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New Party Name Needed

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EVERYONE on line see it as the next level. I came up with it in meditation a few nights back so it is not really my idea, I think collectively it is all of our Idea. Here it is feed back please...

You go to the party in your riding and PROVE you Live in the Riding and that you can vote. Once you have proved you are who you say you are, you Join the party, the party gives you an RSA type Key. An RSA Key is an electronic key that generates a number for you, PROVING YOU ARE WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE, it is an electronic fingerprint. In the Party you Join, you get to vote For your party's "DRONE", a drone is like a party Leader, but the difference is this Person is not a leader that makes decisions for the group, this person is only a drone that follows the Group Conscious.

Lets say Bill C-117-A is up for debate in the house and your Drone was elected into the house, your drone will "ONLY" Vote what the group votes for. Let's say Your sitting at home and you want to vote Against Bill C-117-A, which is a Bill to build more prisons to house poor people (Hear that Stockwell Day, POOR PEOPLE IN JAIL). So "IF" You and the majority of your group votes against the bill, the Group Drone doesn't make any decisions for the group, the drone ONLY Listens to what the majority of the group decides, in this case they vote AGAINST THE BILL. If you want to vote Against Bill C-117-A you can log on to a web application and KEY in your RSA Key type Number, or if your old school you can call a phone number and an Automated phone system allows you to vote for or against Bill C-117-A or better yet you can go to the group and sit in a meeting and vote in the meeting for or against Bill C-117-A.

It appears not to matter what politics you are, whether your Liberal, Conservative, Green or whatever your politics are YOU VOTE FOR THE ISSUES IN THE HOUSE, NOT THE POLITICS OF THE LEADER!!!

It is an interesting concept, much debugging and fixing, but as a world famous Political Scientist said it is an "interesting" IDEA, this is the Closest thing to True Democracy I have seen as You vote "Not" for a Leader, but with your group you vote for and against the "Bills in the House".

If you can't change the System....Change the Party. Some people like having their leaders make decisions on their behalf, I do not, so if you like to have a Leader that leads the group and makes decisions for YOU, then vote Conservative, Liberal, or Green, if You like to be in a group that guides it self by the a majority (that protects the minority), vote for this party I described.....

When it's bedtime for a kid the parents will give the child a choice, "Do you want to sleep with the light's Off or On?", the kid says, "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SLEEP!", then the parents say again..."Do you want to sleep with the lights Off or On?"...they do this till the Kid eventually realizes they have NO POWER in the Decision and agree that they want to sleep with the lights on because of the monsters under the bed. THE KID DOES NOT WANT TO GO TO SLEEP, but there is really no choice in the matter, no Freedom or Democracy as the parent knows what is best for the child and makes their decision in the best interest of the child out of LOVE

For adults the way it works now is we vote for a Representative which is like a "King" that SOMETIMES listens to the people that voted them in, the kings political campaign is paid for by POWERFUL people that Remind the King that they better remember WHO helped put them in power Thanks to THEIR MONEY and that the King better PAY BACK by Passing certain Bills, or the King will end up with a bullet in their head like John F Kennedy. Payback's a bitch. Like a parent the Kings say to the people "Do you support the Troups?" The people say "WE DON'T WANT TO GO TO WAR!", the Kings say again..."Do you support the Troups?"...finally the people realise they have NO POWER in the decision and agree finally to Support the troups because of the scary stuff the ENEMY Does on the News. The people DO NOT WANT TO GO TO WAR, but there is no choice in the matter, No Freedom or Democracy as the Representative ONLY THINKS THEY Know what's Best for the People in the Long run, sound familiar.

The Only real difference in the above 2 examples of Choice's for the Kids and the Masses is that The Parent LOVES their child and the Representative does not LOVE Their people, masses are numbers their just statistics. The Representative DOES NOT GO TO WAR, WE DO!

