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Israel's Intercepts Ship Carrying Arms

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I know, which is why I asked for the citation about the legality of the settlements and their citation of ethnic cleansing.

Because I knew it did not exist.

Actually, I'm pretty sure there are ICJ rulings that invoke shock-terms like "ethnic cleansing" in order to demonize Israel. it's important to understand that with respect to Israel, the UNHRC, ICJ, and other international "justice" institutions are highly politicized, anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist, and anti-Israel. It's the natural consequence of Jews being an ultra-minority in this world, with the "other side" being quite large.

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I'm not talking about Israel. I'm talking about Jews living in the West Bank. Why is this a problem? If the WB becomes a state, they can become citizens.

Exactly. I've been saying that for years. Why is their presence so offensive to you-know-who? Let them become citizens in the event of Israel relinquishing some of these territories to a hypothetical future Palestinian state.

Edited by Bob
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thousands of canadians who live in the USA were not given money, tax breaks and cheap housing to move to the states. the canadian government also did not create buffer zones in canadian only settlements and the canadian government did not create canadian only highways in USA that are restricted for only canadians.

how many more times are you going to fail before you admit the truth?

How many times did the USA attack and attempt to destroy Canada and murder its citizenry? Let's not even touch on terrorism and incitement... Moreover, the USA is a legitimate country for a legitimate people, as opposed to the recent creation of the "Palestinian people" pining over a state that never existed.

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Exactly. I've been saying that for years. Why is there presence so offensive to you-know-who? Let them become citizens in the event of Israel relinquishing some of these territories to a hypothetical future Palestinian state.

The irony of the chants of "apartheid and ethnic cleansing" from the Palestinian supporters is that their goal is ultimately that of ethnic cleansing and aparthied. I never hear one squeak re: Jews being 'allowed' to live along side Muslims in a future WB state.

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The irony of the chants of "apartheid and ethnic cleansing" from the Palestinian supporters is that their goal is ultimately that of ethnic cleansing and aparthied. I never hear one squeak re: Jews being 'allowed' to live along side Muslims in a future WB state.

Again, exactly. Not. One. Squeak. What they do is hijack institutions like the UN and its affiliates to justify and "legalize" their racism/prejudice. Using fancy-sounding language like "demographic changes" instead of "judenrein". It's so fucking sick and transparent. If some of the lands across the Green Line where we have Jewish settlements will eventually become part of a future Palestinian state, what's the problem? You'll acquire a developed towns of (largely) productive people. The problem is - they want a state free of Jews. Although, I'm quite certain that the vast majority of these Jews would never accept living under Palestinian sovereignty, with good reason.

I would consider voting for an Israeli leadership that would deliver that, and dismantle some of the Jewish settlements across the Green line, as long as we can return the favour and remove some of the Arab population from Israel.

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Using fancy-sounding language like "demographic changes" instead of "judenrein". It's so fucking sick and transparent. If some the lands across the Green Line where we have Jewish settlements will eventually become part of a future Palestinian state, what's the problem? The problem is - they want a state free of Jews.

Yes...the irony bone in the typical Palestinian supporter's head must be set to the "off" position, because "Juden Raus" is the call and "Judenrein" is their solution. All the while, staging events like this...


I would consider voting for an Israeli leadership that would deliver that, and dismantle some of the Jewish settlements across the Green line, as long as we can return the favour and remove some of the Arab population from Israel.

Yeah...lol...you won't get a CBS 60 Minutes show on that situation. It's only OK to tell Jews to vamoose. Like Malmo's long term mayor...



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Yes...the irony bone in the typical Palestinian supporter's head must be set to the "off" position, because "Juden Raus" is the call and "Judenrein" is their solution. All the while, staging events like this...


Yeah...lol...you won't get a CBS 60 Minutes show on that situation. It's only OK to tell Jews to vamoose. Like Malmo's long term mayor...



