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Multicultural Chaos in Britain

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Multiculturalism, turning education into therapy.

"A school where 60 per cent of pupils speak English as a second language has invested in electronic translators for every child so they can communicate with teachers.

Manor Park Primary in Aston, Birmingham, which has 384 pupils of 32 different ethnicities, is the first school in Britain to provide translators for all of its children and to make the tools an integral part of every lesson.

The technology enables teachers to type messages to pupils which are then translated into the 19 native tongues of children with no English.

Another 11 languages are spoken by pupils who have some English.

And with figures showing that one in six primary pupils speaks a different language at home—double the number ten years ago—the technology could soon become a permanent feature in many more schools.

The ‘Talking Tutor’ can verbally translate English into 25 languages including Polish, Urdu, Pakistani and Chinese. A further 200 languages can be translated on-screen.

Teachers type a message into a computer and the virtual tutor then reads the message out to the pupil in their native tongue. The pupil types a response which is read to the teacher by the tutor.

The software claims to be 95 per cent accurate as it uses ’ contextchecking technology’ which gives the meaning of the message rather than a verbatim translation.

Headmaster Jason Smith said the software had transformed his school and given staff the opportunity to communicate with children.

‘We have a very diverse school—at any one time there are upwards of 30 different languages,’ he added.

‘We have always found this the biggest barrier to integrating a child into the school.’

The school pays £700 a year for the software, which comes with onteacher-screen ‘avatars’, or characters, based on the background of the pupils.

These include an Asian man, a white Eastern European and a black African man. Plans are also in the pipeline to include a Chinese woman and a burka-wearing Muslim.

The software, developed by Lincoln-based EMAS UK, cost more than £2.5million to produce.

Dawn Holt, a teacher at the school, admitted she had struggled in the past to communicate with pupils who had recently arrived in Britain.

She said: ‘You could never have a who could speak all those languages, so I think this technology is probably here to stay.’

But critics say that giving pupils computerised translators could be ‘damaging and dangerous’.

Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, said: ‘Surely it would be better to give all these foreign-speaking youngsters an intensive course in English.’

There were mixed reactions to the translator last night from parents of Manor Park pupils.

One father of two, who did not want to be named, said: ‘My boys say teachers are spending more time using the computer than teaching.

‘They came home last week and said they felt pushed aside. The teachers are neglecting the English kids.’

But another parent, Carol Barnes, 45, was in favour. She said: ‘It’s another way they can teach the kids and it’s also a way of getting non-English-speaking pupils to communicate with English speakers.’

Latest figures from the Department for Education show that 905,610 children do not speak English as their first language.

This figure has risen by 42,750 in a year, and accounts for 16 per cent of pupils in primary schools and 11.6 per cent in secondaries."

Canada's no better either, in Quebec every school commission's top priority are "acceuil" kids and trying to integrate them as early as possible into the classroom, by usually lowering standards, and employing an "acceuil" teacher right alongside the normal teacher...

Edited by lictor616
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Canada's no better either, in Quebec every school commission's top priority are "acceuil" kids and trying to integrate them as early as possible into the classroom, by usually lowering standards, and employing an "acceuil" teacher right alongside the normal teacher...

I thought Quebec demanded that everyone in the province learn French ?

Make sure you organize your pointless generalizations before presenting them here.

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I thought Quebec demanded that everyone in the province learn French ?

Make sure you organize your pointless generalizations before presenting them here.

Oh,he's got a point...He just keeps dancing around the edges of it...

Basically it's this:Non-caucasians are inherently inferior,and in the name of multicultural political correctness,we've lowered our standards...This has put our superiority at risk,perhaps permanently...

Remember,this is a guy who is singularily obsessed with the racial hierarchy question,has advocated for resegregation in the US,repatriation of blacks in the 'State's back to Africa(as if that's remotely plausible),thinks the Allies should have sided with the NAZI's in WW2,etc. etc.

All at 25 years of age!!! :blink:

Edited by Jack Weber
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I think the development of such technology and its use in a variety of situations, including schools, is not a bad thing.

Now, one might say that having to learn the native language of a country is an important part of assimilating and integrating, and at this point, I would agree.

But looking to the future, "universal translator" technology along the lines of what was depicted in, for example, Star Trek (where humans and aliens can usually all instantly understand their various languages through real time audio translation) is really not that far away. The computational capacity for it already exists, and the software is not far behind. Within a decade it can be a reality.

Perhaps at that point language will become somewhat irrelevant, since we will all have tiny portable devices that allow us to perfectly understand and speak with people of almost any other language. In that light, I see the development and use of such technology in schools is progress.

