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to the OP... AGW Backdown... no way, no how!

Climate Scientist Sues National Post for Libel

University of Victoria Professor Andrew Weaver Seeks Unprecedented Order to Remove Stories That "Poison" the Internet

University of Victoria Professor Andrew Weaver, the Canada Research Chair in Climate Modelling and Analysis, launched a lawsuit today in BC Supreme Court against three writers at The National Post (and the newspaper as a whole), over a series of unjustified libels based on grossly irresponsible falsehoods that have gone viral on the Internet.

In a statement released at the same time the suit was filed, Dr. Weaver said, "I asked The National Post to do the right thing – to retract a number of recent articles that attributed to me statements I never made, accused me of things I never did, and attacked me for views I never held. To my absolute astonishment, the newspaper refused."

Dr. Weaver's statement of claim not only asks for a Court injunction requiring The National Post to remove all of the false allegations from its Internet websites, but also seeks an unprecedented Court order requiring the newspaper to assist Dr. Weaver in removing the defamatory National Post articles from the many other Internet sites where they have been re-posted.

"If I sit back and do nothing to clear my name, these libels will stay on the Internet forever. They'll poison the factual record, misleading people who are looking for reliable scientific information about global warming," said Weaver.

The suit names Financial Post Editor Terence Corcoran, columnist Peter Foster, reporter Kevin Libin and National Post publisher Gordon Fisher, as well as several still-unidentified editors and copy editors. It seeks general, aggravated damages, special and exemplary damages and legal costs in relation to articles by Foster on December 9, 2009 ("Weaver's Web"), Corcoran on December 10, 2009 ("Weaver's Web II") and January 27, 2010 ("Climate Agency going up in flames"), and Libin on February 2, 2010 ("So much for pure science").

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....discussion around volcanic CO2 impact is simply in the context that it has often been the denier premise/argument that mankind's CO2 contribution paled in comparison to those of volcanoes... of course, an outrageously false denier premise/argument.

Tell that to the folks at Scientific American:

Volcanoes killed with global warming, 200 million years ago

When Pangaea finally broke up, some 200 million years ago, the result was a lot of heat. Specifically, volcanism, as enormous flows of basalt burst to the surface, ultimately covering more than nine million square kilometers. It wasn't just the death of a supercontinent; it was also one of Earth's five major extinction eventsand the one that paved the way for the dinosaurs


Sorry global warming climate change worshippers....volcanism counts.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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:lol: what? Are you back for round 2 over volcanoes? Would you like a spot this time? Should I link to a few of those late December MLW posts that shined on some of your finest shuck n' jive and back-peddling moments over your obvious ignorance on volcanoes?

Nope...you thought no one would notice...but they're back to the future.

It is your shuck and jive that has suffered most since then.

Volcanism counts more than you want it to....for obvious reasons.

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Counts for all that has come before and after on a time scale that laughs at your puny human concerns. ;)

well gollee - colour me gobsmacked. I truly thought you were looking for a do-over!

as for your laughing time scale, it's always revealing when a true denier revels in his glazed over flashback glory, hearkening back to the 'big one', a mere 200 million years ago. Meanwhile... back in puny human's reality world of today.....

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hey now!!!

Climate effects on volcanism: influence on magmatic systems of loading and unloading from ice mass variations, with examples from Iceland

abstract: Pressure influences both magma production and the failure of magma chambers. Changes in pressure interact with the local tectonic settings and can affect magmatic activity. Present-day reduction in ice load on sub-glacial volcanoes due to global warming is modifying pressure conditions in magmatic systems. The large pulse in volcanic production at the end of the last glaciation in Iceland suggests a link between unloading and volcanism, and models of that process can help to evaluate future scenarios. A viscoelastic model of glacio-isostatic adjustment that considers melt generation demonstrates how surface unloading may lead to a pulse in magmatic activity. Iceland’s ice caps have been thinning since 1890 and glacial rebound at rates exceeding 20 mm yr−1 is ongoing. Modeling predicts a significant amount of ‘additional’ magma generation under Iceland due to ice retreat. The unloading also influences stress conditions in shallow magma chambers, modifying their failure conditions in a manner that depends critically on ice retreat, the shape and depth of magma chambers as well as the compressibility of the magma. An annual cycle of land elevation in Iceland, due to seasonal variation of ice mass, indicates an annual modulation of failure conditions in sub-glacial magma chambers.
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So what you are saying is that global warming is a self-limiting process because faster warming stimulates more volcanoes which emit particulates and thereby reduce incoming radiant flux? Lol couldn't resist.

