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Israel's 10 year racist law anniversary

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The American taxpayer "gives" about $15 billion per year to other nations in the form of military, economic, and humanitarian aid, including aid to Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine. Israel is an ally of the U.S. (just like Canada), with mutually beneficial arrangements.

I also agree with Americans who question whether their foreign aid should go to nations unfriendly with their interests. I leave that to Americans to debate but let's put it out there, the US provides foreign aid to countries that openly have contempt for it because of a belief it may convince these

countries to embrace democracy. Can you say that for China or Russia? Hah. I have no problems applauding the US for its foreig aid to many nations.

I know Americans are fed up with it but I think it is what makes America a great country. It leads the world not just with military and people do not acknowledge that.

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Buddy. You can't stop lying and you keep digging holes for yourself with your make belief world.

The American taxpayer gives $3 billion to Israel to buy weapons. Contrary to what you said, Israel does NOT "pay this back with interest."

It's like claiming that a welfare recipient is actually paying back the money given to him by buying burgers from a fast food restaurant.

Your unconditional support for Zionism has turned you into a liar.

Calling me a liar on this forum is actually a reportable offence that can get you banned. I however am known on this forum to laugh off personal attacks. So be my guest call me a liar.

Did you even read what you wrote when you called me a liar? Do you read what you write? Israel receives $3 billion in U.S. assistance and that number can be found at : http://www.state.gov/t/pm/ppa/sat/c14560.htm for anyone to see.

Now finish what you started you called me a liar. Put up or shut up and prove me wrong.

I state it again, 75% of that 3 billion had/has to be spent on the acquisition of U.S. defense equipment, services, and training.

Prove that wrong or apologize. You referred to Israel as receiving welfare benefits. How? If 75% of that must go back to be spent on US military equipment how is that welfare? It subsidizes the military industrial production in the US fueling hundreds of thousands of jobs.

It enables the US to subsidize hundreds of thousands of jobs. The military equipment purchased by Israel must be paid back with interest. That is a fact. Prove it wrong. Go on do something more than call names. Prove Israel does not pay back those military expenditures.

Go on.

It is also a fact that Israel is not allowed to purchase military equipment from any other country in return for its exclusive relationship with the US.

It is also a fact Israel tests, re-tests, modifies, and re-engineers US designs to improve and undo their defects so that these weapons then can be sold to other countries after the kinks are worked out. That is a fact. Call me a liar all you want but its a fact. Call me a Zionist all you want it does not

change the cold hard facts that your attempt to throw out that 3 billion figure as a simple welfare payment is bull sheeyit and no your attempt to switch your comment from welfare benefit to military aid further shows how you switch what you say when challenged to deny what you originally stated.

Its what you do. Come on this forum and mistate information and then when you are caught red handed refuse to respond but instead what call me a liar? Hah.

Go on choke on the facts.

Go on explain how the Arrow Anti-Ballistic Missile Program works. Do you know?

This was typical of the US-Israel joint military cooperation achieved between the 2 nations for mutually beneficial reasons.

Israel provided the U.S. with the research so they both could develop an anti-ballistic missile system. Israel had computer technology the US did not.

Both sides share that project 50-50.

You of course know Homeland Security in the US enjoys a healthy relationship with Israel security services in monitoring the movement of nuclear weapons and terrorists. Mutually beneficial. No welfare.

Go on finish what you start. Put up or shut up. Produce proof of the lies or apologize.

Edited by Rue
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Here is what the propoganda site "Hudson Jones" will not respond to:

1- the fact that 75 % of the $3 billion aid he claims Israel reveived as welfare in fact must be used by Israel to purchase American military equipment;

2- that as a result of 1, U.S. high- tech defense jobs in fact directly benefit enabling the employment of hundreds of thousands of Americans;

3-that as a result of the US-Israel relationship, the two countries work on joint research and development projects such as the Arrow anti-ballistic system using each others strengths and in particular Israel's expertise in computer soft-ware that the US would not otherwise have;

4-that Israel provides valuable regional intelligence to the US as part of this military alliance;

5-that Israel provides the US with bases from which it can stockpile its weapons for use in the area;

6-that Israel provides a real and effective counter-force to Iran and in so doing provides protection to US allies such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the UAE;

7-that the spending of foreign aid to Israel is not more than 2% of what the US spends in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan. The math is there. Go add it up.

