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US Scandals

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As we, in Canada, Freak out about $90,000 in expenses by a Senator, the US is dealing with some pretty interesting scandals.


I'm not an expert on US politics but it appears even people on the left admit that having the IRS target Conservative Organization specifically is a pretty big scandal. If Obama didn't know about it, shouldn't he have?

The other one would be the AP scandal where the Justice Department tapped private phone records of reporters because they were investigating a foiled terrorist attack in Yemen. Imagine if CSIS tried to spy on the CBC? People in this country would freak!

Oh and there's that Bengazi thing.

I'm curious why little has been made of these issues on this site. This could really mare Obama's second term like the Lewinsky thing sort of marred Clinton's second term. I'd imagine even the Liberal media find what's happened pretty offensive.

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As we, in Canada, Freak out about $90,000 in expenses by a Senator, the US is dealing with some pretty interesting scandals.


I'm not an expert on US politics but it appears even people on the left admit that having the IRS target Conservative Organization specifically is a pretty big scandal. If Obama didn't know about it, shouldn't he have?

The other one would be the AP scandal where the Justice Department tapped private phone records of reporters because they were investigating a foiled terrorist attack in Yemen. Imagine if CSIS tried to spy on the CBC? People in this country would freak!

Oh and there's that Bengazi thing.

I'm curious why little has been made of these issues on this site. This could really mare Obama's second term like the Lewinsky thing sort of marred Clinton's second term. I'd imagine even the Liberal media find what's happened pretty offensive.

Ask your friends and family.

What do they know more about

1- The Benghazi attack on 9/11


2- The Jodi Arias trial.

Simple poll to gauge who is paying attention to what.

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As we, in Canada, Freak out about $90,000

I thought we were freaking out about a prime minister who was elected because he promised that this sort of corruption would no longer be permitted to occur and not go unpunished when it was uncovered.

As the headline in the first link above notes these scandals poison the democratic process which includes opposition. Harper essentially promised and held out hope for the same thing Obama did which is change and the breaking of that promise is what's causing people to freak out. The same thing is occurring everywhere around the planet.

What little capacity for trust that still exists between those who govern and those who are governed is breaking down rapidly and the result is getting uglier.

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I thought we were freaking out about a prime minister who was elected because he promised that this sort of corruption would no longer be permitted to occur and not go unpunished when it was uncovered.

The missing money is the result of the corruption within government. It's only 90Gs yes, but shows bigger issue of the corruption within those who are saying they are against corruption.

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The missing money is the result of the corruption within government. It's only 90Gs yes, but shows bigger issue of the corruption within those who are saying they are against corruption.

Evidence that the corruption is widespread. As far as I know it's isolated to 3 senators and a Chief of Staff.

I wonder do people believe Obama didn't know about the IRS and AP scandals? Do those same people believe that Harper told Wright to pay off Duffy even if he's denied it?

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Boges, on 23 May 2013 - 12:13 PM, said:

Evidence that the corruption is widespread. As far as I know it's isolated to 3 senators and a Chief of Staff.

I wonder do people believe Obama didn't know about the IRS and AP scandals? Do those same people believe that Harper told Wright to pay off Duffy even if he's denied it?

Then you have a President who really does not know anything about what is going on within the USA's borders and yet he loves to play the globalist and worry about killing through drone strikes on the other side of the earth.

It's similar to the UK and the email/phone hacking from entities tied back to Rupert Murdoch. Someone in government knew about it. But if they exposed it, they would risk exposing themselves.

There is a silence among them that are corrupt. It will affect their gravy train as well.

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Then you have a President who really does not know anything about what is going on within the USA's borders and yet he loves to play the globalist and worry about killing through drone strikes on the other side of the earth.

It's similar to the UK and the email/phone hacking from entities tied back to Rupert Murdoch. Someone in government knew about it. But if they exposed it, they would risk exposing themselves.

There is a silence among them that are corrupt. It will affect their gravy train as well.

I'll agree with that. But those are all huge scandals compared to dealing with a bunch of rogue senators, who were kicked from caucus and Wright was made to resign.

If one were a conspiracy theorist, these scandals would give Harper the perfect opportunity to abolish the Senate.

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His Chief of Staff appeared have tried to buy off a Senator. Who was forced to resign.

I did not see any forcing him out. Looked like on the surface he left on his own. But if he did no wrong then why step down? So one can conclude he was forced out.

