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9/11: 9 years have passed... STILL NO TRUTH !

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It has been 9 years since the tragic events that took almost 3,000 lives... and yet the nation that endured these losses is oblivious to the truth...

Is it because they are to scared to face the obvious facts or just don't give a damn?

The government they elected and then re-elected has killed thousands of its own citizens in 3 controlled demolitions, fired a rocket into its own command center and faked 2 plane crashes... to lead their country into 2 wars under false pretext... wars that killed over 1 Million people, and keep killing...


It is OK to believe your eyes and not the press and television!

They have been brainwashing you for a long time, but a lie is always a lie, no matter how many times you repeat it...




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It has been 9 years since the tragic events that took almost 3,000 lives... and yet the nation that endured these losses is oblivious to the truth...

Is it because they are to scared to face the obvious facts or just don't give a damn?

The government they elected and then re-elected has killed thousands of its own citizens in 3 controlled demolitions, fired a rocket into its own command center and faked 2 plane crashes... to lead their country into 2 wars under false pretext... wars that killed over 1 Million people, and keep killing...


It is OK to believe your eyes and not the press and television!

They have been brainwashing you for a long time, but a lie is always a lie, no matter how many times you repeat it...





Are you a fan of Gary "Spaceman" Bell on AM 640?

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It has been 9 years since the tragic events that took almost 3,000 lives... and yet the nation that endured these losses is oblivious to the truth...

Is it because they are to scared to face the obvious facts or just don't give a damn?...

Do we have to care? Just to keep you happy in Canada?

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To political citizen. If what you say is the real truth as opposed to a manufactured truth, why are the producers of Loose Change editing their original film?

I have seen one version of Loose Change, I believe the latest because it had Barak Hussein in it...

The movie consists of photos, documents and footage taken before, during and after the events...

But no matter what they've done with their movie - the official version defies common sense, the laws of physics, and insults the intelligence of any thinking person...

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...But no matter what they've done with their movie - the official version defies common sense, the laws of physics, and insults the intelligence of any thinking person...

Then why is is so hard to get traction on your version of the "truth"? Not only have such theories been thoroughly debunked, but the motives for continuing the cottage Truther industry are very transparent.

The official version is for America....make up your own if you like.

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BC, you're obviously not a door knob... so tell me - how do you manage it?

Is it doblethink? Selective perception? Blind faith? Total lack of interest?

You mean America really did not land men on the moon?

This is what you are asking me to engage in...and for what purpose?

What is you motivation?

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You mean America really did not land men on the moon?

This is what you are asking me to engage in...and for what purpose?

What is you motivation?

I'm trying to understand...

In USSR, they fed us lies for over 70 years - but we had no other information (for the most part, anyway...)

Besides, if someone came up with a different version of the "truth", they ended up in a forced labor camp, prison or mental institution...

But things very are different in USA (although for a while after 9/11 it seemed to slip closer to faschism) - you do not get persecuted because of thinking differently (for the most part, anyway).

So you see on TV 3 buildings collapse onto themselves, following the path of greatest resistance (the steel beams), and you are told it's because of the fire. Do you say "Hmmmm... Ok. It must be because of the fire." and then go on about your life?

Then you see 2 "crash sites" with no visible remains of any airplanes or airplane parts. You are given no explanation as to the disappearance (evaporation?) of the fuselage and the huge titanium alloy engines. Do you even begin to question what you're told?

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...So you see on TV 3 buildings collapse onto themselves, following the path of greatest resistance (the steel beams), and you are told it's because of the fire. Do you say "Hmmmm... Ok. It must be because of the fire." and then go on about your life?

Yep....just like the WTC truck bomb years before, and Oklahoma City, and Texas City, and Pearl Harbor, and Three Mile Island, and Columbine, and JFK's assassination, and....

Then you see 2 "crash sites" with no visible remains of any airplanes or airplane parts. You are given no explanation as to the disappearance (evaporation?) of the fuselage and the huge titanium alloy engines. Do you even begin to question what you're told?

Nope....I've seen crash sites up close....parts are parts...even when shredded into tiny pieces. But none of that really matters. Life goes on...to wait for the next event. No answer will ever satisfy those who can't accept anything but their own version and doubt. They are stunted...for their own reasons.

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I'm trying to understand...