The "Hudson Jones" propoganda site has no come back for the above. It can't dispute the above. So it will cal me a " Zionist liar".

I state it openly unlike "Hudson Jones" which will not come clean as to who it represents and what its agenda is. Everyone knows I support Israel's right to exist and applaud US support for Israel and its role in the Middle East and what it does with foreign aid.

I have said it openly and state it again and I ask again for "Hudson Jones" to come out as clearly as I do and state his agenda and who he represents.

Go on finish what you started. You came on this forum and called out for the destruction of Israel. Finish what you started. How?

How will you do this?

Go on tell everyone what you stand for, who you represent and how you intend to destroy Israel. Before you call me a liar, stand up and state your agenda or keep proving your lack of credibility.

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Here are some more facts the propoganda site "Hudson Jones" willl not respond to:

  • 90 %of US aid to Israel is military used to counter their mutual adversaries Iran, Hamas and Hezbullah
  • joint programs with Israel’s high tech military industry in addition to the Arrow ballistic missile defense system. also include joint ventures as to aerospace industries, unmanned aerial vehicles, decoys to confuse enemy radar, reactive armor on Bradley tanks to repel enemy fire, anti- terrorism strategies including cyber-warfare, anti-weapons proliferation and real-time, intelligence.
  • Israel initiated a reduction of US economic assistance in 1998 from $1.2 billion to a complete phase-out in 2008 while over the same 10 years, military aid not economic aid increased from $1.8 billion to $2.4 billion, following a 12-year period when there were no increases.
  • military aid to Israel in fact represents one-tenth of 1% of the US budget
  • in 2005 alone there was $26 billion in trade between Israel and the US
  • npot just the US federal government but individual US states and American corporations enter into agreements with Israel, i.e.,research, Microsoft, Cisco, Intel and Motorola
  • The Israel-US alliance also has built Industrial Zones (QIZ) tp bring in and benefit Egypt and Jordan which enable Israeli and Arab hoods to be exported tarrif free to the US and aid Arab development not Just Israel and the US

The Hudson Hones propoganda site won't acknowledge the US and Israel have used their alliance to create business and economic activities of benefit to Jordan and Egypt. If it did that, it would ruin its thesis that the US does not aid Arab countries and that Israel does not cooperate with Arab countries and can live peacefully with them.

I state the hudson Jones source supports Hamas the same terrorist organization responsible for destroying a working economic infrastructure including roads, green-houses sewers, mosques, schools, government buildings, housing funded by Israel through charities affiliated with Hamas, when Hamas was run by its Egyptian Brotherhood wing that denounced terrorism. When its current Syrian cell took over and expelled its Egyptian cell the curernt pro Syrian cell Hudson Jones supports then destroyed all this infrastructure through violent explosions and went from home to home killing in public designated Palestinians it called pro Israel supporters burning them alive by placing rubber tires around their necks.

To this day Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon use violence to keep their people subjected to terror. They go door to door mutilating anyone who challenges their policies and now they engage in civil war in Syria.

The US is trying to befriend and provide support to nations like Egypt. Yemen, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morroco, not just Israel in the Middle Easy. It also openly aids Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Philippines, nations with very large Muslim populations.

If anything some say the US is spending too much on Muslim nations that hate it.

Some believe Obama is placating unfriendly nations who are quick to take its aid but hate it.

Some also believe Obama's demand Israel retreat back to its 1967 borders was ill timed.

Some believe Netanyahu was rude to Obama and slighted Vice President Joe Biden needlessly in response to the calls for building freezes on the West Bank.

Some in Israel believe Zbigniew Brezinski carter's former security adviser and now Obama's Middle East advisor is antisemitic and obsessed with fighting Russia and wants the US to form an alliance with Iran again to contain Russia.

Some believe Tzipi Levni who is back and active in Israel politics as the current Justice Minister is too pro Obama.

Some believe the issues of the West Bank are or are not the real reasons for impediment to peace with Israel and Palestinians.

Some believe the war in Syria will necessarily trigger a civil war in Lebanon and Israel will be forced to war again with Hezbollah and Hamas and as long as the two exist and extremist Iran continues, no peace can come about.

Some believe a civil war is coming in Turkey and Iran with spill overs into Iraq, Russia and China with Muslim populations.

Some believe another civil war with Sudan is about to transpire and Al Quaeda will spread from Mali into Algeria, Morroco, Libya, Chad, Niger and perhaps Dahomey.

