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I found this article about a US citzen working for the Republicans who got caught making robocalls and went to jail for it. He found out after he kept his mouth shut that the party was going to let him take the prison term and so he talked to the FBI and he had company in prison . He also says whom ever did this in Canada knew what they were doing. Very interesting article. http://www.canada.com/news/voter+fraud+convict+calls+Canada+robocall+scandal+sophisticated/6549055/story.html

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I know Conservatives would love to change the subject but this thread is dedicated to the discussion of the massive Conservative election fraud, and the resulting illegitimate "majority" government illegally forced on Canadians. This attack on our democracy makes me ill.

Perhaps those accusing others of deflecting are, in doing so, deflecting from their lack of irrefutable proof to substantiate their claims.

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Your blogs are the bestest!

I found this article about a US citzen working for the Republicans who got caught making robocalls and went to jail for it. He found out after he kept his mouth shut that the party was going to let him take the prison term and so he talked to the FBI and he had company in prison . He also says whom ever did this in Canada knew what they were doing. Very interesting article. http://www.canada.com/news/voter+fraud+convict+calls+Canada+robocall+scandal+sophisticated/6549055/story.html

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Your blogs are the bestest!

really? Ever hear of Postmedia Network... inclusive of the National Post and ~ a dozen or so other newspapers across Canada. Your "bestest blog" (Canada.com) is an online news service for Postmedia.

but don't let any of that stop you from actually challenging the article's content, hey? This thread, itself, has already discussed examples of Harper Conservatives importing 'Republican style' (robocall) tactics into Canada... notwithstanding direct contracting of U.S. robocall companies by Harper Conservatives - here's an example, hey... one of the, as you say, bestest! --- Robo-calls: Tory MPs used top U.S. Republican firm

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Isn't the bottom line that someone or some group wanted the election to go a certain way and by doing so they committed voter fraud. Now, if the A/T. Liberals or NDP actually had a hand on it, in my view that doesn't matter. what matter's is the action of fraud committed against voters and there should be an re-election done is certain ridings if not all the ridings. My guess is this won't get solved until we are closer to the 2015 election. BTW, the cost of this is climbing but I'm sure that all Canadains won't care too much of the cost as long as EC can find those guilty. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/elections-canada-budgets-585k-robocalls-probe-011840848.html

Edited by Topaz
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Isn't the bottom line that someone or some group wanted the election to go a certain way and by doing so they committed voter fraud. Now, if the A/T. Liberals or NDP actually had a hand on it, in my view that doesn't matter. what matter's is the action of fraud committed against voters and there should be an re-election done is certain ridings if not all the ridings. My guess is this won't get solved until we are closer to the 2015 election.

To invalidate the results in a certain riding would take a trial with Elections Canada presenting evidence that what happened skewed results sufficiently to make a diff. I doubt they'll be able to do that, especially since the main riding involved, Guelph went to a Liberal.

I have no question in my mind that the Conservatives were behind this. The problem is that Elections Canada investigations move at a glacial pace. The investigation may not be over in time for the next election. Even if it is, and there is no real explosive proof of massive collusion, the Conservatives will just claim vindication and that will be it. Just as with the in and out scandal.

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When you put all the pieces together, this looks like an NDP ploy.. C'mon, NDP battle in Guelph ontario,,, Calls from a line registered to an account in QC for "Piere Poutine"...? And your pointing to the Tories? THe Tories are free and clear of this and there is ZERO evidance to the fact... Nadda.. Well other than all the leads that point to the NDP! Jack Layton knew he was dying.. he was lying on an hourly basis telling Quebecers one thing and the rest of Canada another. He was desperate to win "something" in his life.. Even if it meant cheating, fraud and lying..

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When you put all the pieces together, this looks like an NDP ploy.. C'mon, NDP battle in Guelph ontario,,, Calls from a line registered to an account in QC for "Piere Poutine"...? And your pointing to the Tories? THe Tories are free and clear of this and there is ZERO evidance to the fact... Nadda.. Well other than all the leads that point to the NDP!


So...your contention is that there is "zero" evidence pointing to the Conservatives....and yet, "all the leads" point to the NDP"?

