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Whites to Attain Minority Status?

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It's called white flight dumbass. White people are more than willing to do the moving, but immigration and integration is forced on every predominantly white country and community and ONLY predominantly white countries and communities.

Marin county California is under pressure to increase its non-white population because it's too white. Detroit is more than 80% black, but nobody DEMANDS that Detroit be more diverse.

dumbass... talking to yourself, Lictor err I mean Dissenter? :lol:

We both know that your wetdream is a white -only nation. Which means that sooner or later some non-Whites will have to move away... What's the plan for those who won't go quietly? Go ahead, spell it out.

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The goal of any decent parent is to provide a better life for the children. If immigration continues on the current trend, white people will be a minority in the US by 2042 and in Canada around the same time. This means that young white children today will become minorities by the time they're in their mid 30s. I think the people that support this have an obligation to explain how it will make their lives better, and if they cannot, they ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Decent parents, or more exactly parents who actually USE THEIR BRAINS, give the skin colour of their neighbour the exact importance it has, that is NONE WHATSOEVER. Nobody here is suggested that "white should become a minority". We are saying, and rightly so, "so what?".

My second door neighbours are a white-East Asian couplewith a cute little girl. The two convenience stores down the street are owned, one by a couple of Chinese descent the other by Middle-Eastern immigrant. Upstairs from there's a, dare I write the world because you are likely to recoil in horror, JEWISH couple. And no, I do not believe this is why my neighbourhood is one of the quietest and nicest in town.

Now Lictor err I mean Dissenter, YOU explain how this makes my neighbourhood worse than if it was populated with blond Aryans. I know as a fact that it doesn't make my neighbourhood any worse or better. But I need to be entertained - go ahead.

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That would be his undefined "LINCOLN PLAN"...

No Evidence to support this...

I do believe that Lictor... err I mean dissenter, would have no problem at all with the idea of eliminating the "problem", if you get my drift.

A thing is sure, I can't remember the name he was using a few years back on another forum, but I sure remember him calling for the nuking of Tel Aviv.

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I believe that white people have as much right to exist as blacks or Asians. Anti-whites call this supremacy.

I agree. Unfortunately, they don't seem to want to have any children, because this would be an inconvenience to their lifestyle.

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I do believe that Lictor... err I mean dissenter, would have no problem at all with the idea of eliminating the "problem", if you get my drift.

You mean like a "final solution"? Communism killed more people than WWI and WWII combined and it was based on a fanatical devotion to egalitarianism. Its influence can STILL be found throughout the media, education system and government. Political Correctness is Communist in origin. The people that preach tolerance are the least likely to exhibit any.

A thing is sure, I can't remember the name he was using a few years back on another forum, but I sure remember him calling for the nuking of Tel Aviv.

So now I'm using another name on another forum, too? LOL

I've never heard of the name Lictor until mentioned here, and I have never said anything about nuking Israel. But while on the subject of WMD, let's not forget that the US invaded Iraq for WMD, which did not exist, but DOES exist IN Israel.

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My first grandchild's father is Chinese and I'm proud as punch. :D

Speaking of decent parents, apparently there was something wrong with your's.

Nah, they're typical self-hating white baby boomers like you that drank the Kool-Aid of the 60s by the gallon. Good people, but mislead.

Big fans of Trudeau, too, and the irony is that Trudeau was a fan of Hitler up until his mid 20s, but that's forgiven and forgotten because he was a Liberal. Just as Senator Byrd was forgiven for his involvement in the KKK because he was a Democrat.

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I believe that white people have as much right to exist as blacks or Asians. Anti-whites call this supremacy.

There are more than fifty predominantly black countries in the world.

Black people have the second largest continent in the world that's rich in resources - Africa.

Africa has weather that allows for farming year around.

They also have nations that they are not indigenous to, but nobody demands that they be more diverse because of that, or go back to Africa.

Jamaicans are proud of the black ethnic identity of their nation, but nobody calls this racist.

Yet black people rather live as minorities in predominantly white countries, where the weather drops well below zero, and we are a minority.

Jews insist that Israel be recognized as a "Jewish state." If you were consistent, you'd call this Jewish supremacy, for which you'd be called an anti-semite.

The problem here is youre barking up the wrong tree. If the white race is going to thrive in the world over the next few hundred years, white folks need to start fucking without birthcontrol. Absolutely NOTHING besides this will work. You could completely end all non-white immigration to Canada and the number of whites here would STILL decline.

Go knock up some white chicks if youre so worried about this!

