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Wolf Larsen

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    Wolf Larsen is a novelist, playwright, and poet.

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  1. It would not surprise me if in the near future the US government does to the American people what the Syrian government is currently doing to the Syrian people. The US military now has the right to detain Americans indefinitely without a trial. Pilot projects to use predator drones on the Mexican border may lead to the widespread use of predator drones throughout the USA. It will be like Afghanistan and Pakistan – only a lot closer! An American abroad was just killed recently by a predator drone without so much as a kangaroo trial. This comes on the heels of the Patriot Act, which took away many of our civil liberties. And by the way, currently 1 out of every 4 persons in jail in the world is in jail in the USA, mostly because of drugs. Unemployed Americans have the right to lose their home to the banks and live under a bridge. They have the right to go without medical care because either they do not have medical insurance or they have medical insurance but they cannot afford their co-payments. Minority youth have the right to be shot in the back by the local police. Striking workers walking the picket line have the right to get beaten up and roughed up by the same cops that are shooting minority youth in the back. These are our rights.
  2. This is not just a problem in the Middle East. In many Latin American countries, and contrary to the laws of those countries, young people still marry at ages as young as 13. (Usually they must get their parents' consent because they are minors.) These are largely Christian countries, VERY Christian countries. One of the reasons that females marry so young in Latin America, actually the main reason, is that they get pregnant. Of course, the government can't just give out lots of free contraceptives to the young people in these countries because these countries are very religious. The Catholic Church is strong. Plus, the Evangelicos make enough noise each one for 10 Catholics! So, birth control use amongst young people is not as widespread as it should be. End result: lots of teenage pregnancy which results in young marriages. So the problem is not just the Middle East. The problem is in Latin America too.
  3. Thank you Bud. Thank you for showing us that video of a courageous Jewish woman standing up against the settlement policy. Of course, some right-winger began to argue that Jews who don't support Israeli government policies are anti-Jewish. So now the right-wingers get to decide who is Jewish and who isn't? There are many Jews who do not support the violent government of Israel, and who do not support the violent settlers in the West Bank. There are many decent Jews across the world that want peace. But according to the right-wingers any Jew that wants peace is not Jewish. These right-wingers are getting more insane and ridiculous by the day!
  4. Sharia Law is not applicable to the United States, so there is no reason for the politicians to vote on it. I don't see how it's applicable to Canada either. The only reason the politicians vote on it is in order to pander to anti-Muslim hysteria to get more votes. The whole anti-Muslim campaign is just a distraction. They don't want Americans thinking about all the unemployment, all the bailouts for the rich and big corporations, all of foreclosures, etc. The whole anti-Muslim hysteria thing is a distraction throughout the capitalist West. From France to Australia to Canada to the USA the capitalist politicians want to distract us from the real issues of our day. Basically, the Muslims are the new scapegoats. The Muslims are the new Jews. In the old days when the politicians/dictators wanted to distract everyone they just inflamed anti-Semitism. Anti-Muslim sentiment being inflamed by the politicians is similar. Apparently somebody got angry when I said that the born-again Christian fanatics are more of a problem in the USA than the Muslims. In fact, the Muslims are not a problem. Not in the USA. The vast majority of religious fanatics in the USA who are trying to shove their "morality" down our throats are Protestant Christians. And not just any kind of Protestant Christian, these people are fanatics. Now somebody might disagree with me. Apparently, somebody feels that anybody who disagrees with him/her is a troll. A troll is someone who seeks to provoke a response from others using inflammatory means. I just speak my opinions. Since my opinion is very different from those that defend capitalism, that makes me a troll in their eyes. But then I might find the comments of right-wing people to be inflammatory, so then I can label them as trolls as well. And no, I do not cut and paste from my website. I "write" the vast majority of my responses here using voice recognition software. Anyway, I thank those who defend freedom of speech. And actually I feel it is often the right-wingers who engage in trolling, but that is my opinion. I like to post on political posting boards when I have time. And I will continue to do so. I guess Shady doesn't like the First Amendment.
  5. According to the thread opener Iranians do not have much choice in the elections. In other words, they are faced with Tweedledee and Tweedledum. That sounds a lot like American elections. Both the Democrats and Republicans favor the rich, and they love war.
  6. Rick Santorum reminds me of some right-wing pastor of a church. What we need is separation of church and state. We don't need a religious fanatic in the White House. In fact, every government in the world should be secular. It's not surprising that on this thread you have people who are against including birth control as part of one's medical insurance. Birth control is a medical issue, not a moral issue. If are going to talk about moral issues than I think the crusade of the American war machine against the Muslim people of Afghanistan & Iraq is definitely immoral, especially when one considers that the US government was trying to steal Iraq’s oil. That was the REAL motivation for the war. It is also immoral I believe to give hundreds of millions of dollars in bailouts to the rich and big corporations, especially considering that the rich and the big corporations don't pay any taxes for the most part. They don't deserve bailouts. They are parasites. How come the rich people and the big corporations always feel they're entitled to something when they don't even pay taxes? I think the "morality" of the right-wingers is hypocritical. What the right-wingers call "morality" is just a bunch of anti-woman bigotry. It is an attempt to limit the civil liberties of women. Of course, this should come as no surprise, as right-wingers tend to be hostile to civil liberties. The right-wingers talk endless propaganda about freedom and liberty, but in practice they are against the freedom and liberty. I also want to point out that women workers pay taxes, and that's why they should be entitled to free birth control, free abortion on demand, and free quality childcare. Of course, right-wingers will say that that is socialism, because the taxes are helping the working people instead of the rich. And in a way they are correct. Socialists support free birth control, free abortion on demand, and free quality childcare. The pro-capitalists do not support these things, instead the pro-capitalists support bailouts for the rich.
