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Whites to Attain Minority Status?

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Watch the video I posted of a Jew saying that Jews "will play a leading role" in making Europe multicultural. There are far more Muslims in Europe than Canada.

Culture is racial.

Is that why the white population of Toronto has decreased by more than 170,000 from 1996-2006 while the population of every other ethnic group listed by Statistics Canada increased, yet the overall white population of Ontario increased?

The difference between me and many others is that I'll say what's on my mind without any regard for political correctness because it's not my religion.

I read your link. First off, it was an opinion piece by a newspaper reporter. Second, while it does say that some Jewish groups claim credit for the idea of multi-cult and other such groups supported it, so what? Somebody had to invent the idea! It was still the Liberal Party that went "gung ho" with the idea. And MILLIONS of different individuals and groups supported the idea! You can't tie this specifically to the Jews! I'll bet most of those supporters also used aspirin. Are you going to thus tie aspirin use to race?

And how on earth is culture racial? I notice you gave no cite or argument of any kind for that statement! Anyone who has met adopted children of different race to their adoptive parents knows within a few minutes that your premise is a crock!

If YOU were adopted as a baby by Somalis and raised in their country YOUR culture would be their culture, your race not withstanding.

You argue like a Jehovah Witness. You have already decided what you believe and will only consider evidence that supports your assumption. Since that's the case, why on earth should I or anyone else accept YOUR purported evidence or arguement? We know what you believe before you even open your mouth!

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Is that why the white population of Toronto has decreased by more than 170,000 from 1996-2006 while the population of every other ethnic group listed by Statistics Canada increased, yet the overall white population of Ontario increased?

I call bullshit

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Well. Knowledge changes as new discoveries are made. You know, like the fact that skin colour is not the mesure of a human being. You are behind the times. :P

This entire conversation is pointless. Skin colour has never been, at least, not in a generation or more, the basis for racial divides within Canada. It's got nothing to do with opposition to immigration, and virtually nothing to do with real prejudice. Someone who won't hire a Black man is not basing his choice on his dislike for the pigmentation of that man's skin but his presumption about the cultural traits and behavioural baggage which he assigns to Black men. People who despise immigration (and that includes me) don't hate it because of the multi-coloured people it brings in but because of the social problems and cultural and religious baggage of the newcomers (as well as the economic costs and problems).

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This entire conversation is pointless. Skin colour has never been, at least, not in a generation or more, the basis for racial divides within Canada. It's got nothing to do with opposition to immigration, and virtually nothing to do with real prejudice. Someone who won't hire a Black man is not basing his choice on his dislike for the pigmentation of that man's skin but his presumption about the cultural traits and behavioural baggage which he assigns to Black men...

Yep, you got that right Scotty. Very perceptive of you!


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This entire conversation is pointless. Skin colour has never been, at least, not in a generation or more, the basis for racial divides within Canada. It's got nothing to do with opposition to immigration, and virtually nothing to do with real prejudice. Someone who won't hire a Black man is not basing his choice on his dislike for the pigmentation of that man's skin but his presumption about the cultural traits and behavioural baggage which he assigns to Black men. People who despise immigration (and that includes me) don't hate it because of the multi-coloured people it brings in but because of the social problems and cultural and religious baggage of the newcomers (as well as the economic costs and problems).

So we could take it that you would have no problem hiring a black man who was third or fourth generation Canadian? Or maybe grew up in a professional district of London, England?

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This entire conversation is pointless. Skin colour has never been, at least, not in a generation or more, the basis for racial divides within Canada. It's got nothing to do with opposition to immigration, and virtually nothing to do with real prejudice. Someone who won't hire a Black man is not basing his choice on his dislike for the pigmentation of that man's skin but his presumption about the cultural traits and behavioural baggage which he assigns to Black men. People who despise immigration (and that includes me) don't hate it because of the multi-coloured people it brings in but because of the social problems and cultural and religious baggage of the newcomers (as well as the economic costs and problems).

So, it`s not because of the person`s skin pigmentation. It`s because people with that skin pigmentation are this, and this, and that. Thanks for pointing out the difference. :lol: :lol:

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So we could take it that you would have no problem hiring a black man who was third or fourth generation Canadian? Or maybe grew up in a professional district of London, England?