Edited by Bonam
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At least this guy is willing to question what is being spewed over at the CBC and passed off as gospel. Right or wrong isn't important, the fact that you all accept whatever the political correct police tell you to is far scarier then just about anything else.

I don't see a group of people who come to live in another country then failing to adopt that countries customs as a good thing but rather as a way to destroy a country. It's not making Britain any stronger but maybe that is the goal of the socialist, to destroy the western way of life. To poison it.

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The technology is interesting and probably would help...But speaking from experience,young children coming from non-English bacgrounds don't take long (maybe 2 years?)be able to speak and write the language properly.So much so,that they surpass their parents in the comprehension of the language...

It's entirely possible that this technology might keep people from actually learning a language,outside of the interraction when using it,and thereby keeping people from truly interacting with each other....

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At least this guy is willing to question what is being spewed over at the CBC and passed off as gospel. Right or wrong isn't important, the fact that you all accept whatever the political correct police tell you to is far scarier then just about anything else.

I don't see a group of people who come to live in another country then failing to adopt that countries customs as a good thing but rather as a way to destroy a country. It's not making Britain any stronger but maybe that is the goal of the socialist, to destroy the western way of life. To poison it.

All hail,El Caudillo!!!!

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So you don't have anything of substance? I must've made a great point since you don't have anything of value to add.

I have posted things of substance...

You specifically??

You're the board's constant gag reel...

Actually,you're the slightly softer side of Lictor's NAZI leanings...Probably why you think Franco was a great man because he was slightly less Fascistic than Herr Shicklegruber...

Now go away and watch your personal gay porn flicks...

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I thought Quebec demanded that everyone in the province learn French ?

Make sure you organize your pointless generalizations before presenting them here.

where did I specifically speak of English in my anecdote? nowhere...

make sure to read properly before issuing pointless comments here.

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The technology is interesting and probably would help...But speaking from experience,young children coming from non-English bacgrounds don't take long (maybe 2 years?)be able to speak and write the language properly.So much so,that they surpass their parents in the comprehension of the language...

It's entirely possible that this technology might keep people from actually learning a language,outside of the interraction when using it,and thereby keeping people from truly interacting with each other....

our own stats and experiences put the lie to that statement...

i<d like to know where you got this tidbit from... 2 years to learn english at a comparable level as anglo-canadians... nonsense

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I have posted things of substance...

You specifically??

You're the board's constant gag reel...

Actually,you're the slightly softer side of Lictor's NAZI leanings...Probably why you think Franco was a great man because he was slightly less Fascistic than Herr Shicklegruber...

Now go away and watch your personal gay porn flicks...

So everything right wing bad and everything left wing good. I got it. You make the same post right after I post, why not just cut and paste it? I think you have a crush on me Jack. You seem to follow me around like a lost puppy dog.

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So everything right wing bad and everything left wing good. I got it. You make the same post right after I post, why not just cut and paste it? I think you have a crush on me Jack. You seem to follow me around like a lost puppy dog.

Third time,Mr.Falange...

Please cite where I've said anything that two dimensional...Unlike you,who calls everything slightly left of centre "socialist" (and in Dr.Mengele's case,Communist),I'm not an ideologue...I don't call everything on the right "Fascist"...Only the Fascistic ramblings of Fascists and crypto-Fascist....

The reason I don't do that is because I agree with some of the things the right says....

I don't have a crush on you because I like women...One in particular that I'm married to...

As far as the puppy dog comment goes...It's more like the sanitation dept. cleaning up dog shite....

Edited by Jack Weber
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Third time,Mr.Falange...

Please cite where I've said anything that two dimensional...Unlike you,who calls everything slightly left of centre "socialist" (and in Dr.Mengele's case,Communist),I'm not an ideologue...I don't call everything on the right "Fascist"...Only the Fascistic ramblings of Fascists and crypto-Fascist....

The reason I don't do that is because I agree with some of the things on the right says....

I don't have a crush on you because I like women...One in particular that I'm married to...

As far as the puppy dog comment goes...It's more like the sanitation dept. cleaning up dog shite....

first off your gay porn insinuations, repeated uses of assclown comparisons to Hitler, Shicklegruber and other lame godwinnian nonsense to anything not left wing pretty much says a lot about you.

As much as I find it hard to use ad hominem abusives towards you, I still try my best, maybe you could do a little better and up the level of debate a notch before venting your irrational deep seated complexes with the nazis...

You sound like an insecure bigot yourself..

Edited by lictor616
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first off your gay porn insinuations, repeated uses of assclown comparisons to Hitler, Shicklegruber and other lame godwinnian nonsense to anything not left wing pretty much says a lot about you.

