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Another Trudeau Gaffe

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Well no, its not, as the Government ensures I, like other Canadians, won't see a cent until I'm in my 60s.......I think several thousand dollars removed from the households of middle income Canadians will go noticed.......

You know you're contradicting yourself, right? I guess your RRSP is not your money either.

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Maybe they'll have Mulcair on an ad with his hand in the cookie jar then pulling out $3 million. [waldo: BOIE kangaroo court ruling... before an actual court now; ie, you have no foundation for your statement]

After all Trudeau has now linked himself with Chretien who was responsible for Ad scam for tens of millions of dollars. [waldo: Gomery Inquiry cleared Chretien of any direct wrongdoing; ie, you have no foundation for your statement]

You know who wasn't cleared of wrongdoing? The Conservative Party when they plead guilty to election fraud and submitting false records.

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To pay for their promises?

Ok, so I take it you just don't understand how CPP works. I'll say it again, since apparently you missed it when Smallc told you. The government can't touch CPP. Besides, Trudeau doesn't want to balance the books. Happy to clear that up for you. Want to take another kick at the can as to why they want to increase it?

I can access my RRSP, likewise control the level of contribution.

Kind of missing the point, aren't you? It's money that's put away for your retirement. It's your money and the government can't touch it. They're holding it in trust for you. And that's why it's not a tax because at some point you will draw on it.

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Ok, so I take it you just don't understand how CPP works. I'll say it again, since apparently you missed it when Smallc told you. The government can't touch CPP. Besides, Trudeau doesn't want to balance the books. Happy to clear that up for you. Want to take another kick at the can as to why they want to increase it?

No, it can, it just doesn't go into general revenue.......The Ontario Liberal plan was to use it for investments in infrastructure programs "around the world", by that I assume outside of Toronto.......

Kind of missing the point, aren't you? It's money that's put away for your retirement. It's your money and the government can't touch it. They're holding it in trust for you. And that's why it's not a tax because at some point you will draw on it.

Can I access said funds before retirement or choose not to contribute?

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No, it can, it just doesn't go into general revenue.......The Ontario Liberal plan was to use it for investments in infrastructure programs "around the world", by that I assume outside of Toronto.......

I'm sorry but what does the Ontario Liberals have to do with federal pensions? Try to stay on topic.

As for CPP, from Service Canada (2009):

"CPP funds are kept separate from general tax revenues. They are used only to pay benefits, cover administrative costs and make investments."

Can I access said funds before retirement or choose not to contribute?

Stop playing stupid. It's utterly irrelevant. It's like saying a structured settlement isn't your money because it's paid out over time. Liquidity has noting to do with the fact that the money is yours.

And with that I'm done because time and time again you drag threads down with your inability to admit when you are wrong. You want to delude yourself into believing that CPP is a tax, go right ahead. But I'm not spending another minute correcting the completely wrong statements you make.

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On the F-35 issue, we certainly need to have a debate about the monstrous costs involved but it's a pity that big ticket military procurement becomes a political football so often in this country.

Behind my summer cabin, there is a group of wild turkeys. They are a better air combat platform than the F 35.
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Now he insults old people, with his cracks about windows 95 and the fax machine. Wrong people to be mocking.

I'm interested....

so the actual quote is:

"...you can't access the training you need. Stephen Harper doesn't know what that's like. When he was first elected, Windows-95 was still two years away..... and the cutting-edge way to apply for a job was to send in your resume by fax. Well, its 2015, and times have changed. Canadians who are looking for a way to improve their lives, deserve a government that will make it easier, not harder, for them to get ahead....."

.... which.... I would say .... is quite probably an insult to Harper....

What I am interested in is this:

How do those words parse into an "insult to old people" ? ? ?

Now... had he said something like.... "morons were still using Fax and WIndows-95"..... then maybe I can see your point, but that's not what he said, nor anything like it, is it?



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What I am interested in is this:

How do those words parse into an "insult to old people" ? ? ?

Uhm, he's mocking Harper's age. He's, in effect, saying "Hey, this old geeer Harper used to work with Windows 95!"

I mean, what else do you suppose he could mean? It's not like Harper is still awaiting the marvels of Windows 95, now is it. No, Harper is old so he's out of touch, is what he's saying.

Edited by Argus
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Harper has been PM a long time. This is a problem in Canada. Chrétien was the same. We certainly don't need more than ten years from anybody.

Most sensible leaders of government realize that the likelihood of their party winning another election with them in the driver's seat drops significantly as the decade date approaches. Harper should have taken his walk in the snow a year ago, given his successor some time to put their own stamp on government, and given that successor the chance to win another majority.

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So we throw him out for some incompetent young kid or the socialists. Real smart move. In other words I don't care how much damage the others will do, I just want harper out. Talk about a bad case of HDS.

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Check out the interview with steve murphy, trudeau really bombs in this one. He is not fit to lead anything. If a trudeau fan I would not check it out. I would put it up but having posting trouble again. Just google it.

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Now he said he will vote against the throne speech if harper has a minority, but when asked about a NDP government he changed the subject. Trudeau has become the most dishonest leader in the election. Coalition here we come.

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Imagine the howling if Harper said this, now watch the hypocrisy as the liberals make excuses for him, even if you agree with him, how can anyone wanting to be PM be so stupid as to utter those words, in any context, at any time.

You know what I can't stomach even more than Trudeau's mind-numbingly stupid comments? The fact that people who make sexist, misogynist, racist, and bigoted comments themselves are using this as some "gotcha" moment when it's clearly an issue that they couldn't care less about.
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You know what I can't stomach even more than Trudeau's mind-numbingly stupid comments? The fact that people who make sexist, misogynist, racist, and bigoted comments themselves are using this as some "gotcha" moment when it's clearly an issue that they couldn't care less about.

Why are you making excuses for him? He made racist and misogynistic remarks yet you're not attacking him for it....why? Or in this case why not? Is it now acceptable to make those sorts if remarks. Could Harper make the same remarks?
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