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The Star starts its Full Court Press against Harper

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Well - it's election season and that grand old Liberal Shill and cheerleader, The Star, is starting it's usual breathless rants against all things Conservative. Bob Hepburn has outdone himself this time - although I'm sure there are more than a few posters here who will cheer him on. Plenty of fuel in here to sustain the Harper-haters but people should be careful what they wish for......The Star's endless rants against Rob Ford only solidified his support and played a significant role in his initially winning the Mayor's race. When valid criticisms turn to complete over the top, shameless partisanship cloaked in sanctimonious cries of anti-democracy, the Cheerleaders may well be starting a repeat of that scenario.

How does Harper get away with it, indeed?

Since he became prime minister in 2006, Harper has displayed a stunning disrespect for democracy in Canada, either approving or turning a blind eye to decisions that have undermined our democratic traditions and institutions and our faith in democracy.

Worse, this attitude has deepened since the 2011 federal election when Harper and his Conservatives won a majority government.

Link: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/01/10/stephen_harper_and_restoring_faith_in_our_democracy_hepburn.html

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The Conservative papers haven't stopped their "usual breathless rants" and "over the top, shameless partisanship cloaked in sanctimonious cries of anti-democracy" against the Liberals and NDP. Afterall, coalition governments in a Westminster System are the last democratic thing imaginable, right?

If you're going to criticize commentators for being biased or partisan, then have the intellectual integrity to criticize them all for it.

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The Conservative papers haven't stopped their "usual breathless rants" and "over the top, shameless partisanship cloaked in sanctimonious cries of anti-democracy" against the Liberals and NDP. Afterall, coalition governments in a Westminster System are the last democratic thing imaginable, right?

If you're going to criticize commentators for being biased or partisan, then have the intellectual integrity to criticize them all for it.

That's a fair point. The Sun wears their bias on their sleeves almost as blatantly as the Star does.

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Considering the conservatives, despite their evil empire like nature and despite the wailing of the more sensitive among us have done almost nothing that has significantly changed the country, I doubt that even the boy who would be king would fair much worse or much better when it comes to affecting the lives of Canadians. We sell ourselves a bit short when we worry too much about who our leader is, but from my perspective there is much more hand wringing from the left about Harper than there has been from the right about anyone, but I wasn't really present for Trudeau the first so I might be wrong there.

Edited by poochy
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The Conservative papers haven't stopped their "usual breathless rants" and "over the top, shameless partisanship cloaked in sanctimonious cries of anti-democracy" against the Liberals and NDP. Afterall, coalition governments in a Westminster System are the last democratic thing imaginable, right?

If you're going to criticize commentators for being biased or partisan, then have the intellectual integrity to criticize them all for it.

Very good point. It is election time and it seems the "conservative shill" is off to a good start.

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More from The Star - this time Heather Mallick. It's not about "all columnists do it"....it's about The Star having absolutely no balance whatsoever - just read their cherry-picked Harper-hating letters-to-the-Editor each and every day. Even the Sun has a regular counterpoint in Warren Kinsella who often provides a Liberal supporting view. Mallick is over-the-top nasty with this one:

There was Harper in the fetal position, Harper behind the dress shirts, Harper supine, Harper prone, Harper ruining perfectly good leather loafers with his salty tears. At this point, I would take Sarkozy as PM, and I despise Sarkozy.

I would not hide under attack. I would protect co-workers shorter than me (no one is shorter than me). Even though I’m a physical chicken, I would stand my intellectual ground.


Closet PM Harper is an evangelical Christian. He said Friday that he is “looking at additional powers to make sure that our security agencies have the range of tools available to them to identify potential terror threats and to . . . (undertake) detentions and arrests and other actions where necessary.”

This will mean even more detention without trial or the increased ability to hold citizens without evidence for days, all the things that Britain does, only reined in by a distressed judiciary. These measures would betray our democracy. They are a cowardly way of piggy-backing on the French crisis. They’re a moral defeat.

