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Whites to Attain Minority Status?

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Kind of ironic too that a guy who has such a beef with Jews apparently thinks that "White" people will die out in better conditions than Jews had in Europe. It is almost as if he thinks Jews are superior to "White" folks.

It's a not-uncommon part of the unique hatred for Jewish people; a belief in their superior talents.

I once spent a masochistic afternoon reading lots of posts on "Stormfront," and I sensed a kind of grudging respect for what is, apparently, the unparalleled, superhuman devious powers of the world's single-minded and dangerous entity, The Jews. (Whereas black people are merely subhuman morons.)

There was a vibrant debate on "where one should stand" regarding the Israel-Palestine debates: on the one hand, the Jews are cruel and violent to the Palestinians; on the other hand, the Arabs are not quite as human as the Jews. What to do?

This is what passed for a complex ethical debate. :) It was awesome.

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Er, I'd take screwing over a movie/theatre whether I had money or not... :)

I mean it's obvious why people don't want kids. Kids are a lot of work, raising them means you are basically a slave to their needs 24/7 for the next 16-18ish years straight. You lose a huge amount of freedom and flexibility. I think maybe the real problem is not so much that Westerners value their wealth more than families, but that they value their freedom so highly that they'd rather not see it impinged upon by having kids.

I mean, I want to have kids someday, but thinking about it and what it would mean in terms of my change in lifestyle, I can hardly fathom having them any time soon. No more ability to take off on a moment's notice with my friends on crazy hiking/climbing/ski trip? That would suck a lot.


It does...but to be fair, you get used to it almost instantaneously, and it's worth it! (So much so that I did it three times!)

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It might be a factor, but I'm not so sure it's a primary factor. As an example, I know two young women in their early thirties. Both are married. Family income for both couples is well over $100k. Neither woman a particularly jet-setting lifestyle, mostly staying at home at night. Neither has any children, and neither expects to have any. They both have dogs though. They have pictures of those dogs on their desks. They take the dogs to training school. One of them has a dogsitting place where she drops the dog off every day where it can "play" with other dogs. They talk about their dogs all the time, laughing about this or that thing their dogs have done.

And it's kind of sad, because it's like they don't seem to have a clue what a pale shadow of satisfaction, fulfilment and enjoyment the dog is compared to children.

Oh, good Christ, I hear that.

I have pets, and I have always had pets. And I will always have pets.

But a dog is a dog is a dog. I'm glad that people appreciate them as fully living beings who deserve a good life. But this "dogs are my children" aspect is irritating to me.

They're not your children. And they don't think of the relationship this way, either.

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Oh, good Christ, I hear that.

I have pets, and I have always had pets. And I will always have pets.

But a dog is a dog is a dog. I'm glad that people appreciate them as fully living beings who deserve a good life. But this "dogs are my children" aspect is irritating to me.

They're not your children. And they don't think of the relationship this way, either.

:D Long Live Cesar Milan! He taught me, among other things, that my sweet, gentle German Shepherd is not my "baby" because babies can't leap up 6 feet into the air and take your face off with one bite.

If we ever encounter any 6 foot squirrels, they are totally fucked...

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Its quite stupid to even count minorities since culture/race is a make beleive premise based on a handful of genes, Humans are almost entirely identical genetically. Chimps are 99% or 98% genetically similar to humans ( http://www.racesci.org/racescinow/controversiesoverrace/2.html )

It is stupid to in anyway include race in governmance. It is historically a destructive element.

see maps like http://www.wwnorton.com/college/anthro/evolve4/ch/15/welcome.shtml

realize that genes of humans are almost identical with a minor divide between subsaharan african homo sapien sapiens and a slight gene addition of homo sapiens neandrethalis into non subsaharan africa.

Rights for slight variation of eyes, nose and skin, is absurd, when variation occurs within groups on those factors anyway.. it is just a discusion for idiots.

It is historically relevant and medically relevant on a basis of "gene flow" but it is not relevant for any special benefits that do not exist due to medical condition.

It is largely a false cultural hegemony that is used but not real aside from the cultural forces behind it. It is a false premise that special benefits should be given to any specific culture if we all share the same citizenship with the same rights.

People should also be aware of genetic exchange, in that people of different parts of the world now have offspring together, so the genes are mixed in people.

Edited by William Ashley
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A few corrections to your post. I agree that the inclusiveness in Asia and Africa is not mutual. Whites are not welcome.

Your post veers off into fantasy regarding the Jews. Israel is the only predominantly Jewish state in the world. Also, if the demand of the "Palestinians" to "return" were granted there would be massacres, no doubt about it.

And the Jews were not the leaders in demanding that white countries become inclusive when others weren't. So-called "white countries" were always more open.

It doesn't matter if white people become a minority in predominantly white countries, but a state based on an ethnic Jewish majority must be preserved? I thought you said ethnicity doesn't matter?