I didn't know about those stories from Malmo. It's really sad. In all seriousness, though, that's just the kinda thing I expect from most places in the world. Even in Canada Jewish groups are often intimidated, and Jewish properties vandalized. It's especially true on university campuses which are hotbeds of anti-Semitism masked under some guise. I have personal anecdotes about being assaulted by "fellow" students who did it because they knew I was Jewish. Anti-Semitism is a big part of the Arab/Muslim psyche, globally.

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I didn't know about those stories from Malmo. It's really sad. In all seriousness, though, that's just the kinda thing I expect from most places in the world. Even in Canada Jewish groups are often intimidated, and Jewish properties vandalized. It's especially true on university campuses which are hotbeds of anti-Semitism masked under some guise. I have personal anecdotes about being assaulted by "fellow" students who did it because they knew I was Jewish. Anti-Semitism is a big part of the Arab/Muslim psyche, globally.

We had our first Israeli Apartheid 'celebrations' at our local university this year...oddly enough...we also got our first mosque the year previous.


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We had our first Israeli Apartheid 'celebrations' at our local university this year...oddly enough...we also got our first mosque the year previous.


You can see it everywhere you look. Look at the people involved in the anti-Semitic demonstrations. Look at the people who attack Jewish persons and Jewish property. Look at who is blowing up synagogues, Jewish community centres, Israeli embassies, taking hostages, hijacking airlines, and conducting other acts of mass murder and terrorism in the name of "Arab liberation".

Look at the statements from Muslim/Arab organizations/institutions (like CAIR and the MCC) regarding Israel/Zionism/Jews. Go to YouTube and look at the videos and read the posts from Arabs/Muslims regarding Israel. Read Arab news and their hate-filled reporting on Israel (al-Jazeera being a perfect example). Listen to the opinions on talk radio from Arab/Muslim callers when talking about Israel. Finally, speak with any Arab/Muslim about these issues. With very few exceptions, they all speak with one voice - it's almost exclusively anti-Semitic/anti-Zionist/anti-Israel.

I'll end my rant there. I think the point is clear, that there is a deep-running anti-Semitic current in Arab/Muslim society the world over. The fools and the rats will deny this. But for those who are aware enough and honest enough to acknowledge it... it's quite a bleak situation. I can't really see it being undone, as these trends tend to perpetuate themselves. And it's getting worse, not better.

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I'll end my rant there.

Good...because yer preaching to the choir, Padre.


I think the point is clear, that there is a deep-running anti-Semitic current in Arab/Muslim society the world over.

Not just Arab/Muslim society. Anti-Semitism can be found even in

*. Jews are fleeing Malmo just as much because of the inaction of the non-Muslim mayor as the Muslim thugs making the Jew's lives miserable.

* Jenny Peto...Jewish, with relatives who survived the Holocaust. Ms Peto earned her master's degree at a major Canadian univerity claiming that Holocaust education is racist. She is forefront in the Israeli Apartheid movement in Canada.

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The irony of the chants of "apartheid and ethnic cleansing" from the Palestinian supporters is that their goal is ultimately that of ethnic cleansing and aparthied. I never hear one squeak re: Jews being 'allowed' to live along side Muslims in a future WB state.

There actually has been such talk. The word to search is "dhimmitude".

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There actually has been such talk. The word to search is "dhimmitude".

Expecting a foreign power to remove illegal settlements and settlers is not ethnic cleansing by any stretch of the imagination. That would be no more an act of ethnic cleansing than the US deporting illegal mexican migrants.

So ethnic cleansing would have to involve jews that were not connected with illegal settlements sanctioned by the government of Israel. Any sort of bulk roundup and expulsion of THESE settlers would be ethnic cleansing and it would be highly illegal. And unfortunately even though you dont seem to understand what ethnic cleansing is, I think youre right that a new Palestinian state might engage in this kind of behavior.

These are after the people making decisions on both sides are two groups of racist violent dogmatic scumbags that hate each others guts. Im not gonna hold my breath waiting for them to treat each other with respect.

