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Handguns in Canada

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I have absolutely no problem with law abiding citizens being armed with guns! Women

in particular should be allowed to carry a small .32 or .38 in their purse to protect themselves!

there are a lot of cracked headed creeps out there and gang bangers just looking for a victim

and when they do get caught the Justice system gives them a slap on the wrist!! The Government

should allow people to take a firearm training course and allow everyday citizens to carry handguns

for self defence, the police can t be everywhere at once!

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We need concealed carry licenses here in Canada. That would cut down on crime. If the minority gangs knew that people could be packing legally they'd think twice about mugging someone or robbing a store.

Dead on! I totally agree .........the reason scumbags gangs get away with the things they do

is because they know citizens in this country (law abiding ones anyway) are unarmed..we should

be more like Texas...try to go break into a house down there and see what happens! A license

to carry firearms is a great idea...take a training course then carry a Glock and watch the crime

stats plummet!

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Sigh, you do not get my point at all.

If you were a robber, who would you rob? A person with a black belt in Hapkido, or a person with no means of self defense? What if you had no weapons? What if you had a knife? What if you had a gun? Personally, unless I have a gun and is skilled at using it, I wouldn't risk trying to rob a person who is skilled in aikido, hapkido, judo, etc, etc, etc.

If I was a robber, i'd have a weapon. You should not go robbing stores without one. And when I approach a person with martial arts training, i'd just make sure I have the saftey off. Accidents happen :)

And doesn't Hapkido have some sort of disarming techniques? I know for my Kendo dojo, we had a workshop once a month in self defense against weapons.

Guns are ranged weapons. I am not going anywhere near you. Throw me the money in a bag, and toss it towards the door. Safety is off.

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Dead on! I totally agree .........the reason scumbags gangs get away with the things they do

is because they know citizens in this country (law abiding ones anyway) are unarmed..we should

be more like Texas...try to go break into a house down there and see what happens! A license

to carry firearms is a great idea...take a training course then carry a Glock and watch the crime

stats plummet!

I agree, that is, if you are not being sarcastic.

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This is what I'm talking about. I think a person should be allowed to take a tactical training course and get a permit for concealed carry. If a bank teller could carry on his or her person it would take a very brave soul to want to rob a bank wouldn't it!

Guy, they've been robbing banks ever since there have BEEN banks. Have you forgotten all those wild west movies where, despite the fact half the men on the street wore handguns, the bank robbers still hit the local bank and rode off with the loot?

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Violent crime in japan is rarer than a non racist post from lictor...

Cops don't need kung fu in Japan, just good forensic math and polite manners.

And torture - which is routinely employed in Japanese police stations.

Oh it's not electric prods up the ass torture, but it's as bad as anything you'll find the Americans accused of. There is a reason why there are few court trials in Japan and so many confessions.

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Dead on! I totally agree .........the reason scumbags gangs get away with the things they do

is because they know citizens in this country (law abiding ones anyway) are unarmed..we should

be more like Texas...try to go break into a house down there and see what happens! A license

to carry firearms is a great idea...take a training course then carry a Glock and watch the crime

stats plummet!

Personally, I would rather not carry a gun. I would rather live in a society that doesn't make it necessary. A society in which people need to be armed at all times is one that is either failing or has yet to grow up.

Edited by Wilber
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I guy with marshall arts up against a guy with a 9mm i wonder who is going to come out

still breathing in that situation....... :blink:

Remember the Indiana Jones movie which pointed out the dangers of taking a sword to a gun fight?

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Dead on! I totally agree .........the reason scumbags gangs get away with the things they do

is because they know citizens in this country (law abiding ones anyway) are unarmed..

No, they do it because of an incompetent judicial system and a lack of proper punishments.

Caught with a concealed, illegal firearm? Mandatory minimum of ten years in prison.

Caught using one in a robbery? Mandatory minimum of twenty years in prison.

