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The culture of dishonesty


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Youtube and the internet in general is just alternative media.

It is important whether 9/11 was in inside job or not. It had global effects.

Two wars had started as a result of this event.

Who shot JFK? ...who cares....he's frickin' dead already.

I care, many other people care.

I'm not saying i'm an expert or everyone on youtube is an expert. That doesn't mean you can discredit everything on the internet. There are too many questions circling around 9/11 without answers. An actual investigation needs to be held.

How did a passport from one of the terrorist survive the explosion but none of the black boxes on the planes did?

You guys have way too much of faith in the government.

I don't even want to bother, I can tell you made up your mind. Lets just agree to disagree.

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How did a passport from one of the terrorist survive the explosion but none of the black boxes on the planes did?
For the same reason all of the papers, clothing and body parts survived - random chance.

We would have had a whistleblower come forward by now if 9/11 was anything other than it what it appears to be. Secrets like that cannot be kept.

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Youtube and the internet in general is just alternative media.

It is important whether 9/11 was in inside job or not. It had global effects.

Two wars had started as a result of this event.

So what? The conflicts were already in progress, just on a lower burn. If it was an "inside job", what are you going to do about it in Canada? I mean....really....what difference would it make to you?

I care, many other people care.

Why? Will it help your unified theory for the universe?

I'm not saying i'm an expert or everyone on youtube is an expert. That doesn't mean you can discredit everything on the internet. There are too many questions circling around 9/11 without answers. An actual investigation needs to be held.

There was an investigation....sorry...we didn't invite Canada.

How did a passport from one of the terrorist survive the explosion but none of the black boxes on the planes did?

CVR and FDR units were subject to different forces and conflagration. The boxes are not black.

You guys have way too much of faith in the government.

I don't even want to bother, I can tell you made up your mind. Lets just agree to disagree.

Look...you seem to want the "conspiracy" to spin just for the sake of the story. If the US government announced that the whole thing was planned and executed by design, that still wouldn't satisfy you. Ditto JFK assassination. It's even juicier for a Canadian separated by another degree of freedom.

So I ask again...why are you (still) obssessed by things you have no control over, and are in the past?

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There are too many questions circling around 9/11 without answers. An actual investigation needs to be held.

Several investigations were held. The NIST report on wtc 7 is the last word on this.

Now read this carefully: there will ALWAYS be unanswered questions.

A reasonable person analyzes the information, then at a certain point is satisifed that they know enough to form an opinion.

Edited by Michael Hardner
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So what? The conflicts were already in progress, just on a lower burn. If it was an "inside job", what are you going to do about it in Canada? I mean....really....what difference would it make to you?

It makes all the difference. This would mean the US government is corrupt. I'm not saying everyone in the government is corrupt. Just the people who hold the power. That would have huge ramifications world wide if they announced they were involved in the attacks on 9/11.

Why? Will it help your unified theory for the universe?

It would prove my theory of how the world works correct.

Knowing the nature of the world you live in is key to understanding who you are as a person.

There was an investigation....sorry...we didn't invite Canada.

Man. You don't get it. I don't care about country. There is no difference between a Canadian, American, Brazilian, Chinese, whatever, there is no difference, we are all the same.

They just use the technique

Divide and Conquer.

CVR and FDR units were subject to different forces and conflagration. The boxes are not black.

They are called black boxes but they are orange boxes so they stick out to be seen easier. They are made to withstand the heat of burning jet fuel. They didn't even find them, not even a smashed one. Or at least they say they never did...

Look...you seem to want the "conspiracy" to spin just for the sake of the story. If the US government announced that the whole thing was planned and executed by design, that still wouldn't satisfy you. Ditto JFK assassination. It's even juicier for a Canadian separated by another degree of freedom.

Ya it would, that would satisfy me a lot. Then we can finally begin a revolution(peacefully). We wouldn't be slaves to this system of credit anymore. We would be free. You know freedom, what your forefathers fought for. Read up on them maybe. Learn what principles your country was found upon.

