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Guest American Woman

Because the question is not about the point be made. It's about the irony of feeling sympathy for beating up dogs. After all, dogs are smart. Pigs on the other hand are smart. No one cares of they get slaughtered. Harp seals are not smart, but some people care that they get slaughtered. Probably because they're cute, and have big black eyes.

Or could be the way they are "slaughtered." Pigs are raised and bred and intended to be slaughtered - according to laws which make it illegal for mistreatment - while seals are in the wild and clubbed over the head while defenseless pups.

While I empathize that doggies should not be mistreated this way, like the US football 'Vick' and his friends were caught doing, etc., I'd like to know why, based on comments in this thread the OP and his associates find it so easy to despise muslims at large. The Abu Graib pictures showed dogs attacking naked, bound muslims. We, through our military have killed lots of them, including women and children. Albeit 'accidental', those are the kind of things we know must happen when we shoot missiles into buildings with robot aircraft, from thousands of miles away without confirming who is in there.

"Albeit 'accidental'" are the key words here. Huge difference between targeting, desiring, and celebrating killing innocent civilians and trying to avoid it - but doing it sometimes because of the nature of war. You think it was any different in any other war? Of course not. Yet in this war the US/allies are expected to never accidently kill any civilians, and we're evil because it happens - as evil as those with the intent.

Some here claim that they love dogs, but hate the people. ALL of them. Yet there are bad, snarling mean dogs too, right?

I recall an "I hate kids" claim that no one seemed too upset over, but I don't recall any claims of "I hate all Muslims," so perhaps you could enlighten me?

Edited by American Woman
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Wow! There are some very strange attitudes on display here for sure. Some very strange and wrong beliefs as well. For instance a poster claiming that dogs can't love, how very very wrong, dogs feel love that surpases anything the majority of people can feel. Or that if you die and are undiscovered for quite some time your dog will eat you. There are many cases of dogs remaining by their dead owners side and starving slowly. Have none of you heard of the Japanese fellow who's dog would walk to the subway with him every day when he went to work? When he returned each day his dog would be at the subway waiting for him. One day he suffered a heart attack at work and did not return home. His dog continued to go to the subway every Day and wait for him. The dog did this for years until finally he died at the subway waiting for his master to return. This did actually happen and there is now a permanent memorial at this subway honouring the loyalty and love of this fine animal. If only more humans could show such love, loyalty and devotion this world would be a far better place than it is.

Some seem to feel that its just a dog, so what? They obviously don't realize or understand the relationship dogs have with the success of humanity. Many scholars have postulated that mankind would not be where we are now without the help and companionship of dogs. Simply put I have trouble understanding how any culture can fail to realize and appreciate these points. Further to that I see no reason at all why I should feel compelled to respect admire or empathise with such a culture. Those of you who wish to do so go ahead and fill yer boots, just don't expect me to jump on your bandwagon simply because you self righteously expect me to.

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Because hate's not in the forum rules, DOP. I guess you wouldn't know that.

Besides, I thought you disagreed with using the report button.

Oh face it. You're making sh*t up. Nobody has claimed they hate anyone. As for the report button:





harsh or bitter derision or irony.


a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.

But, you knew that...or you're not bright.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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Angus's post was fantastic. Dog's however should be treated like dogs. People who like to treat them like four-legged humans suffer from some sort of neurosis.

Dog's have been a part of our families for centuries. You treat the dog with respect and love, and you will get it back as well. Same goes for people, but if some people want to act like dicks, then they will get treated as such. A pet's love is unconditional, especially a dog's love. If you don't respect my pet, I am not going to respect you much.

Anyone who has had a loving dog as part of their family understands that.

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Some seem to feel that its just a dog, so what? They obviously don't realize or understand the relationship dogs have with the success of humanity. Many scholars have postulated that mankind would not be where we are now without the help and companionship of dogs. Simply put I have trouble understanding how any culture can fail to realize and appreciate these points. Further to that I see no reason at all why I should feel compelled to respect admire or empathise with such a culture. Those of you who wish to do so go ahead and fill yer boots, just don't expect me to jump on your bandwagon simply because you self righteously expect me to.

This is an odd argument. On one hand you seem to be saying that we have all the reason in the world to respect, admire, and empathize with dogs, because allegedly we could not have progressed to where we are today without them, while at the same time saying there is no reason at all to respect, admire, or empathize within various Muslim cultures, despite the not merely alleged fact that we could not have advanced to where we are today had Muslims not preserved and grown the body of knowledge at precisely the time Christianity eschewed it entirely. I mean, I am not saying that the outcome of this argument is that one must respect, admire, and empathize with Muslim cultures, but rather that the argument for why we should give those things to dogs in particular, as is, sucks.