"In 1912, a fledgling organization, the American Jewish Committee, wrote the president of the United States challenging the country's restrictive immigration system. From the 1880s to the early 1920s, Jews were in the forefront in opposing efforts to curtail immigration and institute a national origin quota system. Jewish opposition continued until immigration quotas were eliminated in 1965."


This comes from a Jewish source. You understand that, right?

When preference was given to European immigration, they called it racist, yet Israeli immigration is very similar in that it gives preference to Jews.

But legal immigration isn't enough:

"The organization [American Jewish Committee] supports a pathway for citizenship for many of the estimated 11 to 12 million individuals who are in this country [united States] illegally and would like to see a moratorium on deportations, which is not included in Obama's bill."

Source: See link above

"Nearly 90 Jewish Organizations and Individuals Condemn Arizona Immigration Law: Sign-on letter forwarded to congressional leaders today"


Again, I'm just quoting a Jewish source.


"...victims of torture, rape, war and genocide are to be imprisoned indefinitely, without the supervision of a judicial authority and against the international treaty on the protection of refugees...."



But that's different because predominantly white countries are supposed to be for everyone and Israel is supposed to be for Jews, right?

In Europe:

"Jews will be resented because of our leading role" in making Europe multicultural... which is a transformation that MUST take place:


I ask you, why is an American Jew, who made aliya (immigration to Israel) in Sweden pushing multiculturalism?

What business is it of hers to say what MUST take place in Europe?

And as I pointed out in a previous post, using an article on the Canadian Jewish Congress website for a source, multiculturalism is a Jewish creation. Yet again, that's simply pointing out what Jews say themselves.

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Its quite stupid to even count minorities since culture/race is a make beleive premise based on a handful of genes, Humans are almost entirely identical genetically. Chimps are 99% or 98% genetically similar to humans ( http://www.racesci.org/racescinow/controversiesoverrace/2.html )

Given that humans are so genetically similar to Chimps, I'd say the small amount that's different is pretty important. It's not simply a matter of quantity.

But to the point:

Nobody is saying we're all the same so we're going to flood ONLY predominantly black countries with immigration, force integration, and create a blended humanity with a black minority.

Nobody is saying we're all the same so we're going to flood ONLY Asian countries with immigration, force integration, and create a blended humanity with Asian minorities.

ONLY predominantly white countries are subjected to this.

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And as I pointed out in a previous post, using an article on the Canadian Jewish Congress website for a source, multiculturalism is a Jewish creation. Yet again, that's simply pointing out what Jews say themselves.

Balderdash! You are either very young or have been living in some other country!

OFFICIAL multiculturalism was a Liberal Party invention back in the 70's. It was a way to suck votes from new immigrants by pretending that they would not have to integrate into Canadian mainstream society. The Liberals gave a lot of cheques to ethnic community centres and got a lot of photo ops.

Meanwhile, the idea never did work out quite like the Liberals expected. It did work a bit for the first decade or so but the kids seem to integrate on their own, no matter what the parents want them to do. After all, to a kid home is where he grew up, not some mythical land his dad talks about. Blue jeans, rock and roll and now hiphop are more important to younger people.

As well, as the parents gradually learned more and more about Canadian society they began to see for themselves which parties actually were a better fit to their own values, rather than just swallowing the Liberal Kool-Aid that only the Liberal Party cared about immigrants! There's no way Harper could have won such a majority without immigrant support.

If official multiculturalism were a Jewish invention, it's surprising how many Muslims they allowed into Canada!

This whole thread has a gaping hole in its premise anyway. As many of us have agreed before, race is truly irrelevant. Culture is far more important to what defines us as a people. Multi-cult has been slowly fading into a mere heritage thing for some time now.

If and when whites become a racial minority, no one will care! Race will be far less important and most of us will be sharing a common culture. That culture will probably be very much like the mainstream culture we have right now, due to its size and longtime legacy.

Sorry to disappoint you , Dissenter, but you may very well end up the only one left in the country who cares a whit about this issue!

Edited by Wild Bill
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OK...then it seems to me your problem is with white people, eh?

I got lost in Toronto a couple of weeks back. I was with a friend and we were cycling the don river trails and made a wrong turn...ended up going north east a few miles instead of south west.

We came out in the east end of the city, in an area that was wall to wall run down mid rise apartments..kids playing on worn out front lawns, old cars parked willy nilly and hordes of pregnant teenage girls pushing prams and young men, smoking and doing nothing....

And everywhere,everyone... white people.

Later, when my buddy and I had returned to our own neighbourhood I said to him how bizarre and vaguely scary it was to be in a white slum..at least in a black slum, the residents are black....a white slum? There by the grace of god go I...

My buddy is from England...he said "You see those all over England..most of the slum dwellers are white."

White people...they scare me..they could, you know,...blend in..

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Balderdash! You are either very young or have been living in some other country!

OFFICIAL multiculturalism was a Liberal Party invention back in the 70's. It was a way to suck votes from new immigrants by pretending that they would not have to integrate into Canadian mainstream society. The Liberals gave a lot of cheques to ethnic community centres and got a lot of photo ops.

