I'm actually in Alberta. I was deeply involved with the Parkland teachers strike years ago and still laugh at their soap box antics. Like you, I really don't care what the Ontario teachers do, but we can all be sure that they will whine until given more money...and then go quietly back to "work" while the unions bellow that they "won on behalf of students".

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I said private schools inflate grades. Public schools are better. I am a supporter of public schools, not private schools for the rich and privileged. There is no proof anywhere that teachers text in class. It's just more baseless bluster by you professional teacher bashing trolls.

So, let us see if we have this right. In previous threads you have stated that all older teachers are useless. Now you are stating that all teachers in the private school system are unprofessional. And you have ascertained all of this in your alleged teaching career which you have stated commenced 7 months ago.

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So, let us see if we have this right. In previous threads you have stated that all older teachers are useless. Now you are stating that all teachers in the private school system are unprofessional. And you have ascertained all of this in your alleged teaching career which you have stated commenced 7 months ago.

I have a problem with older teachers who don't embrace current teaching methods. They disregard research. I didn't say private school teachers are unprofessional. I said they have pressure to produce grades, whether grades are earned or not. Actually I believe i a gradeless system where students are given feedback instead of useless percentages that tell nothing.

You haven't been in a school for a long time, so I really see no worth in debating you on education; something you obviously have little knowledge about.

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I have a problem with older teachers who don't embrace current teaching methods. They disregard research. I didn't say private school teachers are unprofessional. I said they have pressure to produce grades, whether grades are earned or not. Actually I believe i a gradeless system where students are given feedback instead of useless percentages that tell nothing.

You haven't been in a school for a long time, so I really see no worth in debating you on education; something you obviously have little knowledge about.

Well, see we do agree on this. I am far too old (and wise) to have had personal experience in school recently. But, alas, you seem to have forgotten that I still have one kid in school (the senior child is now at university where he was told by his cheque writing parents that he could go into any faculty except one - want to guess which one?). Currently in Socials they are studying WW2. So naturally, the hard working Socials teacher has them watching Inglorious Bastards. And, yes, he is on his cell phone during the video, but really what is the biggy there, he has already given himself the day off so checking his cell seems trivial. Then, onto English. There, the teachers gives the class an assignment, which is perfectly alright. But, she is not available for assistance because she spends the class surfing dating sites.

Look, the kids are way more savvy than most teachers are aware. I suspect that you Young Socialist are still a student, so you should be aware of that. And our kids actually talk to us, so we hear about things like the above.

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Well, see we do agree on this. I am far too old (and wise) to have had personal experience in school recently. But, alas, you seem to have forgotten that I still have one kid in school (the senior child is now at university where he was told by his cheque writing parents that he could go into any faculty except one - want to guess which one?). Currently in Socials they are studying WW2. So naturally, the hard working Socials teacher has them watching Inglorious Bastards. And, yes, he is on his cell phone during the video, but really what is the biggy there, he has already given himself the day off so checking his cell seems trivial. Then, onto English. There, the teachers gives the class an assignment, which is perfectly alright. But, she is not available for assistance because she spends the class surfing dating sites.

Look, the kids are way more savvy than most teachers are aware. I suspect that you Young Socialist are still a student, so you should be aware of that. And our kids actually talk to us, so we hear about things like the above.

I don't believe one thing you said. A teacher on dating sites? Come on...if you have to make things up then at least put some effort into it. I don't believe your precious kid watched Inglorious Bastards in class. And if all those things are taking place, why wouldn't you write a letter in your local newspaper, or ever better, to a larger Vancouver or Victoria newspaper? Hey, I know why. It's because your stories are made up. If these things that you say are happening, why wouldn't you expose it? Why be gutless about it? I know why. Because you are jealous of teachers and you are simply a teacher-bashing troll, with nothing but made up stories to try to give yourself a sense of feeling big.

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It's disheartening to see so many people hate on one of the most important professions to sustaining a modern society, without even having all of the facts. I hope you people at least recognize that your beligerent ignorance will be witnessed by teachers who will likely say "Why the F--- am I even doing all this extra stuff I don't have to for people's kids and grandkids who think I am scum."

I think it is a shame too. I put a lot of the blame on the union it self. I think they became too much like the CAWs and CUPEs. The Teachers Union is supposed to be a union for professionals, but don't act like other professional associations.

