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Only 12% of Stimulus Cash Delivered

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Only 12% of funds delievered


Tory MP Admits Money mostly going towards Tory Ridings


Good simple solution vote NDP and don;t get caught up in this Liberal Conservative war. The NDP riddings in this country aren't getting hurt it is the Liberal ones. Harper is going to win why would you want your ridding to starve?

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Good simple solution vote NDP and don;t get caught up in this Liberal Conservative war. The NDP riddings in this country aren't getting hurt it is the Liberal ones. Harper is going to win why would you want your ridding to starve?

I am normally an NDP supporter and that is the most pathetic reason I have ever heard for supporting the NDP. At least the Liberals are finally standing up to Harper. As soon as Jack's NDP votes would actually have some consequences he pussies out and supports the Harpercrites. Kind of makes all those previous votes seem disingenuous. He knew he could vote against Harper with no consequences and he could APPEAR tough when really he wasn't. Lately the NDP are getting harder and harder to support. If the Liberals have drug law reform in their platform, I'm giving up my NDP membership and supporting Iggy.

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1) If infastructure prjoects are being held up by red tape, it's red tape created by government bureaucracy, which usually consists of environmental impact studies, etc.

2) It's complete nonsense that only Tory riding are receiving money. I live in a Liberal riding, and it's received stimulus money for projects.

But the best part of the story posted has to be the following...

Burlington Mayor Cam Jackson said the Liberals picked the wrong field to stage their press conference. The park project just got environmental approval last week and wasn't planned for years.

"This project was not slated to be done for seven years," Jackson said.

He added he won't criticize the Tories or the provincial government on infrastructure spending because he has projects happening all over his municipality.

The Star

Way to go Iggy! :lol:

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I am normally an NDP supporter and that is the most pathetic reason I have ever heard for supporting the NDP. At least the Liberals are finally standing up to Harper. As soon as Jack's NDP votes would actually have some consequences he pussies out and supports the Harpercrites. Kind of makes all those previous votes seem disingenuous. He knew he could vote against Harper with no consequences and he could APPEAR tough when really he wasn't. Lately the NDP are getting harder and harder to support. If the Liberals have drug law reform in their platform, I'm giving up my NDP membership and supporting Iggy.

I don't think you'll see that in this platform. It gives Harper a tool to hammer Iggy with. We already know he's "soft on crime." At least according to Harper. I would imagine he's probably in favour of more lenient drug laws. Everyone labels him as an American but he actually spent in his time abroad a vast majority of his time in England and Europe which are very liberal in terms of drug laws. He's certainly got a more liberal outlook on crime in general. One of his statements re: mandatory minimums under Harper was pretty harsh. Something to the effect of they absolutely don't work, we need to be spending money reducing crime in other proven areas. I would imagine drugs would be with that as well. The Liberal Party has its supports and non-supports but I know quite a few who would be in favour of European style reforms.

Then again he could come out tomorrow and have a Harper-esque stance (we need to up mandatory minimums and get rid of InSite.). I really haven't heard much on this. Best guess, really.

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1) If infastructure prjoects are being held up by red tape, it's red tape created by government bureaucracy, which usually consists of environmental impact studies, etc.

2) It's complete nonsense that only Tory riding are receiving money. I live in a Liberal riding, and it's received stimulus money for projects.

But the best part of the story posted has to be the following...

Burlington Mayor Cam Jackson said the Liberals picked the wrong field to stage their press conference. The park project just got environmental approval last week and wasn't planned for years.

"This project was not slated to be done for seven years," Jackson said.

He added he won't criticize the Tories or the provincial government on infrastructure spending because he has projects happening all over his municipality.

The Star

Way to go Iggy! :lol:


You yourself JUST said the approval didn't come in until last week. Which was the whole point of the article. Also, the article doesn't say that the money was going EXCLUSIVELY to Tory ridings, just more than everyone else, something which Harper himself bitterly railed against while in opposition. Just more hypocrisy.

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I would imagine he's probably in favour of more lenient drug laws.

Well, that settles it then.

Seriously, everything MI has said or done indicates he is equally or further to the right of Harper. But if you imagine he's probably okay with more lenient laws then you're probably right. :rolleyes:

So far, NDP are the only party with the balls to fight for that

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I am normally an NDP supporter and that is the most pathetic reason I have ever heard for supporting the NDP. At least the Liberals are finally standing up to Harper. As soon as Jack's NDP votes would actually have some consequences he pussies out and supports the Harpercrites. Kind of makes all those previous votes seem disingenuous. He knew he could vote against Harper with no consequences and he could APPEAR tough when really he wasn't. Lately the NDP are getting harder and harder to support. If the Liberals have drug law reform in their platform, I'm giving up my NDP membership and supporting Iggy.

Pfffftttt it might pathetic but it is true. Look at the two Halifax riddings the NDP has had about 20-30 million worth of spending promised it too it, the Liberal has had 15 million worth of spending taken away from it. Who is better off?