With this type of voting method the people have a choice, unless their minds are corrupted with the disinformation on Main Media. This is the First step in the BATTLE in taking back OUR POWER. We now have a choice, WE HAVE A CHOICE IF WE WANT TO GO TO WAR! THIS IS FREEDOM!

This is HUGE and for the first time we have a TRUE VOICE AND POWER, it may not be an Intelligent and Enlightened choice in the beginning as Main Media is Controlled because CNN is CIA, but IT IS A BEGINNING, just a step, baby steps and like baby's we will fall and hurt ourselves, but this is the price to Freedom, we never had Real Democracy like this before.

Do people reading this want to have a Choice or a King. First we get OUR POWER BACK, then We get Our Minds back and Control Main Media, it is a process.

The Political Party I described has begun here in Canada and you can bet, powerful people will be concerned about this as this has never happened before, how will they try to stop it? Will they use fear to discredit it, indifference to ignore it, time will tell.

There may not be the soup lines you saw in the depression days of past, BUT there are Lot's and Lot's of Tent City's in the US and the Greeks and Irish are Rioting and you can bet your bottom dollar the people in the tent city's the Greeks and the Irish along with word of mouth will Go for this New type of Voting Method and get their DRONE, they will pass this voting method along as Hunger, Cold, Homelessness and Despair are good motivators for Keeping an Open Mind to New Ideas, they have nothing to Loose.

The Class War has Begun, the enemy isn't the Jews, the Muslims, the Christians, the Americans the Russians or the Iranians, the enemy in MY View (and this is just my view not my party's view) the enemy are the People Ruling the people Ruling Us, these are the Corporations and the Elite.

"America is today the leader of a world-wide anti-revolutionary movement in the defense of vested interests. She now stands for what Rome stood for: Rome consistently supported the rich against the poor . . . and since the poor, so far, have always and everywhere been far more numerous than the rich, Rome's policy made for inequality, for injustice, and for the least happiness of the greatest number."

British historian Arnold J. Toynbee

Feed back please?

Edited by psychicdude
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....Feed back please?

The "people in the tent cities", Greece, and Ireland don't vote in Canada. CNN is an American cable television network.

So how are these examples relevant to Canada's "kings"?

And after your update to rage about the "new Rome", be advised that the world's poor are still heading for America for their shot at opportunity.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Join my party instead.

I propose a number of advisory councils to allow 1 vote for 1 vote, allowing people to put their vote in someone else, and change their vote at any time through a verifiable vote registration system - it allows anonymous voting while allowing people to insure their votes go to where they are suppose to.

Help establish the social party, a real alternative to partisan politics.


This leaves the advisory council to be a major mechanism for proposing legislation to the lower house of parliament, as well as acting on setting some things through house legilslation.

The parliamentary houses, would act as more of an executive - working on legislation that is "non populus based" and correcting legislation from the advisory councils.

There would be a number of types of advisory councils

one for citizens

one for residents

one for people with "accounts" the national bank

it is a set towards representative government since 1 vote always equals one vote so. Not one person represents 10k andother person represents 20k while 60 to 70k don't get represented at all.

You keep or give your vote to someone else, and can change proxy voter at any time.

Edited by William Ashley
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The "people in the tent cities", Greece, and Ireland don't vote in Canada. CNN is an American cable television network.

So how are these examples relevant to Canada's "kings"?

And after your update to rage about the "new Rome", be advised that the world's poor are still heading for America for their shot at opportunity.

America has more than its share of people in poverty. Secondly the poor are migrating to many of the Europeans states where they take jobs and are often exploited by locals. Tent cities or shantytowns exist throughout the world.

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America has more than its share of people in poverty. Secondly the poor are migrating to many of the Europeans states where they take jobs and are often exploited by locals. Tent cities or shantytowns exist throughout the world.

America also has its share of political parties and voters...so what does this have to do with the need for a new party in Canada?

Poverty is a relative state of existence defined by excess.

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Join my party instead.