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The West Bank is totally Jordan's mess to begin with starting in 1948. They wanted the place back right up until 1988 where they 'handed over control' to Yasser Arafat. Note: they could have given it to ol' Yasser in 1966...but who's counting, eh? It was very generous of Jordan to give away something they didn't possess after losing it in the 6 Day War. To boot, most of the big 'settlements' (read: towns) that exist in the WB were founded before 1988. So all this legal this or illegal that is merely what POV one decides to go with.

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Expecting a foreign power to remove illegal settlements and settlers is not ethnic cleansing by any stretch of the imagination. That would be no more an act of ethnic cleansing than the US deporting illegal mexican migrants.

So ethnic cleansing would have to involve jews that were not connected with illegal settlements sanctioned by the government of Israel. Any sort of bulk roundup and expulsion of THESE settlers would be ethnic cleansing and it would be highly illegal. And unfortunately even though you dont seem to understand what ethnic cleansing is, I think youre right that a new Palestinian state might engage in this kind of behavior.

These are after the people making decisions on both sides are two groups of racist violent dogmatic scumbags that hate each others guts. Im not gonna hold my breath waiting for them to treat each other with respect.

I'm not quite following you on this one. Sorry.

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Expecting a foreign power to remove illegal settlements and settlers is not ethnic cleansing by any stretch of the imagination. That would be no more an act of ethnic cleansing than the US deporting illegal mexican migrants.

So ethnic cleansing would have to involve jews that were not connected with illegal settlements sanctioned by the government of Israel. Any sort of bulk roundup and expulsion of THESE settlers would be ethnic cleansing and it would be highly illegal. And unfortunately even though you dont seem to understand what ethnic cleansing is, I think youre right that a new Palestinian state might engage in this kind of behavior.

These are after the people making decisions on both sides are two groups of racist violent dogmatic scumbags that hate each others guts. Im not gonna hold my breath waiting for them to treat each other with respect.

The Arabs have already cleansed themselves of all Jews. This includes Arab-administered areas in Judea and Samaria as well as Gaza, as well as virtually the entire Arab/Muslim world. It is illegal for a Jewish person to own property in PA and Hamas-controlled areas, and has been for decades. Selling property to a Jew is punishable by death. Do I even need to explain how dangerous it is for a Jew person to go into a place like Ramallah? Unless you're one of those Jews that is openly anti-Semitic/anti-Israel/anti-Zionistic, it's quite unsafe for a normal Jew to travel in these areas. Do you need anecdotes of Jews who were lynched/murdered, kidnapped/abducted, or assaulted as proof?

I see your point, but it ignored relevant context. Moreover, all Jews were ethnically cleansed from areas across the Green Line after 1949. We didn't return the favour, however. Do we need to talk about the exodus of nearly a million Jews from Arab/Muslim countries after Israel's reestablishment?

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I see your point, but it ignored relevant context. Moreover, all Jews were ethnically cleansed from areas across the Green Line after 1949. We didn't return the favour, however. Do we need to talk about the exodus of nearly a million Jews from Arab/Muslim countries after Israel's reestablishment?

It's Arab liberation. What's O.K. for them is not O.K. for the Jews.

Israel is often roundly criticized when it uses deadly force to retaliate against terror attacks, or makes pre-emptive attacks, such as Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, the attack on the Turkish ship, and the 2006 attack in Lebanon. There are often U.N. Commissions, reports such as the Goldstone Report, books such as Jimmy Carter's Peace or Apartheid.

When real atrocities are mentioned, they are brushed to the side with "of course I condemn those too".

There are of course plenty of atrocities aimed at Israel or the West too, such as the recent slaughter of an Israeli family (including babies), the attack on the bus station, and of course September 11. When the response to those kills civilians the press breaks loose in an orgy of self-condemnation. But Arab governments routinely and wontonly slaughter their own people. What gives? Link to article in title, excerpts below.

CAIRO — Military troops opened fire during protests in the southern part of Syria on Friday and killed peaceful demonstrators, according to witnesses and news reports, hurtling the strategically important nation along the same trajectory that has altered the landscape of power across the Arab world.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators in the southern city of Dara’a and in other cities and towns around the nation took to the streets in protest, defying a state that has once again demonstrated its willingness to use lethal force.

