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Law protect racism and bully

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my oh my do you like to pitch and roll and wriggle your way out of having to justify your assertions...

there we go again:


answer that tough guy...

Did I say we need diversity? No. Did I say we do not need it? No

Did I say diversity is a weakness? No. Did I say it's a strenght? No

So feel welcome to drop the cowardly dishonesty any time. It is clear you think diversity is wrong, tell us why.

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Why we need laws?

Once again, you have given out a good instance but conclude to wrong conclusion.

There is a joke:

To worry about that Obama would cut the f-22 steal fighter-jet project off, the generals of the Pentagon went for their new president to lobby him. They made a strong argument, with the help of all sorts of charts, simulating data, test reports and video tapes which proved f-22 is 100% effective to keep any enemy planes away from American troops, so Obama seemed to be persuaded by the overwhelming evidences of the effectiveness of f-22.

"I agree with you. The f-22 project should be preserved," the president said.

All generals smiled and began to flatter the president that what the wisest presidential decision in American histroy he had just made.

"then, instead of cutting off f-22 project," the president continued, "I decided to cut off all your anti-aircraft missile projects."

"No, have you gone mad?" all generals chorused, "without these anti-aircraft missiles, how would we protect our soldiers from enemy's air raids?"

"I suppose you have just told me that our f-22s would protect them....." the preisdent was bemused :P

Just as f-22s, if the "education" is perfect which could make every kid to be saint or at least could fully prevent every of them from going bad , why would we need laws? Unfortunately, there is not a perfect education system in the any country of the world, so laws are still needed.

You may think that law and education are two entirely opposite matters, but sometimes they are essentially the same things. A dad who spanks his kids are just enforcing his "family laws" on his kids, just as the politicians who enforce the national laws on him. Or if the dad thinks that spanking is just a way of educating his kids to behave themselves, the politicians may also think that the laws are just ways of educating their people to "civilize" them. :rolleyes:

Edited by xul
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You may think that law and education are two entirely opposite matters, but sometimes they are essentially the same things. A dad who spanks his kids are just enforcing his "family laws" on his kids, just as the politicians who enforce the national laws on him. Or if the dad thinks that spanking is just a way of educating his kids to behave themselves, the politicians may also think that the laws are just ways of educating their people to "civilize" them. :rolleyes:

The law in Canada makes lawyers trying hard to find and enlarge the evil side of their every target which everyone does have because no perfect person are there.

Education with love inspire and encourage and reinforce the positive part of every one.

The laws are necessary but how many laws should be there, which laws will not help to fulfill the goal of the original purpose of it and make more trouble and make things worse, should be reviewed with scientific methods such as statistics.

A dad spanks his kids does not leave a criminal record to the kids.

That criminal record makes the kids hard to find job in future, and make the society expect the kids will crime again, and make the kids go near the ugly legal system, so that eventually that kids will easier to turn into a real criminal.

The boy, whose marks included 96% in science, 94% in French, and 90% in math, has already lost the chance to go to lots of the top universities because of the charge.

That is the lost of Canada, because there are not many kids have been educated to be so good under the current education system.

The education system does not easily generate talent students, the legal system easily destroy them.

Edited by bjre
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Did I say we need diversity? No. Did I say we do not need it? No

Did I say diversity is a weakness? No. Did I say it's a strenght? No

So feel welcome to drop the cowardly dishonesty any time. It is clear you think diversity is wrong, tell us why.

we don't need diversity... yet you support it... make excuses for it... and refuse to look at the many "challenges" it brings...

curious isn't it?

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Bjre, the truth is that the charge is not likely to cost him anything with regard to university entrances.

In the first place, the charge sounds quite likely to be withdrawn if the reports are accurate, but even if it is, there remains serious doubt about conviction. Even if the charge remains, and he is convicted, he is still only 15- a child- and it won't stand against him, won't appear on his record.

If that was not enough, universities worth their salt are specifically looking for diversity of experience and background. Gifted students with 'interesting' events in their lives are more, not less, desireable.

That said, I do agree: "The education system does not easily generate talented students; the legal system easily destroys them."