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Once they try to attatch "Minority" status on the white population it will be the begining of the end. White egos will be deflated along with white privledge - if such a thing exists! It's like taking the established status quo and bringing them down to mere immigrant status - we will all be equal - equally poor. Those that suggest such as thing are cutting their own throats - but the liberal mind has never been big on personal survival - They believe if they are nice to every group that the group will be nice back ----------Much like the removal of Christmas from public schools and the installation of Muslim prayer rooms...Liberals will learn in time that being NICE to everyone will not guarentee a utopian existance - that others - will simply take over and persecute the hand that fed them.

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The problem here is youre barking up the wrong tree. If the white race is going to thrive in the world over the next few hundred years, white folks need to start fucking without birthcontrol. Absolutely NOTHING besides this will work. You could completely end all non-white immigration to Canada and the number of whites here would STILL decline.

Go knock up some white chicks if youre so worried about this!

The third world adds more than 80 million people every year to populations they are already unable to support, and pressure is put upon western (read predominantly white) nations to help them.

By your way of reasoning - that the population of a nation is responsible for its own problems - the solution for them is birth control not migration to predominantly white nations, but the problem here is this:

Asian countries for Asians.

Black countries for blacks.

Israel for Jews.

White countries for everyone!

Edited by Dissenter
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The third world adds more than 80 million people every year to populations they are already unable to support, and pressure is put upon western (read predominantly white) nations to help them.

By your way of reasoning - that the population of a nation is responsible for its own problems - the solution for them is birth control not migration to predominantly white nations.

As a young guy - every woman I slept with - I would not be against the idea of her having a child - I was practical when it came to sex and although I adored the pleasure of the act...I knew the purpose of the act - reproduction of myself. Whites - are so modern and spoiled through comforatable western living that they have forgotten their duty as a living creature - not to go extinct. Between the twisting of the sex act in to various forms of hedonistic pleasure seeking, along with every deviant act the human mind could conjure up - whites have destroyed themselves through their own supposed sophistication - I know of a modern bar owner down the street that dispises old school types - she figures if you are not bi-sexual you are not a sophisticated urban citizen....well - at least I know one thing - fools like her will not be around in 60 years..

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The third world adds more than 80 million people every year to populations they are already unable to support, and pressure is put upon western (read predominantly white) nations to help them.

By your way of reasoning - that the population of a nation is responsible for its own problems - the solution for them is birth control not migration to predominantly white nations, but the problem here is this:

Asian countries for Asians.

Black countries for blacks.

Israel for Jews.

White countries for everyone!

Global Village dude. There goes the neighbourhood! :lol::lol:

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Global Village dude. There goes the neighbourhood! :lol::lol:

ONLY in predominantly white countries because anti-whites demand this:

Asian countries for Asians.

Black countries for blacks.

Israel for Jews or you're an antisemite!

White countries for everyone or you're a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!

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ONLY in predominantly white countries because anti-whites demand this:

Asian countries for Asians.

Black countries for blacks.

Israel for Jews or you're an antisemite!

White countries for everyone or you're a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!

Yep, you are right, that's what happens in the global village. It has been happening for thousands of years now and it has been stepped up because it is so easy to move around in the Global Village. So now we have all these white women having babies by black or brown or yellow men, imagine.

Off-white-ish or slightly tanned, caramel like toned countries for the off-white-ish or slightly tanned, caramel like tones!

Eh. Sounds like Italy or Greece. I can live with that.

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ONLY in predominantly white countries because anti-whites demand this:

Asian countries for Asians.

Black countries for blacks.

Israel for Jews or you're an antisemite!

White countries for everyone or you're a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews!

You are operating under a false assumption that Canada and the United States can be grouped with Europe.

And you forgot South Africa for South Africans, Jamaica for Jamaicans, Singapore for Singaporans, and a host of other countries that do not fit your idiotic world view.

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You are operating under a false assumption that Canada and the United States can be grouped with Europe.

It's not at all false. They were founded by Europeans and the populations have been overwhelmingly white throughout most of the history of the two countries.

And you forgot South Africa for South Africans, Jamaica for Jamaicans, Singapore for Singaporans, and a host of other countries that do not fit your idiotic world view.

Have I?

More than a million white people have left South Africa due to safety concerns since the fall of apartheid, and racially motivated violence against white people is common. They sing songs about killing white farmers. South Africa is going the way of Zimbabwe, which has virtually no white people left.

Jamaica is over 91% black with a black ethnic identity. There are no demands to make it diverse and turn black people into a minority even though they are not indigenous.

Singapore has a Chinese majority with Malay and Indian minority populations and there's no attempt being made to turn it into a non-Asian country.

