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The Roma are coming, the Gypsies are coming!

Guest Peeves

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I never made a defence. I clarified my motivation for asking you questions - questions that remain unanswered by the way.

Insulted how ? If my summary of your criteria is wrong then just correct me.

I do think you're a thoughtful and careful poster. Look, WB, these aren't easy questions but we need to ask them of ourselves and each other. I don't think any less of you either way.

Argus' position is a lot more clear than yours, and he has come out directly in answer of my question. You may not like what he has to say but this board is about discussion of issues.

Michael, your inference was quite plain. You twisted my points into a racial issue, implying that my views therefore are also racist. I found that insulting and unfair. I also think you lost track of who said what, confusing my posts with that of others. A simple apology could have corrected that but you chose to obfuscate your way out of it. I am NOT Mr. Canada!

For the record, I do not believe that my views are racist in anyway at all. If anything, I find YOUR positions often to be patronizing and frankly insulting to members of minorities!

However, we are all entitled to our own opinions. Which brings me to another problem.

Before, whenever I found that a poster got under my skin too much, .whether from a total lack of fair-mindedness, an absence of manners or common courtesy or simply being unable or unaware of enough common knowledge to be interesting I would just add him to my 'IGNORE' list.

I just got a news flash. I CAN'T add YOU, Michael!

I tried but the forum software won't let me! I got a message saying that I "cannot ignore this member". I guess 'facillatators' are exempt.

That's a pity. It reduces my options to trying to ignore you manually or simply leaving the board.

I truly think you owe me an apology, Michael. I also truly believe that hell would freeze over first! Whatever, you are the facillatator, not me. The 'owners' of this forum chose you and therefore you are more important to them than one disgruntled member.

So, I will try to ignore you 'manually'. I would appreciate it if you would share the courtesy. I find your debating postions to often be not just biased, but 'righteous', for want of a better word.

Tit for tat, I suppose, since you clearly find my views to be racist. In real life I might have other options but if I wish to participate on MLW I see no other options but those I have already expressed.

It's unfortunate but if we agree to ignore each other I'm sure that things will stay civil and polite. If not, since I am the one having difficulty with the situation I will of course be the one to move on and remove any reason for hard feelings.

Edited by Wild Bill
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Good for her. But was she 5 generations out of wherever it was she came from? Unless they just came over last generation, I'm doubting most speak Italian, just like few who came over from Germany or Poland or Ukraine still speak those languages into the second and third and fourth generation, let alone past that. And frankly, I do know one Italian family who still speak Italian, who send their kids to a special school on weekends to learn Italian. It would be rude, but I really want to say to them "What the hell? If you're so all fired proud of Italy why don't you go back there? You're supposed to be Canadians now. If you want to be Italians then LEAVE.".

I don't understand why it would bother you, unless you feel culture is some zero sum value.

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Michael, your inference was quite plain. You twisted my points into a racial issue, implying that my views therefore are also racist. I found that insulting and unfair. I also think you lost track of who said what, confusing my posts with that of others. A simple apology could have corrected that but you chose to obfuscate your way out of it. I am NOT Mr. Canada!

I get that. I'm not trying to twist your words. I am trying to play your criteria (I think) back to you as I understand them. I'm not being dishonest or trying to frame you. If these criteria end up implying something that you don't like, how is that my fault ? Correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to be jumping ahead and anticipating that I will be calling you a racist, but I'm not planning to do that, nor do I think it in the way that you imagine.

So, this line of discussion isn't leading to where it should lead. It's supposed to progress our discussion, but instead it's prompting you to want to ignore me or leave. As such, I'm going to stop pursuing this, if that's ok.

I don't want to ignore you. I appreciate your honesty here and find you to be a valuable poster and a great discussion partner.

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I get that. I'm not trying to twist your words. I am trying to play your criteria (I think) back to you as I understand them. I'm not being dishonest or trying to frame you. If these criteria end up implying something that you don't like, how is that my fault ? Correct me if I'm wrong. You seem to be jumping ahead and anticipating that I will be calling you a racist, but I'm not planning to do that, nor do I think it in the way that you imagine.

So, this line of discussion isn't leading to where it should lead. It's supposed to progress our discussion, but instead it's prompting you to want to ignore me or leave. As such, I'm going to stop pursuing this, if that's ok.

I don't want to ignore you. I appreciate your honesty here and find you to be a valuable poster and a great discussion partner.

I'll drink to that. Welcome back. I'm buying...Sarsaparilla anyone?

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I don't understand why it would bother you, unless you feel culture is some zero sum value.

