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You're the one who said that you wanted to send jews to the ovens, not me.
TAKEANUMBER until you learn some basic reading comprehension skills maybe you should find an adult to supervise your postings on the internet before you make an even bigger fool out of yourself.
Immigrants who hate other ethnic groups are bad people.

White people who hate other ethnic groups are bad people.

Hatred is usually wrong, it's true, but, and this might be a bit sophisticated for you - one can judge the behaviour of groups of people with dissaproval without hating them. One can examine the culture of a people, and their behaviour after immigrating to Canada, and suggest that one is uneasy about them and that perhaps we might be more careful in examining those who come to Canada - without being guilty of hatred.
You seem to ignore this fact repeatedly, that hatred, whichever direction it flows, is wrong, yet you persist and persist in stating that your hatred is justified because everybody else is hating you.
And the hatred you are exhibiting towards conservatives? That's okay, right?
You said it, not me.  You said that if your group wanted to, you could easily send the jews right into the ovens.
No, you little twit. What I said was that a piece of paper is no guarantee of human rights in the face of the majority's will. It never has been - anywhere - at any time. At no time have I ever even remotely implied that I or anyone I know has anything against Jews or any Nazi sympathies. Your simply reacting without thought - much as we often see in your postings.

Now I suggest you cease with the personal attacks. You are provoking me to respond in turn, and while I suspect I'm a lot better at it than you this site is better off not deteriorating to that level.

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Alright, here we go again.

So just because some conservatives are bigots that gives YOU carte blanche to be a bigot?

Just because some conservatives hate gays that gives YOU the right to bash `em? 

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. It's okay to desparage an entire group based on a few people if it's people you don't like. If not, then it's terrible!

I have the right to call a Conservative a bigot if they are bigots. It's called pointing out a fact.

I'm not desparaging an entire group based on a few people. I'm desparaging 15% because THEY ARE exactly like all the ones I know. If I meet a few people who defy what I've seen so far, that 15% number can be revised.

So far, havn't met anybody who has surprised me.

Nice try though. I enjoy arguing with the Grade 12 set.

Quotes, boy, I want quotes. Don't give me any BS accusations about my saying we should do away with Official Bilingualism because I never said it.

That you did.

Yeesh, what a simpleton. That's the problem with the NDP; all emotion and jealousy and bitterness, no brains, no thinking. Did a conservative girl(or boy) turn you down for a date once, little boy? Is that why you're so angry?

I'm not NDP. I think I dated a Reform-COR person back in the 1990's. She was pretty anti-French and really, really racist, but in denial about it, you know, kinda like you Argus.

What's going to continue to drive you crazy is that you can't identify which political party I belong to, as these positions are very strange because you can't quite think properly.

And I'm having a good time with it.

OH yeah, they'll rush out to their video games and start shooting people like mad! They'll go to chat rooms and bitch and whine! They'll refuse to buy any more clothes at the GAP until they do something about the problem! .... Moreover, they rarely read newspapers or watch the news, so they probably won't even hear about it. 

Where do we start on this?

The "echo" generation are a bunch of slackers and losers who can't even be bothered to vote.

Alright Argus, you're on record here. lolz, kee, kee, kee.

Hmmmm. I think the best thing to say at this juncture is that I buy my clothing mainly from The Bay. I havn't shopped at the GAP for quite a few years. I really like Docker's pants and they have these pretty neat jean-like materials.

I do own a PS2. But I'm not addicted to it.

Let's tackle the newspaper issue shall we?

Ah, I read the Globe and Mail and The Economist (a habit that a friend of mine's father, a university prof., got me doing back in the mid 1990's.) I read the daily telegraph. I watch 'Politics with Don Newman' everyday (I tape it), and I watch the BBC World Service (Not on PBS or CBC, but the real deal, in the morning and late at night.), and I watch 'The National'. Occassionally I pick up the Herald if there's a major article by an elite, but most of the time it's just shlock.

The fact that I'm very familiar with the Church abuse scandal, the denial of voting rights to aboriginals, the Alberta Eugenics program, Japanese internment, the Caraquet incident, the Assumption, Botsford, George Brown, et al., should be proof enough of my knowledge of Canadian history.

For instance, can you, sir Argus, tell me which party George Brown belonged to? Can you relate to me the similarities between then and now? What are the key differences? Explain your answer.