This is lunatic stuff, Fletch.

Jack Layton knew he was dying.. he was lying on an hourly basis telling Quebecers one thing and the rest of Canada another. He was desperate to win "something" in his life.. Even if it meant cheating, fraud and lying..

Settle down, big guy.

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With no evidance to the contrary and the sceptre of a "last grasp"... Yes, I believe the NDP are behind this! It was there battle to lose and they had the most to gain. The the whole "french connection"? Hmmmm Why is that lunatic? I could just as well have formed my assumptions on the Tories or Liberals (I actaully hate the Liberals more than the NDP) but i didnt! You are simply forming your decision based on "I hate Harper"... And thats your right as well..


So...your contention is that there is "zero" evidence pointing to the Conservatives....and yet, "all the leads" point to the NDP"?

This is lunatic stuff, Fletch.

Settle down, big guy.

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With no evidance to the contrary and the sceptre of a "last grasp"... Yes, I believe the NDP are behind this! It was there battle to lose and they had the most to gain. The the whole "french connection"? Hmmmm Why is that lunatic? I could just as well have formed my assumptions on the Tories or Liberals (I actaully hate the Liberals more than the NDP) but i didnt! You are simply forming your decision based on "I hate Harper"... And thats your right as well..

No, the evidence points far more to the Conservatives than to the other parties...that's common knowledge.

And I'm not claiming that the Conservative Party is behind it. Only that as far as a Party being responsible, they'd be the most likely culprits.

As for the "French connection"...if Darth Layton's sinister, dying plan was to cause scandal issues for the Cosnervatives...you don't think the diabolical genius might have considered this issue?

And I don't hate Harper. I don't hate anyone.

Edited by bleeding heart
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The calls eminated from the Edmonton Strathcona riding! Again, And NDP Stronghold! One of FEW .. Again, more evidance pointing at the NDP...

And "As for the "French connection"...if Darth Layton's sinister, dying plan was to cause scandal issues for the Cosnervatives...you don't think the diabolical genius might have considered this issue?" Yes, He considered it and excecuted on it! His secret will remain with him unfortunatly..

The evidance points directly to the NDP and Jack Layton! Why would a Torie, if they are soo bad, chose to "inject money" into an NDP riding to employ this company? Jacky Jacky Jacky, not good at covering his tracks..

No, the evidence points far more to the Conservatives than to the other parties...that's common knowledge.

And I'm not claiming that the Conservative Party is behind it. Only that as far as a Party being responsible, they'd be the most likely culprits.

As for the "French connection"...if Darth Layton's sinister, dying plan was to cause scandal issues for the Cosnervatives...you don't think the diabolical genius might have considered this issue?

And I don't hate Harper. I don't hate anyone.

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The evidance points directly to the NDP and Jack Layton! Why would a Torie, if they are soo bad, chose to "inject money" into an NDP riding to employ this company? Jacky Jacky Jacky, not good at covering his tracks..

Well, I heartily endorse your passionate insight on this matter, and I dearly hope you keep hammering away it! The more often you bring it up, the better effect it will have...I assure you. Keep up the good work!

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When you put all the pieces together, this looks like an NDP ploy.. C'mon, NDP battle in Guelph ontario,,, Calls from a line registered to an account in QC for "Piere Poutine"...? And your pointing to the Tories? THe Tories are free and clear of this and there is ZERO evidance to the fact... Nadda.. Well other than all the leads that point to the NDP! Jack Layton knew he was dying.. he was lying on an hourly basis telling Quebecers one thing and the rest of Canada another. He was desperate to win "something" in his life.. Even if it meant cheating, fraud and lying..

Lets not forget the computor problem that pop up during the NDP leadership, that points to the fact that the NDP is not afraid to use dirty tricks, even against their own people.
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Just bringing the evidence to the table... Something that has not been brought to the Tories.

You can't silence the truth! The NDP can only play with our electoral process for so long! Vote-buying, Instilling non-french speaking candidates in ridings they dont live in, Rub-N-Tugs early in the mornings? The TRUE colors of the NDP have been shown!