I don't believe every single conspiracy about 9/11. The things I don't understand is the Black Boxes not being found. How the buildings collapsed so fast, wouldn't the majority of the floors underneath the plane crash be structurally sound and withstand the building collapsing over it or at least give some resistance and slow it down. How did the buildings collapse so fast? Why did Bush and Chaney refuse to be interviewed separately. Why did Bush say stuff like "nobody in our government could envision them using planes as weapons", when they did drills using planes as weapons prior to the attacks.

Reasons why I don't trust the US government. They lied about Weapons of mass destruction to go to war in Iraq, and operation norhwoods, and the resent H1N1 pandemic scare which was hugely blown out of proportion and more or less a lie. Also I believe this recovery in the economy is false and they are lying about that.

Keep replying though. This is helping me organize my thoughts a little better.

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It makes all the difference. This would mean the US government is corrupt. I'm not saying everyone in the government is corrupt. Just the people who hold the power. That would have huge ramifications world wide if they announced they were involved in the attacks on 9/11.

OK...but it would still be tough shit for you and the "world". What are you going to do about it? They are not going to announce any such thing, BTW.

Why? Will it help your unified theory for the universe?

It would prove my theory of how the world works correct.

Knowing the nature of the world you live in is key to understanding who you are as a person.

Your theories mean absolutely nothing to actual power and actions.....you may as well write comic books instead. Do you know how many pinheads think they have it all figured out, only to realize nobody cares?

Man. You don't get it. I don't care about country. There is no difference between a Canadian, American, Brazilian, Chinese, whatever, there is no difference, we are all the same.

Then why are you so focused on one attack...in one country....on one day?

They just use the technique

Divide and Conquer.

But you said we are all the same...make up your mind.

They are called black boxes but they are orange boxes so they stick out to be seen easier. They are made to withstand the heat of burning jet fuel. They didn't even find them, not even a smashed one. Or at least they say they never did...

No, they are called Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVR) and Flight Data Recorders (FDR)...several were found in various conditions from all four flights...you are mistaken...again.

Ya it would, that would satisfy me a lot. Then we can finally begin a revolution(peacefully). We wouldn't be slaves to this system of credit anymore. We would be free. You know freedom, what your forefathers fought for. Read up on them maybe. Learn what principles your country was found upon.

Oh Christ...another goddamn American wannabe in Canada preaching to me about an America that has never existed. Start at home...in your own country before investing such a pathetic faith in America. The funniest part is that Canada historically rejected American ideals to stay with the monarchy. What is it about people like you who fret so much over such things...how can you function with so many American bogeymen in your nightmares?

I don't believe every single conspiracy about 9/11. The things I don't understand is the Black Boxes not being found. How the buildings collapsed so fast, wouldn't the majority of the floors underneath the plane crash be structurally sound and withstand the building collapsing over it or at least give some resistance and slow it down. How did the buildings collapse so fast? Why did Bush and Chaney refuse to be interviewed separately. Why did Bush say stuff like "nobody in our government could envision them using planes as weapons", when they did drills using planes as weapons prior to the attacks.

All childish questions in the wake of what has already been investigated and understood to be true, probable, and most likely. The WTC towers were designed to withstand a 707 impact....it is not a new idea. The NIST reports are available for review for free....even to Canadians.

Reasons why I don't trust the US government. They lied about Weapons of mass destruction to go to war in Iraq, and operation norhwoods, and the resent H1N1 pandemic scare which was hugely blown out of proportion and more or less a lie. Also I believe this recovery in the economy is false and they are lying about that.

This is the part I like the most coming out of the Canadian fringe or mainstream "thinkers" like your self. The United States really doesn't give a rat's ass what you think, because in the end, you don't matter. No way...no how...and that's the truth. You may not like that, but the same would be true for my opinion in Canada....and that's fine by me.

Keep replying though. This is helping me organize my thoughts a little better.

OK...but you are not nearly as much fun as Polynewbie.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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OK...but it would still be tough shit for you and the "world". What are you going to do about it? They are not going to announce any such thing, BTW.

I know they won't admit anything.

Your theories mean absolutely nothing to actual power and actions.....you may as well write comic books instead. Do you know how many pinheads think they have it all figured out, only to realize nobody cares?

I never said I had anything all figured out. I also don't care if you don't care, or if anyone else doesn't care. It don't bug me, I'm not trying to impress anyone.

