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Gun Control

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Dont you have something to do?

Anything other than clog things up?

Not at present Guyser...excuse me - I should do the dishes and vacume up the dog hair - maybe finish the painting...but - it's a lazy day and I was just waiting for some one interesting to pop up on the boards...Your "clog things up" comment is as interesting as it gets...thanks for the tiny bit of amuzement - will get off line now...

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Not at present Guyser...excuse me - I should do the dishes and vacume up the dog hair - maybe finish the painting...but - it's a lazy day and I was just waiting for some one interesting to pop up on the boards...Your "clog things up" comment is as interesting as it gets...thanks for the tiny bit of amuzement - will get off line now...

Several of my grandkids are visiting and created quite a mess. We spent the morning cleaning up and then went to the park for awhile. It is quite humid and hot here.

Edited by pinko
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Guest Derek L

I don't own any guns. In a civilized society rules are required so rather than complaining about it just accept that as a fact of life.

I don’t have a problem following rules, as I said, I’ve only ever had a few parking tickets and one speeding ticket and all my firearms are registered, but you and I are very much entitled to complain about the rules made by those that we elect……

In this case, the party that I’m a member of, donate to and vote for won. They’re doing away with the LGR, and I’m not complaining about that…….the next step is to change rules on how firearms are classified and the carte blanche search and seizure laws associated with the gun registry.

My grip has been about the colossal waste of money and infringement on personal privacy that the former Liberal government brought in.

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I don’t have a problem following rules, as I said, I’ve only ever had a few parking tickets and one speeding ticket and all my firearms are registered, but you and I are very much entitled to complain about the rules made by those that we elect……

In this case, the party that I’m a member of, donate to and vote for won. They’re doing away with the LGR, and I’m not complaining about that…….the next step is to change rules on how firearms are classified and the carte blanche search and seizure laws associated with the gun registry.

My grip has been about the colossal waste of money and infringement on personal privacy that the former Liberal government brought in.

Of course my vote would never go to the CPC regardless of the position it takes on the long gun registry.

If anything there should be greater restrictions on firearms.

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I don't own any guns. In a civilized society rules are required so rather than complaining about it just accept that as a fact of life.

Do you have the same opinion of swimming pools? Many more children drown every year in pools than are killed with firearms. FYI, your simple minded view of civilized society doesn't actually translate into what the reality should be, I know it's difficult for liberals to understand this, but believing in a thing doesn't mean that it is necessarily so. It is no coincidence that most liberals are terribly unintelligent. Seriously, if I could prove to you that 2+2=4 you could easily argue that it equaled 5 if it suited your leftist agenda, do you ever think about your opinions? Do you ever actually look a the statistics with even the tiniest amount of critical thought? Are you even capable of such a thing? I doubt it, the types of firearms targeted by the gun registry are responsible for about 2 percent of homicides in the country, that is a tiny sum to spend 10's of millions of dollars on each year, and no, it isn't 4 million a year, and no it isn't directly checked 14,000 times a day and no it doesn't save lives, but yes it does buy votes from the ignorant.

BTW, what other controls would you consider necessary to keep us civil? Why some people are so desperate to have the government control their lives is hard to comprehend, sickening in fact. It's almost as though they don't trust themselves to behave in a civilized manner.

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Do you have the same opinion of swimming pools? Many more children drown every year in pools than are killed with firearms. FYI, your simple minded view of civilized society doesn't actually translate into what the reality should be, I know it's difficult for liberals to understand this, but believing in a thing doesn't mean that it is necessarily so. It is no coincidence that most liberals are terribly unintelligent. Seriously, if I could prove to you that 2+2=4 you could easily argue that it equaled 5 if it suited your leftist agenda, do you ever think about your opinions? Do you ever actually look a the statistics with even the tiniest amount of critical thought? Are you even capable of such a thing? I doubt it, the types of firearms targeted by the gun registry are responsible for about 2 percent of homicides in the country, that is a tiny sum to spend 10's of millions of dollars on each year, and no, it isn't 4 million a year, and no it isn't directly checked 14,000 times a day and no it doesn't save lives, but yes it does buy votes from the ignorant.

