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The fact that he became a chiropractor without ever completing an undergrad degree says a lot about chiropractic. I've met Gary before, he's the ultimate ass kisser. I once sent an email to all of the MPs in Southern Ontario and Gary's office accidentally included me on an internal question about my message. The gist of the message I wasn't intended to see was:

Office Girl: This guy doesn't seem like a CPC voter should we waste our time on his question?

Boss: Gary calls those guys Liberal Lovers, don't bother.

I responded by saying I was impressed by their transparency. The girl called me personally to apologize but was later fired. Not do to my email though, she accepted tickets given to MPs for the film "Young People Fu--ing". That was at the time when the Harperites decided to get into the film censorship business. http://en.wikipedia....e_Fucking Gary was still a but kissing nobody at the time and couldn't afford to step out of line or have an opinion of his own.

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so we have an evangelical PM and he appoints another creationist as minister of science and technology is it any wonder we have an anti-science government that cuts science funding, muzzles scientists, obstructs climate change internationally...if you questioned harpers hidden religious agenda well there it is...it's covert, he doesn't bring it out in the open but influences policy with funding cuts, and political appointments...

I don't think that any of Canada's previous Ministers of Science and Technology have had science education beyond the high school level. The office was abolished in 1995. And my feeling is that Harper reinstated it, with Goodyear as the Minister, as a gift to his base so they would know that his government was not just going to ignore any science that does not agree with their ideology, but also interfere with scientists, and show contempt to those with a rational worldview.

Mulroney and Chretien appear to have appointed people who knew nothing about science. Harper did one better by appointing someone who the little that he "knows" about science is clearly wrong - so in essence, knows less then nothing.

Edited by Wayward Son
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Mulroney and Chretien appear to have appointed people who knew nothing about science. Harper did one better by appointing someone who the little that he "knows" about science is clearly wrong - so in essence, knows less then nothing.

but harper did them one better, he appointed someone that has a religious agenda to hamstring science... the others may have been unqualified but at least they were benign...
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well she can't have the job we already have creationist as minister of science and technology, gary goodyear....goodyear doesn't even hold uni degree let alone a science degree, as an creationist he's anti-science an appointed to the post by another anti-science evangelical, Harper...

Yep! That's the one I was referring to. It's similar to the alternate universe choices that the latest Republican-controlled House of Representatives has put in charge of key Congressional panels. The last thing they want is someone who actually knows something and doesn't take orders directly (along with kickbacks) from their local oil and bank funded lobbyists.

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We interrupt the regular nonsense for this important bulletin:

Pat Robertson Declares Earth Older Than 6000 Years And Calls For Evangelists To Stop “Covering Up” Science

I just heard about this blog post written by Johnathan Turley a few days ago. I guess I missed this because my rss feed from the Evangelical Outpost and Religion News Blog links somehow missed the story!

Pat Robertson remains something of an enigma. Just when you dismiss him as a religious wing nut who says that God gives him tips of who will win elections;
; and causes
as Devil worshippers. Then Robertson turns around and calls for the
and now called for evangelists to stop suggesting that the Earth is only 6000 years old when every scientific fact points to the contrary. I wish he would just pick one side of the sanity/insanity line and stick with it because this is getting confusing.

Robertson finally uttered the truth about a ludicrous calculation made in 1650 by the Archbishop of Ireland James Ussher when he estimated that the Earth was created on Oct. 23, 4004 B.C. Yet, forty six percent of pastors insist the Earth is 6000 years old. American politicians like
and others (
) also still proclaim faith in the young age of the Earth as biblically correct even if it is scientifically nonsensical.

Robertson’s surprising comments came on the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “700 Club.” A viewer wrote into the show to express her “biggest fear is to not have my children and husband next to me in God’s Kingdom because they question why the Bible could not explain the existence of dinosaurs.” In response, Robertson said:

"Look, I know that people will probably try to lynch me when I say this, but Bishop [James] Ussher wasn’t inspired by the Lord when he said that it all took 6,000 years. It just didn’t. You go back in time, you’ve got radiocarbon dating. You got all these things and you’ve got the carcasses of dinosaurs frozen in time out in the Dakotas.

They’re out there. So, there was a time when these giant reptiles were on the Earth and it was before the time of the Bible. So, don’t try and cover it up and make like everything was 6,000 years. That’s not the Bible. . . . If you fight science, you’re going to lose your children, and I believe in telling it the way it was.”

So, how much clout does old Pat still have in the political rightwing evangelical movement? So far, it seems like the other leading fat old white men are just trying to ignore him for now. If Pat's advice gets any wider media attention, other than Turley, they may have to take a stand.

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wasn't it gary goodyear who stopped a canadian scientist from announcing his research into when prehistoric Lake Agassiz burst it's ice damn pouring it's waters into the ocean 13,000 years ago effecting climate change in europe....he killed two birds with one stone, trying to deny there was a world before the creationist 6,000yr limit and hiding CC effecting ocean currents/climate...

but he couldn't prevent an american scientist from having a news conference on it...

