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The Anti-Gay Republican is ...... Gay

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Anti-gay Republican Senator Roy Ashburn -- the man who was arrested last week on a DUI charge after visiting Sacramento gay bar Faces -- confirmed today that he is, in fact, a homosexual.

Sacramento Bee reports that the Senator, who has been on leave since his arrest, told KERN radio host Inga Barks in an interview this morning these simple words: "I'm gay." Ashburn went on to say, "Those are the words that have been so difficult for me for so long."

I just wanted to balance things a little more here. We see how Shady has been on the Democrat witch hunt with his posts on every little things a democrat does wrong.

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I just wanted to balance things a little more here. We see how Shady has been on the Democrat witch hunt with his posts on every little things a democrat does wrong.

Who said it was just Democrats? Remember Tom Foley from a couple of years ago? My thread was just to balance things out a little more from the previous implications. Pelosi's claim of a "culture of corruption." Well, who's culture is it now Nancy? :lol:

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Who said it was just Democrats? Remember Tom Foley from a couple of years ago? My thread was just to balance things out a little more from the previous implications. Pelosi's claim of a "culture of corruption." Well, who's culture is it now Nancy? :lol:

It's both their cultures. Both the Dems and the Reps do this in cycles. Just people don't really notice it. Both the Dems and the Reps play the same game for the public. Its not a matter of Dem or Rep, it is a matter of government(one side) and citizens (other side). Only one side is getting the shaft when you break it down like this.

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It's both their cultures. Both the Dems and the Reps do this in cycles. Just people don't really notice it. Both the Dems and the Reps play the same game for the public. Its not a matter of Dem or Rep, it is a matter of government(one side) and citizens (other side). Only one side is getting the shaft when you break it down like this.

I still think that, due to all the things they supposedly stand for, it's SO much funnier when it's republicans

Mark Foley. Ted Haggard,Larry Craig, Bob allen, and surely I'm forgetting a lot more...

A cornucopia of hypocrisy if you ask me.

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I still think that, due to all the things they supposedly stand for, it's SO much funnier when it's republicans

Mark Foley. Ted Haggard,Larry Craig, Bob allen, and surely I'm forgetting a lot more...

A cornucopia of hypocrisy if you ask me.

And laugh we should, and perhaps cry that self-denying homosexuals can get into positions of power and influence where they can do so much harm to other homosexuals, simply because of their own personal hangups.

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Reminds me of Ted Haggard.

Haggard's outing was particularly amusing, as he was Mr. "God hates gays". I guess when the money's good, the fact that you're a queer out to screw over other queers (when you're not trying to screw queers) probably seems like a decent compromise. Haggard's outing got even better when he declared himself cured. The whole thing was so transparent.

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And laugh we should, and perhaps cry that self-denying homosexuals can get into positions of power and influence where they can do so much harm to other homosexuals, simply because of their own personal hangups.

I still have a lot of trouble figuring out what people's big hang-up over homosexuality is. I understand that a lot of it comes from abstract concepts such as ''defying the sanctity of marriage'' , but still, it seems most gay-bashers are simply bestowing upon us their knee-jerk reaction to their visual interpretation of anal penetration.

Everytime I hear a hateful comment about homosexuality, it always seems to include some form of description of the physical act itself, as if THAT is really what is upsetting people.

I just can't bring myself to care about other people's relashionships , whatever they might be.

Dendro,scato pelado - as long as the preffix ain't pedo, I couldn't care less what people do in their spare time

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Haggard's outing was particularly amusing, as he was Mr. "God hates gays".

Actually no, you're completely wrong. Maybe you're thinking of somebody else? He wasn't Mr. "God hates gays." Perhaps you're thinking of that Fred Phelps guy.

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GostHacked, Roy Ashburn claimed that he was not anti-gay as such - he was simply voting as his constituents wanted. (He is not running for re-election.)

I suspect rather that Ashburn is (was) just an in-the-closet gay. As he said in public:

"I am gay," Ashburn answered. "Those are the words that have been so difficult for me for so long. But I am gay."
LA Times

I suspect that saying this in public was a tremendous relief for him. (Ashburn is divorced with four children.)

IMV, gay marriage matters much less than this.

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GostHacked, Roy Ashburn claimed that he was not anti-gay as such - he was simply voting as his constituents wanted. (He is not running for re-election.)

I suspect rather that Ashburn is (was) just an in-the-closet gay. As he said in public:LA Times

I suspect that saying this in public was a tremendous relief for him. (Ashburn is divorced with four children.)

IMV, gay marriage matters much less than this.

Yes a relief because he can be who he is now. He voted for his constituents, but voted against himself then. Obviously this created conflict within him and he could not vote the way people want him to vote now. So he can't seek reelection. I suspect he would lose even if he did run. Now he has to correct his mistakes,

But he was as anti-gay as his constituents wanted him to vote that way and he voted that way. He must have been a very sad man.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Anti-Gay Republican is ...... Gay

Why would a gay person wish to be a Republican? Gays know that their party is the Democrats. This guy felt he had to vote against his conscience. He should have run as a Democrat and he could have voted with his conscience and could have even remained in the closet.

Why do gays insist on hiding in Republican clothes?

I'll take that 10$ off you Eyeball. I'll PM you my email address.

Edited by Pliny
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