I don't think you can, even if you try to use the Internet. Be sure to reference your answer correctly, as the Klein method of writing (Internet) just won't do.

Now that you have met somebody who is an exceptional Echo-ist, perhaps an apology is in order, hmmmm? I am clearly not like the rest of the Echo-ists, but I posit that your continued ignorant attitude towards anything non-English and non-Old-Fart is very representative of your political creed.

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Well, you certainly seem to be filled with yourself - as many young males are. But I suspect it's just a pose hiding your insecurity.

I'm a person, not a peacock.

And you confuse intelligence and confidence with arrogance and self-filling.

I suspect that you're not used to being presented with alternative policy choices by somebody else.

White males 45+ don't have a monopoly on public policy and politics. It must be very distressing for you to see somebody challenge you from an angle you can't quite work around.

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My rhetoric is directed at the bigots who have been running their gums about French assimilation and blatant disregard for minority rights. It WAS said that if the majority in this country wanted to, they could shove the jews right into the ovens.

I went to the Conservative party website, and I'll be damned, I can't find any policy that champions french assimilation or that disregards minority rights......

Infact, from reading near the begining of this thread, all I've seen is an idea put forth that we should have a democratic vote to see if we should change our current policy on bilingualism......so are you afraid of democracy?

I'm not desparaging an entire group based on a few people. I'm desparaging 15% because THEY ARE exactly like all the ones I know. If I meet a few people who defy what I've seen so far, that 15% number can be revised.

Are there not bigots within all the parties? I'd even bet that there are bigots in the party that you vote for ;)

What's going to continue to drive you crazy is that you can't identify which political party I belong to, as these positions are very strange because you can't quite think properly.

I bet you vote for the political party that is "anti-democracy", for the simple reason that you seem to have a bug up your ass over the idea of having a vote for all Canadians, to see if a current "problem" should be changed......... :huh:

Hmmmm. I think the best thing to say at this juncture is that I buy my clothing mainly from The Bay. I havn't shopped at the GAP for quite a few years. I really like Docker's pants and they have these pretty neat jean-like materials.

You buy your close at the Bay :o Your a Bigot......You are supporting a company that abused and exploted the first nations people.......dirty, anti-first nations person you :rolleyes:

For instance, can you, sir Argus, tell me which party George Brown belonged to? Can you relate to me the similarities between then and now? What are the key differences? Explain your answer.

Was George Brown for or against a vote on bilingualism?

I don't think you can, even if you try to use the Internet. Be sure to reference your answer correctly, as the Klein method of writing (Internet) just won't do.

Is this a test? tell me who Barney St. James was........but don't use the Klein method :rolleyes:

White males 45+ don't have a monopoly on public policy and politics. It must be very distressing for you to see somebody challenge you from an angle you can't quite work around.

But white adult males do......granted by defalut......your age group doesn't vote, and because of that, are not granted as much attention.

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So just because some conservatives are bigots that gives YOU carte blanche to be a bigot?

Just because some conservatives hate gays that gives YOU the right to bash `em? 

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. It's okay to desparage an entire group based on a few people if it's people you don't like. If not, then it's terrible!

I have the right to call a Conservative a bigot if they are bigots. It's called pointing out a fact.

You didn't call "a" conservative a bigot, boy. You called conservatives bigots. Then you stuffed your stupid foot down your throat by misreading the thread and somehow believing we wanted to put Jews in ovens.
Quotes, boy, I want quotes. Don't give me any BS accusations about my saying we should do away with Official Bilingualism because I never said it.

That you did.

Gee, I didn't mean to. Why don't you go find it for me then? I'd have to apologise.
Yeesh, what a simpleton. That's the problem with the NDP; all emotion and jealousy and bitterness, no brains, no thinking. Did a conservative girl(or boy) turn you down for a date once, little boy? Is that why you're so angry?

I'm not NDP. I think I dated a Reform-COR person back in the 1990's. She was pretty anti-French and really, really racist, but in denial about it, you know, kinda like you Argus.

