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  1. Canada post should be self sufficient. most mail nowadays is flyers which most people just throw in the garbage.
  2. and I suspect that Harper eats the brains of infants
  3. Topaz-, do you think the leader was the only one?
  4. this is a case of sheer greed and non-accountability
  5. We cannot be the saviour to the entire world. That is totally impractical. Can anyone explain why refugees were getting better and more health care than tax paying Canadians?
  6. teachers don't have it so bad. After all, they only work about 175-200 days a year, they have lots of holidays, most work only 6hr/day, they have great benefits, many have tenure, they have defined benefit pensions, most work no more than 6-7 hrs/day. I am thinking of becoming a teacher - I nned the time off.
  7. cyber- I am curious why you find it diificult to accept that the NDP could havem done something wrong
  8. I understand that Quebec would be a basket case w/o the ROC
  9. Transfer payments from the ROC since 1957 = $257B. And provincial deficit of 250B om their own.
  10. socialist- you drive? OMG lock up the kids
  11. Topaz- r u saying that the libs did not download some of the deficit in order to eliminate the deficit?
  12. well said Argus
  13. madmax-bullshit
  14. I disagree and suggest that the ROC is subsidizing daycare($7/day) and post secondary tuition ( $2500.yr) and who knows what else; when the ROC cannot afford those same benefits. Would you please explain just how Quebec will be able to provide those benefit s w/o the largesse of the ROC AND pay their debt. I believe that Norway is better than solvent as they have wisely handled their oil revenue and not at all a third world country. As for your last stamen in your last message Quebec would not be a province of Canada if they separated.
  15. madmax- Quebec has received approx $250m from transfer payments which monry comes from the ROC. Despite that, they are in debt for approx. another $250m . I doubt if the international community will look favorably on the Quebecers, hence I suggest that quebec risks becoming a third world country
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