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I'll agree with that. But those are all huge scandals compared to dealing with a bunch of rogue senators, who were kicked from caucus and Wright was made to resign.

If one were a conspiracy theorist, these scandals would give Harper the perfect opportunity to abolish the Senate.

I have a problem with the term 'conspiracy theorist'. Things are only conspiratorial in a sense until they make it to the MSM then it becomes a main stream issue. Otherwise we have the MSM complicit in the cover up of other things only because they are pissed about being the target of the stuff they should have reported on before. Only now that it is directly affecting people in the MSM media. Independent media personalities have already been targets by the same people targeting the Tea Party and other 'grass roots' organizations. And when they said they were targets, people shrugged them off.

Edited by GostHacked
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I'll agree with that. But those are all huge scandals compared to dealing with a bunch of rogue senators, who were kicked from caucus and Wright was made to resign.

If one were a conspiracy theorist, these scandals would give Harper the perfect opportunity to abolish the Senate.

The U.S. already has the constitutional framework and experience for dealing with such "huge scandals". It is only comparable to Canada in the broadest political sense. The CBC's Neil Macdonald has his say:


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The U.S. already has the constitutional framework and experience for dealing with such "huge scandals". It is only comparable to Canada in the broadest political sense. The CBC's Neil Macdonald has his say:


Kind of trollish don't you think? Ridiculing Canadians for talking things American, and yet you have a Canadian news personality to prove a point in America.

But we have the same result, two 'leaders' who are selling our countries out.

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As we, in Canada, Freak out about $90,000 in expenses by a Senator, the US is dealing with some pretty interesting scandals.


I'm not an expert on US politics but it appears even people on the left admit that having the IRS target Conservative Organization specifically is a pretty big scandal. If Obama didn't know about it, shouldn't he have?

The other one would be the AP scandal where the Justice Department tapped private phone records of reporters because they were investigating a foiled terrorist attack in Yemen. Imagine if CSIS tried to spy on the CBC? People in this country would freak!

Oh and there's that Bengazi thing.

I'm curious why little has been made of these issues on this site. This could really mare Obama's second term like the Lewinsky thing sort of marred Clinton's second term. I'd imagine even the Liberal media find what's happened pretty offensive.

These are made-up scandals of no importance. It's the extreme right media and their political arm the Republican party screaming just to be heard, trying to disguise their corrupt ideology and total lack of fiscal or economic ideas beyond cutting taxes to the wealthy,

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What? Made up and of no importance?

Argus: Tell me you haven't been drinking the US mainstream Media-party Kool-Aid or the CBC who ignore anything and everything Obama does even remotely wrong have you? Lemme see, here's some info on these 3 "ficticious scandals" as you see them:

1. It is a fact that the IRS illegally targeted organizations purely for their political leaning to the Right. This is precisely why the House Congressional committee is investigating it and conveniently and as usual, nobody is talking and the director taking the 5th.

2. Someone in the state dept consciously made a decision NOT to send in help to Benghazi, instead uses Susan Rice to spin it as a random act based on an anti-Islam video. Again, the CIA claims they informed the state department this was not the case, yet the spin and the ignorance excuse is still being used with still no accountability for the victim's families. What was made up here is the lie released by the State Dept via Ms. Rice to protect Obama from any bad press during his campaign.

3. The DOJ targets the AP, FOX News and now a CBS reporter, seizing phone and E-mail records accusing them of aiding in espionage without any real evidence, yet the left wing outlet The NY Times gets a pass on the Wiki leaks. Wreaks of government trying to silence any opponents of their administration. This would never be tolerated by the media with a sitting Republican president.

Had this been Bush or any GOP Administration it would be plastered all over every media outlet and there would be talk of impeachment by now. Trivializing these scandals as you do calling them "made up" in order to demonize the right is a typical left-wing tactic to draw attention away from the real problem in Washington.

The left and the ignorant average voter in the US better wake up from the coma they seem to be in before their country and freedom are taken from them piece by piece from the likes of Obama and others like him.

Here's a quote that I think accurately describes the current US administration for any rational thinking person: "A fish rots from the head down".

Edited by roy baty
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1. It is a fact that the IRS illegally targeted organizations purely for their political leaning to the Right.

