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Dear Bob

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Dear Bob,

I note that you are currently running for the vacant seat of Ottawa West Nepean in the upcoming Ontario byelection. As the second most bland man ever to sit in the mayor's chair in Ottawa's history (no one beats Jim Watson) I wonder if you could answer a few questions for me.

When your new boss, Dalton McGuinty took office some six and a half years ago, he promised drsstic improvements in health care. To this end, he broke his promise not to raise taxes in order, he stated, to raise the money needed to improve health care.

Bob, six and a half years ago Ottawa had the longest waits for MRIs in the province. It STILL has the longest waits in the provinces, and they have grown longer, not shorter. Do you think a 1 year wait for an MRI is acceptable, Bob?

Bob, when the Liberals took office, ten hour waits for urgent care at Ottawa's emergency rooms was standard. It is still standard, with no visible improvements in wait times whatever. Bob, do you think it's acceptable for someone with a broken arm to wait 10 hours for treament?

Recently, Ottawa hospitals announced that they were being forced to postpone surgeries because of overcrowding. Subsequently, they announced they would soon be laying off five percent of their nurses due to budget shortfalls.

Dear Bob, please do tell me again about the wonderful job your party has done for health care in Ontario, and in Ottawa in particular.

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Dear Bob,

I note that you are currently running for the vacant seat of Ottawa West Nepean in the upcoming Ontario byelection. As the second most bland man ever to sit in the mayor's chair in Ottawa's history (no one beats Jim Watson) I wonder if you could answer a few questions for me.

When your new boss, Dalton McGuinty took office some six and a half years ago, he promised drsstic improvements in health care. To this end, he broke his promise not to raise taxes in order, he stated, to raise the money needed to improve health care.

Bob, six and a half years ago Ottawa had the longest waits for MRIs in the province. It STILL has the longest waits in the provinces, and they have grown longer, not shorter. Do you think a 1 year wait for an MRI is acceptable, Bob?

Bob, when the Liberals took office, ten hour waits for urgent care at Ottawa's emergency rooms was standard. It is still standard, with no visible improvements in wait times whatever. Bob, do you think it's acceptable for someone with a broken arm to wait 10 hours for treament?

Recently, Ottawa hospitals announced that they were being forced to postpone surgeries because of overcrowding. Subsequently, they announced they would soon be laying off five percent of their nurses due to budget shortfalls.

Dear Bob, please do tell me again about the wonderful job your party has done for health care in Ontario, and in Ottawa in particular.

You need to submit this to the Ottawa Citizen. I'd also mail him this in letter form every week until you get a response.

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Dear Bob,

I note that you are currently running for the vacant seat of Ottawa West Nepean in the upcoming Ontario byelection. As the second most bland man ever to sit in the mayor's chair in Ottawa's history (no one beats Jim Watson) I wonder if you could answer a few questions for me.

When your new boss, Dalton McGuinty took office some six and a half years ago, he promised drsstic improvements in health care. To this end, he broke his promise not to raise taxes in order, he stated, to raise the money needed to improve health care.

Bob, six and a half years ago Ottawa had the longest waits for MRIs in the province. It STILL has the longest waits in the provinces, and they have grown longer, not shorter. Do you think a 1 year wait for an MRI is acceptable, Bob?

Bob, when the Liberals took office, ten hour waits for urgent care at Ottawa's emergency rooms was standard. It is still standard, with no visible improvements in wait times whatever. Bob, do you think it's acceptable for someone with a broken arm to wait 10 hours for treament?

Recently, Ottawa hospitals announced that they were being forced to postpone surgeries because of overcrowding. Subsequently, they announced they would soon be laying off five percent of their nurses due to budget shortfalls.

Dear Bob, please do tell me again about the wonderful job your party has done for health care in Ontario, and in Ottawa in particular.

Good for you. I have posted about McGuinty's absolutely shitty record on these things. Go back to the campaign that made him premier and get some of his promises from then. Incredibly, the people of Ontario don't hold him to any of these promises.

It's not rocket science - it's a simple problem of managing basic services, and yet ER waiting lists don't show much improvement. ( That is, when the Ontario government blesses us with morsels of information. )

All Ontarians should be angry with this, not just Conservatives. I protested against Harris, but at least he did something. McGuinty is not any better, it's just the other side of the coin to slash and burn management.

Can we have some intelligence for once ?

Again, good for you for writing this Argus.