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It's Arab liberation. What's O.K. for them is not O.K. for the Jews.

Israel is often roundly criticized when it uses deadly force to retaliate against terror attacks, or makes pre-emptive attacks, such as Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, the attack on the Turkish ship, and the 2006 attack in Lebanon. There are often U.N. Commissions, reports such as the Goldstone Report, books such as Jimmy Carter's Peace or Apartheid.

When real atrocities are mentioned, they are brushed to the side with "of course I condemn those too".

There are of course plenty of atrocities aimed at Israel or the West too, such as the recent slaughter of an Israeli family (including babies), the attack on the bus station, and of course September 11. When the response to those kills civilians the press breaks loose in an orgy of self-condemnation. But Arab governments routinely and wontonly slaughter their own people. What gives? Link to article in title, excerpts below.

CAIRO — Military troops opened fire during protests in the southern part of Syria on Friday and killed peaceful demonstrators, according to witnesses and news reports, hurtling the strategically important nation along the same trajectory that has altered the landscape of power across the Arab world.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators in the southern city of Dara’a and in other cities and towns around the nation took to the streets in protest, defying a state that has once again demonstrated its willingness to use lethal force.

Just for the sake of nitpicking, I wouldn't describe those events as "pre-emptive", except perhaps the Six-Day War (Israel struck first in an inevitable war). The hostilities from the Arabs/Muslims and their widespread anti-Semitism has never, ever ceased. It started decades before 1948, and is still alive and well. Of course I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. As an aside, Israel often, if not always, bows to international pressure )despite the sometimes tough talk) and restrains itself way to much when defending us from this aggression. Anyways, that's another topic entirely.

And yes, of course the hypocrisy runs deep in the "international community" - condemning Israel for all sorts of ridiculous things, while ignoring extremely serious problems that go unaddressed. Palestinians are simply worth more than others on the planet, which is why they receive more money than anyone else despite not really needing it and certainly not deserving it. This is the inevitable consequence of having a massive population of Arabs and Muslims around the globe who are consumed with hatred for Israel and Jewish people. It's the politics of numbers.

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All I see are young people - all those in possession of youth are beautiful...Funny how most of the pics were about the militarization of youth...of females. Big deal, is that really something to be proud of...and who supplies the uniforms and the hardware? Probably the bulk of the costs are born by American tax payers...and what do they get out of such an arrangement?

Most fail to realize that Israeli aid...sent from the west has a stipulation attatched - that millions must be spent on arms. Who profits from this? Certainly not Joe Six Pack! It's okay to create a nation that is basically stolen land - Land taken by force of arms. This problem goes way back....very few so-called Jews - are Judeans...One of the reasons that Christ the great Jewish teacher is rejected by most in that region is because of one quote when it comes to stealing the Royal Lands Of Judea..."Those who call themselves Judeans (Jews) are not..but are of the synagog (gathering) of Satan....their father the liar.

What he meant was he Jesus the Christ was the legtimate heir to the lands of Judea..even the state of Rome understood this...hence the placard over the head of Christ. "King of the Judeans" (Jews).

Pontius Pilate wanted to pacify the interlopers who knew that Jesus was a King...and they simply wanted him dead for the sake of taking title to the lands.

There are almost no real genetic decendants of the Jews living in todays Israel..they are a mix of many races of semites and gentiles..The Palistinians if tested probably are more Jewish than the Israels..The rejection of the Jewish cult called Christianity results from one primary focus of the faith - Truth! Reality....There should be no division between Palistine and Israel...It should be one nation. To hold on to territory via force is not an option that will work in the long run as history has already proven.

As for arms dealing...most dealers arm both sides...the weapons on the ship are probably sold by the same people that sell to Israel...and the fat cats in Israel know that...It is all posturing and the playing the role of victim...Israel needs a new government...one that is not a monopoly too enforce strick entitlement for a specific group. One old Jewish man tried to convince me that the name Palistine - was a Roman invention...a name re-used....a name of a Roman place called Palistinia...I think the guy is a liar.

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