We're not talking about me and my hiring. The point I was making, although clearly it goes well over the head of some of the more ignorant here, is that nobody gives a shit about what the skin pigmentation is in a man's skin. If people don't like Black men it's not because of their looks but because of their cultural and behavioural baggage. Jessie Jackson once famously said, when he's walking down the street, he has more anxiety, more worry, when encountering a group of young Black men then young White men, because young Black men are more likely to be violent and attack him.

Now if you must personalize things in that manner, then no, I would not feel any differently towards a black or brown man than I would towards a white man if his behaviour and comportment was not dissimilar. I'm willing to admit that I have some prejudice towards Black men. My prejudice is born of a life of seeing Black violence in the media, in statistics, and to a smaller degree, in person. It's born of a lifetime of encountering Black men who were foreign born, had thick accents, were uneducated, and behaved, or had political/social views, often enough, which I thought were backwards. I have never personally encountered a Canadian born Black person. I have never encountered a Black person who didn't speak with a thick accent. I'm aware that not every young Black man is a pimp, a mugger, a drug dealer, or a gang member, but those are the only ones I ever see in the media. So how could my views not be coloured (no pun intended) by that?

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So, it`s not because of the person`s skin pigmentation. It`s because people with that skin pigmentation are this, and this, and that. Thanks for pointing out the difference. :lol: :lol:

The vast majority of Black people in Canada are immigrants, or at best, the children of immigrants (who have their own problems in social adaptation). The vast majority of Black people in the US are extremely poor, and live in slums which help spark enormously higher rates of crime and violence. The perceptions arising out of these circumstances are based on cultural fears which have more than a small basis in fact.

All this sputtering nonsense about genetics and skin pigmentation is pointless in that virtually none of the prejudice against Blacks has anything to do with either. I'm merely trying to point out to others that the real argument in such things is perceptions of behavioural issues, not quibbles about how people look, or what their genetics background is.

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The vast majority of Black people in Canada are immigrants, or at best, the children of immigrants (who have their own problems in social adaptation). The vast majority of Black people in the US are extremely poor, and live in slums which help spark enormously higher rates of crime and violence. The perceptions arising out of these circumstances are based on cultural fears which have more than a small basis in fact.

All this sputtering nonsense about genetics and skin pigmentation is pointless in that virtually none of the prejudice against Blacks has anything to do with either. I'm merely trying to point out to others that the real argument in such things is perceptions of behavioural issues, not quibbles about how people look, or what their genetics background is.

Once again, it's not because of their skin colour, but because, you know, Blacks are...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You can claim all you want that your prejudice (at least you admit that's what it is) is based on behavorial issues. As long as you keep associating certain behavorial issues with certain "racial groups", you are making their genetic background the issue.

Edited by CANADIEN
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That's one POV. Some of us have another. Personally, I like to think that it would be an opportunity to leave the planet to all the people who think they know how to run it. Meanwhile, the rest of us could cheerfully stop offending them by contradicting their ideas and simply leave!

It would just be the next step in Darwinism, Oleg! Most folks don't want you to give them a solution for their troubles. They already have some cockamamie idea, like socialism, that can't possibly work but if you're going to offer a solution it had better be one that fits their preconceived notions!

I swear that too many people really want power more than food! And when their screwy ideas won't work they will seek to make slaves of those who are more practical. Stalinist Russia was a good example.

If Atlas is just a greedy bastard then who needs him? Let him go and save the trouble!

If one truly believes in freedom why on earth would you object to people having a chance to leave?

Since I was a kid I always had this messianic spirit...Idealism that was in the core of me suggested that some how I could make a difference that I like other with the same spirit could save the world. Once in a while but not in a long while I have chats with my investment banking lawyer friend - a very powerful and wise old man from my distant past - He understands me and finds me to be a hopeless idealist...as he put it to me onced "ALec, some people do not want to get saved"...so how do you help those that are drowning that are bound and determined to drown and attempt to enjoy it as they go - and hopefully drag as many down with them as possible.

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We're not talking about me and my hiring. The point I was making, although clearly it goes well over the head of some of the more ignorant here, is that nobody gives a shit about what the skin pigmentation is in a man's skin. If people don't like Black men it's not because of their looks but because of their cultural and behavioural baggage. Jessie Jackson once famously said, when he's walking down the street, he has more anxiety, more worry, when encountering a group of young Black men then young White men, because young Black men are more likely to be violent and attack him.