Personally I think the impact of small changes in the climate on volcanism can safely be neglected. There is only a finite (and small) number of volcanoes, and only a limited number of them will change stability due to loading or unloading of an ice mass above them. Additionally, any volcanoes that are prone to losing stability due to variation of ice mass would be more affected by the annual seasonal variation since cyclical loading is so much more damaging to mechanical systems than static loading (which is how warming over the scale of decades/centuries would appear in comparison to the annual variation).

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to the OP... AGW Backdown... no way, no how!

Climate Scientist Sues National Post for Libel

This lawsuit will go nowhere. We all know that AGW true-believer scientists like to silence dissenting views within their own industry. But luckily, freedom of speech prohibits them from silencing others who reside outside of their sphere of influence and silence. This is as pathetic as Michael Mann attempting to remove all of the 'hide the decline' videos from YouTube.

It's just another example of the fascist type behavior these degenerates participate in. They only want their views to be reflected in society, and anything countering their views is systematically shut down.

Thank God freedom of speech can't be "peer reviewed" out of existence.

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LOL. I knew it was just a matter of time before volcanic eruptions would also be blamed on so-called climate change! :lol:

Prediction: Earthquakes will be the next natural phenomenon to be "discovered" to be influenced by so-called climate change. Mark my words. Some crackpot AGW true-believer scientist will come up with a study somewhere, somehow. And zealots like Michael Mann and Phil Jones will make sure it's "peer reviewed" into the mainstream.

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to the OP... AGW Backdown... no way, no how!

Climate Scientist Sues National Post for Libel

I don't see how he can lose...newspapers can't hide behind freedom of the press or speech when it comes to libel...this is no different than the Tabloids in the US get sued when they libel movie stars, apologize, correct the misinformation and pay the damage$...I can understand the resistance the N Post is on shaky ground financially a big settlement could do it in, but that's what happens when a tabloid masquerades as a Newspaper.. Edited by wyly
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I don't see how he can lose

Of course you don't. But libel is very hard to prove. It's not just that something incorrect was written, but that the writer specifically knew that it was wrong. You almost have to prove somebody's thoughts.

However, when it comes to thought policing, I wouldn't put anything past the AGW crowd.

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to the OP... AGW Backdown... no way, no how!

Climate Scientist Sues National Post for Libel

I don't see how he can lose...newspapers can't hide behind freedom of the press or speech when it comes to libel...this is no different than the Tabloids in the US get sued when they libel movie stars, apologize, correct the misinformation and pay the damage$...I can understand the resistance the N Post is on shaky ground financially a big settlement could do it in, but that's what happens when a tabloid masquerades as a Newspaper..

there's a continued pattern with the National Post... I recently made note of the apology/retraction they were forced to issue in regards another prominent scientist - Nigel Weiss, professor of astrophysics at the University of Cambridge:

"National Post: Apology to Dr. Nigel Weiss

Nigel Weiss, professor of astrophysics at the University of Cambridge, believes that the warming trend in Earth's climate is caused by greenhouse gases produced by human activity, and that the effect of a potential future reduction in solar activity would not reverse or cancel out that trend, but might have a small effect in mitigating it. He has held these views for several years. Incorrect information appeared in a column in the Financial Post on Feb. 2. The National Post withdraws any allegation that Dr. Weiss is a global warming "denier" and regrets the embarrassment caused him by the Feb. 2 column and a further column on Feb. 9."

yes, the National Post has a storied history of parroting the climate denial side, particularly highlighting the failed writings of Lorne Gunter, Lawrence Solomon, Ross McKitrick, etc. Here's a rather interesting summation of the National Post as, "the Canadian contrarian newspaper of record for intellectual dishonesty, factual distortion and sheer volume of misinformation.":

Those who follow various media battles about climate science and policy are undoubtedly familiar with the nonsensical and scurrilous commentary to be found in the Wall Street Journal, and even in major dailies like the Washington Post. But no other North American daily newspaper can come close to the Canadian contrarian newspaper of record for intellectual dishonesty, factual distortion and sheer volume of misinformation.