Edited by Molly
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The Jewish Battenbergs (who changed their name to Mountbatten) married into the Royal Family... so the Royal family: Are Gotha's and Battenbergs... Jewish, German English bastards.

Also, each male child of the royal family is routinely circumsized by the YIddish penis clipper of London (the Mohel).

also, directly translated into Hebrew: BRITISH is: BRIT: "DEAL"


british means "DEAL MAN" in Hebrew... also the Big Ben has a star of david on the Clock... anyways... you'll probably go ahead and call me a disgusting swine for naming all these undisputed and indisputable facts.

If anyone had any doubts before they can rest easy now, the jury is in and based on his own postings, Lictor is a certifiable tinfoil waring, colored folk despising, jew hating nutbar...

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Correction, the US army in WW2 was 42% of German ancestry and 98% White... and THE USA ASSISTED... but did'nt at all single handedly defeat Germany... no That took 13 million Soviet Casualties (also white, majority blond, slavs) teamed-up also with Britain (who would dream to think that Jamaicans and zulus formed ANY PART of the western campaign for Great Britain?)

bring in the clowns indeed... tell me dancer, dyou get your history from the Marcuse institute?

excuse nutbar before I put your worthless self on ignore....you are an idiot.

Nuff said

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Bjre, the truth is that the charge is not likely to cost him anything with regard to university entrances.

In the first place, the charge sounds quite likely to be withdrawn if the reports are accurate, but even if it is, there remains serious doubt about conviction. Even if the charge remains, and he is convicted, he is still only 15- a child- and it won't stand against him, won't appear on his record.

If that was not enough, universities worth their salt are specifically looking for diversity of experience and background. Gifted students with 'interesting' events in their lives are more, not less, desireable.

That said, I do agree: "The education system does not easily generate talented students; the legal system easily destroys them."

I hope so.

I still don't think it is a good solution.

The better way is to prevent it from eventually happen by routine education.

The principle of the school should be dismissed.

The minister of education (or anyone who is in charge of education) should be dismissed.

Edited by bjre
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I hope so.

I still don't think it is a good solution.

The better way is to prevent it from eventually happen by routine education.

The principle of the school should be dismissed.

The minister of education (or anyone who is in charge of education) should be dismissed.

Those dismissals would be as much of an unbalanced overreaction as the arrest. Everyone errs from time to time, and events such as this cannot be entirely prevented even under ideal circumstances. Let's wait to see what they do about it before we throw them out.

But yes, I do also also agree that prevention through education is far more effective than this excessive punishment.

(However, it reminds me of a question asked by a very wise man: "If the master knows nothing, then what is the pupil to learn?")

Edited by Molly
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we don't need diversity... yet you support it... make excuses for it... and refuse to look at the many "challenges" it brings...

curious isn't it?

What is not that curious is that you won't dare telling what are the challenges you claim exist.

Me... I don't care if my neighbour across the street is from Nigeria or has Italian ancestry. I do not care if my manager was born in Tahiti or Barrie. I don't care where my friends were born, the colour of their skin, their ancestry. Because IT DOES NOT MATTER. Your notion that I should automatically assume that one is more intelligent, more honest, a better human being because of their skin colour, makes no sense at all. After all, your anti-Jewish rant constitutes proof enough that there is at least one white man on this planet who is a complete moron.

So, once again, since YOU claim that diversity is an evil thing, and since it is obvious you want Canada to be a little white only enclave, why don't YOU say why this would make it such a paradise?

Edited by CANADIEN
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Since when have people ever needed race as an excuse for bullying?

If there wasn't an Asian kid to pick on, he'd have sought out a fat kid, a skinny kid, a kid who was bad at sports, a kid whose parents can't afford trendy clothes, a kid that other kids suspect might be gay, a kid whose dad is unemployed ...

Has a lack of racial diversity ever been a source of harmony? Societies without racism had to invent other "isms" to fill the void.


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Based on what I'm reading here, the Korean kid got in trouble not because he hit back, but because he hit back really well:

On Monday, the boy will return to the program for suspended students. He is serving a maximum length suspension of 20 days, which he cannot appeal, for "committing physical assault on another person that causes bodily harm requiring treatment by a medical practitioner," according to a school document provided to his parents. The school called the incident "a consensual fight with another student."