Now if you must personalize things in that manner, then no, I would not feel any differently towards a black or brown man than I would towards a white man if his behaviour and comportment was not dissimilar. I'm willing to admit that I have some prejudice towards Black men. My prejudice is born of a life of seeing Black violence in the media, in statistics, and to a smaller degree, in person. It's born of a lifetime of encountering Black men who were foreign born, had thick accents, were uneducated, and behaved, or had political/social views, often enough, which I thought were backwards. I have never personally encountered a Canadian born Black person. I have never encountered a Black person who didn't speak with a thick accent. I'm aware that not every young Black man is a pimp, a mugger, a drug dealer, or a gang member, but those are the only ones I ever see in the media. So how could my views not be coloured (no pun intended) by that?


At least you admit your a small minded bigot who looks at things superficially...

By the way,you have alot more in common with Lictor (Dissenter) than you might be letting on...

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At least you admit your a small minded bigot who looks at things superficially...

By the way,you have alot more in common with Lictor (Dissenter) than you might be letting on...

When I hear someone claiming they never met someone you didn't fit their prejudice, I always get the distinct impression that they would wilfully forget about anyone they meet who doesn't fit their prejudice.

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When I hear someone claiming they never met someone you didn't fit their prejudice, I always get the distinct impression that they would wilfully forget about anyone they meet who doesn't fit their prejudice.

It is not prejudice to resent the fact that Muslims have converted public schools into make shift mosques...and ousted the once Christians converted to pure unadulterated secularism....but there will be no resentment towards those that seek to make us disppear..because we are so stupid and passive - and have no pride - religion or tradtion - we destroyed ourselves ............"Your wealth will go into the houses of strangers" so scripture reads - and it will.

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It is not prejudice to resent the fact that Muslims have converted public schools into make shift mosques...and ousted the once Christians converted to pure unadulterated secularism....but there will be no resentment towards those that seek to make us disppear..because we are so stupid and passive - and have no pride - religion or tradtion - we destroyed ourselves ............"Your wealth will go into the houses of strangers" so scripture reads - and it will.

Believing what you just posted is not prejudice... it's just plain non-sense. Mind you, I stopped expecting anything else from you a long time ago.

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Believing what you just posted is not prejudice... it's just plain non-sense. Mind you, I stopped expecting anything else from you a long time ago.

Stop insulting the Commander of the Imperial Forces of the Planet Zorgon...

He might try to use his telekinetic powers to turn your teeth green!!!!

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You can't tie this specifically to the Jews!

I don't have to, they do it themselves, and they were lobbying to change immigration - ONLY in predominantly white countries of course - long before the Liberals figured out how to use it to get votes.

And how on earth is culture racial?

Is Jamaican culture Chinese, Japanese, East Indian or European? No, black people created it. White people created European culture. Asians created Asian culture.

If YOU were adopted as a baby by Somalis and raised in their country YOUR culture would be their culture, your race not withstanding.

You can be immersed in a foreign culture, sure, but that doesn't change the fact that it is the culture of another racial or ethnic group.

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I don't have to, they do it themselves, and they were lobbying to change immigration - ONLY in predominantly white countries of course - long before the Liberals figured out how to use it to get votes.

All parties court minority votes. And like I said before liberals arent the only ones that support allowing immigration... You have globalists, hard core libertarians, business conservatives, agricultural conservatives etc.

This isnt a partisan issue, and liberals and conservatives will work TOGETHER to throw immigrants under the bus when its time.

I think globalism wil be the biggest contributor to immigration in the future, and its a pretty bi-partisan camp. Western countries will realize that they are better off keeping production facitilies and their head offices in the west and bring the cheap labor IN... as opposed to totally surrendering that part of their tax base by moving production out.

FREE MARKET IDEOLOGY is the main thrust behind increasing the portability of labor. If you believe in free markets then why SHOULDNT a person from (insert random country here) be allowed to come and compete for your job (and way of life).

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You can be immersed in a foreign culture, sure, but that doesn't change the fact that it is the culture of another racial or ethnic group.

He was not talking bout immersion, but GROWING UP in that culture. when that's the culture you grow up in, it becomes yours. So sorry that simple facts undermine your theory. :P

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When I hear someone claiming they never met someone you didn't fit their prejudice, I always get the distinct impression that they would wilfully forget about anyone they meet who doesn't fit their prejudice.

That is "it" exactly. Especially the "wilfully" part.

And let's not forget to blame "the media" what, with it's liberal bias and all. :blink:

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