It all depends on who you ask and what you read.

I guarantee you this though, on this forum as long as Hudson Jones is on line, the dialogue will revert to Israel is poo commentary.

Edited by Rue
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Calling me a liar on this forum is actually a reportable offence that can get you banned. I however am known on this forum to laugh off personal attacks. So be my guest call me a liar.

Did you even read what you wrote when you called me a liar? Do you read what you write? Israel receives $3 billion in U.S. assistance and that number can be found at : http://www.state.gov/t/pm/ppa/sat/c14560.htm for anyone to see.

Now finish what you started you called me a liar. Put up or shut up and prove me wrong.

I state it again, 75% of that 3 billion had/has to be spent on the acquisition of U.S. defense equipment, services, and training.

Prove that wrong or apologize.

That is not "paying back with interest" as you are trying to sell to people. That is spending the U.S. taxpayers' money to buy weapons from private arms companies that will be used in continuing the colonialism and destruction. Paying back would mean that the $3 billion + was a loan, that they paid back to the American people, where the money would be spent on the American people.

Stop thinking others are fools with your shameless and pathetic description of what paying back means.

You need to stop spreading misinformation and lies.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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That is not "paying back with interest" as you are trying to sell to people. That is spending the U.S. taxpayers' money to buy weapons from private arms companies that will be used in continuing the colonialism and destruction. Paying back would mean that the $3 billion + was a loan, that they paid back to the American people, where the money would be spent on the American people.

The money is spent on "the American people" in the way of contracts for businesses and corporations.

That's what the USA spends 5% of its GDP on. And it will continue to do so with partners like Israel (and Canada).

Israel also gets lots of loan guarantees from the U.S., and Israel has never defaulted.

Israel and the U.S. are BFFs....and yes...that includes the USS Liberty attack.


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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The absurdity continues on with Bush Cheney.

It's not a loan. Israel does not pay this money back, especially not with interest like Rue, the resident fantasy writer likes to claim.

It doesn't matter how many posts you write and how many twists and turns you make, the $3 billion a year is a welfare cheque given to Israel. This has been going on for decades. That's over $80 billion of U.S. taxpayers' money, the U.S. has given to this nation, which has helped it to continue it's brutal occupation and land theft.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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Guest American Woman

.... the $3 billion a year is a welfare cheque given to Israel.

That's your opinion, and you are incorrect; the benefits that the U.S. gains from it have been explained over and over.

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That's your opinion, and you are incorrect; the benefits that the U.S. gains from it have been explained over and over.

It's not my opinion. It's reality. Reality that you need to deal with.

It's not a loan, so Israel is not giving the money back and there is certainly no interest given on top of it (eh Rue - fantasy boy). It's money given to a foreign nation to buy arms from private companies. The only benefit gained is the profit of private arms companies and the ugly colonialist zionist movement.

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It doesn't matter how many posts you write and how many twists and turns you make, the $3 billion a year is a welfare cheque given to Israel. This has been going on for decades. That's over $80 billion of U.S. taxpayers' money, the U.S. has given to this nation, which has helped it to continue it's brutal occupation and land theft.

And the U.S. will keep on giving it, because of mutual benefits. Nothing you say or do will ever change that from comfy Canada, which has its own "PalestIndian" issues to deal with. America makes and sells arms....some even go to Canada...imagine that.

Israel is a close ally of the United States....get over it.

The only fantasy on display here comes from you.....embrace reality for a change.

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Bush Chaney I would think all Canadians know at least 80% of our economy is directly inter-related to US trade. It has benefits but being overly dependent on one economy is not a healthy thing either. So Harper is trying to reach out to the EEC to arrange a free trade agreement and we have a successful free trade agreement with Chile and of course Mexico as well as the US.

Sometimes we clash over offshore rights in regards to fisheries or up North as to sovereignty and access to the Northern passage or with trade restrictions on lumber, meat and other goods. Its bound to happen.

Some of us yes like to be anti American. However the majority of us are not. We would like to see less dependence on the US not because of negative reasons but healthy economic ones.

The fact is we benefit. The fact is Israel benefits. The fact is the US is not some evil empire that throws money away like idiots. Of course it expects back mutual interests. All nations do when they trade.

Israel probably could not exist had it not been for the US. Most probably. That is why although Israel and the US have real differences at times over foreign policy Israel will always support the US push comes to shove. They are a loyal ally. Its a bond that goes right down to the average American

who time and time again in surveys supports Israel.