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All Ontarians should be angry with this, not just Conservatives. I protested against Harris, but at least he did something. McGuinty is not any better, it's just the other side of the coin to slash and burn management.

Why should I be angry with a 1 year wait time for an MRI in Ottawa? I am sure there is a triage method to determine who goes first. Besides, as BC has already pointed out, Watertown, NY is a couple of hours drive south from Ottawa. Why wait? Go to Watertown.

However, I find it interesting that Harris actually "did something." Did he make the MRI wait times in Ottawa spectacular or were they just as sh*tty?

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Why should I be angry with a 1 year wait time for an MRI in Ottawa? I am sure there is a triage method to determine who goes first.

I would not be happy to hear the wait for an MRI was a year in Hamilton or Vancouver. Any wait beyond a couple of weeks for a medically necessary disagnostic tool is completely unacceptable. The fact there has been no improvement in six and a half years indicates a rather lax interest in solving the problem.

Besides, as BC has already pointed out, Watertown, NY is a couple of hours drive south from Ottawa. Why wait? Go to Watertown.

Not everyone has thousands of dollars to do that. Not everyone even has bus fare to get there.

Do you think people with broken limbs should hop on a bus for Watertown too, rather than enduring ten or twelve hour waits in Ottawa emergency rooms?

12hr wait for treatment for Waterloo Prof

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The fact there has been no improvement in six and a half years indicates a rather lax interest in solving the problem.

But you said "Harris did something..." Well, what did he actually do to improve the MRI wait times in Ottawa? Were they any better than they are now? You are saying that McGuinty hasn't showed any interest in "solving the problem" so are you saying that what Harris actually did was cause the problem?

And no, people with broken limbs shouldn't be hopping at all.

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But you said "Harris did something..." Well, what did he actually do to improve the MRI wait times in Ottawa? Were they any better than they are now? You are saying that McGuinty hasn't showed any interest in "solving the problem" so are you saying that what Harris actually did was cause the problem?

And no, people with broken limbs shouldn't be hopping at all.

You're missing the point. During Harris' reign the MRI wait times weren't an issue. What Harris DID do was to make declarations of his intentions during his campaign and when in office actually DID them!

McGuinty has been nothing like Harris. There are websites that track hundreds of his broken promises, for Pete's Sake! A google will give you pages of them but here's just one showing the Top 50:


The point is that McGuinty doing nothing for all those years about the MRI wait times is perfectly consistent with his style of governing. He gets away with it by being careful to appeal to the province as a whole while pissing off people only in small areas. The Caledonia protests, the Ottawa MRI wait times, the closing of a hospital in Port Colbourne, these all tend to be ignored by people who don't actually live there.

Since he has enjoyed having an Opposition that has had no strong leader he's gotten away with it! Until and unless the smaller pockets of aggravation grow large enough to matter to the province as a whole he has a winning strategy.

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Many Liberals smeared Bob Rae's Liberal leadeership bid because he's married to a Jew. Many socialists don't like Jews but claim to not be anti-semetic. Even though they wish Israel never existed....doesn't make sense to me either.

I'm half Jewish by the way and plan to retire in Israel or at least spend some time there. Nice and right wing. It'll feel like heaven to me I'm sure.

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Many Liberals smeared Bob Rae's Liberal leadeership bid because he's married to a Jew. Many socialists don't like Jews but claim to not be anti-semetic. Even though they wish Israel never existed....doesn't make sense to me either.

Yes, I hear people shriek this race-baiting nonsense all the time.

No evidence is ever, ever supplied. I wonder why.

You want to see some anti-semitism, go visit some hardcore White nationalist sites. It's in your face and unmistakeable.

They're all utterly right-wing.

But they DO despise Arabs too, so at least you got that.

I'm half Jewish by the way and plan to retire in Israel or at least spend some time there. Nice and right wing. It'll feel like heaven to me I'm sure.

There are too many liberal Jews for you to ever feel at home. In fact, the Jewish people have the greatest majority of social liberals of any other specified group.

Surely you're aware that right-wing Jews are forever whining about this fact? About the profoundly liberal nature of the Jewish people?

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Yes, I hear people shriek this race-baiting nonsense all the time.

No evidence is ever, ever supplied. I wonder why.

You want to see some anti-semitism, go visit some hardcore White nationalist sites. It's in your face and unmistakeable.

They're all utterly right-wing.

But they DO despise Arabs too, so at least you got that.