I propose a number of advisory councils to allow 1 vote for 1 vote, allowing people to put their vote in someone else, and change their vote at any time through a verifiable vote registration system - it allows anonymous voting while allowing people to insure their votes go to where they are suppose to.

Help establish the social party, a real alternative to partisan politics.


This leaves the advisory council to be a major mechanism for proposing legislation to the lower house of parliament, as well as acting on setting some things through house legilslation.

The parliamentary houses, would act as more of an executive - working on legislation that is "non populus based" and correcting legislation from the advisory councils.

There would be a number of types of advisory councils

one for citizens

one for residents

one for people with "accounts" the national bank

it is a set towards representative government since 1 vote always equals one vote so. Not one person represents 10k andother person represents 20k while 60 to 70k don't get represented at all.

You keep or give your vote to someone else, and can change proxy voter at any time.

So far your Idea is Intriguing and enlightening I will have to research it further, but I am an Altruist and I have no Internet or Computer so please give me a while. But very enlightening thus far.

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So far your Idea is Intriguing and enlightening I will have to research it further, but I am an Altruist and I have no Internet or Computer so please give me a while. But very enlightening thus far.

I have free long distance in the US and Canada.


If you also have free long distance or some other means of calling a number with local calling to Kitchener Waterloo.

then by all means leave a message at my voice mail and I can call you back. If you don't email.

I generally only have voice mail on unless I am expecting a call, as phone calls can be disruptive. I'm more of an email person.

I can also leave an email (but I don't post my actual professional email online) you can however contact me at my spam email [email protected]

my website email is rarely checked (and my website may have been compramised)

Edited by William Ashley
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Not to be rude but it's an absurd idea.

For it to work you'd need a couple of impossible things to happen:

1) You'd need the people in the party to actually care enough about the issues to take an active role in it.

2) You'd need the people to care enough to become informed and to be smart enough to make intelligent decisions.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are largely apathetic and uninformed about politics and leaving the decision making to a mob like that would be a disaster.

More social services? YES!!!

Lower taxes? YES!!!

That's how it would work. You need leaders who (at least to an extend) understand the issues and will make the best decisions with what they know. If Canadians actually cared enough to want to change the governing of the country, the first step should be to become interested and informed enough to do so. With that, they could elect intelligent people who actually have their interests in heart.

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EVERYONE on line see it as the next level. I came up with it in meditation a few nights back so it is not really my idea, I think collectively it is all of our Idea. Here it is feed back please...

The Political Party I described has begun here in Canada and you can bet, powerful people will be concerned about this as this has never happened before, how will they try to stop it? Will they use fear to discredit it, indifference to ignore it, time will tell.

Feed back please?

Never happened before? You must be quite young. Either that or you don't get out much.

Have you ever heard of the Reform Party? The one that came out of nowhere, drove the old PC party down to 2 seats and within less than a decade became the official Opposition?

The one whose major platform plank was to have MPs that carried their riding's constituents' voices to Ottawa, instead of Ottawa's voice to the constituency?

The one whose party constitution FORCED its MPs to try to take the pulse of the people who had voted them into their seat and vote THEIR WAY on the issues? NOT the party way or their own way but the way the majority of their riding wanted?

New idea...geez!

Those who know no history are doomed to repeat it...

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More social services? YES!!!

Lower taxes? YES!!!

There is no reason why the two cannot be done together. The main barrier facing government in provision of the public is two fold.

1. What services does the government provide, and what services are expected to be provided by private bodies.

My plan eliminates income taxes and provides individuals with the oppourtunity to maintain their social services at an equal or higher level to what the government provided or will provide.

That's how it would work. You need leaders who (at least to an extend) understand the issues and will make the best decisions with what they know. If Canadians actually cared enough to want to change the governing of the country, the first step should be to become interested and informed enough to do so. With that, they could elect intelligent people who actually have their interests in heart.