Eisenhower was a huge critic of what Britain. France and Israel did during the Suez canal crisis and war. So? No one doubted his loyalty with all 3 nations.

Canada has had major disagreements with the US over Iraq, Vietnam. So? Good allies have fights.

why do I say all this? The H-Jones site is not Canadian. Please do not associate me as a Canadian with it. No thanks.

Here let me say this again so the H Jones source can hear it-I know Americans do not want the US in Jordan. I think it comes at a necessary

time and has defused a lot of tension and calmed both Jordan and Israel down. It gives both Israel and Jordan an assurance of a strong ally as Hezbolah invades Syria and could otherwise feel empowered to do the same with Jordan and Israel.

Its necessary as a cool down process. Its created a second real front other than Israel's to contain Hezbollah stablizes Jordan which is petrified of a civil war in Syria and/or Lebanon destablizing its country.

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why do I say all this? The H-Jones site is not Canadian. Please do not associate me as a Canadian with it. No thanks.

Here let me say this again so the H Jones source can hear it-I know Americans do not want the US in Jordan. I think it comes at a necessary

time and has defused a lot of tension and calmed both Jordan and Israel down. It gives both Israel and Jordan an assurance of a strong ally as Hezbolah invades Syria and could otherwise feel empowered to do the same with Jordan and Israel.

No problema for me....he and others can say whatever they wish. I have never visited the site. The reality is that American and Israeli and Jordanian and even Canadian political and military leadership will do what is necessary to support mutual interests. Protesters and policy critics are nothing new in the USA or Canada or Israel.

The U.S. has partnered with Jordan for decades and current activity is par for the course. Be it here or there, I know which side I want to be on when the bombs start falling. Israel doesn't need anyone's permission to exist, and I am more than happy to contribute to the cause.

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Lol of course H-Jones could do nothing but name call. Not one attempt to debate. Just some name calling. Lol.

The H-Jones site still will not explain how it wants Israel destroyed. It called for Israel's destruction but to date refuses to

explain how it wants this destruction carried out.

H-Jones incites and commences threads but never finishes and responds when confronted with facts. All it can do is name call.

Here let H-Jones choke on these facts and show they are wrong:

  • Israel, is the 100th smallest country in the world and has less than 1/1000th of the world's population-yet H Jones excludes the entire world but Israel and calls for its destruction-logical alone would require we ask-why a country so small and less than 6% of the Middle East is so precious to the H Jones agenda?...

Oh wait let's ask H-Hones how a country this small in the entire world can make claim to the following:

  • the development of the cell phone(Motorola in Israel)
  • the majority of Windows NT and XP operating systems were developed by Microsoft"s Israel site
  • Pentium MMX Chip technology was created by Intel in Israelin Israel
  • the Pentium-4 microprocessor and the Centrino processor were designed, developed and produced in Israe.
  • voice mail technology was developed in Israel
  • the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ was developed by Israel
    Israel's $100 billion economy is larger than all of its immediate neighbors combined
  • Israel is the world leader and expert on managing airborne security threats
  • Israel has the highest ratio of university degrees to the population in the world
  • Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation by a large margin - 109 per 10,000 people
  • Israel has the largest number of startup companies than any other country in the world, except the U.S. (3,500 companies mostly in hi-tech)
  • Israel has more than 3,000 high-tech companies and startups making it the higheest concentration of hi-tech companies in the world other than Silicon Valley
  • Israel is ranked #2 in the world for venture capital funds ranked only behind the U.S.
  • Israel is a world leader in medical research.

Now of course when the H Jones site comes on this forum, misrepresents military aid as welfare benefits and offers no debate other than to name call it knows the above-its real agenda is to spread propoganda to try create resentment towards Israel. If people are focused on hating Israel and seeing it as evil they won't see the technology that is actually coming out of Israel benefitting the entire world.

I once again say directly to the H Jones site: you had an opportunity to present information to show how military aid to Israel is welfare and how the US does not benefit from its alliance with Israel. You did not respond. Instead you avoided the debate and hid behind calling me a liar without making any effort to show one thing I said was inaccurate or a lie. Not once.

To date when I have asked you to explain how you want Israel destroyed you ignore me.

When I ask you to deny you are a web site of more than one person with a pro Syria, Hamas and Iran agenda you have refused to respond.

When I have asked you to disclose your political agenda you have refused.

