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What are the important cultural differences between Canada and the US?

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On ‎2017‎-‎03‎-‎16 at 6:17 PM, DogOnPorch said:

Agent (cough) Orange

Yep ask them what they were doing in the 60's at the University of New Brunswick.  We sure as hell created it. It was looked at first as a way to quickly clear trees so they could put up high wire transmission. The cancer rates, congenital deformities, in both people and wlld-life was all documented. The need for it was felt to outweigh the permanent danger it presented to people, wildlife and the forests. CIL, Dupont, they didn't just make paint.

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23 hours ago, capricorn said:

It rolls off the tongue tabarnak.

So did I. Specifically Saint-Henri, in the parish of Our Lady of Broken Windows. I spent a lot of time in Westmount Park. It was close to home and had nicer swings and such.

Yah know them both. So you understand Shwarz's, real bagels, real pastrami and the religious significance of Grecian hair formula . Its hard to explain it to the pagans on this forum. I mean they these people in Toronto named a hockey team after something Adam used to hide his pee pee. Weird people. Speaking about beavers, I have nothing against beavers, really I don't but as the national animal compared to a bald eagle, well, I would have preferred toe Canada Lynxx, the Cougar, the wolf,  the wolverine,  even the Snowy Owl, but a beaver? Fat, buck-toothed, and a rodent? I would have even gone with the Moose, but I know Taxme has a thing about big nostrils and big noses so I guess it worked out.


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On 3/16/2017 at 3:44 PM, Rue said:

The US was created by people rebelling. It was a nation of individuals who saw central authority as something corrupt and not to be trusted while the founders of Canada after the natives felt the exact opposite, they gave blind obedience to the collective head of state and did not question its powers, i.e., taxes.

Yankee Doodle Dandies said to hell with taxes and government. Screw that. Its unfair. The country was literally founded by revolution and its people spread out settling the nation not as they did in Canada in the name of a centralized head of state, but as individuals.

In Canada the land was defined as CROWN land that we plebians, we surfs, we peons, in fact purchased from her but remained her land Our titles to lnd is subordinate to the Crown's right of that land. In that sense the only person who really owns land unrestricted is the Crown.

In the US individual title to property is paramount.

The US constitution envisions a decentralized state where each individual state  was supposed to be able to rule themselves and only turn to the federal government for its help and role, if it was for the benefit of that state.

State governments were envisioned with more constitutional powers and jurisdiction over laws than provinces in Canada.

Our entire legal system in Canada reflects the belief that the state itself is bigger than the individual, while in the US its the exact reverse.

This is why in Canada in is an inherent and intrinsic value that we embrace medicare or for that matter gun control. These are the two most obvious symbols of our collectivist identity. In the US it is the exact reverse. Medicare and gun control are seen as the enemy of the people, forms of tyranny the nation of the US and its individual states can nto permit.

Finally we have another major cultural difference. The US embraces its chauvinistic traditions, i.e., I say that in the pure sense of what the word means named after General Chauvin of France. It embraces itself as a military nation with a history based on war history. Military patriotism is at the pith and substance of American identity. Its inescapable to talk American history without reference to its wars, its military history and traditions. Its monuments, its government symbols, all remain deeply connected to its military traditions. If you want to be an American politician you put the military first and you must praise it and you sure as hell to do not apologize for any violence in its past.



Good analysis, Rue. Of course our similarities are extreme. You really have to scratch hard to find much in the way of difference. As for defense and militarism Canada has a long and proud military tradition. The geography basically dictates that you're under our defense umbrella so you can afford to be nicer and friendlier.

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12 hours ago, hot enough said:

The US has been at war for over 90 percent of the years as a "country". Canada, much much much less.

Ok come now. Canada like the US, Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Russia, China, all of us in the West and Russia-China, have

as our no.1 generator of income, the creation of military weapons/ Don't believe me? Go look. The military industrial complex, is the no.1 source of income of the entire world.

So in that sense the world's leading incomes are all at war to make money.

How far you want to go with this and painting the US as some genocidal lunatic or Canada as being on higher moral ground.

All societies are built on the ashes of the ones before them.


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6 hours ago, Rue said:

Ok come now. Canada like the US, Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Russia, China, all of us in the West and Russia-China, have

as our no.1 generator of income, the creation of military weapons/ Don't believe me? Go look. The military industrial complex, is the no.1 source of income of the entire world.

So in that sense the world's leading incomes are all at war to make money.

How far you want to go with this and painting the US as some genocidal lunatic or Canada as being on higher moral ground.

All societies are built on the ashes of the ones before them.


From full out denial to partial denial to full acceptance as a supporter of those who are equals to the Nazis of WWII. How much lower can you go?

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8 minutes ago, JamesHackerMP said:

a little far off topic now are we?


Not really....some Canadians struggle with their gorging on U.S. culture and technology, while stridently hating American domestic and foreign policies. 

We get a lot of "Nazi" reductionist  thinking by some here, but they are quite at home with the past and present sins of their own government/empire as somehow less evil.  


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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2 minutes ago, JamesHackerMP said:

Well if I may interject: are there more whimsical cultural differences between us? Something each of us may find rather amusing when we cross 49 deg N, (or north of New England)?


There are many...depicted numerous times in U.S. and Canadian media.   The late John Candy made a career out of it.

Several years ago, we had fun on MLW with this video:



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On 6/12/2013 at 8:39 AM, Guest Peeves said:

We are a country of...uh.... :rolleyes: three nations.

Canada is a country of many nations, and all vying for apiece of a turf in Canada. Hardly anyone calls themselves Canadian anymore. It's more like they say that I am french, Indian,Chinese, German,Italian Canadian rather than just Canadian. The only time to appear to say Canadian is when they go visit another country, and the customs officer asks them what citizenship are they. 

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23 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

So French Canadian is a recent term ?  This country was founded on 3 cultures, so your caricature is a transparent deceit.   

Not today it isn't anymore. We are all being told today that every culture in Canada had a hand in building up Canada.since the country was founded way back when. A big lie, and very deceitful. 

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

No - it's ole-timey-history... "don't let them _________ into the country as it's prit near ruined !"




You're free to believe Muslim pioneers built Canada rather than the French and British. No matter to me.

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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

I never made that claim.  I was addressing a complaint that people are calling themselves French Canadian now, the nerve of them...


Gosh...they've only been doing that since Confederation.

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Just now, DogOnPorch said:

Gosh...they've only been doing that since Confederation.

I know... but soon it will be too late, or other somesuch doomsday scenario... 

Don't get me started about the Irish.

Anyway, back on topic - there are more French Canadians than French Americans although French is the #2 language in Maine.

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