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Canuck selling out Canada's Health Care on Fox News

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...When I was a child, pediatrician visits used to cost my parents about $15, which in today's money, generously, would be $90. What doctor visit costs anything like that little in the States? If fees were set in bargaining between willing consumers and willing provides, I predict that fees would drop to that level....

Yes...I don't remember how or when it changed to what we have today. Maybe it's the expensive fish tanks in the waiting lobby!

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It seems to me there is a lot of room in the American system for some private company to set up some kind of "low cost" healthcare clinics. Find a couple doctors/nurses that have liberal/socialist views and are willing to work for relatively cheap to "help the poor". There are always a few and you may as well put them to use. Forget the expensive equipment, and charge reasonable drop-in healthcare fees. Wouldn't deal with serious chronic conditions, cancers, etc, but would be great for uninsured people that have short-term medical problems.

Actually now that I think of it there must already be something along these lines.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This Shona Gal is being branded a Traitor by the same people who will not apply traitor to those Islamic Canadians who fight against our troops in Afganistan.

I found the interview on the Coran show very interesting. Shona ,I thought was very fair and was looking for compromise in health care between American and Canadian systems.

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This Shona Gal is being branded a Traitor by the same people who will not apply traitor to those Islamic Canadians who fight against our troops in Afganistan.

Holy Twitism, Batman! Omar Khadr wasn't fighting against "our" troops.


The Traitors are the ones who would lick an American's boots while torturing their own countrymen.

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Holy Twitism, Batman! Omar Khadr wasn't fighting against "our" troops.


The Traitors are the ones who would lick an American's boots while torturing their own countrymen.

You mean the Khadr family was not fighting allied forces? Before they opened fire they checked the shoulder flashes first to determine what allied troops they were fighting? You can call me a twit but it does not change the facts. We are at war and this Canadian family decided to fight us by attacking our allies.

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Saving almost everybody for free, without them having to mortgage their homes, is better. Regardless of what the selfish think.


You think our health care system is free?Surely you are aware my comrade,that our health care system costs an awful lot of money,paid for from our tax dollars. :blink:

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