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I think the EC has just realized the hole they are digging and it is time to stop. Enough of the witch hunts.

Enough of the witch hunt? Where's Pierre Poutine? Why don't you want this criminal brought to justice? So much for being tough on crime I guess. Now the truth is out about the Conservatives. They don't care about one of the most serious crimes that may have ever occurred in Canadian history.

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Enough of the witch hunt? Where's Pierre Poutine? Why don't you want this criminal brought to justice? So much for being tough on crime I guess. Now the truth is out about the Conservatives. They don't care about one of the most serious crimes that may have ever occurred in Canadian history.

Exactly coma, where is Pierre Poutine? Where is the evidence. Did people tape the calls? did they do star 67 to get a number? How many complaints were really legit calls? How many people are saying they got a call but never did? They need to look somewhere else, like the NDP party who were found guilty in the biggest election fraud case in canadian history.

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Exactly coma, where is Pierre Poutine? Where is the evidence. Did people tape the calls? did they do star 67 to get a number? How many complaints were really legit calls? How many people are saying they got a call but never did? They need to look somewhere else, like the NDP party who were found guilty in the biggest election fraud case in canadian history.

All that information is available and in court docs....

EC is going to follow and continue to follow the electronic trail.

If the trail leads to other parties and individuals ... so be it.

But it seems that Conservatives, for some strange reason, want this investigation stopped and tend to make excuses as to the overall nature of the crime.

Why, is that...?

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Exactly coma, where is Pierre Poutine? Where is the evidence. Did people tape the calls? did they do star 67 to get a number? How many complaints were really legit calls? How many people are saying they got a call but never did? They need to look somewhere else, like the NDP party who were found guilty in the biggest election fraud case in canadian history.

Except the Conservatives haven't exactly been gunning for Monsieur Poutine, have they? They need to look somewhere else you say. I guess you're pretty pissed they're doing sweet buck all.

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Let's be fair. The Conservatives did promise to be tough on crime but they didn't say all crime. What it really means is they want to jail everyone who has the nerve to grow a little pot in their backyard and bust kids for downloading songs. Election fraudsters, white collar criminals, people who own caches of illegal weapons big enough to field a private army (for hunting and personal protection mind you), they're all OK.

No need to be inflexible, right?

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Exactly coma, where is Pierre Poutine? Where is the evidence. Did people tape the calls? did they do star 67 to get a number? How many complaints were really legit calls? How many people are saying they got a call but never did? They need to look somewhere else, like the NDP party who were found guilty in the biggest election fraud case in canadian history.

Just to recap ...


Monday, Apr. 16, 2012

OTTAWA — Elections Canada investigators on the trail of the “Pierre Poutine” suspect in the robocalls case have been asking questions about the actions of staff at Conservative party headquarters in Ottawa.

Nearly a year after the investigation began, the agency is trying to determine why database records provided by the party appear to be missing entries that could help identify who downloaded the phone numbers used to make fraudulent robocalls, according to a source familiar with the probe.

Investigators also are inquiring about a phone call from Conservative headquarters, made the day before the election, to RackNine, the Edmonton voice-broadcasting company whose servers were used to send out the robocalls.

On May 2, 2011, thousands of opposition supporters in Guelph, Ont., received a pre-recorded message directing them to vote at the wrong polling station. The electronic trail behind the calls eventually discovered led to a disposable cellphone registered in the fake name of Pierre Poutine.

Poutine's cell calls were made via random open wireless networks. Dead end.

The thing is, somebody did it and somebody erased the records ... at Tory headquarters.

Nobody's been caught yet, but the crimes were committed by someone with access to the Tory database.

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Just to recap ...


Monday, Apr. 16, 2012

OTTAWA — Elections Canada investigators on the trail of the “Pierre Poutine” suspect in the robocalls case have been asking questions about the actions of staff at Conservative party headquarters in Ottawa.

Nearly a year after the investigation began, the agency is trying to determine why database records provided by the party appear to be missing entries that could help identify who downloaded the phone numbers used to make fraudulent robocalls, according to a source familiar with the probe.

Investigators also are inquiring about a phone call from Conservative headquarters, made the day before the election, to RackNine, the Edmonton voice-broadcasting company whose servers were used to send out the robocalls.

On May 2, 2011, thousands of opposition supporters in Guelph, Ont., received a pre-recorded message directing them to vote at the wrong polling station. The electronic trail behind the calls eventually discovered led to a disposable cellphone registered in the fake name of Pierre Poutine.