Are you not a Muslim whose religious views of Islam believe that Israel must be destroyed violently?

Did you not choose the name Hudson Jones on this site because it sounds Anglo?

Are you or are you not the same site that once came on this board named " Bud"?

What are you afraid of.

You came to this board to propogate anti Israel hatred and anti US hatred.

Put up or shut up.

Name calling and repeating the same script over and over is not working.

Here I am. Come talk.

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Guest American Woman

It's not my opinion. It's reality. Reality that you need to deal with.

No, it's not reality. You don't get to decide if it's charity or beneficial to those doing the giving. Those doing the giving get to decide.
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No problema for me....he and others can say whatever they wish. I have never visited the site. The reality is that American and Israeli and Jordanian and even Canadian political and military leadership will do what is necessary to support mutual interests. Protesters and policy critics are nothing new in the USA or Canada or Israel.

The U.S. has partnered with Jordan for decades and current activity is par for the course. Be it here or there, I know which side I want to be on when the bombs start falling. Israel doesn't need anyone's permission to exist, and I am more than happy to contribute to the cause.

The American presence in Jordan has allowed Israel to quietly put a freeze on settlements in the West Bank and the Palestinian Authority to cut off funding to anti Israeli groups on the West Bank. Its given both sides breathing room and revived the peace talks between them secretly in the last week or so and the moderate tone from the new elected Iranian leader has also cooled things down a bit.

Clearly things are happening behind the scenes. I think both Israeli and Palestinian moderates have felt embolded by the US willing to physically put itself on the ground in Jordan. It may seem insignificant to some but to Jordan and Israel and the moderates in both countries and the PA, its a symbol the US

is committed to assisting both sides find peace.

That is more than I can friggin say for China and Russia who can kiss my kosher buttox as to their positions to date.

I also applaud Harper's blunt assessment of Putin's position in Syria. his rudeness allowed Cameron and Obama to play good guy to his bad guy.

I fear both sides of the war in Syria in terms of extremism but Hezbollah and Iran's move into Syria was insane. It has alienated Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey all whom had sites on making Israel the bad guy of the Middle East and now can not and have no choice but to form an unofficial Sunni Arab State, Turkey, alliance with the US and Israel against Hezbollah and Iran....for now.

France has also been quite outspoken against Assad.

Its about time someone looked at this civil war. Over 1.2million displaced refugees and counting, Say now...hear that silence-its the Hudson Jones

travelling propaganda tour remaining silent about Syria and the fact it has displaced more Syrians than Israel did Palestinians or the Arab world did Jews in response to losing the 1948 war.

Silence. Of course.

Now for me its fun fun fun.Today the Syrian cell of Hamas running the Gaza made noises it wants to distance itself from Assad.

Imagine that. Terrorists wanting to distance themselves from terrorists. Ah wonders never cease to amaze moi.

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Does anyone read the long-winded Rue diatribes? Wow.....

Yes all the boys down at the Hudson Jones site. I hear I am quite popular in Tehran.

Wow. Yah I bet having to read more than a sentence would blow your mind. Wow. Wowza. Verbs. Adverbs. Adjectives.Prepositions.

Like wow wow wow.

Now thanks for telling me you find reading difficult. Like wow. Imagine that. Wowza again. Was that too long a response?

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And the U.S. will keep on giving it, because of mutual benefits.

There is no benefit for America to be giving so much to a state that only drags them into wars and creates chaos and extremism while doing it. The mutual benefit doesn't involve the American people. The mutuality is between the colonialist Zionists and the military industrial complex.

America doesn't have to be a war mongering bully nation to be great. It can be great by nurturing its ingenuity and respecting human rights.

It will take a bit of time, but eventually the number of libertarians and lefty liberals will get bigger and come together, like ron paul and ralph nader did and the grip of the Zionist lobby over America will lessen. Not to mention the increasing number of younger American Jews who are unable to relate to Israel and its cruel and archaic treatment of another group of people. Many of these American Jews are leading activism against the racist apartheid racist.

Does anyone read the long-winded Rue diatribes? Wow.....

I have seldom gone past the first few sentences. Those sentences usually turnout to be factually wrong and I let him know it. Then he spends the next post fumbling and going into tangents and crazy arguments with himself. Kind of like when Clint Eastwood started having a semi-coherent babbling fest with a chair, which made a bit more sense than what Rue's frantic fingers type. He tries to respond to the obvious mistake he has made, but can't. He also tries to impress people who don't really read his diatribe by sharing his knowledge on the middle east. But he fails at that as well.

