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'Is Iran an existential threat to Israel?' former mossad chief


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Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy says Israel “is indestructible” and shouldn't be governed with "memories of the holocaust."

it's not just the u.s. administration coming out against bibi, AIPAC and the AIPAC bought congress and senate. israeli experts are also coming out against warmongering as well.


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Of course it's not. Israel always needs a boogyman to take attention away from its colonialism in the Occupied Territories.

Speaking of occupied territories, when is Hezbollah going to withdraw from the territory in Lebanon that it currently occupies? And when is Iran going to stop funding it's occupation?

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Speaking of occupied territories, when is Hezbollah going to withdraw from the territory in Lebanon that it currently occupies? And when is Iran going to stop funding it's occupation?

Lol by now you have seen his script. It is only allowed to refer to Israel in negative terms. It does not permit any reference to anything in the Middle East other than Israel and only then in short accusatory sentences of negative allegation in a subjective construction.

Him acknowledge Hamas or Hezbollah or acknowledge the slaughter of Christians, Bahaiis, students, Zoroastreans, Berbers, Kurds by this Iranian regime. Hah.

The Hudson Bud script can't do that.

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Former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy says Israel “is indestructible” and shouldn't be governed with "memories of the holocaust."

Regardless of who said it, that quote is farcical on its face.

First, no state, indeed, nothing at all, is indestructible. That much should be obvious.

Second, keeping history in mind is important in governance as in all else. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

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I've never understood the media's self-censorship when it comes to Israel. I don't know how many times I've heard some western right-wing politician huffing and puffing about how Iran can never get a nuclear weapon but I've never heard a journalist question why it's OK for Israel to have hundreds.

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Complete nonsense. Iran continues to undermine the legitimate government of Lebanon by occupying the southern part of the country with its terrorist organization Hezbollah.

what are you talking about?

hezbollah is a legitimate party in lebanon and it's not considered an occupier. how do you come up with these wild fantasies?

it's like saying israel is occupying the u.s. because it has major influence over a number of congressmen and senators in the u.s., through the millions it donates to them, in order to influence the bills and votes.

Edited by bud
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what are you talking about?

hezbollah is a legitimate party in lebanon and it's not considered an occupier. how do you come up with these wild fantasies?

it's like saying israel is occupying the u.s. because it has major influence over a number of congressmen and senators in the u.s., through the millions it donates to them, in order to influence the bills and votes.

Hezbollah is an Iranian sock puppet funded by Iran. To suggest otherwise is being intellectually dishonest.
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Complete nonsense. Iran continues to undermine the legitimate government of Lebanon by occupying the southern part of the country with its terrorist organization Hezbollah.

Iran is acting rational in my view. What would you do about your nuke program if you saw the country to the left AND the right of you be taken over by the west? We all know that Iran is an eventual target.

But if you want to hound on Iran for supporting terrorists, we can look at how Israel supports terrorism. Don't think they are innocent and that they do not take part in clandestine operations to undermine it's neighbors.

And I don't think you can complain to anyone about intellectual dishonesty.

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I've never understood the media's self-censorship when it comes to Israel. I don't know how many times I've heard some western right-wing politician huffing and puffing about how Iran can never get a nuclear weapon but I've never heard a journalist question why it's OK for Israel to have hundreds.

Interesting how that works. And yes if Israel wants Iran to open up to inspections, then Israel should extend the olive branch and allow inspectors into Israel to check out their nuke program and weapons. But we know that is not going to happen. So the double standard continues.

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I believe intellectually dishonest is when people like you, throw around blatantly false statements and then try to defend it. Liars are liars.

Hezbollah is an Iranian sock puppet funded by Iran. To suggest otherwise is being intellectually dishonest.

There is some truth to this, but its still a very simplistic view. Hezbollah represents a fairly large Shia minority that lives in Lebanon. Somewhere between 25 and 30% of the population. Iran of course does sponsor them, and it also helped to create them as a resistance movement to the invasion of Lebanon by Israel, but thats rather expected... Iran in general has an interest in Shia populations in the region. Saying Hezbollah is a "sock puppet" of Iran is equally as simplistic as saying the governments of Iraq or Afghanistan are a "sock puppets" of the US. Theres some truth to that as well, but only to a point.

