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  1. Please get back to the basics! It's not a proven air craft by any measure. Canada does not need to invest in this kind of tech. We need a resonsonably priced air craft that can meet our roll in NATO and the latest F-18 can do that. I mean who are we expecting to be fighting!? If it's the Russians than you can kiss the F-35 good by. The enemy today doesn't have a real army or air force, their a bunch of fucked up ideologist likely born and bread from the very same corporate interests who want you to spend tax dollars on the military that we don't need. Wake up.
  2. And if the 'coalition' did get what they wanted and Assad was gone by their hands, these crazy jihadists would no doubt be off to Iran next, once they mopped up the Kurds.
  3. Hard to argue with that, however, we still are basically bound to buying an American Aircraft (since we don`t make our own.... hm). Since the only countries that we have to worry about, actually go toe to toe with, the super hornet will do (NATO countries excluded) anf they are the Chinese and the Russians, and if comes to going to town on the battle field with theses kids, is going to be lunch money for us (canon fauder). We could have revived the Arrow program for the same money and it would make no difference. Back to the point: All we need to do is buy them, they`ll build them.
  4. Maybe our purchase would encourage others, besides all they need is new buyers and they'd be happy to keep producing. I agree that we need some new military tech, but, I think our politicians need to use the money to start making smart choices instead politically driven choices which we are driven by the lobbyist who sponsor the different parties (hay, keep it on the down low, but, do you know any who wants to build a gas plant in Southern Ontario..;-)
  5. Interesting, didn`t know that. The F-18 Super Hornet it is, unless we want to across the pound (which we don`t since that would just be too much of bad trade relations with our friends to the south. Buying a proven product is almost always better than buying into the latest and greatest.
  6. All the latest ``stealthy`type aircraft are by designed to be frist strike type air craft. The F-177 was the best at this during the gulf was (the first one). The stealth tech involved was most impressive but it didn`t last long. I`m sadly just stuck on Canada needing only proven tech we can afford and add to any engagement as support air craft. Funny enough, it`s kind of like the two different kinds of car people, those who buy and keep or those who lease.
  7. In 20 years from now but maybe you should start keeping up with current events but we have these things called drones and they are extremely cost effective. And just to drive the point home, we have been flying our current f-18`s for the last twenty years and ya now we need new ones, so why re tool to an unprooven design and abandoned the the latest of what we already haveƉ. Lets take a better example: there was this national army once, back in the twentieth century that nuild some of the most amazing and complex war machines that had ever been imagined at the time and they lost the war. The equipment to too engineered, too precise and too costly to maintain. Technical advancement simply did not have a chance against numbers; not to say this was the only reason that army lost the war but it played a large factor in it. The Russians produced the T-34 un-mass and the Americans did the same with the Sherman's. And lastly, the only reason we need a carrier based fighter is to land on US air craft carriers and short runways in general. For our own national needs the F-22 would serve our purpose better, that is if you wanted to go the premium root. Canada does not need a first strike top of the line experimental fighter (even when they get it to work). Canada need not be the aggressor.
  8. People please, just dumb down the issue from all the rhetoric. The only plane we need to satisfy our own national needs and our needs for our NATO treaty can be met by the Latest edition of the f-18. This platform has proven to meet our Canadian needs and has also demonstrated it's ability in actually application. The F-35 is a high tech first strike air craft. Canada doesn't need a first strike aircraft. Worse still the F-35 is very unlikely to hold it's own against the latest 5th generation aircraft that Russia has put on the battlefield, let alone what is to come from the other non US manufacturers, like the Chinese for example. So lets buy what we need without getting sucked into the future and maybe upgrade our see kings at the same time.
  9. Oh and there this is little company called SAAB, in a country which is no bigger than Southern Ontario and has a population almost the same as Southern Ontario, and they make some amazing military aircraft.
  10. the F-35 is so good... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYWLc3Sh30U
  11. Since Canada doesn't need a 'first strike' aircraft of the 'latest and greatest' design. The hole concept is a joke. If you want to argue that we will loose jobs because of this than just consider that if tour government spent he say money building our own plains we , collectively, would be much further ahead as a nation. We have everything we need to make our own stuff. cars, air plains, ships, etc... It's time we stopped foreign interest from influencing government policy.
  12. That's it. After many many years of consideration, I have decided to become Jewish. My Christian family supports me in this (of course) and look forward to visiting me when when I move to Jerusalem. I haven't told them yet that I cant actually move to Jerusalem, but, I can get grants and subsidies to move into the areas close to Jerusalem in the the West Bank. The best part is, not only will I be able to own my own Ak-47 but the IDF will always be there so I don't have to use it.
  13. How did 'al-Queda' gain financially from this? The biggest winners financially, was the military industrial complex and the banks that lent the money to the government to pay for it. Of course I may not realize that you already realize that al-Qaeda is the new name for the Mujahideen, which is also currently refereed to as al-Nusra and ISIS. In fact hey have literally franchised this concept of creating a mixture of jihadists and highly paid mercenaries. If the terrorist had any real sense they would have known that attacking America is the surest way to the grave (just ask the Japanese). If in fact hey wanted to rid the Arab world of infidels, than their first target is obvious and yet it is the only place they have never attacked. Instead they have attacked every Arab nation that is opposed to it and that is Israel. One would think that Israel would be the primary target and that killing other Muslims would not, or, could not supersede the killing of Zionist Jews and yet it has. Sadly, most Palestinians as Suni Muslims..? Back to the money trail... The Us government has spent trillions of dollars in Iraq and they had nothing to with 9/11 and they had no weapons of mass destruction! (correction they did actual find a stash of chemical weapons munitions but sine they were built and made for NATO supplied weaponry; it was never reported my the mainstream media). And god only knows how much money was spent carpet bombing caves in Afghanistan???? If you think for one minute the police state that America has become since 9/11, your a fool. Thousands of people cross the boarder illegally everyday and if these so called terrorist really had in for America there'd be a hand grenade every other day exploding on a subway or at a baseball game..................
  14. Who gained from this? What happened to the 2.3T dollars the pentagon lost and has yet to account for? Who has made the most money from this whole situation..? Follow the Money and you'll find your answers......
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