But because you're drinking the mainstream media kool-aid, you are unaware or unwilling to address the fact that they also targeted organizations purely for their political leaning to the Left.


2. Someone in the state dept consciously made a decision NOT to send in help to Benghazi, instead uses Susan Rice to spin it as a random act based on an anti-Islam video.

The GOP lost an election by overplaying this hand. No one cares that they thought it was because of a video or didn't think it was because of a video.

3. The DOJ targets the AP, FOX News and now a CBS reporter, seizing phone and E-mail records accusing them of aiding in espionage without any real evidence, yet the left wing outlet The NY Times gets a pass on the Wiki leaks.

I stopped reading and wiped the coffee that sprayed from my mouth onto my computer screen when you called the NY Times a "left wing outlet." Can I send you the bill if the keyboard is damaged?

Edited by BubberMiley
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The IRS scandal is simply jaw dropping. They single handedly suppress the conservative money raising machine in the year leading up to Obama's re-election. Then they leak the scandal by planting a question in a seminar so it will be long dealt with by 2014.

And it looks like they will get away with it. It's times like these when I'm glad I live in Canada where our scandals are mostly about far less disgusting items.

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But because you're drinking the mainstream media kool-aid, you are unaware or unwilling to address the fact that they also targeted organizations purely for their political leaning to the Left.


The GOP lost an election by overplaying this hand. No one cares that they thought it was because of a video or didn't think it was because of a video.

I stopped reading and wiped the coffee that sprayed from my mouth onto my computer screen when you called the NY Times a "left wing outlet." Can I send you the bill if the keyboard is damaged?

:). Wipe the coffee off the Obama poster behind your PC Bubber, it's probably more important to you.. DailyKoolaid.com? Now there's a reliable non-partisan source we can all treat as gospel like you do. :) The IRS looked into the left organizations no more than usual. Tea party and other right leaning organizations were intentionally targeted by far greater margin. This isn't right-wing news outlets that spewing this, it's the Federal Inspector General of the United States. Even CNN and ABC are on this more lately. Know your facts before you make weak arguments from weak sources who want to marginalize the scandal as insignificant as you do just to protect a very corrupt administration. What gets me about you Obama lovers, you take a legitimate scandal riddled with corruption and un-accountability and spin it somehow make it all about GOP gain regardless ignoring how bad and dangerous this behavior is for a country.

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There's ample evidence to suggest the IRS specifically targeted Right-wing organizations. Why else would that lady take the 5th?

The question is, what did Obama know about it? He says he knows nothing. He in fact said he learned about it when the media reported it. Is this an example of plausible deniability or that Obama is that out of the loop?

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It's hard to say whether Obama knows anything about the recent "scandals". I'm certain he tries not to know what his political allies are doing just that they are on the job. He can assume they are pushing the agenda. He just needs to keep campaigning and fund-raising. Don't let him know the details of the dirty work. His responsibility is to get the the responsible players off the hook and assign blame to some scapegoat if he can't just pooh-pooh the facts or blame his opposition for being overzealous or racist or something.

Contrary to what Mr. Miley thinks, the NY Times is a "left wing outlet" as is the Daily Kos. They will attempt to nullify the facts as they come up but it is getting harder to defend the leaders of their favoured political party.

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The IRS looked into the left organizations no more than usual. Tea party and other right leaning organizations were intentionally targeted by far greater margin.

Cite? Even a cite from the Daily KOS will be acceptable. I'd like to know what this "far greater margin" is.

In the meantime, is Bloomberg an acceptable source to show that the conservative victimization complex is off the charts?


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If anything, John Stewart seems offended by the IRS scandal. For what it's worth.

So do you think the Left's response to this is going to be denial? Nice to see Stewart upset, but I'm seeing excuses or denial from the left. It's sad, really, Benghazi was a blip on the radar and the AP phone records were a shoulder shrug to lefties. But you know had this all happened under a Republican president lefties would have been spontaneously combusting.

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So do you think the Left's response to this is going to be denial? Nice to see Stewart upset, but I'm seeing excuses or denial from the left. It's sad, really, Benghazi was a blip on the radar and the AP phone records were a shoulder shrug to lefties. But you know had this all happened under a Republican president lefties would have been spontaneously combusting.

It's the same as with the Duffy thing. It happened, who do you blame?

Is it good enough to blame higher ups in the IRS or does the buck stop with Obama?

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