As much as I find it hard to use ad hominem abusives towards you, I still try my best, maybe you could do a little better and up the level of debate a notch before venting your irrational deep seated complexes with the nazis...

You sound like an insecure bigot yourself..

Most people who always make the discussion about race even if they're defending a certain race are themselves the racists.

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Most people who always make the discussion about race even if they're defending a certain race are themselves the racists.

Let's look at todays topics...

Multicultural Chaos...

Racial quotas...

Jesse Jackson in Hot water...

Bravo,Mr.Falange!!!!Bravo for calling out our resident National Socialist!!!!

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Let's look at todays topics...

Multicultural Chaos...

Racial quotas...

Jesse Jackson in Hot water...

Bravo,Mr.Falange!!!!Bravo for calling out our resident National Socialist!!!!

ah yes that AWEFUL Falange!

YOu probably hate them for ruining the Communist apparatus in Spain, when, having obtained control of the government in corrupt elections, started a great 'modernization' of the country, celebrating it with massacres of Spaniards of cultivation and refinement, although the atrocities that were given publicity in the United States were almost confined to the burning of churches, the torture and murder of priests, and the rape, mutilation, and murder of nuns

The sweet smell of fresh blood always quickens the ideals of "Liberal intellectuals," like yourself Jacky Pooh. (btw the words "liberal" and "intellectual" are both misnomers here)

Spain was as you'll remember was in far better shape under Franco (even in the last days), upon his death, "democratic" elections were held in 1976, and Spain began to race down the road to Hell that the Crypto-Communists paved to lead the nations of Western civilization to the abyss.

To give you a few statistics that prove how rapidly the evils of Fascism are being overcome in Spain. In the year preceding the elections in 1976, there were 3,660 reported robberies in Spain. In 1986, there were 49,422. Today Spain is the robbery capital of the World. viz:


And you may feel assured that further progress toward "social justice" will henceforth be made every year.

I remember visiting Madrid and Barcelona in 2007, and in Madrid; there are 200 000 heroin addicts that are supplied steady government doses of methadone, prostitution is rampant, nearly every street corner features a usually squalid whore with facial lacerations: http://dalje.com/slike/slike_3/r1/g2008/m06/y175379182600528.jpg

And the economy too is in dreadful arrears despite artificial support form the EU.

Socialists should be happy as clams there! Nasty Fascism is a thing of the past and "democratic" progress is being made everywhere.

And waht about nazis?

AS EVERYONE KNOWS, "Nazis" are lowly people so wicked that they do not worship Multiculturalism, or communism! or appreciate the honor of being robbed and humiliated by that godly ideology. They are also called "Fascists" and "Aunteye-Seemites" and many other things by the prostitutes who write in the liepapers or jabber over the controlled hypnagogic picture-machines.

so fitting that you prefer communists in lieu of them!

Edited by lictor616
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Multiculturalism, turning education into therapy.

"A school where 60 per cent of pupils speak English as a second language has invested in electronic translators for every child so they can communicate with teachers.

Manor Park Primary in Aston, Birmingham, which has 384 pupils of 32 different ethnicities, is the first school in Britain to provide translators for all of its children and to make the tools an integral part of every lesson.

The technology enables teachers to type messages to pupils which are then translated into the 19 native tongues of children with no English.

Another 11 languages are spoken by pupils who have some English.

And with figures showing that one in six primary pupils speaks a different language at home—double the number ten years ago—the technology could soon become a permanent feature in many more schools.

The ‘Talking Tutor’ can verbally translate English into 25 languages including Polish, Urdu, Pakistani and Chinese. A further 200 languages can be translated on-screen.

Teachers type a message into a computer and the virtual tutor then reads the message out to the pupil in their native tongue. The pupil types a response which is read to the teacher by the tutor.

The software claims to be 95 per cent accurate as it uses ’ contextchecking technology’ which gives the meaning of the message rather than a verbatim translation.

Headmaster Jason Smith said the software had transformed his school and given staff the opportunity to communicate with children.

‘We have a very diverse school—at any one time there are upwards of 30 different languages,’ he added.

‘We have always found this the biggest barrier to integrating a child into the school.’

The school pays £700 a year for the software, which comes with onteacher-screen ‘avatars’, or characters, based on the background of the pupils.

These include an Asian man, a white Eastern European and a black African man. Plans are also in the pipeline to include a Chinese woman and a burka-wearing Muslim.

The software, developed by Lincoln-based EMAS UK, cost more than £2.5million to produce.

Dawn Holt, a teacher at the school, admitted she had struggled in the past to communicate with pupils who had recently arrived in Britain.

She said: ‘You could never have a who could speak all those languages, so I think this technology is probably here to stay.’