You seem to by into the spin too much. You can vote how you want but a vote for the Liberals wont get anywher as far as a progressive voter is concerned. Iggy is to the right of Harper, and he wont let the Liberal member who spear headed drug reform run again. As for the liberals having drug law reform in their platform you made that up there is no Liberal platform and I will tell you now Iggy is gearing up to run to the right it wont be in there. Your hate for Harper is blinding you.

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Well, that settles it then.

Seriously, everything MI has said or done indicates he is equally or further to the right of Harper. But if you imagine he's probably okay with more lenient laws then you're probably right. :rolleyes:

So far, NDP are the only party with the balls to fight for that

Now, what "indicates" he is further to the right of Stephen Harper. Harper isn't Canadian right wing, he's Reagan right wing. Look back at his papers not only in university but for think tanks before he got into the political game.

"Canada is nothing more than a third world european socialist country." Iggy didn't say it.

As for Iggy? I've read his work, he's a fiscally conservative socially progressive politician. What is out there to prove me wrong?

The whole "Iggy is the actual conservative" is a lame-brained NDP attempt to stop the bleeding in the polls.

Edited by nicky10013
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Pfffftttt it might pathetic but it is true. Look at the two Halifax riddings the NDP has had about 20-30 million worth of spending promised it too it, the Liberal has had 15 million worth of spending taken away from it. Who is better off?

You seem to by into the spin too much. You can vote how you want but a vote for the Liberals wont get anywher as far as a progressive voter is concerned. Iggy is to the right of Harper, and he wont let the Liberal member who spear headed drug reform run again. As for the liberals having drug law reform in their platform you made that up there is no Liberal platform and I will tell you now Iggy is gearing up to run to the right it wont be in there. Your hate for Harper is blinding you.

I'm wildly partisan but I seem to be the only person here that can actually admit their leader actually did something wrong, which I think is a lot more than you can say about yourself.

As for my comments about Ignatieff's drug policy? No, I don't know what it'll be. I clearly said that I was making an assumption and he could very well be as anti-drugs as Harper. You didn't seem to get that, though.

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Its not been a secret that the Harper Government has taken the stimulus spending and pumped it into CPC ridings and in particular, look at ones they recently won and watch the photo opps. However, there are a few ridings outside of the CPC hold that they are targeting and also spending money in those kinds of ridings that may swing.

The CPC has a way of making announcements in ridings they wish to take and find ways to make certain the sitting MP in the riding is nowhere to be seen.

What is really, really stupid about this is that this Conservative actually spoke the truth and he is going to be reprimanded by the party.

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Not only is that stupid, it is NOT true.

It is true look at the riddings NDP riddings are getting money. The Nickel Belt got about 7 million the week before the Liberals showed up, Halifax has had around 20 million in spending spent on it, Windsor—Tecumseh also has had money givin too it recently. The only riddings I have seen hurting are Liberal ones. I think that is wrong but it is true.

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At least the Liberals are finally standing up to Harper.
I believe this is really old, old news, and IIRC it was Charlie Angus who pointed out favouritism in CPC ridings, both before and after the stimulus funding.
As soon as Jack's NDP votes would actually have some consequences he pussies out and supports the Harpercrites.
Sure, and you could be right. Just tell it to those unemployed that qualify for more benefits because the NDP didn't bring down the government. Not to mention it would make me get mad again for the 2nd time in two years at politicians governing on the basis of opportunism and election rigging rather then good government.

There is an NDP bill which fullfills the Liberal position on EI. It has passed 2nd reading. The LPC were hoping to avoid this bill, because they had been supporting it through the house. It could have passed without causing an election in June, although some LPC punters continually say different.

When this bill comes up, now that parliment is continuing, the LPC can support it... and if they do and it causes the government to fall, the LPC will have their wish, or if the LPC support it and the government doesn't fall, then EI will

become reformed and all the negative changes that the Liberals implemented years ago will be rectified.

I have argued in other forums and here with jdobbin, that both the LPC and NDP had very bad positions. Total support and total opposition.

It was a free ride for both parties and while it made the LPC weak, It made the NDP inconsequential and irrellavent.

Both parties can gain from this change, and the Liberals needed to get out of the DION trap.

Remember, that without both the NDP/LPC forcing the CPC to address and economic crises, the CPC wouldn't be able to parade around in their ridings and run up the tab.

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As for my comments about Ignatieff's drug policy? No, I don't know what it'll be. I clearly said that I was making an assumption and he could very well be as anti-drugs as Harper. You didn't seem to get that, though.

Considering he ran the guy who pushed for decriminalization under JC out of his own ridding I think I know his policy on drugs. Don't worry he wont touch the Liberals will say nothing in their platform on it but Iggys policy is one of a hard line against.