There are a number of factors, some probably emotional. I question the loyalty of people like that. I've questioned it before about some Jews too, when they were screaming and yelling at a government minister because of some decision that was made with regard to Israel (and as you probably know I'm a supporter of Israel, generally). I question it about Muslims, who seem to care more about policy directed at their 'old' countries then policy here in Canada. I guess I just don't like people with conflicted loyalties getting to vote and call themselves Canadians. I only have one country, as far as I'm concerned. I think these people don't have the same stake in it as I do. As for all those so-called Canadians who are resident in Lebanon, I don't think any of them are Canadian at all. If I had my way their passports would all be lifted.

I think there are too many people calling themselves Canadians who have emotional and psychological loyalties elsewhere.

Edited by Argus
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Easy solution, slap Visa restrictions on Hungary.

Most of the problem solved.

We do? Do they bget a group rate when they show up as a posse, triad or gang?

Link please.

Don't be dumb here guyser, foriegn gangs are a huge problem in canada, even quiet ottawa has a somoli gang problem. How would you like if a gang walk into your house and decided to stay a month while selling drugs out of yoir house and making you buy them everything. That happened in ottawa and the child finally broke down and told a teacher. The cops then went over and made the arrests. And that was not the only one. Why is it that the left will never admit to something gone wrong, when it comes to immigration?
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Don't be dumb here guyser, foriegn gangs are a huge problem in canada, even quiet ottawa has a somoli gang problem. How would you like if a gang walk into your house and decided to stay a month while selling drugs out of yoir house and making you buy them everything. That happened in ottawa and the child finally broke down and told a teacher. The cops then went over and made the arrests. And that was not the only one. Why is it that the left will never admit to something gone wrong, when it comes to immigration?

Because they hate white people and think we've had it too good for too long and it's time for us to suffer like the poor coloured people have. Anything that makes whites uncomfortable they like.

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Don't be dumb here guyser,

I was being smart.

We dont "let in gangs mafia gang, Jamaican Posses, unless of course they line up at Ft Erie and identify themselves as such.

LOL...and Im being dumb?

foriegn gangs are a huge problem in canada, even quiet ottawa has a somoli gang problem. How would you like if a gang walk into your house and decided to stay a month while selling drugs out of yoir house and making you buy them everything. That happened in ottawa and the child finally broke down and told a teacher. The cops then went over and made the arrests. And that was not the only one. Why is it that the left will never admit to something gone wrong, when it comes to immigration?

Gangs are a problem, and according to some, Ottawas gang problem peaked in 1990. Hmm....

So how would I like it? Oh it's be a blast, fun and cupcakes for all ! Think of the great food we'd have with all those ethnicities!

As for admitting, sure I have, lots of times,

The devil is I ask what and fraidy cats (not you specifically) say we are run over by Culture X and and the sky is falling.

Black Dog is right, he asks what should we do and the response?...........crickets.

I have no concerns for the dominant culture in Canada.

Oh and ny the way, googled Somali gang takes over house in Ott.....no reply. Got a link?

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The devil is I ask what and fraidy cats (not you specifically) say we are run over by Culture X and and the sky is falling.

Well, that's just it. At bottom, many of these discussions become about who is and isn't terrified...and that those of us who aren't peeing our pants are the ones who are remiss! :)

I suppose, if one wishes to take the Mark Steyns and Glenn Becks of the world seriously (and they're almost exactly the same, only that Mark Steyn has a bigger vocabulary)...well, that's his or her business. (Usually his, but that's another topic.)

Just don't expect the rest of us to snivel frightened in the corner, too. I've got other stuff to do.

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I'm trying to avoid a race crisis here in Canada. What if the Muslims start beheading Canadians they don't agree with like they do in Holland? Will that be allowed to stand as multiculturalism? We must take steps t oavoid this catastrophe right now instead of having second thoughts later. And Steyn has facts backing him up as does Beck.

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Well, that's just it. At bottom, many of these discussions become about who is and isn't terrified...and that those of us who aren't peeing our pants are the ones who are remiss! smile.png

I suppose, if one wishes to take the Mark Steyns and Glenn Becks of the world seriously (and they're almost exactly the same, only that Mark Steyn has a bigger vocabulary)...well, that's his or her business. (Usually his, but that's another topic.)

Just don't expect the rest of us to snivel frightened in the corner, too. I've got other stuff to do.

Steyn and Beck are something else,

Wish I knew the name of the auther, he put a book out that broke down the numbers of Muslims in N Am and how they would dominate.......aboslutely nothing.

The numbers just never could add up.

But bedwetters for the most part is apt.

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I'm trying to avoid a race crisis here in Canada.

By baiting them? Sure ....that'd work.

What if the Muslims start beheading Canadians they don't agree with like they do in Holland? Will that be allowed to stand as multiculturalism?

Of course they would get a pass.

Geez, any idiot bedwetter would know that.

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I'm trying to avoid a race crisis here in Canada. What if the Muslims start beheading Canadians they don't agree with like they do in Holland? Will that be allowed to stand as multiculturalism? We must take steps t oavoid this catastrophe right now instead of having second thoughts later.