I have a feeling you meet a *lot* of "racists". Hey, y'know what, boy? I told a gay joke today. That makes me homophobic too!!
What's going to continue to drive you crazy is that you can't identify which political party I belong to, as these positions are very strange because you can't quite think properly.
Boy, do you really think I care who you vote for, or anything else about you? I mean, it's kind of pathetic of you giving me everything but your underwear size and all. But I don't care where you shop or what you read. All I care about is your obvious inability to think, and your lack of maturity - evidenced by the way you've quickly brought a fairly simple thread down to the level of childish namecalling and dumbass cock wagging.
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Now kids, quit fighting or I'm turning this thing around and there'll be no Disneyland for any of you.

Anyway, to get back on track, Harper is planning a $5 billon boost to the Armed Forces over the next four years, while promising tax cuts at the same time.

My question is: how can Harper and the Cons expect to increase spending while decreasing revenue and maintaining a balanced budget? If I peer into my neocon crystal ball, I see cuts to other programs and services to make up the difference.

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Anyway, to get back on track, Harper is planning a $5 billon boost to the Armed Forces over the next four years, while promising tax cuts at the same time.

My question is: how can Harper and the Cons expect to increase spending while decreasing revenue and maintaining a balanced budget? If I peer into my neocon crystal ball, I see cuts to other programs and services to make up the difference.

Well, the last I heard the budget for various economic diversification/encouragement agencies was about $17 billion. Most of that money wound up in pork, or poured into useless economic incentives to temporarily put shaky businesses into government ridings Maybe he could use a little of that?

Then there's the billions he keeps putting into his "foundation trusts" which, btw, he created so he could hide some of the surplus money he didn't want to admit to. Those trusts were deliberately created so that neither the Auditor General nor anyone using the Access to Information laws could see what they were doing with the money, and trusted Liberals were put in charge. Gee, wonder if any went to Liberal friendly agencies?

Then there's the current surplus. Nobody is quite sure how much that is because Martin neer did have much respect for generally recognized accounting concepts. The man would have been in prison years ago if he'd kept private company books the way he has been the public books.

But just look at some of the money we know has been thrown in the crapper over the last five years or so. Two billion to the firearms registry - for no return. A quarter million to put little Canada wordmarks on the walls during sponsorships of fairs and trade shows. And oh yes, remember when Sheila Copps was announcing her bid for the leadership? She announed a half billion in arts and culture grants at the same time. Two hundred million more was announced in the last budget to help television producers put together unwatchable crap. There was that shadowy, secret, $100 million "unity" reserve fund, which mostly went to pork. The budget for Canadian Heritage is $1 billion this year. I think you can make major savings there. The hundreds of millions HRDC throws away in grants each year are mostly wasted, and we are always hearing about lavish and wasteful spending at External Affairs. Hell, man, there is lots of money if you knock down some of the wasteful spending. And the cost of re-equipping the military can be made far more affordable if we stop using military procurement as a job creation program (which means every large purchase costs at least twice as much as it otherwise would), close down some of the bases, and pare down the massive bureacracy of DND. Do you know there are more HR people than infantry soldiers?

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Now kids, quit fighting or I'm turning this thing around and there'll be no Disneyland for any of you.
Geez Dad, he started it.
My question is: how can Harper and the Cons expect to increase spending while decreasing revenue and maintaining a balanced budget?
I know you won't like this source but the numbers are accurate and I'm willing to argue their interpretation. In Canada, many simply don't realize what has happened. How serious is it? Well, we're not Argentina.
This is where other important factual distinctions come into play. America's higher per capita taxes are supported by per capita incomes much higher in the United States than in Canada: $45,936 versus $28,876. Fifth place in the world for them; 18th for us.

Toronto Star Anderson

If I'm not mistaken (I'll find a source, I think it's Romanow), our governments combined spend less per capita on health care than US governments spend.

Obviously, we can't fix this in a few years. It will take time.

It is hard not to realize that federal politics in Canada, since at least 1970, have been dominated by the "Quebec question". (Internal Quebec politics have suffered even more. Virtually every political discussion in Quebec gets somehow connected to independence.)

The result, in Canada, is that our federal governments have not properly responded to the desires of ordinary people. Taxes are not raised and money is not spent in ways that are beneficial to Canadians.

IMHO, the disconnect between Ottawa and the country is much greater than the disconnect between DC and the country.

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The result, in Canada, is that our federal governments have not properly responded to the desires of ordinary people.

And Conservatives can?

