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Which Muslims can we trust?


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After watching the events unfold in Lybia today and before this in Tunisia and Egypt I am beginning to think that perhaps not all Muslims are part of a pan-Islamic master plan to create one Muslim nation. They may not all want to destroy the western way of life.

Some of the right wing hosts try to insinuate this in a subtle and sometimes not so subtle ways.

As we know some Muslims were/are(?) kidnapping white(western)people and cutting their heads off because we're infidels.

However it does seem like some of them just want to go about their daily lives not to bother anyone.

How do we know which ones we can trust?

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Or you can look at how much personal income they spend on food and energy and look at what is happening to food and energy prices.

They can't afford to live, this is why they are protesting.

Yes, I agree their situation is terrible. Government totally corrupt, stealing the money for themselves while the people suffer. Government is supposed to care about their people they're leading. If a leader doesn't care about people they shouldn't lead imo.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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There is your problem, you are watching FOX News.

People keep thinking that wars are fought over politics or religious beliefs but the majority of the wars, at their heart, they are economic wars. The root cause of people behaving hostility towards others is because of scarcity yet we neglect to address that issue.

I watch many news channels almost everyday including ctv, cnn, cbc, ctv, fox and Aljazerra. Usually a half hour each, sometimes longer, I don't watch the cbc and cnn as much as the others but I try to watch them a couple times a week.

Many Islamic nations dislike the west which includes Canada. Muslims are killing us right now in Afghanistan so I'm sure the Taliban and its supporters aren't fond of us in Canada.

It's a little simplistic to suggest that the Islamic fanatics want to kill America and its allies because it doesn't have enough money and are really just misunderstood. This level of naiveté is dangerous.

If anyone has an answer to my question, I'd really like to hear it.

How do we know which Muslims we can trust?

Edited by Mr.Canada
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You can not fully trust any Muslim - Christian - Jew or secularist...nor can you fully trust a self serving homosexual...nor should you trust any human being fully - Humans are intelligent but have not learned that deception is for insects and the natural animal kingdom - we don't need to lie to survive - but we do...Muslims hold us in contempt for the most part because they have been trained that we are inferiour...the Jews hold us in contempt..because we are unclean...secularist and humanist look upon us as animals - and lastly Christians all want the world to end and all the "evil" people to die...THAT lusting to kill evil is evil in itself.

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I watch many news channels almost everyday including ctv, cnn, cbc, ctv, fox and Aljazerra. Usually a half hour each, sometimes longer, I don't watch the cbc and cnn as much as the others but I try to watch them a couple times a week.

Those are all Mainstream Midia outlets, try doing your own personal research.

Many Islamic nations dislike the west which includes Canada. Muslims are killing us right now in Afghanistan so I'm sure the Taliban and its supporters aren't fond of us in Canada.

It's a little simplistic to suggest that the Islamic fanatics want to kill America and its allies because it doesn't have enough money and are really just misunderstood. This level of naiveté is dangerous.

They dislike us because we are over there killing their friends and family.

Also, central banks most notably the Federal Reserve and the European central bank are exporting inflation to the whole world which is driving up food and energy prices which is making it harder for people to live, This is another reason why they are angry.

I think it is more dangerous to assume that we are good and they are bad, that it is their misguided religious belief at fault.

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I trust no one that puts religion over flag, family, and country.I know a few muslims myself and like other people that are great, BUT when the shit hits the fan who is the muslim going to back, their country ? their flag? their family? or islam?

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I trust no one that puts religion over flag, family, and country.I know a few muslims myself and like other people that are great, BUT when the shit hits the fan who is the muslim going to back, their country ? their flag? their family? or islam?

So if I burn an American flag what will that mean to you?

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I trust no one that puts religion over flag, family, and country.I know a few muslims myself and like other people that are great, BUT when the shit hits the fan who is the muslim going to back, their country ? their flag? their family? or islam?

Does that include Christian fundamentalists like the Westboro Baptist Church, or Jehova's Witnesses? Those are just two groups that "put religion over flag". There are a number of other such groups out there, and they aren't Muslim.

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It's Muslims that are blowing up western people with bombs on a regular basis. Not Christians, not Hindus, Not Buddhists etc. Muslims are.

This is why I want to know if there is any way to know which ones are more likely to blow us up and which ones aren't.