Shoot someone with a firearm? Life in prison, mandatory, no parole. Hard labour.

Let's see what THOSE laws do to the rate of gun violence.

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People should allowed to be armed..........there are a lot of scumballs out there and

people should have the right to self defense!

Do you really want to put guns into the hands of a people who need to have instructions printed on their gasoline tanks to warn them not to put open flames near them?

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I own firearms and have the restricted firearms license. I have owned guns for years, I store them safely and legally. When I transport my firearms I also do so legally. I've owned guns for over 20 years and have been shooting since I was 13 years old. I haven't killed a person unlawfully yet so let dispense with the bs please. Owning firearms doesn't equate to being violent or having violent tendencies. I don't see how if I was allowed to carry a licensed and loaded handgun how this would change. I wouldn't start waving it around and shooting people at random suddenly because I'm allowed to carry for self defense.

One of the states in the NE had a serious crime problem and after enacting concealed carry licensing crime dropped by over 75% or so. I cannot find the cite but when I do I'll get back to you here.

If more people were carrying handguns society would much more polite. People would think twice before mouthing off to strangers if they thought that that stranger may be carrying a loaded handgun.

Citizens have a right to defend themselves from harm. If the minority gangsters are carrying guns then the citizens should be allowed to do the same in order to protect themselves.

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If more people were carrying handguns society would much more polite. People would think twice before mouthing off to strangers if they thought that that stranger may be carrying a loaded handgun.

Citizens have a right to defend themselves from harm. If the minority gangsters are carrying guns then the citizens should be allowed to do the same in order to protect themselves.

Forty years ago a Canadian cop had a 38 Police Special revolver and a billy club. Now he carries a Glock or Baretta 9mm, batton, CS spray and maybe a TAZER, plus a 12 gauge and a Diemaco C8 in his car, just to keep up with the scumbags. In spite of that some are advocating all citizens should be allowed to carry a Glock to make our society more "polite". Someone insults you? Put a bullet in them.

Am I the only one who thinks we are going backwards as a civilization?

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I don't think we're going backwards. We'll probably never be allowed to carry guns in public, and in reality, there isn't a need. Crime hasn't really changed all that much over the last few years, even if the perception of it has.

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I don't think we're going backwards. We'll probably never be allowed to carry guns in public, and in reality, there isn't a need. Crime hasn't really changed all that much over the last few years, even if the perception of it has.

It has changed incredibly. Drugs were nowhere near the factor forty years ago that the are now. Some folks smoked a bit of pot (some a lot) and a few did LSD but hard drugs were pretty much limited to the heroin addicts on skid row. The use of other designer drugs and cocaine were pretty much fringe activities. There was nowhere near the amount of gang activity involved in the drug trade or property crime involved in getting the money to buy drugs. Violent crime rates haven't changed much since the nineties but they are about four times what they were in the sixties and property crime rates are more than double. Also the more common a crime becomes, the better chance it will not be reported because the victim either believes it is a waste of time or because they are involved in crime themselves.

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what absolute bullshit...I've a tae kwon do Black belt...and I was taught by a Grand Master...and in the words of my instructor when a student asked what to do when confronted with a gun..."that's a stupid question, you give him your money...you watch to many hollywood movies, he will kill you"
what absolute bullshit...I've a tae kwon do Black belt...and I was taught by a Grand Master...and in the words of my instructor when a student asked what to do when confronted with a gun..."that's a stupid question, you give him your money...you watch to many hollywood movies, he will kill you"

That may be true, but there are many types of violent confrontations and using lethal force isn't necessary for all of them. People will be inclined to use whatever source of defense is available to him or her at the time and if all they have is a concealed weapon they're very likely to use that. Conversely, if they've had less than lethal training the confrontation might not need to escalate that far.