Yup I think they can fulfill the desires of the greatest number of ordinary people. They got my vote!!!

Here's why I think they would appeal to ordinary Canadians

Conservatives stand for an accountable government, one with integrity and that should appeal to every voter, regardless of which side of the political spectrum they live on.

They want to cut taxes. We already have more than enough taxes to support the system and programs we have if they were run effeciently. So a tax cut is realistic, if wasteful spending is curbed which under the cons I believe would happen. I know speaking for my family and friends (not all are conservatives) they would all rather have the money in their pockets, rather than govt. coffers. I for one, am all for more consumption taxation, rather than income taxation. Hopefully the cons will move more that way.

Increased spending on military, ya it would be wonderful if Canada and the world did not have a need for armies anymore but thats not realistic. Until the world reaches that kind of Utopia, we should support a military that can defend our values, sovereignty and freedoms with the best equipment we can afford. Maybe we should focus on developing a small, but useful defense industry in Canada (Oh no I see the left gearing up to call me a warmonger). For Canada to be known as a police keeping force is not good enough. Its sad that Metro New York (pop. 18,000,000) has more police officers than Canada (pop. 32,000,000) has soldiers, I mean something is out of whack with that. We have the people with the brains and talent to field a good army but all our military is capable of right now is delivering soup and sandwiches to the Americans.

The Conservatives also believe in asking the people, rather than just unilaterally dictating positions to Canadians, on social issues (i.e. the definition of marriage). Nothing is wrong with asking the people how they feel on those kinds of issues with referendums, which should be binding in their decision making regardless of what view is supported by all voting Canadians.

What radical views eh!!!!

And speaking of radical views, takeanumber, whats with you and your echo-generation babble. Sounds like you are trying to put together an army of radicals yourself. Kinda scary tho, hey maybe I can come to one of your meetings. Where will the meeting take place? Will it be at your treehouse, again?

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Anyway, to get back on track, Harper is planning a $5 billon boost to the Armed Forces over the next four years, while promising tax cuts at the same time.

My question is: how can Harper and the Cons expect to increase spending while decreasing revenue and maintaining a balanced budget? If I peer into my neocon crystal ball, I see cuts to other programs and services to make up the difference.

I don't think it would be that difficult......the only thing would be the will:

Senate report

I find this part quite sad:

Canada spends approximately $395 per capita on defence.[1]

The United Kingdom spends approximately $1,425 per capita on defence.[2]

The United States spends approximately $2,000 per capita on defence.[3]

Although Canada, in the current context of international terrorism, is clearly much more of a military target than most of the world’s smaller countries, it ranks 153rd in defence spending out of 192 countries based on percentage of GDP.[4]

Canada ranked 13th out of 18 NATO nations in per capita defence spending – ahead of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Turkey and Spain.[5]

At approximately 31 million people, Canada has the world’s 34th largest population. It has the 56th-largest regular military forces; the 77th largest military reserves.[6]

As of August 31, 2002, Canada ranked 34th in the world in its contribution to world peacekeeping missions, supplying less than 1 per cent of international peacekeepers in action.[

Now I don't think that anybody can use the arguement that the UK is in the same league as that of the United States, so my question is why are we not spending at the same ratio on defence as that of the Brits?

They have a population of about 60 million (compared to our 32 million) and a GDP of about 2 trillion (compared to ours of about 1.2 trillion).

Now they spend 42 billion a year on defence (compared to ours of about 11-12 billion), and keep in mind, they also have a National Healthcare plan. So I ask, why are we not spending upwards of 20 billion dollars a year on defence???? :blink:

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And there, in a nutshell, is the reason why so many people distrust the socialists of the NDP.

They know what's best for us. Don't question them. Don't argue with them. Don't even consider saying no. They're doing what's right, damnit! Ask the people? Ask the people!? sputter-sputter! "But," they'll sputter, "WE are the people!" And in many ways that's the royal "we". If the people disagree they're either misinformed or or ignorant, so there's no point listening to them.

I couldn't have said it better myself. The arrogance of the socialist elitists on the Left is appalling. They think that the common man is too stupid to tie their own shoelaces.

I tried being a socialist once - for a week. I set about figuring out my entitlements as the neighborhood’s representative of the nouveau poor.