With their behaviors over the last few provincial elections. They alienated a huge portion of the population with there involvement and support of an extremely corrupt government. To me, they showed that they did not care about the people of this province, but only for themselves. As sad as it is to say, I take pleasure in seeing them get screwed. They are the only people who deal directly with my children that I feel that way about.

Teachers should be held in high esteem within our society, and were when I was young. Too bad they are following their union down the drain. I fear that we will lose the great relationship society and teachers had when I was young. I believe they were the most trusted people in our society and extremely important for their contributions outside of the classroom. I doubt anyone raised in Canada that did any activities after school, school sponsored or not, didn't rely on a teacher volunteering. "If a teacher was involved, then I can trust my child to go". I like to blame the union for the change of times...

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Agreed. Or why wouldn't the parent make a complaint or inquiry to the school ?

Also, socialist, leave the personal comment out of it.

You know why? Because PCT made the story up. Just like the numerous stories he made up in the BC teachers lock out thread. Tht's why he has no credibility with me. He makes up stories that aren't even close to being true. Yet he continues to send his kid to this school. PCT contradicts himself. I told people off that bat that I will expose you if you type nonsense on here, and I exposed PCT. I suspect we won't be hearing from him for some time.

Also Michael, I didn't realize I left a personal comment.

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I think it is a shame too. I put a lot of the blame on the union it self. I think they became too much like the CAWs and CUPEs. The Teachers Union is supposed to be a union for professionals, but don't act like other professional associations.

With their behaviors over the last few provincial elections. They alienated a huge portion of the population with there involvement and support of an extremely corrupt government. To me, they showed that they did not care about the people of this province, but only for themselves. As sad as it is to say, I take pleasure in seeing them get screwed. They are the only people who deal directly with my children that I feel that way about.

Teachers should be held in high esteem within our society, and were when I was young. Too bad they are following their union down the drain. I fear that we will lose the great relationship society and teachers had when I was young. I believe they were the most trusted people in our society and extremely important for their contributions outside of the classroom. I doubt anyone raised in Canada that did any activities after school, school sponsored or not, didn't rely on a teacher volunteering. "If a teacher was involved, then I can trust my child to go". I like to blame the union for the change of times...

The union is looking out for the young learners in this province. It's the neo-liberal propaganda that has caused you to have an uninformed view of teacher associations, all in an effort to create a for-profit education system. That's what they are trying to do in BC. The neo-liberals have big dollars and they will spend big bucks to make teacher unions look like villians. Smart citizens see through that charade. I suggest you do more research.

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The union is looking out for the young learners in this province. It's the neo-liberal propaganda that has caused you to have an uninformed view of teacher associations, all in an effort to create a for-profit education system. That's what they are trying to do in BC. The neo-liberals have big dollars and they will spend big bucks to make teacher unions look like villians. Smart citizens see through that charade. I suggest you do more research.

It was the unions that were defending obscene spending on repairs that take away money from the schools.


And when the school board complained. Wynne ordered them to sign back up with the trade workers.

Not for the students but for her own politics.

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Jacee, unfortunately I am sure they represent the majority. To my dismay. I fund a couple of programs at the public high school so I spend a lot of time in the main office talking with the administrators and this kind of thing gets discussed even there. Funny that the admin staff (not being in the ATA) tend to share my view (a few of them have been there 20+ years) and make no secret of what goes on there. Unless Dr. XXXX the principal happens to come by - then they go back to talking about the program needs.

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The union is looking out for the young learners in this province. It's the neo-liberal propaganda that has caused you to have an uninformed view of teacher associations, all in an effort to create a for-profit education system. That's what they are trying to do in BC. The neo-liberals have big dollars and they will spend big bucks to make teacher unions look like villians. Smart citizens see through that charade. I suggest you do more reseach.

So who are these Private School systems that control our media? They must be well known to you as they are trying to destroy your employer. I still think it is the old school union tactics that the public doesn't support. The only time the teachers union brings up the issues, they threaten to attack the parents of the children they teach. A Strike is a huge issue for people who do not have the resources and flexibility that teachers have for them to reorganize there lives.

Other professional associations have information blitzes to push there message, by explaining the negatives consequences to the government cuts. Short term and long term effects. Teachers use threats against the general population to get peoples attention. Threatening someone is not necessarily the best way to remain "most trusted". Not sure why they are so stupid as to threaten the people who trust them with their children and think this is the best way to get them onside. So stupid, that it is easy to convince people that teacher are just greedy. Hope you like your pay raise, as the tactics to get it caused everyone to think your scum...

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