BTW, what other controls would you consider necessary to keep us civil? Why some people are so desperate to have the government control their lives is hard to comprehend, sickening in fact. It's almost as though they don't trust themselves to behave in a civilized manner although one measure I would support is mandatory psychiatric assessment for all gun owners.

More silliness from the peanut gallery making false comparisons with swimming pools accidents. The rest of the post isn't worth responding to although mandatory pschyciatric assessment for gun owners should be mandatory.

Edited by pinko
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It's frustration, obviously! Bob is very logical in his arguments and all he's getting back is the same illogical ideas, expressed in different words.

It's really very simple. Criminals do not register their guns. Most crimes are committed with unregistered weapons. A registry will not tell an officer that there is an UNREGISTERED gun behind a homeowner's door! Several billion dollars is not a reasonable price to pay for a gun registry full of errors.

These are pretty simple premises and for some people not to accept them is like talking to a thick wall!

Absolutely. Two sentiments held in my mind when reading pinko's replies but before I saw this post of yours - the sense frustration, as if I was banging my head against the wall. That is what it's like speaking with pinko, who robotically drones on about how a gun registration system would increase public safety through somehow assisting the police in their investigation of crime. Many pages and posts later in this thread, we're yet to see a real explanation from pinko or any of the other folks on that side of the fence as to exactly how a gun registry promotes public safety.

It's no coincidence that people like pinko who support the establishment of a gun registry also say things like this -

"If anything there should be greater restrictions on firearms."

"However I can't for the life of me understand why anyone with no criminal intent would object to registration."

"I think a gun is a phallic symbol for many of you. The fact of the matter is you don't need guns."

It's pretty obvious that pinko thinks guns are for criminals and weirdos, and that good and decent people don't own guns and want them as restricted as possible, if not outright banned. He's said in this very thread that guns should only be in the possession of the authorities. His argumentation has nothing to do with public safety, and everything to do with simply placing more red tape on gun ownership. It doesn't matter what type of red tape either, as long as it's red tape. Moreover, it doesn't matter just how expensive the red tape is, either, or whether it satisfies any legitimate public service.

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Absolutely. Two sentiments held in my mind when reading pinko's replies but before I saw this post of yours - the sense frustration, as if I was banging my head against the wall. That is what it's like speaking with pinko, who robotically drones on about how a gun registration system would increase public safety through somehow assisting the police in their investigation of crime. Many pages and posts later in this thread, we're yet to see a real explanation from pinko or any of the other folks on that side of the fence as to exactly how a gun registry promotes public safety.

It's no coincidence that people like pinko who support the establishment of a gun registry also say things like this -

"If anything there should be greater restrictions on firearms."

"However I can't for the life of me understand why anyone with no criminal intent would object to registration."

"I think a gun is a phallic symbol for many of you. The fact of the matter is you don't need guns."

It's pretty obvious that pinko thinks guns are for criminals and weirdos, and that good and decent people don't own guns and want them as restricted as possible, if not outright banned. He's said in this very thread that guns should only be in the possession of the authorities. His argumentation has nothing to do with public safety, and everything to do with simply placing more red tape on gun ownership. It doesn't matter what type of red tape either, as long as it's red tape. Moreover, it doesn't matter just how expensive the red tape is, either, or whether it satisfies any legitimate public service.

I am sure there are decent people who own guns notwithstanding the repetitive nature of your posts.

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It's pretty obvious that pinko thinks guns are for criminals and weirdos, and that good and decent people don't own guns and want them as restricted as possible, if not outright banned. He's said in this very thread that guns should only be in the possession of the authorities. His argumentation has nothing to do with public safety, and everything to do with simply placing more red tape on gun ownership. It doesn't matter what type of red tape either, as long as it's red tape. Moreover, it doesn't matter just how expensive the red tape is, either, or whether it satisfies any legitimate public service.

A LOT of people think that way, Bob! Perhaps that should be a thread of it's own.

Many people think that passing a law is the same as fixing a problem. They think that "raising the consciousness" of an issue somehow equates to actually doing something about it. They believe in platitudes like "war never solved anything". Well, not everyone. I guess the Poles, the Czechs, the Norwegians and many others during Hitler's reign knew better. Maybe from the perspective of centuries such platitudes may be true but for individuals living their lives a day at a time wars most emphatically DO solve issues! Things worked out well for Attila the Hun.