It seems to me that if somebody picks a fight with you, you're entitled to stand up for yourself, period. What is this, some kind of "proportional response" type horse crap?

Earlier this week, the boy's father received a couriered letter from the York Region District School Board. It said the school's principal, Catherine McGinley, was recommending the discipline committee mete out the harshest possible punishment when it meets on May 13. She asked that the 15-year-old be expelled not just from Keswick High, but from all schools in York region.

"It was horrible. It was a big shock," the boy's father said.

Yesterday afternoon, spokesman Ross Virgo said the board meant to retract that letter, that it was sent in error and that its contents were no longer valid. He said the case is being investigated further, and that the recommendation of expulsion is no longer in effect.

Translation: when this story appeared in the media, we suddenly realized that we looked very very stupid and are attempting to do whatever it takes to save our asses.


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Earlier this week, the boy's father received a couriered letter from the York Region District School Board. It said the school's principal, Catherine McGinley, was recommending the discipline committee mete out the harshest possible punishment when it meets on May 13. She asked that the 15-year-old be expelled not just from Keswick High, but from all schools in York region.

This is the current education system.

Did they know the fact? Yes, they do.

Do they want to help students let them learn to be nice people and capable pelple? No, they don't.

What they care about is only their own selfish interest.

The students they bring about are mostly likely to be like their teachers, become selfish, poor ability people.

So that in the future, Canada may not only need "made in China" goods, but also "made in China/India" students to fill all job that need some inteligent skills.

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So that in the future, Canada may not only need "made in China" goods, but also "made in China/India" students to fill all job that need some inteligent skills.

It is no secret that many of the top achievers in Canadian schools are Asian kids. I suspect the reason for that is probably not very flattering to typical Canadian parents.


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The bully kid and the principal almost did it if not for the 400 of his fellow students walked out of class.

I wonder how many other ugly incidents had happened without being noticed in the Canadian education system.

This is the reality of human right situation in Canada, where weak people were often be bullied secretly.

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For a start, without it, johnny-come-lately white guys wouldn't have been allowed in....

and look at how well that turned out! Look at how much ABO love there is for "white guys" today...

And strangely... I don't remember any native celebrating European presence anytime in my life...

If diversity was bad for Natives... why is it wise to assume that it will be good for "whitey".

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What is not that curious is that you won't dare telling what are the challenges you claim exist.

Me... I don't care if my neighbour across the street is from Nigeria or has Italian ancestry. I do not care if my manager was born in Tahiti or Barrie. I don't care where my friends were born, the colour of their skin, their ancestry. Because IT DOES NOT MATTER. Your notion that I should automatically assume that one is more intelligent, more honest, a better human being because of their skin colour, makes no sense at all. After all, your anti-Jewish rant constitutes proof enough that there is at least one white man on this planet who is a complete moron.

So, once again, since YOU claim that diversity is an evil thing, and since it is obvious you want Canada to be a little white only enclave, why don't YOU say why this would make it such a paradise?

Again, why don't you just come out and say then that diversity IS NOT A STRENGTH then?

The main idea of multiculturalism that you've outlined here is the equal value of all cultures & races (i.e. cultural relativism). However, multiculturalism does not mean cultures as usually understood but rather as biologically-defined (i.e., ethnically, racially, or sexually defined) groups. Multiculturalism, a politicized form of cultural relativism, rejects the idea that there are general truths, norms, or rules with respect to both knowledge and morals.

And multiculturalism doesn't treat people as individuals either... It treats people as replaceable atoms collectively constructed by their racial, ethnic, or sexual group. Multiculturalism hyphenates Canadians, divides them. Multiculturalism aims to swap individual rights with collectivism by assuming that a person's identity and value is derived solely from biology and origin, and that what is important is not what a person does as an individual, but rather what some members of his biological group currently do or did years ago.

So why aren't you opposing it then?

You're telling me it doesn't matter whether your co-citizens: speak the same language as you, look like you, think like you, have similar values, similar dietary habits, similar ways of viewing the world, similar customs/traditions mores etc? Thats irrelevant to you?