  7. This is just a bunch of anti-Muslim hysteria. It's basically a bunch of anti-Muslim propaganda. We don't have sharia law in the US. The problem in the US is that we have all these right-wing Christians who are interfering with other people's lives, or trying to, and in fact they are trying to impose their right-wing Christianity on the rest of us through various laws. The Muslims don't have much influence in the US, but the right-wing born-again Christians do. The danger to the US is not the Muslims, it's these Christian religious fanatics trying to impose their hypocritical "morality" on the rest of us. I myself have no problems with Christian moderates. Many Christian moderates are also sick and tired of the fanatical Christians trying to impose their will on everybody else.
  8. The Middle East is a mess! Thanks to colonial powers like France and England carving the region up with lines in the sand in a somewhat similar manner that they did in Africa presented the foundation for a big screwed up mess. Then you got the United States government sticking its nose in there because of all the oil (trying to steal the oil from nation of Iraq by conquering it, but that didn't work out too good), and anyway now the whole thing is a mess! Some of the countries in the Middle East are run by rotten dictators, others are run by rotten royalty, and then there's Israel, which is a loose cannon armed with the atomic bomb. What is necessary is a Socialist Federation of the Middle East whereby all workers – Muslim, Jewish, Christian, whatever religion who cares – rule the region together with secular proletarian governments. The time has come to throw the old ruling classes out of the way. The time has come for workers revolutions throughout the Middle East.
  9. Because I was born here! If you have a problem with the First Amendment than what are you doing on a political posting board?
  10. I say we just put all the Republican candidates in the insane asylum. Except Romney does not appear to be insane. He's more of a Democrat. Not that I like Democrats either. They're just like the Republicans, just not as insane. I think everybody should just vote for their favorite dog for president. My neighbor's dog, for example, is smarter than George Bush, Rick Perry, or Sarah Palin. So maybe I'll vote for my neighbor's dog. Or maybe I'll vote for myself. Maybe that's what everybody should do this year. Maybe everybody should just vote for themselves for president. Why not? It doesn't matter whether the Republicans or Democrats win. What was the question again?
  11. Going from Bush to Obama hasn't changed things much. I doubt that going from Obama to Romney would change much either. Choosing between the Democrats and the Republicans is like choosing between AIDS and cancer. Both political parties are on the side of the rich. George Bush ended his reign with huge bailouts for the rich, and Barack Obama began his reign with huge bailouts for the rich. We still have the war on drugs. You still have the Patriot Act. And now to make matters worse the Republican Congress just passed and a Democratic president just signed legislation giving the military the right to indefinitely detain Americans without a trial. Whether the Republicans and the Democrats win the White House in 2012 the working people of America are screwed. Many Americans cannot afford their medical care, their copayments are too high. The insurance companies are raking in the dough, and as a result we have the most expensive medical care in the world. What can I say? Capitalism sucks!
  12. I say defend Julian Assage and Robert Manning! They are heroes! They have exposed some of the crimes of the American government. The US government is a criminal organization which has carried out many crimes against foreign peoples in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. The US government has also committed many crimes against the American people as well, including the war on drugs (one out of every four persons in jail in the world is in jail in the USA), the Patriot Act, 400 years of racial oppression against the black people, endless strikebreaking and unionbusting, etc.
  13. Somebody said something (in jest) about "death to America". It certainly is true that the bourgeoisie and the capitalist politicians of both political parties are bringing about the "death of America." The capitalist politicians and the war profiteers are bringing our nation into bankruptcy with their endless wars and bailouts of the rich. It is time for the capitalist politicians of both political parties and the rich who are bringing about the downfall of our nation to go get a job! Let them pick up garbage off the ground for food stamps! Let them learn how to work! We have already been burdened with two wars at the same time: Iraq and Afghanistan. The last thing we need is another war! If the capitalist politicians of both political parties and the war profiteers want another war let them go fight it themselves! Not one more dime for the military! No more wars! The war machine (and bailouts for the rich) are bankrupting our nation! There are already too many injured veterans from the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq who've been abandoned by the American government. This is an absolute outrage! And now the war profiteers & capitalist politicians of both political parties want another war?? They are insane!!
  14. As I said before Santorum belongs working in a church, not in the White House! Santorum is a right-wing religious nut case! And frankly, he's not the only nutcase in the Republican field. While watching an early Republican debate I thought that half a dozen lunatics who escaped from the insane asylum were on stage. Obama is a warmongering so-and-so who gives hundreds of billions of dollars to the rich in bailouts, just like Bush. He has attacked civil liberties. Obama is a rotten capitalist politician. The only difference between Obama and the Republican field is that Obama does not appear to be insane. Well, maybe Mitt Romney is not insane, but he is insanely opportunist!
  15. Somebody made reference to Stalin and how he reversed some of the gains of the October Revolution. This is very true. The early Soviet Union under Lenin and Trotsky brought free abortion on demand. Women in the Soviet Union also got the right to vote a year before in the US. Women also got free quality childcare in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries. The Trotskyists have always fought Stalinism. Trotskyists champion women's rights! Under capitalism women's rights are trampled upon. We still don't even have an ERA amendment! Somebody mocked my statement in favor of free quality childcare and free contraceptives and free abortion on demand for women. Working women pay taxes! Working women should get something for their taxes! Under Obama and Bush all we get for our taxes are tax bailouts for the rich and endless war.
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