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There is some truth to this, but its still a very simplistic view. Hezbollah represents a fairly large Shia minority that lives in Lebanon. Somewhere between 25 and 30% of the population. Iran of course does sponsor them, and it also helped to create them as a resistance movement to the invasion of Lebanon by Israel, but thats rather expected... Iran in general has an interest in Shia populations in the region. Saying Hezbollah is a "sock puppet" of Iran is equally as simplistic as saying the governments of Iraq or Afghanistan are a "sock puppets" of the US. Theres some truth to that as well, but only to a point.

this is the original b.s. statement that myself and hudson were referring to by shady:

Speaking of occupied territories, when is Hezbollah going to withdraw from the territory in Lebanon that it currently occupies? And when is Iran going to stop funding it's occupation?

he is trying to draw a parallel between israel's occupation of the palestinian territories to hezbollah being in lebanon.

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Regardless of who said it, that quote is farcical on its face.

First, no state, indeed, nothing at all, is indestructible. That much should be obvious.

Second, keeping history in mind is important in governance as in all else. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

You might also refer to this quote by me:

"Referring to quotes lifted from their actual context is pointless."

You might want to get the full context of the quote before drawing any conclusions as to what this individual said and why.

I believe intellectually dishonest is when people like you, throw around blatantly false statements and then try to defend it. Liars are liars.

Oh look who is calling someone a liar again because he does not agree with them. Hudson you seem to be at the point now of calling anyone you disagree with a liar. Knock if off. Knock off the personal attacks and respond to the issues.

Hudson I think Shady is right on point.

Hezbollah armed itself through Iran and occupied illegally the South of Lebanon. It claimed it had to arm because Israel was in Southern Lebanon and as soon as Israel vacated Lebanon it would disarm.

Israel left, and not only did Hezbollah openly laugh and state publically they lied but they then openly taunted Israel and said they would never disarm.

Not only that, the day Israel left they immediately began attacking Israel and Hudson you do sem to forget how Lebanese Shiite Muslim hero by the name of Samir who came into Israel, and attacked a family of 4. The family had only two hiding places. The mother had to hide with her baby girl smothering the girl to death preventing it from crying and giving them away. Her husband and young boy were taken and slowly sodomized and beaten to death then defecated on and left mutilated for the IDF to find.

How is it you have a problem forgetting that Hudson or that this coward was welcomed back by Hezbollah as a hero?

You really want to pretend Hezbollah does not occupy South Lebanon illegally or that they violated the UN peace treaty they signed to disarm? Lol.

Say now Hudson how is it you remain silent as to the thousands of Sunni and Christian Lebanese Hezbollah has murdered?

Are you aware how Hezbollah has attacked and murdered Palestinian refugees because they are Sunni? Hmmmm? What is it Hudson that gives you the right to call Shady a liar while you and/or Bud will be so selective as to what Hezbollah is and what it has done?

How to you have the audacity to say they are not illegally possessing Lebanon?

Where were you when they assisted the Syrian regime of Assad kill not one, but 3 democratically elected Lebanese leaders?

Where were you when they started two civil wars that killed thousands and has left the country in ruins and in a state of anarchy?

Do you think its possible to run a democratic state when an illegal terrorist group which has openly stated it will not follow Lebanese domestic and international laws?

You think its possible to run a democratic state with an armed terrorist group that has no allegiance to the state and makes its own laws up by brute force as it goes along and has a charter that calls for the extermination of Jews world wide until Israel is cleansed of its Jews?

Is that it Hudson, you want to come on this board, call people liars and make silly references that Hezbollah is a boy scouts group because Shady states what is public knowledge, that they are terrorists?


Anything else boys?

Edited by Rue
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this is the original b.s. statement that myself and hudson were referring to by shady:

he is trying to draw a parallel between israel's occupation of the palestinian territories to hezbollah being in lebanon.