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We interrupt the regular nonsense for this important bulletin:

Pat Robertson Declares Earth Older Than 6000 Years And Calls For Evangelists To Stop “Covering Up” Science

I just heard about this blog post written by Johnathan Turley a few days ago. I guess I missed this because my rss feed from the Evangelical Outpost and Religion News Blog links somehow missed the story!

Pat Robertson remains something of an enigma. Just when you dismiss him as a religious wing nut who says that God gives him tips of who will win elections;
; and causes
as Devil worshippers. Then Robertson turns around and calls for the
and now called for evangelists to stop suggesting that the Earth is only 6000 years old when every scientific fact points to the contrary. I wish he would just pick one side of the sanity/insanity line and stick with it because this is getting confusing.

Robertson finally uttered the truth about a ludicrous calculation made in 1650 by the Archbishop of Ireland James Ussher when he estimated that the Earth was created on Oct. 23, 4004 B.C. Yet, forty six percent of pastors insist the Earth is 6000 years old. American politicians like
and others (
) also still proclaim faith in the young age of the Earth as biblically correct even if it is scientifically nonsensical.

Robertson’s surprising comments came on the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “700 Club.” A viewer wrote into the show to express her “biggest fear is to not have my children and husband next to me in God’s Kingdom because they question why the Bible could not explain the existence of dinosaurs.” In response, Robertson said:

"Look, I know that people will probably try to lynch me when I say this, but Bishop [James] Ussher wasn’t inspired by the Lord when he said that it all took 6,000 years. It just didn’t. You go back in time, you’ve got radiocarbon dating. You got all these things and you’ve got the carcasses of dinosaurs frozen in time out in the Dakotas.

They’re out there. So, there was a time when these giant reptiles were on the Earth and it was before the time of the Bible. So, don’t try and cover it up and make like everything was 6,000 years. That’s not the Bible. . . . If you fight science, you’re going to lose your children, and I believe in telling it the way it was.”

So, how much clout does old Pat still have in the political rightwing evangelical movement? So far, it seems like the other leading fat old white men are just trying to ignore him for now. If Pat's advice gets any wider media attention, other than Turley, they may have to take a stand.

Well that important bulletin was already posted and addressed to, right? Furthermore, if it's all that important....perhaps you should publish it in its own thread, and don't have it buried by the regular old nonsense on this thread.

Create your own thread, WIP.

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Betsy, how do you support your position that 'barriers' limit evolutionary changes to 'kinds', when this idea is not supported by science or your bible?

I bet you $10 that she won't answer your question.

(would be the easiest $10 I ever made)

Edited by Sleipnir
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We interrupt the regular nonsense for this important bulletin:

Pat Robertson Declares Earth Older Than 6000 Years And Calls For Evangelists To Stop “Covering Up” Science

I just heard about this blog post written by Johnathan Turley a few days ago. I guess I missed this because my rss feed from the Evangelical Outpost and Religion News Blog links somehow missed the story!

Pat Robertson remains something of an enigma. Just when you dismiss him as a religious wing nut who says that God gives him tips of who will win elections;
; and causes
as Devil worshippers. Then Robertson turns around and calls for the
and now called for evangelists to stop suggesting that the Earth is only 6000 years old when every scientific fact points to the contrary. I wish he would just pick one side of the sanity/insanity line and stick with it because this is getting confusing.

Robertson finally uttered the truth about a ludicrous calculation made in 1650 by the Archbishop of Ireland James Ussher when he estimated that the Earth was created on Oct. 23, 4004 B.C. Yet, forty six percent of pastors insist the Earth is 6000 years old. American politicians like
and others (
) also still proclaim faith in the young age of the Earth as biblically correct even if it is scientifically nonsensical.

Robertson’s surprising comments came on the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “700 Club.” A viewer wrote into the show to express her “biggest fear is to not have my children and husband next to me in God’s Kingdom because they question why the Bible could not explain the existence of dinosaurs.” In response, Robertson said:

"Look, I know that people will probably try to lynch me when I say this, but Bishop [James] Ussher wasn’t inspired by the Lord when he said that it all took 6,000 years. It just didn’t. You go back in time, you’ve got radiocarbon dating. You got all these things and you’ve got the carcasses of dinosaurs frozen in time out in the Dakotas.

They’re out there. So, there was a time when these giant reptiles were on the Earth and it was before the time of the Bible. So, don’t try and cover it up and make like everything was 6,000 years. That’s not the Bible. . . . If you fight science, you’re going to lose your children, and I believe in telling it the way it was.”

I'm surprise a guy like Pat Robertson is seeing the logic of science. Good for him! :)

Hopefully other close-minded people would follow Robertson path to enlightenment

So, how much clout does old Pat still have in the political rightwing evangelical movement? So far, it seems like the other leading fat old white men are just trying to ignore him for now.

That's pretty much show you how close minded those people are.

If Pat's advice gets any wider media attention, other than Turley, they may have to take a stand.