I heard my neighbors barbequing by the pool, so I went over and ate their food and drank their scotch. Told them I’d be back over for breakfast, lunch and cocktails for a few days. They have more money than I do, so what’s the harm in sharing?

I watched the man of the house write out a quarterly income tax cheque. He was scowling so I reminded him, “the government knows how to spend your money better than you do, buddy.”

Later I had a scratchy throat so I looked up my doctor and got treated. Those stupid Americans think that is irresponsible, HA! I have free healthcare. I felt responsibility slipping away like panties off a whore. Looked into subsidized housing. 300 bucks a month for a 3 bedroom. Mon dieu! Figured out with welfare I could live quite nicely.

At this point I started to feel quite foolish for working so hard all this time, so I lounged around all week, not doing much of anything to contribute to our economy.

Btw takeanumber, calling conservatives bigots is the worst form of a cheapshot. It also requires no thinking on your part. I don't know what the hell "conservative parties" you attend.

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Btw takeanumber, calling conservatives bigots is the worst form of a cheapshot. It also requires no thinking on your part. I don't know what the hell "conservative parties" you attend.

Stop saying bigotted things about women (calling them whores now, are we?), immigrants (especially muslims), francophones, jews and homosexuals, and I won't have to call you a bigot.

But when you give me cause to say that you're a bigot, then you're a bigot.

And by me refering to you as a bigot isn't bigotry, it's merely pointing out a fact.

Every single Conservative here has either posted something bigotted outright, or has used lines of logic which are reminiscent of an intellectual COR-Nazi-Conservative shin-dig.

Are we clear?

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Takeanumber has met many conservative bigots. He has travelled to middle earth and their were alot of bigots and evil conservatives he met, like Gollum, and Seraman.

Takeanumber also wants to live in a land with streets full of candy, and their are chocolate streets, as well as streets lined with wollypops. :lol:

Not to mention he is part of the echo generation, you know the people living between 1980-now, the people that allow 2 in 3 women to get raped by the time their 21. From what I can tell the Echo generation is the most selfish since they take for granted everything Canadian's died fighting for, and have little or no respect for traditional institutions.


Btw takeanumber, calling conservatives bigots is the worst form of a cheapshot. It also requires no thinking on your part. I don't know what the hell "conservative parties" you attend. 

Stop saying bigotted things about women (calling them whores now, are we?), immigrants (especially muslims), francophones, jews and homosexuals, and I won't have to call you a bigot.

Holy crap somebody call the mental ward, we have a retard on this forum. Hey why don't you get back to reading monkey phonix, you obviously need it.

Everybodies bigoted, you seem to think that your better than everybody else because your part of the generation that has'nt really contributed anything to this country, and has little or not respect for the traditional values this country was built on.

Yeah but Takeanumber, I agree with you about conservative's, we should take a lesson from Comrade Stalin of the great USSR, and start up an organization to get rid of these people trying to destroy the great socialistic nation of kanada.

Get a Grip


Stop talking out of your ass, oh just wait a minute your head seems to be more like your ass as the days go by.

So grow a brain and then I'll stop with the personal insults or try going back to Cuba or China.

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Every single Conservative here has either posted something bigotted outright, or has used lines of logic which are reminiscent of an intellectual COR-Nazi-Conservative shin-dig.

After doing the political compass test in the other thread, I think it's safe to say that I'm a man of Conservative thinking. So, I'd like to know where I've said a bigotted remark or shown signs of being a "intellectual COR-Nazi-Conservative" (what ever that is)?


Main Entry: big·ot

Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

- big·ot·ed  /-g&-t&d/ adjective

- big·ot·ed·ly adverb

So infact takeanumber, you are a bigot, since I'm sure that you are devoted to your opinion that all people that "lean to the right" are Nazis :blink:

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Every single Conservative here has either posted something bigotted outright,
Depending on whose politically correct standards we judge comments by so have you, little fellah.
or has used lines of logic which are reminiscent of an intellectual COR-Nazi-Conservative shin-dig.

I'm not sure you're familiar enough with the term logic to assess the resemblance of ours with any particular ideological standard. Your best efforts are put to shame by the spoutings of smurfette any given Saturday morning.

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So infact takeanumber, you are a bigot, since I'm sure that you are devoted to your opinion that all people that "lean to the right" are Nazis 


or has used lines of logic which are reminiscent of an intellectual COR-Nazi-Conservative shin-dig.