Put them back in your closet, Mr. Harper, along with your G-20 fisherman outfits, John Baird’s undershirts, Kenney’s fur onesie, Peter MacKay’s assault-rifle sweater and your his-and-his matching camouflage helmets.

This is no time to overcompensate for the closet debacle, no time to publish racist cartoons and pose as a man o’war.

Link: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/01/09/no_canadians_should_publish_charlie_hebdo_cartoons_mallick.html

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That's a fair point. The Sun wears their bias on their sleeves almost as blatantly as the Star does.

It is.....but the key word is "almost". The Sun at least offers counterpoints like Warren Kinsella. Read The Star carefully and you will find that their "reporters" do not just report the news - they editorialize it - injecting opinions along with the standard "critics say......". Good news is attributed to Canada or the Federal Government - controversy is directed at the Harper government. They are the only major paper who editorializes (opinionates) front page stories.

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Very good point. It is election time and it seems the "conservative shill" is off to a good start.

Yep - the same Conservative shill who wanted Mark Garneau to win the Liberal leadership so that Canadians - and me - would have a credible alternative. The same shill who voted for Trudeau senior his first time around. The same shill who voted for Chretien his first time around. Conservative and Liberals have traditionally never been that far apart - it's been more about the leaders and the "times". It's changed in the last 7 or 8 years - only because all that Liberals have been able to bring to the table is a dislike for Harper and a continued search for the quick way back to power. They currently stand for nothing except pithy platitudes - and that is a shame - and a big loss for Canada.

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Yep - the same Conservative shill who wanted Mark Garneau to win the Liberal leadership so that Canadians - and me - would have a credible alternative. The same shill who voted for Trudeau senior his first time around. The same shill who voted for Chretien his first time around. Conservative and Liberals have traditionally never been that far apart - it's been more about the leaders and the "times". It's changed in the last 7 or 8 years - only because all that Liberals have been able to bring to the table is a dislike for Harper and a continued search for the quick way back to power. They currently stand for nothing except pithy platitudes - and that is a shame - and a big loss for Canada.

I am surprised you would attempt to use such a phrase to attempt to be critical of those who don't like Harper, after all, is he not the king of "pithy platitudes"? Have you ever watched QP?

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Well - it's election season and that grand old Liberal Shill and cheerleader, The Star, is starting it's usual breathless rants against all things Conservative. Bob Hepburn has outdone himself this time - although I'm sure there are more than a few posters here who will cheer him on.

Link: http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/01/10/stephen_harper_and_restoring_faith_in_our_democracy_hepburn.html

I'm far from a Liberal or NDP supporter, or a fan of the partisan Star, but Harper and his gang deserve ferocious criticisms for a great many things they've been responsible for, many laid out in the article you've posted (and a couple points I didn't agree with).

Harper and his gang routinely act like a bunch of scumbags, and they need to be brought down this election (by whom, the heck I know). You're as much of a partisan for defending them in this thread of yours as the Star is.

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At least they do wear it on their sleeves. The National Post tries a bit to hide it, but who are they fooling? Actually probably a few, there's a lot of fools out there.

I'm not sure why you think that's a positive point of distinction. If I had the choice between reading newspapers that were 100% or 90% shamelessly biased, I'd chose the 90% option. At least that newspaper presents some measure of counter-point and raises the possibility of alternative thinking/opinions.

Other than Layton in 2011 and Broadbent (for a whopping total of 2 instances), the Star's federal endorsements have been invariably Liberal, Liberal, Liberal going back over 40 years.

Edited by Moonbox
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More from The Star - this time Heather Mallick. It's not about "all columnists do it"....it's about The Star having absolutely no balance whatsoever - just read their cherry-picked Harper-hating letters-to-the-Editor each and every day. Even the Sun has a regular counterpoint in Warren Kinsella who often provides a Liberal supporting view. Mallick is over-the-top nasty with this one:

Not a very credible position, considering that Ms. Mallick has made a living insulting and attacking others with over-the-top rhetoric on a regular basis.