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There is no benefit for America to be giving so much to a state that only drags them into wars and creates chaos and extremism while doing it. The mutual benefit doesn't involve the American people. The mutuality is between the colonialist Zionists and the military industrial complex.

America doesn't have to be a war mongering bully nation to be great. It can be great by nurturing its ingenuity and respecting human rights.

It will take a bit of time, but eventually the number of libertarians and lefty liberals will get bigger and come together, like ron paul and ralph nader did and the grip of the Zionist lobby over America will lessen. Not to mention the increasing number of younger American Jews who are unable to relate to Israel and its cruel and archaic treatment of another group of people. Many of these American Jews are leading activism against the racist apartheid racist.

I have seldom gone past the first few sentences. Those sentences usually turnout to be factually wrong and I let him know it. Then he spends the next post fumbling and going into tangents and crazy arguments with himself. Kind of like when Clint Eastwood started having a semi-coherent babbling fest with a chair, which made a bit more sense than what Rue's frantic fingers types. He tries to respond to the obvious mistake he has made, but can't. He also tries to impress people who don't really read his diatribe by sharing his knowledge on the middle east. But he fails at that as well.


You read every line and your script producers advise you not to respond. Who you kidding.

You have yet to come on this forum and prove one thing I have said is wrong.

You have yet to come on this forum and do anything but express subjective opinion which you contend is fact.

You have never responded to anyone when asked by them to verify the basis for your opinions.

You came on this forum and called for the destruction of Israel but refuse to say how.

You have come on this forum and never once have disclosed your actual political affiliation and what your mandate is.


Who are you kidding.

You propagate, I will respond and throw it back at you with actual facts.

You spread hatred I will take that hatred and throw it right back in your face with facts to counter your slurs, anti-Semitic generalizations

about Jews and attempts to incite hatred against Jews and between Jews and Muslims and Christians.

Yah I have your no.'Hudson Jones'.

Now then, your admitting in the first line you are close minded and do not read what people have to say is obvious.

"You" come on this forum not to debate anyone-just to propagate.

Lol now you try do a Beavis and Butthead routine with the other self professed illiterate?

Yippee now its 2 of you who openly cherish and brag about being illiterate, ignorant and disrespectful of othersand close minded.

Yah that's a badge of honour to embrace.

Here I am "Hudson Jones".

You want to use this forum as a platform to spread hatred-here I will be word for word responding.

See this is not Tehran or Damascus. This is Canada. We have freedom of speech. You don't get to preach your version of political extremismwithout opposition.

Wrong country and every time you show your inability to debate and acknowledge any opinion but yours, your true colours

shine forth.

You are transparent as hell. Maybe try wear some underwear. The guise is real thin.

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Now the "Hudson Jones" site claims I produce untrue facts.I want this site just once to prove any of the following is untrue. This site claims there is no benefit to the US being allied with Israel. I have responded. He won;t.

Here are some of the more obvious benefits:

1-Israel and the US engage in joint training, exercises and exchanges on military doctrine, in regards t counter-terrorism, intelligence and urban warfare;

2-U.S. homeland security and military agencies as a result of 1 as just one example have incorporated Israeli security technology for their own practices, specifically behavioral screening techniques for airport security;

3-the US has benefitted from Israeli-produced tactical radar systems to protect their air forces;

4-the US drones, now a major tool in both the surveillance of and strategic removal of terrorists us based on Israeli unmanned aerial system technology;

5-the US has directly benefitted from Israeli technology regarding armored vehicle protection, short-range rocket defense systems, and the use of robotics for military and non military use;

6-as stated earlier and now clarified further, Israel's national missile defense systems and technologyhas been able to develop and deploy X-band radar systems and at the present time it is believed approximately 100 American military personnel in Israel are trained to use it and both countries continue to work closely on the development of missile defense not just for Israel but for use for the US, in Europe, the eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf to help protect U.S. forces and allies and its citizens;

7-Israeli designed and developed defense equipment continues to be developed and sent for use in the US Armed Forces such as the helmet-mounted sight now standard for all frontline Air Force and Navy fighter aircraft;

8-Israel developed armor installed in thousands of US Armed Forces MRAP armored vehicles used in Iraq and Afghanistan;

9-Isael developed aa gun system now used by its own navy and the American navy for for close-in defense protection of their naval vessels against terrorist dinghies and small-boats;

10-there is a current U.S. -Israeli project developing the "Iron Dome" counter-rocket system;

11-Counter-terrorism and intelligence cooperation enables the US as well as Israel to keep an eye on Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda and its affiliate groups, and has and continues to counter their presence in an area containing oil so vital to US interests;

12-it is now disclosed publically that because of the above alliance. Israel shared with the United States photographic evidence in 2007 that proved Syria, with North Korean assistance, was making a nuclear weapon producing reactor.