Unfortunately this is only partly true- mostly an outdated thought over 15 years old now. Thoughts need to be updated and kept more effective.

It isn't about electing people as an end it is about a public that can.

The public needs to make a social compact. They need to say what they are willing to do, and then what they are looking for. Society in terms of merchantability is little more than supply and demand.

Some things have a demand no matter what. Those people have less incentive to work with the system. that is why the system has to depend on have nots, and to inbetter them while they are satisfied in daily life.

Beyond supply and demand government shouldn't be doing anything that it can't do with its own resources.

Government should aim to "liberate" the people, empower the people to lead better lives. Wage slavery and extorted taxation is NOT liberty.

There is no reason why the government cannot organize society - the danger though is social change, revolutionary mechanisms, and a raising of conflict breaching general peace that exists by ignorance - the dangers of an enlightened population - when matched with selfishness.

This happens anyway, but there should be ongoing programs to inspire the people to be active in government and desired social programming. It doesn't have to mean higher taxes.

there are private mechanisms to do this, but the government is far better positioned to put this stuff out, because they are "focal" and well positioned in terms of being a social authority.

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Not to be rude but it's an absurd idea.

For it to work you'd need a couple of impossible things to happen:

1) You'd need the people in the party to actually care enough about the issues to take an active role in it.

2) You'd need the people to care enough to become informed and to be smart enough to make intelligent decisions.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are largely apathetic and uninformed about politics and leaving the decision making to a mob like that would be a disaster.

More social services? YES!!!

Lower taxes? YES!!!

That's how it would work. You need leaders who (at least to an extend) understand the issues and will make the best decisions with what they know. If Canadians actually cared enough to want to change the governing of the country, the first step should be to become interested and informed enough to do so. With that, they could elect intelligent people who actually have their interests in heart.

Perhaps you can define disaster to people like me that have fallen through the cracks from Quantive Easing and the people living in Tent Citys waiting for the government to tear their chrildren from them in the United States, or the Irish never mind the Greeks. But you are 100% correct as an uninformed mob or Mobocracy will be a disaster. Just from my end over here in the Soup line I think I will go for a Mobocracy over this SHIT I am living in now, as I am just waiting to die bassically, the pull my self up from my bootstraps phrase just doesn't cut it as you NEED MONEY TO MAKE MONEY and the Monetary system is broken from the soup line up here, no offence but you just haven't Awakened yet. You have a keen mind and party's like the one I described that are being discussed in Tent Citys in the US needs people like you to keep the Mobocracy from going hairwire. Telling the poor to Just hang in there isn't going to cut it as they Will go for this NEW method, so they can use people like you, as word is spreading.

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There is no reason why the two cannot be done together. The main barrier facing government in provision of the public is two fold.

1. What services does the government provide, and what services are expected to be provided by private bodies.

My plan eliminates income taxes and provides individuals with the oppourtunity to maintain their social services at an equal or higher level to what the government provided or will provide.

Unfortunately this is only partly true- mostly an outdated thought over 15 years old now. Thoughts need to be updated and kept more effective.

It isn't about electing people as an end it is about a public that can.

The public needs to make a social compact. They need to say what they are willing to do, and then what they are looking for. Society in terms of merchantability is little more than supply and demand.

Some things have a demand no matter what. Those people have less incentive to work with the system. that is why the system has to depend on have nots, and to inbetter them while they are satisfied in daily life.

Beyond supply and demand government shouldn't be doing anything that it can't do with its own resources.

Government should aim to "liberate" the people, empower the people to lead better lives. Wage slavery and extorted taxation is NOT liberty.

There is no reason why the government cannot organize society - the danger though is social change, revolutionary mechanisms, and a raising of conflict breaching general peace that exists by ignorance - the dangers of an enlightened population - when matched with selfishness.

This happens anyway, but there should be ongoing programs to inspire the people to be active in government and desired social programming. It doesn't have to mean higher taxes.

there are private mechanisms to do this, but the government is far better positioned to put this stuff out, because they are "focal" and well positioned in terms of being a social authority.