These people seem to have a fundamental disconnect between their wishes and reality. This isn't a problem in newer or frontier type societies. They win Darwin awards and cancel out. However, as a society matures and tends to give up on individual action in favour of looking to the State to protect them and look after them these people begin to win control over the lives of people who don't agree with them. These people naturally end up feeling very insecure and vulnerable, since they are prone to be more practical and reality-driven. They see the flaws in things like Liberal gun registries being scant if not totally false protection and don't WANT to be forced to be so defenceless!

The B Ark from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was a great concept to address this failing in modern society. Part of what made the idea so funny is that those who were sent out on their own were totally blind to the idea that they were undesirables! :lol:

Edited by Wild Bill
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A LOT of people think that way, Bob! Perhaps that should be a thread of it's own.

Many people think that passing a law is the same as fixing a problem. They think that "raising the consciousness" of an issue somehow equates to actually doing something about it. They believe in platitudes like "war never solved anything". Well, not everyone. I guess the Poles, the Czechs, the Norwegians and many others during Hitler's reign knew better. Maybe from the perspective of centuries such platitudes may be true but for individuals living their lives a day at a time wars most emphatically DO solve issues! Things worked out well for Attila the Hun.

These people seem to have a fundamental disconnect between their wishes and reality. This isn't a problem in newer or frontier type societies. They win Darwin awards and cancel out. However, as a society matures and tends to give up on individual action in favour of looking to the State to protect them and look after them these people begin to win control over the lives of people who don't agree with them. These people naturally end up feeling very insecure and vulnerable, since they are prone to be more practical and reality-driven. They see the flaws in things like Liberal gun registries being scant if not totally false protection and don't WANT to be forced to be so defenceless!

The B Ark from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was a great concept to address this failing in modern society. Part of what made the idea so funny is that those who were sent out on their own were totally blind to the idea that they were undesirables! :lol:

Although full of value judgements you offer an interesting opinion.

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We already have knife control in Canada. No jack-knives or ballistic knives allowed; and no belt buckle knives, for you crazy Albertans. And if you are in possession of a weapon and you appear to be threatening anyone, you are breaking the law. I mean, I do not even know how you would create perameters in " knife control " outside of concealment and spring-loaded...

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Many people think that passing a law is the same as fixing a problem.

Yep, you got yer social engineers then you got yer moral engineers. All packing the same shit while pretending it's the differences in their ideological buckets that matter.

I understand our new engineers intend to pass all sorts of new laws this fall to fix all the problems they have with reality.

In the meantime, the band plays on while we all do see do around a common center of mutually assured dictatorship.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Several of my grandkids are visiting and created quite a mess. We spent the morning cleaning up and then went to the park for awhile. It is quite humid and hot here.

Lucky you - grand kids - I have a step son in Cyprus who is about to become a father and is very exieted - my four natural children look like they just might go through life without kids...but who knows...Just glad that I will be able to take a walk with a small human being and chat - rather than take a walk with the dogs and chat....the dogs are good listener but refuse the indignity of wearing diapers....glad to hear you are enjoying life - I thought you were a miserable young guy... B) To day is utterly perfect in Toronto - the sky is beautiful - the air is pleasantly cool...and I slept in the arms of the angels last night....CONgrats..Pinko - you are a success.

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I still believe take this out of the hands of the Feds and let the provinces handle it. The provinces that want the registry can continue with the national one only convert to provincial. How many provinces would do their own? I bet only one or two wouldn't.

(living in Toronto?)

Excellent idea. Provincial cops need something to do, so would be more busy guarding interprovincial borders for gun smuggling. We could have Provincial Customs on borders crosses, so more jobs would be created. And provinces have plenty of money to throw at it. I would also help in provincial elections (to kick the liberals out)

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Black Dog:

It's okay, I understand: you don't get it. Take a few minutes, grab a tissue, wipe your nose and get back out there champ!

If you really do understand it then explain it. With or without the tissue.

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I define it as "urban." I use the standard understandings and definitions that everyone understands.

Except for the fringe minority who dispute that it's "urban," for reasons that aren't clear.

Not world class, like say----- London (UK) or Toronto --- Winnipeg can't be world class---They might have a multi-racial, multicultural and diverse population but they haven't had a serious riot since the dirty thirties

Edited by Tilter
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