I don't want to get kidnapped and get my head cut off. Nor do I want my children to have their throats cut by these wild Muslims, Islamists, whatever you guys call them. it's a major reason why I want a Conceal carry law in Canada, to defend my family from the Islamists who wish to do us harm.

Maybe their isn't and we should be cautious with all Muslims. I don't know, that's why I was asking but instead of getting serious answers people here want to play games and play with semantics. If you're going to do that please do yourself a favour and just don't reply.

Thanks for your time.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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It's Muslims that are blowing up western people with bombs on a regular basis. Not Christians, not Hindus, Not Buddhists etc. Muslims are.

This is why I want to know if there is any way to know which ones are more likely to blow us up and which ones aren't.

I don't want to get kidnapped and get my head cut off. Nor do I want my children to have their throats cut by these wild Muslims, Islamists, whatever you guys call them. it's a major reason why I want a Conceal carry law in Canada, to defend my family from the Islamists who wish to do us harm.

Maybe their isn't and we should be cautious with all Muslims. I don't know, that's why I was asking but instead of getting serious answers people here want to play games and play with semantics. If you're going to do that please do yourself a favour and just don't reply.

Thanks for your time.

Muslim is the culture of Islam, you can be Islamic and not a Muslim but you cannot be a Muslim and not Islamic.

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I have Muslim friends here in Canada, and I would trust them with my life. They are not out calling for our deaths, or the destruction of Canada (or anywhere else). They are loyal Canadians.

Ahm, not to say I know anything at all about your friends but do you honestly think that they WOULD be calling out for your death and destruction in Canada where you could HEAR them?

Those guys in the Toronto 17 ,or whatever number it was, weren't out shouting about death and bombing and beheading at schools, work and mosques, you know. They didn't greet all the Christians they know with "Hello, filthy infidel I want to behead!"

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Does that include Christian fundamentalists like the Westboro Baptist Church, or Jehova's Witnesses? Those are just two groups that "put religion over flag". There are a number of other such groups out there, and they aren't Muslim.

Jehova's Witnesses might irritate you by knocking on your door at dinner but at least they don't blow it up when you turn them away.

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It's Muslims that are blowing up western people with bombs on a regular basis. Not Christians, not Hindus, Not Buddhists etc. Muslims are.

Really? Hmmmm.... now I am betting that if we did the math, in the past 10 years more Muslims have been blown up by Western bombs than Western people by Muslim bombs. And by 'Western' I mean primarily Christian nations including Canada.

This might provide a clue as to the answer to your question.

I would be more afraid of Muslims than have been bombed than ones that haven't. Kinda like the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland during the Troubles.

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I watch many news channels almost everyday including ctv, cnn, cbc, ctv, fox and Aljazerra. Usually a half hour each, sometimes longer, I don't watch the cbc and cnn as much as the others but I try to watch them a couple times a week.

Many Islamic nations dislike the west which includes Canada. Muslims are killing us right now in Afghanistan so I'm sure the Taliban and its supporters aren't fond of us in Canada.

You evern stop to think why they want to kill you? Once you figure that out, then a real solution can be reached.

It's a little simplistic to suggest that the Islamic fanatics want to kill America and its allies because it doesn't have enough money and are really just misunderstood. This level of naiveté is dangerous.

Decades of western meddling won't have anything to do with that, now would it?

If anyone has an answer to my question, I'd really like to hear it. How do we know which Muslims we can trust?

There is a answer, but you fail to understand the real question.

Edited by GostHacked
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It's Muslims that are blowing up western people with bombs on a regular basis. Not Christians, not Hindus, Not Buddhists etc. Muslims are.

This is why I want to know if there is any way to know which ones are more likely to blow us up and which ones aren't.

Here's the deal. You can't tell. However, you have to give Muslims the benefit the doubt. Why? Because there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, and only a small minority of these are Islamists, and only a minority of Islamists are actually attacking or planning to attack the west. A very small minority of Muslims overall are violent towards the West. There are many Muslims who would cheer a 9/11-style attack, but very few of these ppl would actually carry out such attacks.

If you want to suspect them all, then fine. But that would be better than thinking all German-Canadians were Nazis conspiring to destroy Canada/allies during WWII, and the same goes for the Japanese. I give all Muslims the benefit of the doubt because odds are high they aren't terrorists.