In USSR, they fed us lies for over 70 years - but we had no other information (for the most part, anyway...)

Besides, if someone came up with a different version of the "truth", they ended up in a forced labor camp, prison or mental institution...

But things very are different in USA (although for a while after 9/11 it seemed to slip closer to faschism) - you do not get persecuted because of thinking differently (for the most part, anyway).

So you see on TV 3 buildings collapse onto themselves, following the path of greatest resistance (the steel beams), and you are told it's because of the fire. Do you say "Hmmmm... Ok. It must be because of the fire." and then go on about your life?

Then you see 2 "crash sites" with no visible remains of any airplanes or airplane parts. You are given no explanation as to the disappearance (evaporation?) of the fuselage and the huge titanium alloy engines. Do you even begin to question what you're told?

There are really (at least) two arguments going on, two controversies: the first is the technical information to which you're alluding. But none of this works. It isn't sound. And just because most people believe in the "official" story doesn't mean the official story is incorrect.

And in fact, the JFK conspiracy theories--which, by the way, I don't buy either--are actually superior in many ways to the alternate 9/11 theories. That is, the JFK assassination could hypothetically have been pulled off; 9/11 as an inside job? Not so much.

The other argument seems to follow roughly the following narrative: the Bush administration, or maybe a sector of it in concert with other agents, perpetrated the false flag attacks in order to provide a justificaiton for war, and for restricting the personal freedoms of its citizens in a related intensification of power. (Sometimes, though not in all hypotheses, Israel is invoked also, which only weakens the main thesis...because the United States has not achieved its pre-eminence of power by submitting itself in such a monumental way to the wishes of another nation.)

In truth, the whole idea makes no sense. The risk of exposure in such a criminal conspiracy is too large to justify wars which could be justified for other reasons. If they wanted a false flag attack, they could have concocted something far less grand, far less dangerous to themselves.

And that's one of the problems with the idea: we're to believe that the conspirators were simultaneously ballsy criminal masterminds, and numbskulls who couldn't do anything right. (Both are incorrect.)

At bottom, I think there's a huge misunderstanding in the way institutional structures work. The powerful nations are frequently criminal in their behaviour, in my view. But it's not from personal, individual Evil committing terrible acts. It's the nature of institutional power, in which good and bad intentions become enmeshed in the way power is used. It's good ideas and terrible ideas becoming inextricable, thanks to the overlying logic of strategic power, as well as (relatedly) wealth and resource protection and accumulation.

This isn't to condone unneccessarily violent policy. It's to attempt at an institutional analysis, in which few individuals are genuinely evil, but are institutional cogs in a vast paradigm.

Ultimately, I believe that the 9/11 conspiracy theories actually buy into prevailing orthodoxies of Good and Evil. This sort of conventional thought, which I largely reject when speaking about the behaviour of nations, places the conspiracy theorists in the same philosophical camp as the most hardcore, reactionary militarists.

Edited by bloodyminded
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There are really (at least) two arguments going on, two controversies: the first is the technical information to which you're alluding. But none of this works. It isn't sound. And just because most people believe in the "official" story doesn't mean the official story is incorrect.

And in fact, the JFK conspiracy theories--which, by the way, I don't buy either--are actually superior in many ways to the alternate 9/11 theories. That is, the JFK assassination could hypothetically have been pulled off; 9/11 as an inside job? Not so much.

The other argument seems to follow roughly the following narrative: the Bush administration, or maybe a sector of it in concert with other agents, perpetrated the false flag attacks in order to provide a justificaiton for war, and for restricting the personal freedoms of its citizens in a related intensification of power. (Sometimes, though not in all hypotheses, Israel is invoked also, which only weakens the main thesis...because the United States has not achieved its pre-eminence of power by submitting itself in such a monumental way to the wishes of another nation.)

In truth, the whole idea makes no sense. The risk of exposure in such a criminal conspiracy is too large to justify wars which could be justified for other reasons. If they wanted a false flag attack, they could have concocted something far less grand, far less dangerous to themselves.

And that's one of the problems with the idea: we're to believe that the conspirators were simultaneously ballsy criminal masterminds, and numbskulls who couldn't do anything right. (Both are incorrect.)