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This is an odd argument. On one hand you seem to be saying that we have all the reason in the world to respect, admire, and empathize with dogs, because allegedly we could not have progressed to where we are today without them, while at the same time saying there is no reason at all to respect, admire, or empathize within various Muslim cultures, despite the not merely alleged fact that we could not have advanced to where we are today had Muslims not preserved and grown the body of knowledge at precisely the time Christianity eschewed it entirely. I mean, I am not saying that the outcome of this argument is that one must respect, admire, and empathize with Muslim cultures, but rather that the argument for why we should give those things to dogs in particular, as is, sucks.

Interesting point, Remiel! Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.

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Lol. Until you pull out cat nip. Everyone has a price Mr. Bach. But you do make

a valid point I suppose.


If you have no respect for wild life or animals, as far as I am concerned you are an ahole.

Is this the same Rue who used to post intelligent and interesting stuff a few years back? I feel like his account has been hijacked by someone much less thoughtful :(

Edited by Bonam
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Is this the same Rue who used to post intelligent and interesting stuff a few years back? I feel like his account has been hijacked by someone much less thoughtful :(

While I feel the same way, I can understand how it could be attributed to increased peevishness. Something about coming back after a long absence and seeing the same old crap has a way of clawing out your will to rise to the occassion. I mean, I recall last year someone commenting on the fact that I had written something in anger and they said something along the lines of " You have even roused the normally calm Remiel! " whereas this year I am practicaly swearing up and down and every which way, and just generally grumpier...

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Interesting point, Remiel! Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.

It is an interesting point and on some levels I can agree with it, on others not so much. certainly Muslims of the past did great works to advance humanity, however they have also done great harm as well. Perhaps I'm merely ignorant of the facts but I can't recall any instance of our canine friends organizing and going on a harmfull rampage of some sort. The impression I get from your arguement is that we should just discount their inhumane cruelty to dogs because in the distant past they made some very admirable contributions to society and the sciences. Sorry, that arguement simply does not wash with me. Cruelty is cruelty, whether it is directed at dogs or any other living creature it remains unchanged from what it is. The fact that such cruelty is condoned and even encouraged by a society speaks volumes about the society that practises such beliefs, such a society is one that I personally wish to have nothing to do with. Of course these are merely my opinions and all are welcome to disagree if they wish, as I've stated, I do not want to associate with or have anything to do with anyone Muslim or not who would practise such barbaric cruelty towards living creatures.

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Yeah but it's hard to feel sentimental over a pig, isn't it. With a dog it's so much easier.

Must be those big cute puppy dog eyes...

There are pot-bellied pigs that are pets. Their owners are quite sentimental about them, trust me.

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Lots of folks keep pigs as pets. You can sure tell who likes animals and who has general contempt for nature around these here parts.

Mecca is a great place to take a pig for a walk. Maybe bring them to the "stoning the devil" event.

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Time to respond now I have the time to Sir Bandelot's comments in quotation marks.

"tsk tsk. Such generalized sociopathy could also harm you."

Task task being unable to decipher the tongue in cheek sarcasm Oleg and I sometimes employ in our responses simply

indicates you don't get my point or the extremism I am questioning.

?My mother-in-law, "Gramma" as she's know by the kids, is an Acadian woman who has always been afraid of dogs, ever since she was attacked by one when she was young. I don't find her an a-hole who's "hiding behind her childhood trauma". Are you perfect?"

If your grandmother has trauma no of course not. If she used that as her rationalization for terrorizing or torturing dogs yes of course.

More importantly your point of pulling the disabled granny card is hilarious.

If I saw your grandmother beating a dog I would bite her myself.

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I love humans and have faith in their basic goodness - I love dogs also - But I will never ever become so bittered against humamity that I would suggest that dogs are better.

Lol you are bitter Oleg admit it. Me I make no pretense of being nice. I prefer animals to humans. By the way for any putz who thinks that is hate mongering no I am being tongfue in cheek when I say that, No I am not literally saying I hate humans but I do prefer animals to humans yes. Any day.

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Rue sounds like one of the PETA extremists.

No just bei8ng slightly sarcastic. Keep them away from me. On a serious note, I have zero problems with hunters who eat what they kill. I have zero problems with people who use dogs as working tools not pets. I understand how important horses are to some people as work animalsl. I am far from a PETA fanatic. Give me a bit of credit to be a tad more complex then that. do I love animals yes. Do I detest humans who torture and abuse them yes. Do I mistake all animals as cute cuddly pets no.

I have trained therapy dogs if it means anything to you. I have much respect for working animals and hunters who respect nature and hunt to eat-they know more about nature and animals than me in most instances. I know they respect wildlife. I was being tongue in cheek with Oleg.

I actually find animal rights a complex topic. I am well aware that some of the food I eat comes from practices that may very well be cruel and far more cruel than anything a hunter does. I would like to see more human practices with animal slaughter yes, Doesn't make me Pamela Anderson though, no. Lol. But thanks for your concern,

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