Freedom of expression rights for her...but nobody else ?

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At least they do wear it on their sleeves. The National Post tries a bit to hide it, but who are they fooling? Actually probably a few, there's a lot of fools out there.

The National Post has viewpoints from all sides of an issue. You should try reading it sometimes.

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More from The Star - this time Heather Mallick. It's not about "all columnists do it"....it's about The Star having absolutely no balance whatsoever - just read their cherry-picked Harper-hating letters-to-the-Editor each and every day. Even the Sun has a regular counterpoint in Warren Kinsella who often provides a Liberal supporting view. Mallick is over-the-top nasty with this one:

Link: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2015/01/09/no_canadians_should_publish_charlie_hebdo_cartoons_mallick.html

You know the difference between commentary and news reporting, right? Because you're acting surprised that there's, god forbid, opinion in an opinion column.

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The National Post has viewpoints from all sides of an issue. You should try reading it sometimes.

Agreed. It's one of the reasons I like to read it. When the cheap b@stards can be bothered to sell print copies.

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You know the difference between commentary and news reporting, right? Because you're acting surprised that there's, god forbid, opinion in an opinion column.

The idea is that the opinion column should provide a balanced, or at least rational array of opinions, rather than consistent, frothing bias.

The National Post has viewpoints from all sides of an issue. You should try reading it sometimes.

You have to admit, however, that its viewpoints are predominantly right-of-centre. They do, however, regularly cut up Harper, which by itself places itself quite a bit closer towards "balanced" journalism than the Star.

Edited by Moonbox
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The Conservative papers haven't stopped their "usual breathless rants" and "over the top, shameless partisanship cloaked in sanctimonious cries of anti-democracy" against the Liberals and NDP.

There are only two news entities in Canada which state in a forthright manner that they are not about unbiased news, but in fact, cheerleaders for a particular ideological viewpoint. One is the Sun, which I'm sure you have no problem voicing your disdain for, and the other is the Star.

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At least they do wear it on their sleeves. The National Post tries a bit to hide it, but who are they fooling? Actually probably a few, there's a lot of fools out there.

I've seen lots of criticism of Harper in the Post. Have you seen any such criticism of Liberals in the Star?

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You have to admit, however, that its viewpoints are predominantly right-of-centre. They do, however, regularly cut up Harper, which by itself places itself quite a bit closer towards "balanced" journalism than the Star.

And they don't pretend it isn't. That said, they have many left of centre and centre commentators.

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lol. The list of Conservative issues pales, and I mean absolutely pales against what the provincial and federal Liberals, have done especially here in Ontario. If that's the worst you have, you have nothing.

A couple of their points and counterpoints.



Provincial. .



Give it up about him proroguing parliament. Everyone does it, at provincial and federal levels. Chretien did it four times, and for the longest period.



I'm not even going to go into the plethora of BILLION dollar scandals, let alone multi million dollar scandals the Libs provincially and federally have been embroiled in.

Edited by drummindiver
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At least they do wear it on their sleeves. The National Post tries a bit to hide it, but who are they fooling? Actually probably a few, there's a lot of fools out there.

Clearly it's been quite some time since you've actually read it. They used to be somewhat conservative two owners ago. That has not been the case for several years, especially since Paul Godfrey took over.

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lol. The list of Conservative issues pales, and I mean absolutely pales against what the provincial and federal Liberals, have done especially here in Ontario. If that's the worst you have, you have nothing.

A couple of their points and counterpoints.



Provincial. .



Give it up about him proroguing parliament. Everyone does it, at provincial and federal levels. Chretien did it four times, and for the longest period.



I'm not even going to go into the plethora of BILLION dollar scandals, let alone multi million dollar scandals the Libs provincially and federally have been embroiled in.

Harper has the record fr prorogation and for contempt, and for closure. So according to him we all, and you, should just shut up.

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