Go over to Rabble.ca it's a socialist/communist type bb. They despise Israel and think that it doesn't have any right to defend it and think the Arabs should be allowed to wander around unchecked. It's Arabs who are blowing people up with suicide bombings.

If you even mention anything in support of Israel, you get banned.

So socialists/communists hate Israel and don't think it has any right to exist therefore they hate Jews. Can't have one without the other I'm afraid.

The left wing isn't so stupid to do it in your face style they mask it carefully. Hide it. Remeber the outrage when Sid Ryan, your hero publicly slandered Israel and pledged his support for the Arabs instead? He almost lost his job.

That was the last time I can remember that the left wing said anything in public that wasn't vieled. Since then they're very careful.

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Go over to Rabble.ca it's a socialist/communist type bb. They despise Israel and think that it doesn't have any right to defend it and think the Arabs should be allowed to wander around unchecked. It's Arabs who are blowing people up with suicide bombings.

If you even mention anything in support of Israel, you get banned.

So socialists/communists hate Israel and don't think it has any right to exist therefore they hate Jews. Can't have one without the other I'm afraid.

Yes, you certainly can. I would consider it a terribly misguided view--also unfair, since the view would apply to numerous, numerous countries. But it is not an inherently anti-semitic view.

The left wing isn't so stupid to do it in your face style they mask it carefully. Hide it. Remeber the outrage when Sid Ryan, your hero publicly slandered Israel and pledged his support for the Arabs instead? He almost lost his job.

That was the last time I can remember that the left wing said anything in public that wasn't vieled. Since then they're very careful.

A couple of points:

First of all, you're undoubtedly correct that there are leftist anti-semites who carefully veil their views.

There are right-wing anti-semites; there are moderate anti-semites. It has nothing specifically to do with "the left."

Second, there does not exist some monolithic entity called "the left" who are all expert at concealing their views. Much less is there a Left entirely or almost entirely composed of folks who hate the Jewish people. That might be a comforting view to those who have a hate/obssession with the Left, but it's ridiculous nonsense. Surely you will realize this if you honestly consider the matter for even a few seconds.

Finally, like I said, the overwhelming majority of anti-semites are Right wing. There's no bloody comparison. It's true they dislike lots of other people; but most of them spare their deepest hatreds for Jews and blacks.

I can't believe you don't know this.

And I'm not sure why you're angrier at a tiny minority of lefties who might hate the Jews...rather than a huge number of right-wingers who definitely and incontestably hate the Jews.

I think your "principles" on matters of anti-semitism have a lot more to do with partisanship, and with leftie-hating, than anything else.

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Finally, like I said, the overwhelming majority of anti-semites are Right wing. There's no bloody comparison. It's true they dislike lots of other people; but most of them spare their deepest hatreds for Jews and blacks.

While that might once have been an undeniable fact I do not believe it is nowadays. The people on the right you are describing have always been an extreme minority. I mean, yes there are "white nationalist" web sites, but how many people can actually be described as in any way supporting that extremist kind of view? How many demonstrations do they put on, for example? I'm unaware of any making the news, simply because there aren't enough of them to form a mob.

There are, however, an awful lot of extremists on the left who have come to identify Israel as this great, evil militarist oppressive regime affiliated closely with the great satan (the US), and they despise everything about it with nary a thought or justification behind their despite. Many of them, the dumber ones, transfer this intense ideological dislike onto Jews because A, they perceive most Jews as supporting Israel, and B, they perceive most Jews as being capitalistic in nature and part of the borgeoisie, if you will - so two strikes against them.

Their anti-semitism is differently sourced but has much the same result, ie, a sneering contempt for Jews based largely on their own views of morality. For as we've seen, many on the Left attach a sense of morality to social policy issues in that they perceive those who oppose them on those issues as inherently immoral/evil etc.

So, there being far more leftist radicals than rightest radicals, they do have the numbers to form mobs and to become violent when, for example, some Israeli comes to visit to give a lecture, say, or they want to hold a series of lectures and gatherings to heap abuse on Israel, or demand the university not have any dealings with Israeli universities or scholars.

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While that might once have been an undeniable fact I do not believe it is nowadays. The people on the right you are describing have always been an extreme minority. I mean, yes there are "white nationalist" web sites, but how many people can actually be described as in any way supporting that extremist kind of view? How many demonstrations do they put on, for example? I'm unaware of any making the news, simply because there aren't enough of them to form a mob.