Well now you see I have and the fact that you and Hudson (lol) disagree with him does not make it bs.

In fact the only reason you call what he says bs or Hudson personally attacks Shady is because the two of you refuse to debate him and point out why you think Hezbollah does not occupy Lebanon. Its what you do-reduce yourself to insulting name calling when you have no idea how to respond.

Say Shady this is like a WWE tag team match.


The Ultimate Zionist Warrior

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is because the two of you refuse to debate him and point out why you think Hezbollah does not occupy Lebanon.

what is the point of debating something that is based on fiction? there is no debate whether or not hezbollah is occupying lebanon because they're not. they may be buddies with the hardliners in iran, but they're not occupying lebanon. the lebanese law and government accepts hezbollah as a legitimate part of the lebanese government. that's why it's ridiculous to try to debate this.

there is also no debate within international law, that israel is occupying palestinian land.

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Bud you are laughable. Now you want to spin Hezbollah as a legitimate organization in Lebanon and accuse others of engaging

in fiction. Hah.

Bud it is a public fact Hezbollah has 2 wings, one is political and sends people to the Lebanese parliament and controls the vote their, while the other wing remains armed and controls the South.

Bud one of the reasons you have zero credibility is because of your denial of the obvious. Hezbollah's military wing is an armed terrorist group. Why would you deny that?

The President of Lebanon on June 20, 2013 announced in the press he advised Hezbollah not to involve itself in the Syrian civil war.

Hezbollah told him to phack off. Are you really going to deny that?

You want to pretend Hezbollah has allegiance to the Lebanese government? Really Bud? Are you really going to spin that?

Hezbollah has tried to have its cake and eat it to. It tries to pass itself off as a domestic political party but at the same time it retains weapons and a charter that makes it clear it operates as a country to itself within Lebanon and Lebanon is a secondary interest.

Hezbollah only assists Shiites not Sunnis or Christians in its country, that is a fact.

It is also a fact that if it was a state political party only then it would have to disarm itself or come directly under the command of the Lebanese army. It does not. In fact it does nit acknowledge the legitimacy of the Lebanese Army and won't allow it in Hezbollah controlled areas and it engages in a civil war in a foreign nation, Syria. How does that make it a legitimate political party?

It tries to portray itself as a political party in Lebanon when its of use to it, but in practical reality demonstrates it is an armed and self governed terror organization.

Let's talk reality Bud. It has made it clear repeatedly it feels it is not bound by international law or Lebanese domestic law. It recently denounced the Lebanese penal code and an attempt to amend the civil status of Lebanese in its parliament.

Hezbollah is all about Hezbollah so stop with the pathetic spin attempt to say its not occupying Lebanon of course it is. How could it not be Bud? What are you going to pretend its weapons, its attacks in Syria on Syrian civilians and on Israeli citizens were legitimate

acts of conflict? If that is the case Bud, it would have to be part of the Lebanese state army and follow the Geneva Conventions which it clearly does not and has said it will never follow.

Bud you live in a world so blinded by your partisan support of Hezbollah and Iran that of course you are going to dismiss anything that contradicts your partisan opinions. It is to be expected. You have made it clear you support its goals.

For the vast majority of the world who have declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization, they see it as a gang of outlaws, a group of people who believe terror and breaking the law is a legitimate way to express political opinion.

In your world Bud terrorists are legitimate. In my world an organization with a charter that calls for the extermination of Jews worldwide and anyone else worldwide who supports a Jewish state and refers to non Muslims as damned and cursed people and condones violence and attacking civilians is not a legitimate political party.

You see in Canada Bud we don't allow the Liberal or Tory or NDP parties to arm themselves and take over the control of the majority of the land with their armed militias. The NDP, Tories and Liberals do not send out their armed members into other countries to attack

civilians. We don't send members of them across the border into the US to sodomize and mutilate children and then return home as heroes.

You Bud need a serious reality check from all your spinning. Ask them to send you on a vacation.