Now do you think this "Hudson Jones" can explain how all the above directly flowing from the military aid to Israel did not and does not benefit the US?

Of course not.

What he can do though is name call.


I repeat again Back in 1948 the world turned its back on the surviving Jews of the holocaust.

Those Jews had no alies. FDR was a staunch ally of Saudi Arabia and wanted nothing to do with alienating this no.1 source of petroleum. Truman followed and in his memoirs wrote the same thing. The UN abandon the Jews of Europe. Not a peep. It was up to Jews to assist each other head to Palestine to join others already there and this is a land where Jews have lived 3,000 years and where they did not invade as colonialists, but returned to escape colonialists despite the attempts to re-write history and suggest Jews are not indigineous to the area.

When the ArabLeague attacked the Jews of Palestine to as they announced exterminate them all, the UN did nothing and said nothing. The British flew the Egyptian Air Force jets that dive bombed Jews. One of its military generals and numerous officers led the Arab League Armies, specifically the Royal Jordanian Army.

It as in fact the mass murderer Joseph Stalin who allowed 125,000 Russian Jews out and to Israel that enabled the settlers there to have support in numbers still outmanned over 1000 to 1.

It was in fact Czechoslovakia (through Stalin's permission) that sent the few arms Jewish settlers had to them and trained them.

These settlers were joined by Jews and Christianr volunteers from Canada, Australia, the US, Britain and France.

The Arab League Army did not talk of liberating Palestinians. In fact the leaders of the Palestinians at the time ridiculed the use of the word and called for a united caliphate with Syria and Lebanon and all of what is now Jordan and Israel.

In fact Jordan was seized unilaterally by Britain and turned into a Jewish free Palestinan state taking 80% of land mandated for a Jewish state and giving it back to the Muslims of the area most by that time who were not Palestinian but flooded into Palestine displacing Palestinians.

The Arab League armies collapsed and ran. The pre 1967 border was never agreed to. It was in fact simply the line of retreat.

The Palestinians who fled Israel told by the Arab League Army to flee were then deliberately imprisoned in open air prisons as the Arab League announced there they would be imprisoned as a reminder to the world

that until Jews were removed from Palestine these people would remain hostages and serve as a symbol

of the evils of Jews in Palestine.

To this day the Arab world has held Palestinians in contempt. The Gaza strip was created as an open air prison by Nasser who then ridiculed them and called them cowards for refusing to attack Israel.

Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs who reached out and donated land to Jewish settlers from the holocaust were brutally murdered by Arab extremists.

None of this can be changed by sites like H Jones which would try recreate history to suggest Jews just popped up from Europe as oppressors.

More Jews were expelled from Arab League countries than any Arabs who fled the 1948 war.

The Arab League claimed if the Arabs did not flee they would be murdered by the Jews. Today the descendants of the Arabs who stayed vote and have the highest standard of living of all Arabs in the Middle East. They have their own religious and family courts, educational systems and some were war heroes for the Israeli Defence Forces. The Supreme Court of Israel has enforced their right to own land.

In return no Jew can own land in a sharia law nation.No Jew has equal rights to a Muslim in a sharia law nation.

Yet H Jones will have you believe if Jews want a state its wrong, but if the rest of the Middle East has Muslim states, that's just fine. No contradiction there. What's good for his goose aint good enough for his gander.

This then brings me back to the conclusion. Israel would not have come about if it were not for Elenor Roosevelt, a Christian and not very religious at that, who single handedly took on the UN, Truman, the US State Department and in fact the entire Western world and Arab League of nations in her support of a homeland for Jews.

Hervitality, her integrity is why Jews of Israel can exist and her winning over a reluctant Truman who admitted in his memoirs he was an anti-Semite and had to challenge his own stereotypes is what enabled Israel to survive.