As a Black belt you're much more well qualified to not make the situation worse than someone without the training. I'm trained in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and muay thai kickboxing and have training to a lesser extent in wrestling, boxing, karate and ninjitsu. I also own firearms (legally) and I know that the firearm would be a last response to a life threatening situation like being held at gunpoint. You're absolutely right about the gunpoint thing, and that's why people should be allowed to carry but it has to coincide with the proper non lethal training so that people don't simply resort to lethal force because someone said something offensive (some people would and it would look bad on the priviledge).

Perhaps there's something to this whole thing, in that maybe the way to make our streets safer is to make martial arts and self defense training more common. Maybe it should be taught in schools. Like Kwan said, if more people were well trained and the bad guys knew they were likely to get their asses kicked or shot they'd be less likely to rob or hurt people.

There is a law in this country that allows people to defend themselves using a level of force equal or less than the amount of force being threatened or used, up to and including the use of lethal force. The problem is that people have no training to do that, and more often than not wind up raped, robbed or badly hurt because they didn't have the ability (or tools) or in jail because they used an excessive amount of force to defend themselves. I think the law exists for a fundamental reason and more people should be trained in its use. Imagine if even 50% of people were highly trained and/or armed, it's not unimaginable that the crime rate would fall considerably.

The police are there to react, not to defend people and that's why crime is the way it is. People rely on the police and have forgotten that it is their right and their own responsibility to defend themselves in the moment when things happen.

Edited by dlkenny
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Guest TrueMetis

Here are my biggest problems with allowing people to carry guns

1) Guy has a gun and shoots someone who trys to rob him now he's got to prove his life was in danger, most muggers aren't that likely to kill people, they want your money not the heat that will come with murder.

2) You shooot a guy and your life was definatly in danger, but what if this guy was a gang member if his gang finds out now you've got a lot more to deal with than some asshole stealing your wallet you've got a gang gunning for you.

3) The act of reaching for your gun might encourage the guy to kill you right there.

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That may be true, but there are many types of violent confrontations and using lethal force isn't necessary for all of them. People will be inclined to use whatever source of defense is available to him or her at the time and if all they have is a concealed weapon they're very likely to use that. Conversely, if they've had less than lethal training the confrontation might not need to escalate that far.

back to my Instructors comment on mythical Hollywood fantasies...I personally know two people who were killed by a single blow to the head one of those people was very experienced boxer, neither of the people that delivered the blows were experienced in anything but street violence...a single blow by someone who thinks they are acting in self defense can far exceed the amount of force required and land you in prison...those dramatic Hollywood dust ups are pure myth...

my Instructor the Grand Master had the following advice

when confronted with an aggressor-walk away, if need be run away...

when confronted by several aggressors, hit the leader then run away very fast...

when confronted with aggressor with a knife, run away very fast...

when facing aggressor with gun, give him all your money...

fight only when you have no other option, a single blow can kill you or your opponent..

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Hey, I'm on your side. I got my stats from the national firearms centre and if yours support what I'm saying all the better. My point is that I was reading a "ban handguns" flyer that was floating around and realized that people are carrying weapons anyway and we are criminalizing people for protecting themselves instead of educating them.

I am not against guns and I think the current laws are sufficient...I think it's the lack of respect and training that causes gun crime from legally purchased firearms. I am of the opinion that it's much easier to acquire a gun from the US than to try to rob one. Certainly if the thing is properly cared for.

Getting a gun from the US is incredibly easy simply because it's entirely legal in the US and Canada Post only inspects less than 1% of all packages.

there's also the terrifying stat that something like 58% of port workers have criminal records, and that only about 8% of containers are ever inspected... smuggling guns is a joke in canada. you can even ship them piece by piece... and make them even harder to trace.

if you cut off the legal source of guns, all you're doing is giving the monopoly of guns over to th black market! Its actually like arming the bad guys while disarming the potential victims...

and to think that our registry act has already squandered 2.4 billion dollars... Its hard to understand why people want to go on with this evil lunacy... disarming the people, restricting yet MORE freedoms from the average citizen.... at an immense cost on top of it... makes absolutely no sense

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