Amen, very well put.

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EVERYONE on line see it as the next level. I came up with it in meditation a few nights back so it is not really my idea, I think collectively it is all of our Idea. Here it is feed back please...

I'm sorry to say, but your idea is not actually original and is basically called "direct democracy". A very old idea. We're talking a few millenia old here, back to ancient Greece.

It's been discussed on these boards before, voting electronically/via the internet or whatever. It's a very interesting concept.

They should experiment with it more. Try it in a city in Canada for awhile to test it.

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Guys, I'm pretty sure the OP is not serious. He even replied to one comment saying "he had no computer or no internet"

Pretty sure the poster is trying to be satirical.

I am not Joking I do not have a Computer or Internet as I became very ill after looking after my now ex-wife for 5 years after a Botched surgery here in canada thanks to the Chaos created from the Harris Cutbacks and the Canadian Medical Protection Assoication (C.M.P.A.) who PREVENTED ME FROM SUEING THE HOSPITAL, ARRRRRGH! So I worked 2 jobs for 5 years to try and help pay for her medical expenses :) So work is really no longer an option as my mind can't go Beta or Gamma anymore. I Awakened and became an Altruist, I love people and I LOVE You. Perhaps I will do Reki or something along those lines, But like everything I like you need money to Learn, money money money, got to have money, can't exist without money, it's my money, money, money. Money is a Sham. Here is My site about My Awakening through the Stress http://brownskinwife.yolasite.com/my-story.php

You know what is funny, we have the technology to feed EVERY single Man Woman and Child on this planet with the HEALTHIEST of Fresh food, we have more than we can possibally ever have imagined before but thanks to this system we must continue to compete with one another over scraps and trinkets. God this Frustrates me to no end, any how I am getting off topic, point is I am not kidding, this is for real, 100% for real. You get a RSA Key with a number that Proves you are who you say you are and you can vote on Bills(You don't even need an RSA Key, it could be a Number The Party Gives you and You create a 4-6 digit Secret PIN Number). It is being done as the people I speak with on the street Like the Idea the Freiends in the States who are helping to spread the word Love it and I KNOW The People who have no voice in tent Citys in the US REALLY LIKE THIS. Wow I can't believe this is happening, Genies out of the Bottle, going to be hard to stick that Genie back in the Bottle now ;)

Can Anyone say 2012??? :) I see 2012 as a New Beggining NOT An End ;) The Glass is always Half Full with the Water of Life, check out my awakening to see where I am coming from.

I Thank everyone for taking time to reply and all the feedback, I do not have time to edit this reply properly as time is out on this Internet Cafee Computer and once again NO MONEY:)

Edited by psychicdude
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Never happened before? You must be quite young. Either that or you don't get out much.

Have you ever heard of the Reform Party? The one that came out of nowhere, drove the old PC party down to 2 seats and within less than a decade became the official Opposition?

The one whose major platform plank was to have MPs that carried their riding's constituents' voices to Ottawa, instead of Ottawa's voice to the constituency?

The one whose party constitution FORCED its MPs to try to take the pulse of the people who had voted them into their seat and vote THEIR WAY on the issues? NOT the party way or their own way but the way the majority of their riding wanted?

New idea...geez!

Those who know no history are doomed to repeat it...

Great Your Enlightened, I am not kidding. Just the Reform Party says "Do you want to Sleep with the Lights Off or On?" Our Party Asks "Do You Want to Go to Sleep?"

So it is New.

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The "people in the tent cities", Greece, and Ireland don't vote in Canada. CNN is an American cable television network.

So how are these examples relevant to Canada's "kings"?

And after your update to rage about the "new Rome", be advised that the world's poor are still heading for America for their shot at opportunity.

You read all that? I lost interest after the first paragraph. If I am going to read some half baked kook, they better be funny, and not dancing retard funny either.

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