But critics say that giving pupils computerised translators could be ‘damaging and dangerous’.

Nick Seaton, chairman of the Campaign for Real Education, said: ‘Surely it would be better to give all these foreign-speaking youngsters an intensive course in English.’

There were mixed reactions to the translator last night from parents of Manor Park pupils.

One father of two, who did not want to be named, said: ‘My boys say teachers are spending more time using the computer than teaching.

‘They came home last week and said they felt pushed aside. The teachers are neglecting the English kids.’

But another parent, Carol Barnes, 45, was in favour. She said: ‘It’s another way they can teach the kids and it’s also a way of getting non-English-speaking pupils to communicate with English speakers.’

Latest figures from the Department for Education show that 905,610 children do not speak English as their first language.

This figure has risen by 42,750 in a year, and accounts for 16 per cent of pupils in primary schools and 11.6 per cent in secondaries."

Canada's no better either, in Quebec every school commission's top priority are "acceuil" kids and trying to integrate them as early as possible into the classroom, by usually lowering standards, and employing an "acceuil" teacher right alongside the normal teacher...

Canada is not far from this - that joke called multiculturalism will destroy us yet - and is well on its way - thanks to that traitorous S.O.B. trudeau and his ilk.

Encouraging the immigrant to actually become a Canadian rather than a canucklehead - learn the language and CELEBRATE their new country - rather than bring their baggage with them and maintain old prejudices would be a good start - never happen - not politically correct under todays canuckleheaded outlook on Canada


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ah yes that AWEFUL Falange!

YOu probably hate them for ruining the Communist apparatus in Spain, when, having obtained control of the government in corrupt elections, started a great 'modernization' of the country, celebrating it with massacres of Spaniards of cultivation and refinement, although the atrocities that were given publicity in the United States were almost confined to the burning of churches, the torture and murder of priests, and the rape, mutilation, and murder of nuns

The sweet smell of fresh blood always quickens the ideals of "Liberal intellectuals," like yourself Jacky Pooh. (btw the words "liberal" and "intellectual" are both misnomers here)

Spain was as you'll remember was in far better shape under Franco (even in the last days), upon his death, "democratic" elections were held in 1976, and Spain began to race down the road to Hell that the Crypto-Communists paved to lead the nations of Western civilization to the abyss.

To give you a few statistics that prove how rapidly the evils of Fascism are being overcome in Spain. In the year preceding the elections in 1976, there were 3,660 reported robberies in Spain. In 1986, there were 49,422. Today Spain is the robbery capital of the World. viz:


And you may feel assured that further progress toward "social justice" will henceforth be made every year.

I remember visiting Madrid and Barcelona in 2007, and in Madrid; there are 200 000 heroin addicts that are supplied steady government doses of methadone, prostitution is rampant, nearly every street corner features a usually squalid whore with facial lacerations: http://dalje.com/slike/slike_3/r1/g2008/m06/y175379182600528.jpg

And the economy too is in dreadful arrears despite artificial support form the EU.

Socialists should be happy as clams there! Nasty Fascism is a thing of the past and "democratic" progress is being made everywhere.

And waht about nazis?

AS EVERYONE KNOWS, "Nazis" are lowly people so wicked that they do not worship Multiculturalism, or communism! or appreciate the honor of being robbed and humiliated by that godly ideology. They are also called "Fascists" and "Aunteye-Seemites" and many other things by the prostitutes who write in the liepapers or jabber over the controlled hypnagogic picture-machines.

so fitting that you prefer communists in lieu of them!

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Canada is not far from this - that joke called multiculturalism will destroy us yet

People have been claiming this for decades.

And in those decades, our crime rate has dropped, our standard of living has risen.

Frankly, I apply the same rules to doomsday xenophobes as I do to apocalyptic preachers - if the world hasn't ended after a dozen or so predictions, than you're full of shite.

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People have been claiming this for decades.

And in those decades, our crime rate has dropped, our standard of living has risen.

Frankly, I apply the same rules to doomsday xenophobes as I do to apocalyptic preachers - if the world hasn't ended after a dozen or so predictions, than you're full of shite.

you're actually wrong on every count, scientific and mathematical literacy down, antisocial behaviour up, school shooting up, suicides up, since the advent of third world immigration (after about 1962) and after the multicultural act in the 80's, crime rates were at all time highs in canada:


and of course police effectives before the "immigration revolution" in the 60's, were about 1/3 what they are today, yes the crime rate has stabilized (somewhat) but at an enormous cost and increased surveillance.

Also diverse cities such as Saskatchewan, Toronto etc have seen the highest crime rates in the past decade then ever in recorded history. In fact crime follows diversity.

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