Interesting Bud you just won't admit what Samir did. Interesting you are in complete denial that Hezbollah came to power by assassinating a democratically elected President of Lebanon and then assisted Syria occupy the country and killed thousands of non Shiite Muslims including Palestinian refugees.

No not you Bud, anything that your script does not allow you to acknowledge or comment on is summarily dismissed as fiction right?

Your script has become so rigid and censored Bud it has rendered itself absurd. Surely its time you tell your handlers that if they don't widen your script its run out of any semblance of debate.


Rube member of the JOOOOOOOOOOParty of Canada armed with weapons and who

has occupied Southern Canada and will kill any infidel who are seen wearing shorts

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Bud you are laughable. Now you want to spin Hezbollah as a legitimate organization in Lebanon

but they are a legitimate organization in lebanon. the lebanese government accepts them as such.

you or even i may not like some of the things they've done, but we can't change the fact that they are a legitimate organization and legally accepted as a party in lebanon.

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The political wing sits as a party in the Lebanese parliament.

The armed wing never has and never will.

To assert one must accept terrorism as a legitimate political expression is illogical. We should denounce it

and never stop denouncing it as illegitimate.

Hezbollah has a charter that makes it illegitimate. It calls for the mass extermination of Jews, and supporters of

Israel and it makes it clear it does not recognize international law or certain domestic laws in Lebanon and will kill

unarmed civilians it perceives as its political opponent.

There is nothing legitimate in that.

Also Bud have the decency to not pass yourself off in your responses to me as not supporting Hezbollah's terrorism.

No Bud you can't have it both ways. You can't call a terrorist group whose public charter calls for terror and violence and the killing of innocent civilians as legitimate because it sits in the Lebanese parliament.

Until Hezbollah puts down its weapons, and renounces terrorism as a means to express political expression it is illegitimate.

As for Israel you may detest its existence but it is a legal state.

I said it before Bud and I will say it again. I did not approve and I was never someone to sit here and cheer Israel's bombing of Lebanon. I was dead against it as was the IDF. I argued the IDF should have engaged in limited tactical strikes against the Hezbollah to minimize collateral death of innocent Lebanese civilians particularly since Israel knew Hezbollah was using civilians as shields.

I am willing here now as I just did to criticize Israel state policies and that was one of them.

However I say it again. Israel can not be expected to live next to a state with a terror organization dedicated on wiping it out and

not be expected to defend itself.

I will fight and never stop fighting for the day there will be no need for an IDF as it is now because there will be no terrorists.

I live for the day when Arab and Israeli can debate and argue without violence and come to mutual agreements through rational

thought processes not violence.

To me anyone willing to advocate terrorism as a legitimate means for political expression is not legitimate.

I have criticized unnecessary force by the IDF but the difference is I can. Israelis can and have. Israel has and continues to

challenge its mistakes? Who challenges Hezbollah? You? The Lebanese parliament? Who dares challenge what they do?

You really want to tell me Lebanese are free to speak against them? You want to lecture me on what happened in Beirut-I saw with my own eyes Bud what happened to Lebanese of both Muslim sects, Christian Maronite and Palestinian refugees when they dared

question Hezbollah.

They were left half mutilated and their remains blackened and still smoking from the gasoline poured on them after being beaten and then thrown on the street on fire to die.

Don't lecture me on Hezbollah Bud. Save it for arm chair experts who don't know what burning kidneys look like.

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sorry little buddy. you can type and type all you want, but hezbollah is considered as a legitimate group and is part of the lebanese government. the armed wing has been approved by the lebanese government as an armed organization and guarantees its right to liberate or recover occupied lands. they're not considered occupying lebanon as shady, erroneously declared before running off. As he usually does so that he doesn't need to face reality.

your huffing and puffing and typing will not change things. you are fighting yet another battle against reality and facts.

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This is a manual that we can use in our everyday interaction with those infected by the faith virus. The skills and concepts are both practical and learnable.

Everyone probably knows by now that a simple head shot does the trick when interacting with zombies but in the case of faith you have to aim for the mind, so it's probably harder.

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