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Anne Coulter comes to Canada

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......She was warned of the differences between speech in Canada and the US. Either way she would not have heeded the warnings.

...OK...so now we can add prior restraint to the list of freedoms you want to curtail. This just gets better and better.

What are people like you so damn afraid of? Being offended?

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Do we need a 3rd thread on this ?

I pondered that, Michael. Especially since I really didn't want to give her that much attention anyway!

Still, I believe it's truly a new thread. If I had have posted it in one of the others it could have been considered thread drift.

The essential point is some smartass university louts successfully stopped someone's right to free speech. The fact that it was a dillhole like Coulter is irrelevant.

It shows that for a frightening large segment of our population, particularly those on the left, free speech is just a fuzzy idea they truly don't understand, that they support only for those who agree with them.

I hate to quote Rush Limbaugh but even a stopped clock is right twice a day! He once said that "To a liberal, freedom of speech means the freedom to agree!"

Sadly, these yahoos have proven him right!

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I pondered that, Michael. Especially since I really didn't want to give her that much attention anyway!

Still, I believe it's truly a new thread. If I had have posted it in one of the others it could have been considered thread drift.

The essential point is some smartass university louts successfully stopped someone's right to free speech. The fact that it was a dillhole like Coulter is irrelevant.

It shows that for a frightening large segment of our population, particularly those on the left, free speech is just a fuzzy idea they truly don't understand, that they support only for those who agree with them.

I hate to quote Rush Limbaugh but even a stopped clock is right twice a day! He once said that "To a liberal, freedom of speech means the freedom to agree!"

Sadly, these yahoos have proven him right!

the criminal code of Canada disagrees with you...freedom of speech does not include a freedom to spread hatred....

the philosophy behind freedom is lost on most of those on the right...learn it or risk losing it

your freedom to do as you please ends when it infringes upon another's freedom...

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.-"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins."

Edited by wyly
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I don't think there is "freedom of speech" in any country in the world.

I don't dare to give some of my opinions when I am here in Canada. Like some opinion on some special groups that I am sure most people will think them ridiculous in their deep mind but they simply can not talk about that in public. This is somewhat like what happened in The Emperor's New Clothes.

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I have no problem with free speech. When i first heard about this incident i thought it a bit dumb that it was canceled. I originally thought "she's a moron but should be able to talk". However, after just reading some things she's said & what she recently said to a Muslim student at the University of Western Ontario i think she is seriously bordering on hate-speech:

LONDON, Ont. -- A 17-year-old Muslim student sparked the testiest exchange and the loudest cheers and jeers at a speech by controversial U.S. conservative Ann Coulter at the University of Western Ontario Monday.

After a wide-ranging speech attacking gay rights activists, the mainstream media and the Barack Obama administration, Coulter took questions from an audience clearly divided in its support for her style of attack conservatism.

Fatima Al-Dhaher, a political science student from London, rose and spoke about comments Coulter made after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The firebrand Republican had suggested Muslim countries be invaded, their leaders killed and all Muslims converted to Christianity. She later suggested Muslims denied air travel take “flying carpets” instead.

“As a 17-year-old student of this university, Muslim, should I be converted to Christianity? Second of all, since I don’t have a magic carpet, what other modes do you suggest,” Al-Dhaher said to loud and sustained applause.

“I thought it was just American public schools that produced ignorant people,” Coulter replied, prompting her own round of applause.

Coulter then noted many Japanese were converted to Christianity after the Second World War and “we haven’t heard a peep out of them.”

To shouts of “Answer the question,” Coulter finally replied “What mode of transportation? Take a camel.”


Coulter is smart in that she knows how to get people talking and how to make a buck. But she is completely immoral as a human being. Anyone who has to say this crap to make a living is morally repugnant. Even if some of it is tongue-and-cheek.

Personally i'm glad her ugly face was denied from speaking and i want her out of this country ASAP. She can say whatever she wants in her own country but don't bring your garbage into ours. See ya Ann.

The most unfortunately thing is that this gives her even more attention that she loves and will make her more money. Its idiots like this that give Conservatives a bad name. Shame on people like Shady who pay her money to read her trash and to see her speak.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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Yeah! Another Ann Coulter thread....she is on fire!

This is exactly what we expected to happen....GO ANN!

....as for Canada and 'Nam...she was dead wrong. Canada only made billions of dollars selling war materials to the USA during the "conflict", and many individual Canadians fought and died with US forces.

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...what she recently said to a Muslim student at the University of Western Ontario i think she is seriously bordering on hate-speech

Since it was the student who begged the question...the response would have been expected....although I don't know why she didn't mention a dhow...

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Since it was the student who begged the question...the response would have been expected....although I don't know why she didn't mention a dhow...

In fact, some student's badgered Coulter for an answer, and got exactly what they deserved.

Most people don't know this, but camels are believed to have roamed North America too! :)

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More than made up for the American draft dodgers that went to Canada! Such a deal.


I estimate that of the many thousands who served in the U.S. Vietnam-era military, some 12,00 Canadians actually served in Vietnam itself.

Bad editing leaves plenty of wiggle room...1,200? ... 12,000?

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