There are, however, an awful lot of extremists on the left who have come to identify Israel as this great, evil militarist oppressive regime affiliated closely with the great satan (the US), and they despise everything about it with nary a thought or justification behind their despite. Many of them, the dumber ones, transfer this intense ideological dislike onto Jews because A, they perceive most Jews as supporting Israel, and B, they perceive most Jews as being capitalistic in nature and part of the borgeoisie, if you will - so two strikes against them.

Their anti-semitism is differently sourced but has much the same result, ie, a sneering contempt for Jews based largely on their own views of morality. For as we've seen, many on the Left attach a sense of morality to social policy issues in that they perceive those who oppose them on those issues as inherently immoral/evil etc.

So, there being far more leftist radicals than rightest radicals, they do have the numbers to form mobs and to become violent when, for example, some Israeli comes to visit to give a lecture, say, or they want to hold a series of lectures and gatherings to heap abuse on Israel, or demand the university not have any dealings with Israeli universities or scholars.

But you are conflating criticism with Israel with anti-semitism. It's a cheap ploy. (And yes, it is a conscious ploy, for debate losers who wish to steal some "moral high ground" through deceit, race-baiting, and name-calling.)

Even those who are extremely vehement about Israel, or who wildly overstate its wrongdoing, or who are outright lunatics on the subject--this still is not evidence (not even faint evidence) for antisemitism.

Israel is a country. It is a geopolitical entity. It is fair game for criticism; and while much of the criticism can be wrong...that does not make it sinister.

This should all be obvious enough, I would think.

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But you are conflating criticism with Israel with anti-semitism. It's a cheap ploy. (And yes, it is a conscious ploy, for debate losers who wish to steal some "moral high ground" through deceit, race-baiting, and name-calling.)

No, I'm pointing out that while not everyone who hates Israel is an anti-semite, all anti-semites hate Israel. And that this hatred is pretty universal among the radical Left - which itself is a much more sizeable group than the "radical right" if you will.

Even those who are extremely vehement about Israel, or who wildly overstate its wrongdoing, or who are outright lunatics on the subject--this still is not evidence (not even faint evidence) for antisemitism.

No? Perhaps you might inquire sometime as to what their motivation is for wildly overstating Israel's wrongdoing.

Israel is a country. It is a geopolitical entity.

Yes, but it is also a Jewish state. You can certainly criticise Israel's behaviour, as I have done, as long as it's in context. Israel has done a lot of things I haven't approved of, a lot of dumb things, frankly, and it has a lot of nasty people within its borders - largely the product of being a people at war for generations. When people "wildly oversstate" Israel's wrongdoing, though, and have no background of showing much concern with human rights violations elsewhere, one has to ask whether the expessed concern is because of the desire to protest at human rights violations, or simply the desire to protest against a Jewish state.

And we can clearly see in the rising number of anti-semitic incidents and some of the statements which come from people involved in that the same crowd which despises Israel that they have no particular love of Jews either. To state there is no evidence of anti-semitism approaches willful blindness in my opinion.

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No, I'm pointing out that while not everyone who hates Israel is an anti-semite, all anti-semites hate Israel. And that this hatred is pretty universal among the radical Left - which itself is a much more sizeable group than the "radical right" if you will.

the "hatred" is not sizeable; the criticism is sizeable.

No? Perhaps you might inquire sometime as to what their motivation is for wildly overstating Israel's wrongdoing.

There's no reason to jump to the conclusion that it's anti-semitic.

No doubt you;re aware of the deep animosity expressed towards the United States. As someone with harsh views of its polciies myself, I nonetheless think some of the criticisms, not to mention the vitriol, are out of line.

But there's no specific "hatred" that can be levelled at them (beyond the relatively bland "America -hater.") And "anti-semite" and "America-hater" are two extremely different indictiments.

In other words, most peopel who seem to be more than usually-enraged at Israel...say, disproportionately enraged at Israel...are of the same kind.

It's not Jew-hating. It's rage at a country.

When people "wildly oversstate" Israel's wrongdoing, though, and have no background of showing much concern with human rights violations elsewhere, one has to ask whether the expessed concern is because of the desire to protest at human rights violations, or simply the desire to protest against a Jewish state.

but I think your premise is mistaken. In my experience, most leftists have a handful of interests (or obssessions, for the angrier ones); for example, I have lots of criticism for Israel, but my focus is more on Canada and the United States. Others are fascianted with identity politics and Iranian democratic youth movements.