"Legalization of Marijuana: Michelle Rainey of the British Columbia Marijuana Party asked Mr. Ignatieff on how he would act on the legalization of medicinal and recreational marijuana use. Mr. Ignatieff commented that the event was not the place to be making a policy statement and that it may be an issue debated at the upcoming Convention in Vancouver May 2009."


I would also point out to Greenthumb he should really get off his high horse on Jack supporting an EI bill. Iggy supported Bill C-15 as the Liberal leader and guess what Greenthumb that bill was one which included the tightening of Drug Laws and mandiatory minimums for pot use. The NDP voted against the bill saying it took the country in the wrong direction and that drug reform had to take place. So we know where Iggy stands he is for tougher crime laws.


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It is true look at the riddings NDP riddings are getting money. The Nickel Belt got about 7 million the week before the Liberals showed up, Halifax has had around 20 million in spending spent on it, Windsor—Tecumseh also has had money givin too it recently. The only riddings I have seen hurting are Liberal ones. I think that is wrong but it is true.

One D on "ridings," there champ.

As for the money, what exactly are you talking about? Stimulus cash? Sure, they may be getting money but the ridings getting money seem to be swing ridings that could go either way. The rest seem to be going to Conservative ridings. Again, no one said one party (except the greens) are being shut out of stimulus cash. No one doubts the dippers are getting cash to some of their ridings, a lot more is going to conservative ridings.

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Considering he ran the guy who pushed for decriminalization under JC out of his own ridding I think I know his policy on drugs. Don't worry he wont touch the Liberals will say nothing in their platform on it but Iggys policy is one of a hard line against.

"Legalization of Marijuana: Michelle Rainey of the British Columbia Marijuana Party asked Mr. Ignatieff on how he would act on the legalization of medicinal and recreational marijuana use. Mr. Ignatieff commented that the event was not the place to be making a policy statement and that it may be an issue debated at the upcoming Convention in Vancouver May 2009."


I would also point out to Greenthumb he should really get off his high horse on Jack supporting an EI bill. Iggy supported Bill C-15 as the Liberal leader and guess what Greenthumb that bill was one which included the tightening of Drug Laws and mandiatory minimums for pot use. The NDP voted against the bill saying it took the country in the wrong direction and that drug reform had to take place. So we know where Iggy stands he is for tougher crime laws.


That was when the Liberals were the only thing holding this country back from an election. Now that oderous task falls upon Jack Layton. Don't kid yourself, the Liberals have held their nose to vote for a whole whack of stuff they didn't exactly like but could reverse if they won government.

Now, it's Jack's turn.

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I suppose it doesn't matter that this was Liberal practice for a VERY long time as well...

meanwhile IIRC

Linemar is in your turf.... and there was an announcement there in a Liberal Riding for some millions of dollars.

Keep an eye on those corporate welfare bums. They are sharp and shrewd and happy to take whatever they can

get from the government.

I am waiting for the LPC MP to cross the floor..... ;)

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I'm not sure what the big fuss is about 12%. You can bet that the Liberals are underestimating what's actually been spent. The distortion is that the Liberals are counting what's actually been spent in dollars going out the door. The Conservatives are counting the total amount for projects that have been approved and are scheduled to start or have started already. Both are misleading.

Infrastructure funds were designed to be spent completely by March 31, 2011 - a 24 month period. The funds didn't start flowing until June so it's really a 21 month period or an average of a little less than 5% per month. Municipalities start the work and at the end of each month, they send a bill....the bill is paid in 30 days. So if a project started June 1, the bill was sent July 1 and was paid August 1. So by my calculations, we should have paid out at least 5% in each of August and September....which we obviously have done. The point is, these projects will take a bit of time to really get rolling and then the big bills will come in.

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That was when the Liberals were the only thing holding this country back from an election. Now that oderous task falls upon Jack Layton. Don't kid yourself, the Liberals have held their nose to vote for a whole whack of stuff they didn't exactly like but could reverse if they won government.

Now, it's Jack's turn.

What are you talking about? You don't get to be accountable for you what you vote for? Jack is voting for Ei expansion. Iggy voted for tough drug laws. I know what his stance is on drug laws from his vote.

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What are you talking about? You don't get to be accountable for you what you vote for? Jack is voting for Ei expansion. Iggy voted for tough drug laws. I know what his stance is on drug laws from his vote.

I think Iggy should be held accountable, but not because he voted for tough drug laws. He should've brought down the government and forced an election in the spring. There's a difference. I wonder what Jack Layton will be held accountable for when it comes time for him to prop up a stinking piece of turd legislation (assuming of course the EI bill wasn't)? Oh that's right, he can do no wrong, right? Of course! The conversation will never take place.

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You know, my party is becoming pathetic. I don't think I'll have anyone to vote for. I will say this. The stimulus is certainly flowing in Manitoba, and despite my dislike of Stephen Harper's lie in December, I have no other party that I can vote for with good conscience other than his. Ignatieff better do something, or I'll vote the other way...again.

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