I’m speaking, of course, of the Toronto-based National Post, which provides a home to such climate “experts” as Lorne Gunter, Peter Foster and Terence Corcoran, as well as a platform for notable Canadian contrarians such as faux-environmentalist Lawrence Solomon (of “The Deniers” fame) and economist and climate gadfly Ross McKitrick.

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This is as pathetic as Michael Mann attempting to remove all of the 'hide the decline' videos from YouTube.

It's just another example of the fascist type behavior these degenerates participate in. They only want their views to be reflected in society, and anything countering their views is systematically shut down.

Thank God freedom of speech can't be "peer reviewed" out of existence.

or my! Your darling of fabricated climate denial misinformation, TV weatherman Anthony Watts, won't like you referring to him as a, "degenerate participating in fascist type behaviour", for his much publicized attempt to have this 'Crock of the Week' video pulled from YouTube. :lol:

apparently, highlighting the NOAA refutations to Watts' failed surfacestations.org lunacy didn't sit well with Watts... off course, Watts has taken additional beat downs over and above those highlighted within this earlier video, most particularly those that have demolished his SPPI idiocy.

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I recently made note of the apology/retraction they were forced to issue in regards another prominent scientist

Do you make notes of all the apology/retractions from the IPCC as well? :lol: Probably not. :rolleyes:

Challenge to IPCC's Bangladesh climate predictions

Scientists in Bangladesh posed a fresh challenge to the UN’s top climate change panel Thursday, saying its doomsday forecasts for the country in the body’s landmark 2007 report were overblown.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), already under fire for errors in the 2007 report, had said a one-metre (three-foot) rise in sea levels would flood 17 percent of Bangladesh and create 20 million refugees by 2050.


or my! Your darling of fabricated climate denial misinformation, TV weatherman Anthony Watts, won't like you referring to him as a, "degenerate participating in fascist type behaviour", for his much publicized attempt to have this 'Crock of the Week' video pulled from YouTube. :lol:

And your defense of their behavior is amusing. AGW "scientists" can participate in fascist type behavior because you claim some skeptics do. Wow, that's quite a standard you hold your heros to! :lol: No wonder nobody trusts them anymore!

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Prediction: Earthquakes will be the next natural phenomenon to be "discovered" to be influenced by so-called climate change. Mark my words.

oh twitless one, your "hindcast predictions" carry no-weight or significance :lol:

try to keep up, oh inconsequential lil' buddy! Hardly new - but here's a relatively recent one for you to squirm over... duck Shady, scientists incoming!!!


In a new study, NASA and United States Geological Survey (USGS) scientists found that retreating glaciers in southern Alaska may be opening the way for future earthquakes.

The study examined the likelihood of increased earthquake activity in southern Alaska as a result of rapidly melting glaciers. As glaciers melt they lighten the load on the Earth's crust. Tectonic plates, that are mobile pieces of the Earth's crust, can then move more freely. The study appears

in the July issue of the Journal of Global and Planetary Change.

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Do you make notes of all the apology/retractions from the IPCC as well? :lol: Probably not. :rolleyes:

clearly you feel threatened and need to deflect away from criticisms of your darling denial rag, the National Post. Interesting you feel so emboldened over possible sea-level rise affects to Bangladesh... on the basis of a single study/paper.

And your defense of their behavior is amusing. AGW "scientists" can participate in fascist type behavior because you claim some skeptics do. Wow, that's quite a standard you hold your heros to! :lol: No wonder nobody trusts them anymore!

no defense is necessary in regards any of your spurious claims... highlighting the Watts attempt to remove the YouTube video was simply a rather convenient outlet to allow you to eat your own words concerning, as you said, "a degenerate participating in fascist type behaviour"... poor Anthony Watts, suffering the righteous indignation of a Shady put down :lol:

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Shady!!! No AGWvbackdown, none, whatsoever!

Newsflash... GSA - Geological Society of America just issues a revised positional statement on climate change:

At a meeting of the Council held on 17 April 2010, The Geological Society of America approved a consensus statement on climate change science.