It was Truman who threatened by a coup's d'états by his own joint Chief of Staffs and Sec.of State told them all to phack off and insisted he would support Israel.

Israel did not turn to the Soviets and become the puppet state Stalin wanted to counter the neo-facist regimes of Egypt, Iraq and Syria all modelled on Nazism.

So Stalin famously switched alliances and using Nazi propaganda scripts written in Damascus by ex Nazi officers now working for the Syrian Communications Ministry created the spin H Jones site still parrots today right down to the Jews as colonialist invaders crap and has you believe the concept of "Palestinian"

was eve used by Palestinian movements prior to the failure of Arafat to assassinate Hussein and take over Jordan in 1967.

This is why Israel has an alliance with the US. It benefits not just from the obvious information exchange but maintains a tie based on the work of Elenor Roosevelt and grass roots Americans and not just Jews or Christians, but non religious Americans too who believe Jews have the same right of sufferage

Americans once called for.

It also does not mean the US or Israel hates Palestinians for wanting their own country. The issue now is, how to create that country and to do that like the peace settlement in Northern Ireland, terrorists will have to be disarmed before they can come to the table.

Neither Palestinians or Israelis can talk if terrorists like those H Jones demand violent destruction of Israel or for that matter Palestinians who won't embrace terrorism.

This is where the US comes in. It benefits both Palestinians and Israelis. It has demonstrated a willingness to put money down on economic development projects for Palestinians, Jordanians and Israelis and even Egyptians when they cooperate with each other.

That is not evil colonialism.That is constructive assistance. Its not China and its not Russia.If anyone wants to explain how Sudan or Iran have benefitted from their alliance with China as Israel and Jordan and Egypt have with the US please explain.

If someone wants to explain how Syria benefitted from being a naval base for Russia please explain.

Will H jones explain?

Of course not.

Edited by Rue
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There is no benefit for America to be giving so much to a state that only drags them into wars and creates chaos and extremism while doing it. The mutual benefit doesn't involve the American people. The mutuality is between the colonialist Zionists and the military industrial complex.

You are so naive when it comes to such things. But it doesn't matter what drives your opinion....Americans will decide what is in there interest, not Israel's haters living in Canada. If you wish to fight Israel, you will have to deal with the USA too. Good luck with that.

America doesn't have to be a war mongering bully nation to be great. It can be great by nurturing its ingenuity and respecting human rights.

America would not exist in its present form without "war mongering" experiences, starting with the (former) British Empire. The U.S. "nurtures" American interests, not yours. If you don't like that....tough bounce.

It will take a bit of time, but eventually the number of libertarians and lefty liberals will get bigger and come together, like ron paul and ralph nader did and the grip of the Zionist lobby over America will lessen. Not to mention the increasing number of younger American Jews who are unable to relate to Israel and its cruel and archaic treatment of another group of people. Many of these American Jews are leading activism against the racist apartheid racist.

You are impotent when it comes to such things by being so reliant and dependent on what America will or will not do. You have no power or influence beyond this web forum, and clearly that is not enough. Israel is an ally of the U.S. just like Canada.....perhaps you want the U.S. to "punish" Canada for continuing "human rights" violations ?

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Guest American Woman

There is no benefit for America....

Again. You don't get to determine that. Do you think you get to determine what your next door neighbors do? Do you tell them whether or not how they choose to spend their money benefits them? Do they determine that for you? Of course not. And you don't get to determine that for your U.S. neighbor, either.

Edited by American Woman
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Again. You don't get to determine that.

I get to determine what my opinion is. U.S' welfare cheque to Israel every year, effects the whole world.

America would not exist in its present form without "war mongering" experiences, starting with the (former) British Empire. The U.S. "nurtures" American interests, not yours. If you don't like that....tough bounce.

And it will be known as a warmongering nation in the future, unless Americans decide to change their path. The current policies and the system will continue to bring America down.

You are impotent when it comes to such things by being so reliant and dependent on what America will or will not do. You have no power or influence beyond this web forum, and clearly that is not enough. Israel is an ally of the U.S. just like Canada.....perhaps you want the U.S. to "punish" Canada for continuing "human rights" violations ?

We all have power and influence in one form or another. This is not about one person's thoughts. It's about the awareness and knowledge of issues and the collective voice of people. You may feel content and even have embraced the system, but things are always changing and things will never stay constant. I'm not sure how old you are and how close you are to death, but the status quo bubble will burst and you will be on the wrong side of history.

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