At bottom, I think there's a huge misunderstanding in the way institutional structures work. The powerful nations are frequently criminal in their behaviour, in my view. But it's not from personal, individual Evil committing terrible acts. It's the nature of institutional power, in which good and bad intentions become enmeshed in the way power is used. It's good ideas and terrible ideas becoming inextricable, thanks to the overlying logic of strategic power, as well as (relatedly) wealth and resource protection and accumulation.

This isn't to condone unneccessarily violent policy. It's to attempt at an institutional analysis, in which few individuals are genuinely evil, but are institutional cogs in a vast paradigm.

Ultimately, I believe that the 9/11 conspiracy theories actually buy into prevailing orthodoxies of Good and Evil. This sort of conventional thought, which I largely reject when speaking about the behaviour of nations, places the conspirators in the same philosophical camp as the most hardcore, reactionary militarists.

And let's not forget one unavoidable fact - it would have taken hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to pull that one off (and in such a clumsy way, btw, that about anybody is supposed to be able to spot the U.S. government hand in less than 10 minutes). Yet, none of the conspirators ever felt a sense of guilt and confessed to his role. None has double-corssed his paymasters for money, fame, revenge, or whatever. None has ever spilled the beans accidentally to her lover or to a drinking buddy. None has ever been blackmailed into revealing the truth. None. Zippo. Nada.

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And let's not forget one unavoidable fact - it would have taken hundreds, perhaps thousands of people to pull that one off (and in such a clumsy way, btw, that about anybody is supposed to be able to spot the U.S. government hand in less than 10 minutes). Yet, none of the conspirators ever felt a sense of guilt and confessed to his role. None has double-corssed his paymasters for money, fame, revenge, or whatever. None has ever spilled the beans accidentally to her lover or to a drinking buddy. None has ever been blackmailed into revealing the truth. None. Zippo. Nada.

That's right. Perhaps the biggest conspiracy in the modern era has also been perfect. That alone is hard to swallow, as you say.

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To political citizen. If what you say is the real truth as opposed to a manufactured truth, why are the producers of Loose Change editing their original film?

Correction: why have they edited it several times ? Why are all the crazy claims by troothers constantly being dropped, and new ones added ?

Answer: because the only conspiracy is a conspiracy by media brats such as Alex Jones to make a living off of the misery of these events.

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Then you see 2 "crash sites" with no visible remains of any airplanes or airplane parts. You are given no explanation as to the disappearance (evaporation?) of the fuselage and the huge titanium alloy engines. Do you even begin to question what you're told?

There are hundreds of witnesses who saw planes crash. Why do you choose selective the blindness of the troother version ?

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There are hundreds of witnesses who saw planes crash. Why do you choose selective the blindness of the troother version ?

Duh. They are all part of the conspiracy. Gotta admire the government... Organizing in minute details the professional and personal lives of all those people so that they would be at the right place at the right moment, either going to work or vacationing so that THEY would be able to claim they saw the planes crashing into the WTC.... I am sure that even those who were getting late to work that morning did it on purpose because they KNEW that it was THE day....

Edited by CANADIEN
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What a shocker...A 911 conspiracy theorist AND an anti-atheist nutter...

And how is gay Depeche Mode relevent to anything other than "Reaching for the Rainbow",if you catch my drift?

Have you thought about my question about what you thought about the 6 Day Theory as it relates to modern events?

Honestly, I think that that post was a joke.

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  • 5 years later...

To hell with all the conspiracy nuts, let's just focus on one point. If building 7 fell as it did from fire, then there should have been an investigation into the the engineering and construction of the building, as would have been done on any other day. Someone should have been nailed to the cross (sort of speak) for that kind of failure. Either the design was wrong or the contractor who built it cheated somehow. Everyone who cares, should focus on that, and that alone. Demand to see the reviewed permit structural and architectural drawing for that building; make them public. Did they not build it according to design, or, was the design so bad that a fire could take it down.

Even if you believe that 0.01% of the conspiracies are correct and there are very powerful people out there than can do this kind of thing, don't you think that they would have also planted there own conspiracy opposition just to 'muddy' the waters?

Edited by Hoser360
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Ya, that bomb had no chance of doing any really damage, meaning the damage required to bring down that building. The columns remained. There was too many ways the energy could get released. The structural components did not fail, only the slabs immediately above and below failed. To use that kind of bomb, it would have to be much, much bigger. The structural columns (and beams) needed to be cut, to do that the energy required by a single bomb is astronomical.

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