The CJC [Canadian Jewish Congress] has also reached beyond the Jewish community’s interests. It originated the concept of multiculturalism in Canada....


If official multiculturalism were a Jewish invention, it's surprising how many Muslims they allowed into Canada!

Watch the video I posted of a Jew saying that Jews "will play a leading role" in making Europe multicultural. There are far more Muslims in Europe than Canada.

This whole thread has a gaping hole in its premise anyway. As many of us have agreed before, race is truly irrelevant. Culture is far more important to what defines us as a people. Multi-cult has been slowly fading into a mere heritage thing for some time now.

Culture is racial.

If and when whites become a racial minority, no one will care! Race will be far less important and most of us will be sharing a common culture. That culture will probably be very much like the mainstream culture we have right now, due to its size and longtime legacy.

You mean anti-whites don't care because they demand this:

Black countries for blacks.

Asian countries for Asians.

Israel for Jews or you're an anti-semite!

White countries for everyone or you're a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!

They say they're anti-racist but they're just anti-white.

Sorry to disappoint you , Dissenter, but you may very well end up the only one left in the country who cares a whit about this issue!

Is that why the white population of Toronto has decreased by more than 170,000 from 1996-2006 while the population of every other ethnic group listed by Statistics Canada increased, yet the overall white population of Ontario increased?

The difference between me and many others is that I'll say what's on my mind without any regard for political correctness because it's not my religion.

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LOL! Yea, down here we hide the slum white people in trailer parks mobile home communities! ;)

And Detroit is a real success story. You can literally buy a home for a dollar there, yet when I mention this, people just don't seem to be interested in taking advantage of the opportunity. Think about it, you could be living mortgage free while immersing yourself in diversity.


Edited by Dissenter
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My ancient ancestors came from Africa... but my skin is white due to evolving in the Scandanavian climate.... It's been a source of confusion for me for years.... :huh:

That's interesting because:

Experts believe fossilised bones unearthed at the medieval village of Dmanisi in the foothills of the Caucuses, and dated to about 1.8 million years ago, are the oldest indisputable remains of humans discovered outside of Africa.

"Before our findings, the prevailing view was that humans came out of Africa almost 1 million years ago, that they already had sophisticated stone tools, and that their body anatomy was quite advanced in terms of brain capacity and limb proportions. But what we are finding is quite different," Professor Lordkipanidze said.


That means that roughly 800,000 years BEFORE humans supposedly came out of Africa AND long before Homo sapiens existed, there were already humans living in Georgia.

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Culture is racial.

Thank you for reminding me my skin colour is different of that of a latvian, an Italian or an Australian. :lol:

The difference between me and many others is that I'll say what's on my mind without any regard for political correctness because it's not my religion.

Correction, the difference is that many others, even among those who don't like immigration, manage to make sense at least once in a while.

Edited by CANADIEN
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That means that roughly 800,000 years BEFORE humans supposedly came out of Africa AND long before Homo sapiens existed, there were already humans living in Georgia.

Well. Knowledge changes as new discoveries are made. You know, like the fact that skin colour is not the mesure of a human being. You are behind the times. :P

Edited by CANADIEN
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The difference between me and many others is that I'll say what's on my mind without any regard for political correctness because it's not my religion.

This could also apply to people with Tourette Syndrome, the socially retarded, village idiots or someone with a unique combination of social and mental disorders. Even Lictardation, which is likely the most serious afflication of them all.

The problem is, all you are capable of doing is saying what's on your mind in repetition, but you are incapable of rational discussion as evidenced by your inability to engage people who question your statements. It appears that all you can do is repeat the same statements over and over and are incapable of developing them into anything meaningful or useful.

And looking at the subject matter and how it is presented, I am thinking that you likely suffer from coprolalia, which is a symptom of Tourette's.

Here is a link to the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada. You will find resources and contacts to help you overcome your affliction and I wish you well.

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That means that roughly 800,000 years BEFORE humans supposedly came out of Africa AND long before Homo sapiens existed, there were already humans living in Georgia.

If you read the article (and understood it) you would have noticed....

But what has really excited the researchers is the discovery that these early humans (or "hominins") are far more primitive-looking than the Homo erectus humans that were, until now, believed to be the first people to migrate out of Africa about 1 million years ago.

The Dmanisi people had brains that were about 40 per cent smaller than those of Homo erectus and they were much shorter in stature than classical H. erectus skeletons, according to Professor David Lordkipanidze, general director of the Georgia National Museum. "Before our findings, the prevailing view was that humans came out of Africa almost 1 million years ago, that they already had sophisticated stone tools, and that their body anatomy was quite advanced in terms of brain capacity and limb proportions. But what we are finding is quite different," Professor Lordkipanidze said.

"The Dmanisi hominins are the earliest representatives of our own genus – Homo – outside Africa, and they represent the most primitive population of the species Homo erectus to date. They might be ancestral to all later Homo erectus populations, which would suggest a Eurasian origin of Homo erectus."

They were not Homo Sapiens...

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