Poutine's cell calls were made via random open wireless networks. Dead end.

The thing is, somebody did it and somebody erased the records ... at Tory headquarters.

Nobody's been caught yet, but the crimes were committed by someone with access to the Tory database.

IMO Most geeks will be with the NDP and they probably hacked into the con site. Reading posts here thru the years tells me the cons are not smart enough for this type of fraud.

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Up date,OTTAWA — Elections Canada investigators tracking “Pierre Poutine” hit a dead end when the Internet address behind misleading robocalls in the last election led them to an open Wi-Fi connection in a private residence near Guelph.


I wonder if they have secruity cameras that show that part of town. I can just picture jack out front of that house on his bycicle and a lap top in his hands. It had to be jack.

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IMO Most geeks will be with the NDP and they probably hacked into the con site. Reading posts here thru the years tells me the cons are not smart enough for this type of fraud.

:lol: now it's the NDP hacked the Harper Conservative CIMS database!... using an account of one of the Guelph Conservative staffers... from one of the computers within the Guelph Conservative office. Damn, that's some good NDP hacking!

have a look through extracted details of Racknine session logs... perhaps your hacking expertise commentary can offer further comment:

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Two Logs into RackNine, One Browser Window.... :ph34r:

166 [RackNine xxx Matt] Meier provided the following information relating to the use of the 2 IP addresses and clients #45 and #93 between April 30 and May 2, 2011, when the misleading call message and the calling list were uploaded to RackNine and the misleading calls to Guelph electors were made.

a) Ip address, the proxy server, appears in the session logs 4 times, and was used by client #93, namely Pierre Jones;

B) IP address,, appears numerous times in the session logs, and was related to use by client #45, Andrew Prescott, who used other IP addresses as well, outside the April 30 and May 2, 2011 period, which were also recorded in the session logs;

c) that by comparing access logs and session logs together, Meier identified that between April 30 and May 2, 2011, both client #45 and client #93 used both IP address and IP address to comunicate with RackNine, as explained in d) through f) below;

d) client #93 logged in to a session on May 2, 2011, which was "stored" in RackNine records as "Userid 45" or Prescott. This session were [sic] initiated from IP address There were 3 sessions occurring on May 1 and May 2, 2011, in which client #45 logged in, which were "stored" in RackNine records as "Userid 93" or Pierre Jones. Two (2) of these latter sessions were from IP address, one (1) session was from IP address;

e) the fact that 2 clients were recognized within the single, unique session log record meant that after the initial access, or log onto the RackNine website, the second client user changed the client id record in order to perform some function in the same session on the RackNine database that was specific to that second client user.

167. This correlating of access log and session log information (paragraph 166 c) above) thus indicates both client #45 and #93 used the proxy server to access RackNine and both client numnbers used IP address to access RackNine.

168. Amongst other data, the session logs and the client access log provided to me by Meier on March 6 and 7, 2012 and November 23, 2011, respectively, also show the following:

(a) session log information shows that Client #93 last accessed a RackNine webpage at 21:19 on May 1, 2011 via IP address Both access log and session log records show that client#93 then accessed RackNine in a new session, with a new session log entry beginning at 21:20 May 1 which showed that client #93 was communicating from IP address That is, the 2 session events were 1 minute apart, but coming from 2 different IP addresses. Meier told me on May 9, 2012 that he thought that most likely client 93 closed his first session at 21:19 but immeidately returned to the RackNine website, forgetting about going through the proxy server, or thinking that he was still logged in through the proxy; and

B) on May 2, 2011, in 2 separate sessions, clients #93 and #45 were both communicating with RackNine from IP within 4 minutes of each other. Session log information shows that Client #93 last accessed a RackNine webpage at 02:12 on May 2, 2011 (the subject of one session log) and that a new session log was initiated for client #45 at 02:15 on May 2, 2011. As both communicated with RackNine from IP within less than four minutes of each other, it seems that clients #93 and #45 were likely together at this time.

In the email to reporters on Monday, Rowland explains his "single browser" theory, based on the above:

Paragraph 166.d states that on May 1 and 2, on three occasions Pierre Poutine logged into the Racknine web interface, logged out, and then logged into the Prescott account during the same browser session. This means Poutine logged out of his account, and then logged into the account used for the official calls without closing his browser tab.