Edited by Dissenter
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Yep, you are right, that's what happens in the global village. It has been happening for thousands of years now and it has been stepped up because it is so easy to move around in the Global Village. So now we have all these white women having babies by black or brown or yellow men, imagine.

Off-white-ish or slightly tanned, caramel like toned countries for the off-white-ish or slightly tanned, caramel like tones!

Eh. Sounds like Italy or Greece. I can live with that.

It is ONLY demanded that predominantly white countries be "global villages" with the end result being admittedly white minorities.

It's genocide.

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Jamaica is over 91% black with a black ethnic identity. There are no demands to make it diverse and turn black people into a minority even though they are not indigenous.

Yes, if you count anyone who is not 100% White as Black, I can see how one might confuse Jamaica as being 91% Black.

Singapore has a Chinese majority with Malay and Indian minority populations and there's no attempt being made to turn it into a non-Asian country.

Yet you entirely discount that it is the Malays who are the indigenous group in Singapore, with only small share of the population. Unlike you, however, I am sure the native Malays do not spend all their time crying to their mommys because they share a country with people who are Chinese. And Malays, by the way, are Austronesian, not East Asian.

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It is ONLY demanded that predominantly white countries be "global villages" with the end result being admittedly white minorities.

Demanded by who though? Mostly these whites themselves.

If there's anything in "white people" inherently worth preserving, then white people will find a way to do so before they cease to exist. If they fail to prevent themselves from ceasing to exist, and are instead replaced by more virile peoples, well, peoples have been replaced by others many times throughout history. If "self-hating liberalism" is a characteristic that "white people" tend towards more than "non-whites" and it (as you say) leads to self-destruction of one's civilization, then perhaps such people are simply not destined to be the long-term continuation of the human species?

A people that let themselves go extinct while starting from being in a totally economically, military, and culturally dominant position worldwide don't seem like the kind of people that would be up to facing all the challenges humankind is likely to face in the future.

Edited by Bonam
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When I was 22 - I lived for a time in Oakland Cal...being blonde and blue eyed...I must have looked very "white" _ being a dumb Canadian I did not even know that white people are not supposed live in Oakland....One afternoon I was having a beer in the local bar and an old black guy leaned over and asked "are you black?" ----------thought about it for a second and said - Yes I am black....all went well once I became a their token white negro...lol.

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Demanded by who though? Mostly these whites themselves.

If there's anything in "white people" inherently worth preserving, then white people will find a way to do so before they cease to exist. If they fail to prevent themselves from ceasing to exist, and are instead replaced by more virile peoples, well, peoples have been replaced by others many times throughout history. If "self-hating liberalism" is a characteristic that "white people" tend towards more than "non-whites" and it (as you say) leads to self-destruction of one's civilization, then perhaps such people are simply not destined to be the long-term continuation of the human species?

A people that let themselves go extinct while starting from being in a totally economically, military, and culturally dominant position worldwide don't seem like the kind of people that would be up to facing all the challenges humankind is likely to face in the future.

Kind of ironic too that a guy who has such a beef with Jews apparently thinks that "White" people will die out in better conditions than Jews had in Europe. It is almost as if he thinks Jews are superior to "White" folks.

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Kind of ironic too that a guy who has such a beef with Jews apparently thinks that "White" people will die out in better conditions than Jews had in Europe. It is almost as if he thinks Jews are superior to "White" folks.

Since time began and the first black person mutated and had white skin...the "race" was born...No where in nature will an animal attempt to breed with an albino - only humans are that curious...hence ------------the white man...WHITE people are mutations - very successful freaks of nature.

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You mean like a "final solution"?

Yep. so the question is simple. If the inferiors (because everyone here knows you view non-Whites as inferiors) won't go voluntarily, should a final solution be considered? Yes, or no. No cowardly escapes to avoid the question. Yes, or no.

And no escaping the other question either. How would my neighbourhood be better if my second door neighbour was married to a Caucasian instead of an East Asian, my upper floor neighbours were of let's say British descent instead of Jewish, and if the corner store down my streets were owned by seven-generation Canadians of German descent and Italian immigrants instead of peoPle of Chinese and Middle Eastern origin? And spare me the ad nauseam repetition of the "Black countries for Blacks, white county for everyone, it's genocide" non-sense. HOW WOULD MY NEIGHBOORHOOD BE BETTER IF IT WAS ALL WHITE?

So now I'm using another name on another forum, too? LOL

I've never heard of the name Lictor until mentioned here, and I have never said anything about nuking Israel.

And Santa Claus exists, right? You re not fooling me, or anyone else. Mind you, considering the number of times you have been chased out or expelled from forums over the years, i too would pretend to be someone else. :P

Edited by CANADIEN
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