I wouldn't go so far to call moderate conservatives 'Nazis'. I said that the lines of logic have been reminiscent of an intellectual COR-Nazi-Conservative shin-dig.

The denegrading language about women, immigrants, jews and homosexuals are also very similar to what has been said repeatedly by aptly named 'small c conservatives'.

smurfette any given Saturday morning.

d00d, that is so 1986. :lol: Nice attempt at trying to be 'hip'.

I think why the main offenders, Argus, August and AllianceF are getting so mad is because I'm not supposed to actually reveal how true conservative logic works.

I have a conservative friend. He's a great guy.

But when you make statements that are very strongly similar to the COR party, or neo-Nazi rallies, or at Conservative luncheons, you know, you're going to get called on it.

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Stop saying bigotted things about women (calling them whores now, are we?), immigrants (especially muslims), francophones, jews and homosexuals, and I won't have to call you a bigot.

But when you give me cause to say that you're a bigot, then you're a bigot.

And by me refering to you as a bigot isn't bigotry, it's merely pointing out a fact.

Every single Conservative here has either posted something bigotted outright, or has used lines of logic which are reminiscent of an intellectual COR-Nazi-Conservative shin-dig.

I said I felt responsibility slipping away like panties off a whore. That was not a bigotted statement against women. Would it be bigotry against males if I said I felt responsibility slipping away like a male alcoholic who can't show up for work? I never said anything about immigrants, muslims, francophones, jews or homosexuals. You are a lazy thinker who can't debate sensibly, so you launch ad hominem attacks. You said "every single conservative" has posted something outright bigotted or used lines of logic along nazis. I am a conservative and I have never said anything like that, so grow up!

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I wouldn't go so far to call moderate conservatives 'Nazis'. I said that the lines of logic have been reminiscent of an intellectual COR-Nazi-Conservative shin-dig.

The denegrading language about women, immigrants, jews and homosexuals are also very similar to what has been said repeatedly by aptly named 'small c conservatives'.

I might be wrong, but IIRC correctly, I had the "highest numbers" indicating that I leaned to the right......nothing moderate about myself(same ballpark as Thatcher)......so again, am I a Nazi becasue I vote Conservative?

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I think why the main offenders, Argus, August and AllianceF are getting so mad is because I'm not supposed to actually reveal how true conservative logic works.
Hey kids, keep me out of this fight. The last time I posted was in reference to how the US government manages to have lower tax rates yet spend more on defence and health care in per capita terms than the Canadian government does.

This is largely the product of a series of government decisions starting from Reagan through Clinton. Moreover, the US has had significant productivity growth in the 1990s because of computer innovations developed in the 1980s.

Has the Canadian federal government been a positive or negative force?

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Has the Canadian federal government been a positive or negative force?

We have an Armed forces that is falling apart, the cost of our Healthcare system is ballooning and we have been losing our stnading on the world stage.....but hey, are government spending is no longer in the red :unsure:

Me thinks the real question should be, are we doing the best that we can/could?

IMHO, the answer is a resonding NO.

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Hey kids, keep me out of this fight. The last time I posted was in reference to how the US government manages to have lower tax rates yet spend more on defence and health care in per capita terms than the Canadian government does.

I think I started a thread once where I showed that the US spends double per capita for about half the coverage. This includes private healthcare.

They also have quite a deficit in the US.

I think our system is better, but it needs tuning. This calls for a manager, not just a good politician. Who would be the best leader to take on this task ?

No one can say they know the answer, as none of the three main leaders have any experience with this sort of thing.

The question at the end of the day is - who do you trust ?

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The question at the end of the day is - who do you trust ?

Harper........and well Clement

IMO, Layton wants to throw more money at Healthcare so a candy striper can make 50k a year........And Martin makes a big fuss about replacing money that HE took out of Healthcare in the first place.

Who cares if some services could become privatized.....well I guess those that make X amount of dollars an hour to make Hospitail food do.

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I think I started a thread once where I showed that the US spends double per capita for about half the coverage.
How do you define coverage?
They also have quite a deficit in the US.
You are right that it leads to smaller taxes rates now.

The real point however is that Americans have significantly higher incomes than we have. Take a look at this:

Toronto Star Anderson

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