So it's not just what was reported so far -- that the Poutine account and Prescott account were accessed by the same IP within 4 minutes of each other during the middle of this night. It's also that on three separate occasions, someone with both the Prescott and Poutine account passwords used the same browser window to log into both accounts.

Also, Poutine logged into Racknine through the proxy, closed his browser window, and 1 minute later logged in again, but this time forgot to go to the proxy website first, accidentally accessing the site directly. There were two session records for the Poutine account 1 minute apart: the first coming from the proxy, and the second coming from the Burke Campaign's office IP at (p.168.a)

This means the Poutine account was accessed on May 2nd from the IP address, the same IP address used for 32 of 41 logins to the Guelph CIMS site. This IP address was used to access CIMS by all 5 of the Guelph volunteers who have CIMS user accounts.

The IP address was not only used to access CIMS by all 5 workers, but it was used to access both Poutine and Prescott's Racknine accounts. This is also described in the April 17 ITO in p.169.

this could be "pretty great evidence, as it shows that someone had both passwords."

His theory, however, rests on the assumption that it was one person who logged into both accounts from the same browser.

Former Marty Burke campaign staff have suggested that limited budget forced staffers to share computers, although that wouldn't necessarily explain the less-than-a-minute lapse between client sessions -- particularly in the wee small hours of the morning, as seems to have been the case on May 2, 2011. (It would also suggest that the suspect list would likely be limited to the campaign itself, unless they were also sharing computers with random passersby.)

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Today, its being reported that the CRTC slapped the Tories for not keeping a proper list of people NOT to call and of course, the usual remark of it not being a big deal. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/crtc-investigating-harper-tories-for-failing-to-adhere-to-do-not-call-list/article4524760/

I thought Political Parties were exempt from the "Do Not Call Lists"

If they aren't then I believe the rules must be changed.

THere are multiple persons in the house, for all we know some could be supporters of the party in question.

Its rare for a household to vote for one party.

Yet one person could request a do not call?

Normally what happens is the Party calls for support, if the individual is NOT a supporter, its marked and there is no reason to call the said individual again. Its a waste of resources.

However the party will call the house again to ask for other voters in the residence.

Edited by madmax
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I thought Political Parties were exempt from the "Do Not Call Lists"

They're exempt from the National Do Not Call list. However, they're required to maintain an internal Do Not Call list according to privacy laws. If you do not want to be contacted by someone, they're legally not allowed to contact you or it's harassment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Tories' call centre is fighting lawyers' demands to turn over recordings of voter contact calls. In the words of Vic Toews, "innocent people have nothing to worry about." So what are they hiding?


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The Tories' call centre is fighting lawyers' demands to turn over recordings of voter contact calls. In the words of Vic Toews, "innocent people have nothing to worry about." So what are they hiding?


Unbelievable really. Just "open the books" as it were, if nothing was done wrong, there is nothing to worry about. I can not fathom why the CPC and their corporate partners would be trying to block anything, let alone everything!

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Unbelievable really. Just "open the books" as it were, if nothing was done wrong, there is nothing to worry about. I can not fathom why the CPC and their corporate partners would be trying to block anything, let alone everything!

You know exactly why. CPC has the best "get out the vote" program, and the opposition would love to know how they do it. CPC is simply not going to let the opposition have an opportunity to hear what their conversations with voters sounds like, not even if the CRTC or Elections Canada orders them to.

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You know exactly why. CPC has the best "get out the vote" program, and the opposition would love to know how they do it. CPC is simply not going to let the opposition have an opportunity to hear what their conversations with voters sounds like, not even if the CRTC or Elections Canada orders them to.

I believe the CPC has the best GOTV in the country, period.

More interesting is how these Conservative Lists end up in the hands of Christian Conservative.

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I believe the CPC has the best GOTV in the country, period.

More interesting is how these Conservative Lists end up in the hands of Christian Conservative.

??? A Christian Conservative, or Christian Conservatives... who he or who are they? How do you know this?
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You know exactly why. CPC has the best "get out the vote" program, and the opposition would love to know how they do it. CPC is simply not going to let the opposition have an opportunity to hear what their conversations with voters sounds like, not even if the CRTC or Elections Canada orders them to.

Bull cocky. That's the silliest reason/excuse I have ever heard. Bryan, these calls weren't made to just CPC supporters, come on man.

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