I don't want to get kidnapped and get my head cut off. Nor do I want my children to have their throats cut by these wild Muslims, Islamists, whatever you guys call them. it's a major reason why I want a Conceal carry law in Canada, to defend my family from the Islamists who wish to do us harm.

Listen to how ridiculous this sounds. It is completely illogical. How many people in Canada have been kidnapped inside this country by a Muslim and been beheaded? My last count was zero. How many Canadians have been attacked by Muslims inside Canada? I don't know, but it is either zero or very, very few. You have a better chance getting struck by lighting or winning the lottery than getting attacked by a Muslim in Canada, so do yourself a favour & put the gun down and buy yourself a lotto ticket.

People's fears of terrorists/Muslims are completely irrational. It happens so rarely to so few people. People get queasy about flying because they are afraid of a terrorist hijack, but how many gazillion flights occur every day/week without incident? Again, much better odds of winning the lottery. Much more likely to die in a car accident on the way to the airport.

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Here's the deal. You can't tell. However, you have to give Muslims the benefit the doubt. Why? Because there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, and only a small minority of these are Islamists, and only a minority of Islamists are actually attacking or planning to attack the west. A very small minority of Muslims overall are violent towards the West. There are many Muslims who would cheer a 9/11-style attack, but very few of these ppl would actually carry out such attacks.

If you want to suspect them all, then fine. But that would be better than thinking all German-Canadians were Nazis conspiring to destroy Canada/allies during WWII, and the same goes for the Japanese. I give all Muslims the benefit of the doubt because odds are high they aren't terrorists.

Listen to how ridiculous this sounds. It is completely illogical. How many people in Canada have been kidnapped inside this country by a Muslim and been beheaded? My last count was zero. How many Canadians have been attacked by Muslims inside Canada? I don't know, but it is either zero or very, very few. You have a better chance getting struck by lighting or winning the lottery than getting attacked by a Muslim in Canada, so do yourself a favour & put the gun down and buy yourself a lotto ticket.

, and always raaise irrational fears beyond whaat is

People's fears of terrorists/Muslims are completely irrational. It happens so rarely to so few people. People get queasy about flying because they are afraid of a terrorist hijack, but how many gazillion flights occur every day/week without incident? Again, much better odds of winning the lottery. Much more likely to die in a car accident on the way to the airport.

There seems always to be a need of somebody to hate. It was the Chinese in the 1880's, the Japanese in the 1940's, the Hungarians in the 1950's, east Indians in the 1970's, and Muslims today. Of course, the Jews have always faced the hate. Small minds always fear what they do not understand, and always raise unneeded fear in the act. Are Muslims a threat? Some, yes. All, no. To "round them all up" is akin to the thinking of the Nazis, and I, for one, refuse to lower myself to think like that.

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You evern stop to think why they want to kill you? Once you figure that out, then a real solution can be reached.

Decades of western meddling won't have anything to do with that, now would it?

You know, I keep hearing this and I just don't buy it. Western meddling? For what? Well, because they're CRAZY over there, and oil is the lifeblood of our economies. Not to mention we need it to heat our freaking houses! Is the "west" meddling with Canada or Norway or the UK? Nope. Because those are stable nations whose management of their oil supplies is intelligent and capable. The West, by which you mean the US and UK, I suppose, meddles only where they are already unstable and, oh, did I mention CRAZY and likely to either blow up the oil fields or refuse to sell oil to the west or some other threatening thing. I don't find that 'meddling' to be a shock. In fact, I'd be shocked if they weren't doing their best to ensure oil supplies remain stable.

BTW, how much western meddling has there been in Yemen, which has no oil? Doing well, are they?

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Moonlight Graham: Excellent response and the one I was thinking of. We don't know which Muslims are good people who may be religious but want to live a balanced free life just as I do and which Muslims would like to kidnap us and cut our heads off.

It's honestly very scary, so I keep my guard up around all Muslims until I am convinced they're not going to kidnap me and chop my head off due to me being an infidel.

There are Al Queda sleeper cells in Canada right now, to think otherwise is simply being naive imo. These are groups who wish to take over the world and force everyone to be Muslim and pray to Allah or die. They use violence to further their aims. I don't think people will take it seriously until they bomb Canada and kill hundreds of people and it will happen at some point. A few years ago we had t he Toronto 18 and we had the group who wanted to blow up the TSE. The bomb is coming it's just a matter of when.

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