Michael Hardner Posted February 1, 2012 Report Posted February 1, 2012 Somebody did... Perhaps Block worked for Dukakis at that time ? Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
Shady Posted February 1, 2012 Report Posted February 1, 2012 Perhaps Block worked for Dukakis at that time ? I think it was actually Bob Beckel. He currently is an every day member of the cast of The Five. A political discussion show on Fox News at 5pm. It's a pretty damn good show too. He's usually the best part of it. That guy has so many compelling stories, both political and personal, it's amazing. Quote
Wolf Larsen Posted February 1, 2012 Report Posted February 1, 2012 The Republicrat Debates by Wolf Larsen Copyright 2011 by Wolf Larsen Quote Capitalism Sucks!
bush_cheney2004 Posted February 1, 2012 Report Posted February 1, 2012 (edited) The Republicrat Debates by Wolf Larsen ....The audience starts chanting: "DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" And while the audience chants "DIE! DIE! DIE!" Herman Cain is simultaneously jumping up and down and chanting "9.99 PIZZA PIE! 9.99 PIZZA PIE! 9.99 PIZZA PIE!" Copyright 2011 by Wolf Larsen Really? ....reads a lot like Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant. Edited February 1, 2012 by bush_cheney2004 Quote Economics trumps Virtue.
Michael Hardner Posted February 1, 2012 Report Posted February 1, 2012 Copyright 2011 by Wolf Larsen Wolf - cross posting here isn't allowed. *Please read the rules, thanks* Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
Michael Hardner Posted February 1, 2012 Report Posted February 1, 2012 Wolf - cross posting here isn't allowed. *Please read the rules, thanks* Reposted from http://www.john-keats.com/phpboard/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11354 Quote Click to learn why Climate Change is caused by HUMANS Michael Hardner
BC_chick Posted February 4, 2012 Report Posted February 4, 2012 You can, in the context of religion, believe any silly thing you want. However, if you want to run the country and deal with real-world economic issues then I don't think religion can be more than a moral guide. It certainly can't teach you how to deal with economic problems. Personally, I think Mormons are kind of nutty. And their religion still practices ostracism, which I consider more than a little sinister. I'm also leery of having a guy in charge or morals laws who needs to wear special underwear to have sex with his wife so he doesn't see anything forbidden... Cain, who thinks the answer to the growing public outcry about too much wealth in the hands of too few people is to raise taxes on 84% of the population and massively lower them on the rich is kinda crazy too. I mean, who runs for president with an economic plan that's never been reviewed by an economist? Who tells reporters that it's their own fault the unemployed don't have jobs? Then you've got Rick Perry threatening to have Texas secede from the union and talking about having the fed reserve chairman charged with treason... Duh! And Michele Bachman. Come on. Seriously now. Michele Bachman? What bunch of fruit loops ever elected her to anything? I like seeing conservative posters acknowledge the liability of having religious wingnuts represent their ideology (instead of defending it as other posters are doing on this thread). So many people would be on board if the social conservatism wasn't a part of the package. Myself included. Quote It's kind of the worst thing that any humans could be doing at this time in human history. Other than that, it's fine." Bill Nye on Alberta Oil Sands
AusKanada Posted February 4, 2012 Report Posted February 4, 2012 I like seeing conservative posters acknowledge the liability of having religious wingnuts represent their ideology (instead of defending it as other posters are doing on this thread). So many people would be on board if the social conservatism wasn't a part of the package. Myself included. 1. Ron Paul with his wacky Libertarianism, which would undoubtedly widen the wealth gap considerably, cut billions in transfer payments and probably increase the American decline. Obviously this has all been brought about by the deregulation of the financial system and by corporations being able to take their profits and invest it in China and elsewhere... lower their corporate taxes and even more capital will leave for the Third World. 2. Newt Gingrich has shot himself in the foot a thousand times now. In a general election situation, he'd be crushed. He's indirectly labelled Spanish the language of the ghetto, claims that deficit reduction can be achieved simultaneously with a moon base and has been incessant in claiming he was behind or at least contributive to the Reagan "Revolution." Ironic considering Reagan mentioned him once in his diary. Add in he is a noted foul-tempered, egoistic bully that had his own caucus rebel against him as Speaker of the House. 3. Rick Santorum has labelled himself the real Conservative of the Republican race. In doing so, he has moved to the far right. His religious zeal, extremely hawkish foreign policy and pro-life and anti-regulation stances again would do very poorly in the general election. He was also against the TARP bailout which while controversial probably saved the U.S. from a full on depression. 4. Romney is undeniably the best and least crazy of the candidates. He's a moderate Republican with the money, big Republican establishment support and organizational capacity to challenge Obama. He is the most likely to interest independents with his business experience, experience as a cooperative Republican governor in a Democratic state and support for states determining their healthcare system. He says the occasional crazy thing as well ("very poor" comment e.g.) but he at least can use a fork and knife properly. Quote
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