Hopefully :)

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I'm surprise a guy like Pat Robertson is seeing the logic of science. Good for him! smile.png

Pat and Betsy's crowd reminds me of Climate Change Deniers. Both groups are shifting their stance from a complete denial of science and logic to a cherry picked mix of science and BS in an attempt to legitimize their cause. The leaders of this movement are aware that belief in Biblical truth erodes with education. Christian beliefs are continually reframed to appear more moral, they are just trying to make them appear more reasonable as well.
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Pat and Betsy's crowd reminds me of Climate Change Deniers. Both groups are shifting their stance from a complete denial of science and logic to a cherry picked mix of science and BS in an attempt to legitimize their cause.

Funny, as that is exactly what the Global Warming Climate Change alarmists do on a regular basis. Faith does not require "legitimization".

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Both groups are shifting their stance from a complete denial of science and logic to a cherry picked mix of science and BS in an attempt to legitimize their cause. The leaders of this movement are aware that belief in Biblical truth erodes with education.

I'm trying to find out what made Pat to start being open minded about the reality of nature. It not often you go from being closed minded to open minded so suddenly.

Christian beliefs are continually reframed to appear more moral, they are just trying to make them appear more reasonable as well.

As the western world becomes more liberal, the conservative teaching of the church would need to be watered down to try and (fruitlessly) halt their ever dwindling audiences.

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Pat and Betsy's crowd reminds me of Climate Change Deniers.
Please don't lump me with people who believe that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together.

Both groups are shifting their stance from a complete denial of science and logic to a cherry picked mix of science and BS in an attempt to legitimize their cause. The leaders of this movement are aware that belief in Biblical truth erodes with education. Christian beliefs are continually reframed to appear more moral, they are just trying to make them appear more reasonable as well.

As for climate, it's the alarmists that are mixing pop science and blind faith. Climate moves in cycles; always has, always will.

For example, the days have been growing steadily and alarmingly shorter since June. There are some alarmists who think we may run out of daylight entirely sooner rather than later.

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As for climate, it's the alarmists that are mixing pop science and blind faith. Climate moves in cycles; always has, always will.

Its the intensity and the shortening periods between climate cycles being exacerbated by us - is what causing scientists to be concerned. What should take millennium to occur is now only taking two hundred years or so.

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Please don't lump me with people who believe that dinosaurs and humans walked the earth together.

It's not the topic for a climate change discussion. The point is the denier community has followed a similar pattern of movement in their position in an attempt to seem reasonable to their audience. Most of North America is not quite dumb enough to follow the Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron or Koch Brothers lead. So Pat is trying to encourage the flock to appear more reasonable as well.
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Most of North America is not quite dumb enough to follow the Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron or Koch Brothers lead.

And what proportion of North Americans know who Ray, Kirk or Koch is? I'll admit, I recognize neither names

So Pat is trying to encourage the flock to appear more reasonable as well.

Or perhaps a confession that he cannot continue preaching falsehood?

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And what proportion of North Americans know who Ray, Kirk or Koch is? I'll admit, I recognize neither names[/Quote]

Ray and Kirk are extremes on the Christian front who attempt to sway the scientifically ignorant with the dumbest of logic. Similarly, the Koch brothers are fossil fuel tycoons who fund front groups that produce pseudo-scientific misinformation campaigns on climate change.

Epic video of Ray and Kirk using the cavendish banana, a product of artificial selection, as evidence of intelligent design. They both make similar ignorant claims about the eye, the crocoduck, etc.

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Ray and Kirk are extremes on the Christian front who attempt to sway the scientifically ignorant with the dumbest of logic. Similarly, the Koch brothers are fossil fuel tycoons who fund front groups that produce pseudo-scientific misinformation campaigns on climate change.

That's probably why I've never heard of them, probably most Canadians share my position since only 2% of them believe climate change is a hoax.


Epic video of Ray and Kirk using the cavendish banana, a product of artificial selection, as evidence of intelligent design.

Without languages, you think the guy using the banana was demonstrating something else lol.

They both make similar ignorant claims about the eye, the crocoduck, etc.

Actually the crocoduck is real despite what they said.


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Okay, well anyone here over 35 yrs of age and recognizes the name Kirk Cameron?

I am under 35 years of age, and my friends say that I know fewer movie/television stars then anyone else they know. I recognize the name. I remember him from Growing Pains. ExtraTV ranks him on their list of 50 Greatest Teen Stars (that is not just television/movie stars, but include music and all other teen stars) at #16. In the late 80s he was making more then $2 million a year for Growing Pains which (adjusted for inflation) has to be in the running with what the current highest paid teen star (the 2 1/2 Men teen star) is making now, and was absurd money at the time. He was popular enough that in 1988 Pepsi made him the first person to ever get paid a million dollars for appearing in a single commercial. Then he went to complete crap (Christian fundamentalism).

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Okay, well anyone here over 35 yrs of age and recognizes the name Kirk Cameron?

O35 and never heard of him, looked him up on google, still have no idea who he is...ph34r.png

james cameron yup...cameron diaz oh ya...kirk cameron nope

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