Beheading Canadians is entirely illegal in this country, and that sort of behaviour will land a person in prison.

And Steyn has facts backing him up as does Beck.

Leaving aside Beck, a conspiracy theorist who takes to weeping, when not screaming at the top of his lungs at callers who dare disagree with him...Steyn is extremely careless with facts, notably on his Demographics Nightmare Scenario...when he's not outright wrong (Iraq will be a tourist trap by 2004 :)) or just generally a disgusting degenerate (an Iraqi detainee with a banana jammed up his behind was so frikkin' hilarious that Steyn brought it up twice, to my knowledge, guffawing like an English schoolboy sexually tormenting a weaker fellow.)

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Well, that's just it. At bottom, many of these discussions become about who is and isn't terrified...and that those of us who aren't peeing our pants are the ones who are remiss! smile.png

Just don't expect the rest of us to snivel frightened in the corner, too. I've got other stuff to do.

You don't suppose it's possible there is some intermediary group that is neither of the "I couldn't care less who comes in" or the "sitting in a corner terrified and peeing themselves" do you?

No, of course not...

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Beheading Canadians is entirely illegal in this country, and that sort of behaviour will land a person in prison.

Of course but many adhere to its merits. These people are not welcome in Canada. As the Muslim population grows in numbers in Canada so does its influence. Remember that. Muslims are very aggressive politically. As I said soon we will have Sharia Law in Canada. Then it will be illegal to insult Mohammad or Islam at all under penalty of death.

Leaving aside Beck, a conspiracy theorist who takes to weeping, when not screaming at the top of his lungs at callers who dare disagree with him...Steyn is extremely careless with facts, notably on his Demographics Nightmare Scenario...when he's not outright wrong (Iraq will be a tourist trap by 2004 smile.png) or just generally a disgusting degenerate (an Iraqi detainee with a banana jammed up his behind was so frikkin' hilarious that Steyn brought it up twice, to my knowledge, guffawing like an English schoolboy sexually tormenting a weaker fellow.)

he's not perfect but he does make a compelling argument. Forget his antics and silly topics. When he's talking about serious numbers he is accurate and needs to be listened to seriously.
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As the Muslim population grows in numbers in Canada so does its influence. Remember that. Muslims are very aggressive politically. As I said soon we will have Sharia Law in Canada.


Right now they make up ..what....about .018 % of our population?

I wont wet the bed for oh......about 80 years or so, You can of course do so tonight worrying.


he's not perfect but he does make a compelling argument. Forget his antics and silly topics. When he's talking about serious numbers he is accurate and needs to be listened to seriously.

No he doesnt.

Edited by guyser
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Right now they make up ..what....about .018 % of our population?

I wont wet the bed for oh......about 80 years or so, You can of course do so tonight worrying.

They are over 1 million in Canada or 3% of the population and growing fast. Many Muslim families have 8 children to collect maximum from government. Once they get to 10% we will have problems. We will have Sharia Law.

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They are over 1 million in Canada or 3% of the population and growing fast. Many Muslim families have 8 children to collect maximum from government. Once they get to 10% we will have problems. We will have Sharia Law.

Seems my numbers are old, and yours are made up.

Currently 940,000, 2.8% of pop.

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We have some "garbage" of our own too. rolleyes.gif

yes those who were admitted under suspicious conditions must be examined. We must make all Canadians swear an oath to PM harper and salute him. Every home should have a portrait of Harper in it so we can be inspired throughout the day and night. he is a great man who deserves our praise. lets get behind out leader and support him. It will be easier on everyone if they just started becoming conservatives. I don't know why harper doesn't just ban all other political parties.
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Seems my numbers are old, and yours are made up.

Currently 940,000, 2.8% of pop.

You're going to quibble between 1 million and 940k? 1 million is a perfectly valid shorthand approximation for 940k, especially when the number is sure to have risen since the time the 940k data was obtained.

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You're going to quibble between 1 million and 940k? 1 million is a perfectly valid shorthand approximation for 940k, especially when the number is sure to have risen since the time the 940k data was obtained.

The Muslim population has doubled since 2001 when they had 500k Muslims in Canada. So another 10 years and the Muslims will go up by 2.5 times and we will have around 3.5 million by 2020 then 9 million by 2030, 23 million by 2040. These numbers aren't far away. The maple leaf in our flag will be replaced with a red crescent moon and star by then. Edited by Mr.Canada
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yes those who were admitted under suspicious conditions must be examined. We must make all Canadians swear an oath to PM harper and salute him. Every home should have a portrait of Harper in it so we can be inspired throughout the day and night. he is a great man who deserves our praise. lets get behind out leader and support him. It will be easier on everyone if they just started becoming conservatives. I don't know why harper doesn't just ban all other political parties.

Are you just trolling here or are you really this freaky?

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