“Decades of scientific research have shown that climate can change from both natural and anthropogenic causes. The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse-gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s. If current trends continue, the projected increase in global temperature by the end of the twenty-first century will result in large impacts on humans and other species. Addressing the challenges posed by climate change will require a combination of adaptation to the changes that are likely to occur and global reductions of CO2 emissions from anthropogenic sources.

Recommendations in the statement relate to the need for effective strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, for comprehensive planning to address challenges posed by future climate change, and research to improve understanding of climate change effects.

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However, when it comes to thought policing, I wouldn't put anything past the AGW crowd.

I was mostly joking about the thought policing, but once again, I'm proven correct.

Sally Weintrobe will examine the unconscious motivations behind people’s responses to climate change. She will explore some of the underlying reasons for the current level of denial of climate change and will suggest ways forward towards greater engagement.


Ok, since my prediction of thought police actually came true, I'll make a new one. The AGW true-believers will move to ban climate change denial, the same way Germany already has laws banning holocaust denial. Mark my words.

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:lol: a psychoanalyst, with a past emphasis writing in regards to greed, entitlement and grievance, opts to present a talk on, "examining the unconscious motivations behind people’s responses to climate change". A talk described with intentions to, "explore some of the underlying reasons for the current level of denial of climate change." A talk stated to, "suggest ways forward towards greater engagement.".

yes, clearly, in a Shady world, discussion, examination, exploration and engagement seeking, are the hallmarks of "thought policing". Shady, from a strictly clinical attachment, does any kind of analysis of human psychological functioning and behavior constitute "thought policing"... or just one that might choose to consider the motivations behind a, "denial of climate change"?

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CO2 from volcanoes is a moot point. Volcano eruptions actually cool the earth through their discharge of particulate matter that reflects sunlight back into space:

Exactly, although i'm not sure the CO2 effect is moot. Probably both have a factor in the cooling.

Particulate matter cooling the planet has been shown before, and on other planets as well. Mars has periodic dust storms that cover the whole planet, which are not causes by volcanoes but by large winds that whip up dust from the planet's surface. Decades ago, when a NASA space probe went through the storm to the surface, the surface temp was much cooler than what scientists anticipated. This also

brought more credence to the "nuclear winter" theory that was receiving attention at the time.

Mars dust storms

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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Oil wells are burning in the gulf..once out they spew forth poison that kills billions of sea creatures and effects millions of people in a negative way..Palin wants to be president...what's going on here..we can't contain the oil we suck from the ground and are now considering giving the highest office in the world to a cartoon character...Mission control - instanity is taking over.

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Oh the irony!!! :lol:

Another polar rescue must send chills down spines of alarmists

Tom Smitheringale wanted to prove the world was warming. Now he's another alarmist with frostbite.

Indeed, he wanted to see the North Pole while it was still there: "Some scientists have even estimated that the polar ice cap will have entirely melted away by 2014!"

But Antarctica isn't melting away, and Arctic ice has slowly increased since its big low in 1997.

Two weeks ago he nearly called off his trek after suffering excruciating pain in his fingers and thumbs, forcing him to call in emergency help.

Last year it was British eco-explorer Pen Hadow and his two-person team who had to be flown out mid-stunt, after battling brutal sub-zero weather conditions that gave the team's photographer frostbite.

The year before, eco-adventurer Lewis Gordon Pugh was similarly thwarted.

He'd planned to kayak 1200km to the North Pole to raise awareness of how global warming had allegedly melted the ice sheet so badly that scientists warned the North Pole that summer could be ice-free.

No such luck. Pugh had to pull out, still 1000km from the finish, when a great barrier of sea ice blocked his route.

The year before gave even more farcical entertainment.

"Explorers and educators" Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen said they were off on what reporters described as "a historic 75-day expedition to the North Pole and beyond to raise awareness of global warming's impact on the fragile Arctic".

It turned out that what was fragile was not the Arctic but the alarmists, who had to call off their big trip not long after it started, when Arnesen suffered frostbite in three of her toes, and extreme cold drained their batteries.


Can we at least pass a law. That if these global warming idiots want to continue to trek to the Arctic, they at least pay for their rescue. :angry:

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