Now, it sems to be true that Israel is a sort of common ground for heavy criticism...but then, so is the United Sattes. Moreso, in fact. And whatever one thinksof America's loudest critics, bigotry of any definable type (like anti-semitism) is very, very rarely the impetus, or even an element.

Same with Israel.

And we can clearly see in the rising number of anti-semitic incidents and some of the statements which come from people involved in that the same crowd which despises Israel that they have no particular love of Jews either. To state there is no evidence of anti-semitism approaches willful blindness in my opinion.

But I don't think there is no evidence of antisemitism. I think there is evidence of antisemitism. But I'll put it this way:

1. Antisemitism has nothing specifically to DO with the left...even though there are leftist antisemites. There are rightwing and, yes, moderate antisemites too. I don't think any Jewish person would dispute me on this (except maybe for Horowitzian ideologues, that is.)

2. I think other bigotries, like anti-Arab hatreds, are much more prevalent.

3. I think the label "anti-semite", while clearly a genuine and worrisome concern for some, is nothing more than a rhetorical tool for others.

Although, Argus, i 100% retract my earlier insinuation about yourself on this matter. You are plainly sincere. Peace.

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As I expected.

The riding of Ottawa West-Nepean remains painted Liberal red.

The governing Liberals held on to the riding previously held by former cabinet minister Jim Watson.

Bob Chiarelli won the provincial byelection, receiving 43 per cent of the vote.

Progressive Conservative candidate Beth Graham received 39 per cent of the vote.


In the 2007 Ontario general election, Liberal Jim Watson got 50.6% of the vote to PC Mike Patton's 31.7%.


McGuinty must be wondering how come he can get away with so much and not be penalized. No forget that. McGuinty must be thinking to himself "I'm King of Ontari-a-rio".

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The NDp and other left wing type socialists are just better at hiding their anti-Semitism. The NDP party as a whole are devided on the whole Arab-Jew situation.

In 2006, at the party's convention in Quebec City, a motion that was highly critical of Israel, and which called Hezbollah a "recognized political party", was brought forward and supported by nearly 90% of delegates. Judy Wasylycia-Leis, the Winnipeg MP, was roundly booed when she expressed her concern that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization.

Here we can see this divide in all its glory. This doesn't appear to be a party that is high on its tolerance. Hezbollah is a "recognized political party"? Give us a break. Oh but wait that's not anti-semetic at all. Hezbollah is the group that calls for the destruction of Israel. They've carried out many suicide bombings against Jews, they've hijacked passenger jets, performed several kiddnappings. Attacks Israel on a number of occassions with rocket attacks. Aside from all that 90% of the NDp at that conference supported Hezbollah. Yet people here still claim that they're not anti-Semetic. Yeah, sure.

By contrast, Mr. Mulcair is a defender of Israel's right to defend itself. Not only is his wife Jewish but her parents are Holocaust survivors. He and other pro-Israel New Democrats like Ms. Wasylycia-Leis and Pat Martin led a caucus revolt against Mr. Layton two years ago, after the NDP criticized the Conservative government for boycotting the United Nations Conference on Racism in Geneva, dubbed by its critics "Durban 2". At the time, one MP said the party was in danger of being "hi-jacked" by extremists.

The NDP and thus the left is quite divided on the issue as many of its members don't know where to turn. Too bad.

The radical left is dominated by union leaders like former CUPE Ontario head Sid Ryan, who tried to ban Israeli professors from visiting Canadian universities, and academics like Trent University philosophy professor Michael Neumann, who considers Israel an "illegitimate state" that wants to implement a "kinder, gentler genocide" on the Palestinians.

Quote source and Full Story here.

How can we forgot the rantings of Sid Ryan. Wanting to ban Jewish professors from visiting Canadian Universities. If this isn't antisemitism I don't know what is. Yes he's hiding it behind a cloak of criticism of Israel but we all know what his really is.

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I guess people seem to prefer listless peace rather than upheaval.

I prefer issues get faced and solved. I recognize that sometimes solutions fail, but failing to even address the issue isn't going to allow for even an attempt at success.

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I prefer issues get faced and solved. I recognize that sometimes solutions fail, but failing to even address the issue isn't going to allow for even an attempt at success.

Me too. I'll even tip the hat to my Conservative mates in that they get upset when government doesn't work. More left-of-centres should do that, rather than shrugging as they do.

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