My theories on how I think the universe/world work are mine, you are entitled to your own theories as well.

Then why are you so focused on one attack...in one country....on one day?

This attack had global significance.

I also am looking at a current event, the Recession which I'm pretty sure will turn into a Depression.

O, and the war on drugs which is causing more problems then it's solving.

o ya, and the Central Bank scam, money shouldn't be in the hands of few.

But you said we are all the same...make up your mind.

We are all the same, I never said we were different.

Oh Christ...another goddamn American wannabe in Canada preaching to me about an America that has never existed. Start at home...in your own country before investing such a pathetic faith in America. The funniest part is that Canada historically rejected American ideals to stay with the monarchy. What is it about people like you who fret so much over such things...how can you function with so many American bogeymen in your nightmares?

I am not an american wannabe.

I do write to members of parliament and senators. I vote and protest.

All childish questions in the wake of what has already been investigated and understood to be true, probable, and most likely. The WTC towers were designed to withstand a 707 impact....it is not a new idea. The NIST reports are available for review for free....even to Canadians.

Like i said I am being open minded to this. Prove me wrong I said, I wasn't joking. I was reading the NIST reports and all of it and I realized, well maybe the buildings did collapse the way the report says. I guess I can believe it, I'm not afraid to admit I was wrong. But then a thought came across my mind, even if it did happen the way the NIST report says it did. This really doesn't prove the government wasn't involved in either helping plan and/or executing the attacks or if the government knew about the attacks prior to 9/11 and didn't take any action to prevent them which is just as bad.

This is the part I like the most coming out of the Canadian fringe or mainstream "thinkers" like your self. The United States really doesn't give a rat's ass what you think, because in the end, you don't matter. No way...no how...and that's the truth. You may not like that, but the same would be true for my opinion in Canada....and that's fine by me.

Well technically nothing really matters.

Not everyone in the states thinks the same way as you. And believe me I know, 99.99999999% of americans never heard of me or care about me. I am not a Celebrity so I really do not have much of a voice, I'm okay with that. That doesn't mean I can't express how I feel.

OK...but you are not nearly as much fun as Polynewbie.


Edited by maple_leafs182
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I know they won't admit anything.

Why should they admit to anything at all, giving even more attention to whack jobs with wild ass theories or desire for book profits? Did FDR ever admit to causing the attack on Pearl Harbor...nope.

I never said I had anything all figured out. I also don't care if you don't care, or if anyone else doesn't care. It don't bug me, I'm not trying to impress anyone.

My theories on how I think the universe/world work are mine, you are entitled to your own theories as well.

I don't need any theories or make believe reality, since the facts of the matter are far more credible and interesting that way. Everyone doesn't sit around pondering the meaning of the universe on 9/1101 like you do.

This attack had global significance.

I also am looking at a current event, the Recession which I'm pretty sure will turn into a Depression.

O, and the war on drugs which is causing more problems then it's solving.

o ya, and the Central Bank scam, money shouldn't be in the hands of few.

Seems you have left out many other favorites, like the theory of Atlantis, Bigfoor, Loch Ness Monster, and 2012.

We are all the same, I never said we were different.

But we are not all the same.....again...my reality clobbers your fantasy.

I am not an american wannabe.

I do write to members of parliament and senators. I vote and protest.

OK...then just for once, can't you guys come up with something domestic to Canada when rambling about world doom and the Illuminati? Is Canada that goddamn boring? Just something...anything to add to the X-files vibe....how about Shag Harbour?

....This really doesn't prove the government wasn't involved in either helping plan and/or executing the attacks or if the government knew about the attacks prior to 9/11 and didn't take any action to prevent them which is just as bad.

The "government" cannot prove a negative.....neither can you.

Well technically nothing really matters.

Some things matter more than others.....reality vs. fantasy.

Not everyone in the states thinks the same way as you. And believe me I know, 99.99999999% of americans never heard of me or care about me. I am not a Celebrity so I really do not have much of a voice, I'm okay with that. That doesn't mean I can't express how I feel.

I sure hope not....that would be very boring too. How do feel about knowing all the answers but not being able to do anything about it? Must be frustrating.....

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