To Add!: OTTAWA — Outspoken New Democrat MP Pat Martin gave on Monday an unequivocal apology to RackNine Inc. and its CEO Matt Meier, thereby avoiding a $5-million defamation lawsuit.

“I wrongfully accused them of being part of conspiracy to commit electoral fraud,” Martin told reporters. “I now know that the statements I made insinuating Mr. Meier and RackNine’s participation in an electoral fraud conspiracy were wholly and unequivocally false.”

I doth proclaim,, "he whom smelt it, must have dealt it"....

So now we've got two "the NDP did it!" intellectuals, offering their insights.

Keep it up fellas....I promise this sort of thing won't discredit you in the eyes of everybody! ;)

Edited by Fletch 27
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Just bringing the evidence to the table... Something that has not been brought to the Tories.

You can't silence the truth!

Absolutely, dead on correct. I think you should bring this astounding information--that the NDP (in fact, Layton personally!) was behind the robocall scandal--to the Conservative Party. (You're a little smarter than they are, evidently.) You'll be admitted into the Order of Canada!

Edited by bleeding heart
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I do protest sir! I seem to have brought more evidence to the party that you! Oh, You dont need it right?

Absolutely, dead on correct. I think you should bring this astounding information--that the NDP (in fact, Layton personally!) was behind the robocall scandal--to the Conservative Party. (You're a little smarter than they are, evidently.) You'll be admitted into the Order of Canada!

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I do protest sir! I seem to have brought more evidence to the party that you! Oh, You dont need it right?

Well, if the evidence is real, I do in fact need it.

It's just that, Fletch my man, I so far have seen no evidence whatsoever that the NDP are behind this mess.

The Conservatives haven't made the claim. The Liberals haven't made the claim. Investigative journalists, political scientists, pundits and commentators and intellectuals and partisans and Mark Steyn and the neo-nazis...none of them, to my knowledge, has seriously tried to make the claim.

Only you, and one or three other anonymous folks on political internet forums.

That's why, I suppose, I've yet to see any evidence. Because no one's offering any.

And Fletch, by "Party," I meant the Conservative Party.

That is, since they have been unable or unwilling to see what you have--since they're not as smart as you--I think you should offer them your information, so we can get to the bottom of this once and for all:

Layton did it!

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Elections Canada is looking into Dean Del Mastro making a $21,000 payment to a campaign company, which means he'll have 1) made too large of a donation, and 2) went over his campaign funding limit. There is no record of this payment in his campaign records.

Edited by cybercoma
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Money from Opseu! MY money went to Jack Layton, Mulcair and many more! The NDP have managed to corrupt and foul the democratic process! I pay thier wages and dues and its FUNNELED to the NDP?!?!?!?!?! The NDP have no interest in democracy!

Just from TODAY!!! Jennifer Ditchburn, The Canadian Press

Published: Wednesday, June 06, 2012

For the second time in a year, the NDP has run afoul of political financing laws.

Elections Canada has ordered the NDP to pay back money it collected from unions who sponsored events at the party's national convention last year.

The party, which has criticized the Conservative government for a lack of transparency, offered no details on how much it paid back or to whom.Lack of transperance MY ASS!!!!!!!!! Jacky Boy managed to hood-wink us right to the grave!!! Sickening! ITS ALL ADDING TOGETHER NOW!!!!

The "People Party" is just that.. Made up of the PEOPLES MONEY!

Im willing to bet that the full body massage that Jack Layton got at that dirty rub-n-tug was on MY DIME!!!!! Dig up his expenses! Im sure there will be alot more than a glass of overpriced OJ!

When Asked how much in the way of the contributions they will pay back, an NDP spokes person said " We are the NDP,, Nadda Damn Penny" ! Well we know what the NDP really stands for., The house of cards is crumbling!

Also, it looks like the NDP may have received too much money from the union sponsorship during this election as well.

Have we all lost faith in the electoral process yet?

Edited by Fletch 27
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I know Conservatives would love to change the subject but this thread is dedicated to the discussion of the massive Conservative election fraud, and the resulting illegitimate "majority" government illegally forced on Canadians. This attack on our democracy makes me ill.

the investigation has found no evidence that the Conservatives were involved - do you know something more?

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