Ah so what you're describing is a environment where people try to rub shoulders as little as possible with people who are unlike themselves and for the most part try to ignore. You're describing the precise opposite of a community.

What sort of social fabric would that produce? a cluster of disconnected rootless and suspicious people all trying their damnedest to ignore each other as much as possible... and actually that's WHAT WE HAVE TODAY (at least in our big cities)

Add to that the prospect of minorities competing with each other and the majority (euro-canadians) for who gets the most "breaks" and preferential treatment from the gubmint'

How is this NOT a weakness?


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and look at how well that turned out! Look at how much ABO love there is for "white guys" today...

And strangely... I don't remember any native celebrating European presence anytime in my life...

If diversity was bad for Natives... why is it wise to assume that it will be good for "whitey".

Not surprisingly, you don't get it when you're mocked.

And we are still waiting for you to show us why diversity is bad.

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Again, why don't you just come out and say then that diversity IS NOT A STRENGTH then?

I have made my opinion clear enough. Nice bit of your usual intellectual dishonesty though.

The main idea of multiculturalism that you've outlined here is the equal value of all cultures & races (i.e. cultural relativism).

Bizarre, I haven't even mentioned the word multiculturalism...

However, multiculturalism does not mean cultures as usually understood but rather as biologically-defined (i.e., ethnically, racially, or sexually defined) groups. Multiculturalism, a politicized form of cultural relativism, rejects the idea that there are general truths, norms, or rules with respect to both knowledge and morals.

And multiculturalism doesn't treat people as individuals either... It treats people as replaceable atoms collectively constructed by their racial, ethnic, or sexual group. Multiculturalism hyphenates Canadians, divides them. Multiculturalism aims to swap individual rights with collectivism by assuming that a person's identity and value is derived solely from biology and origin, and that what is important is not what a person does as an individual, but rather what some members of his biological group currently do or did years ago.

I didn't know you were so much in favour of treating people as individuals instead of based on their ancestry and physical traits. :P

You're telling me it doesn't matter whether your co-citizens: speak the same language as you, look like you, think like you, have similar values, similar dietary habits, similar ways of viewing the world, similar customs/traditions mores etc? Thats irrelevant to you?

As usual, you distort what I say to fit your little racist agenda. Physical features, and places of origin, is not what I base my opinion pf ptjer people on. Neither is the language they speak to other people, the food they eat and (any some cases at least), their customs. As for how people look... everytime I stand in front of the mirror I am glad people do not look as ugly as me :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ah so what you're describing is a environment where people try to rub shoulders as little as possible with people who are unlike themselves and for the most part try to ignore. You're describing the precise opposite of a community.

What sort of social fabric would that produce? a cluster of disconnected rootless and suspicious people all trying their damnedest to ignore each other as much as possible... and actually that's WHAT WE HAVE TODAY (at least in our big cities)

Add to that the prospect of minorities competing with each other and the majority (euro-canadians) for who gets the most "breaks" and preferential treatment from the gubmint'

You don't want anything to do with people who do not think or look llike you. Your problem.

Now, let's take a look at what you would call a community, or what you would like Canada to be:

a little white-only fortified camp, where the "inferiors" are not welcomed, where everybody must look the same and think the same. Where did I see that before?...

And how would you achieve this? Expel the non-whites? Throw in jail those who do not think like the others? Ban food that does not meet your idea of what appropirate food should be? Conduct genetic testings so that anyone not "pure" enough can be thrown out? Forbid the flow of ideas with the rest of the world?

And where would that stop? Because, if I have to reject let's say curry chicken and people watching Chinese television, what would be the basis for tolerating perogies or not burning Bergman's movies? They come from an European culture different than mine.

If I were you, I'd move to another planet where you can be alone with a mirror and be with only person who is exactly like you'd want everyone to be.

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We shall start with:

There's quite a big difference between ordinary Europeans and the half Jewish incestuous royal clan in Great Britain.

And then there is:

The Jewish Battenbergs (who changed their name to Mountbatten) married into the Royal Family... so the Royal family: Are Gotha's and Battenbergs... Jewish, German English bastards.

Also, each male child of the royal family is routinely circumsized by the YIddish penis clipper of London (the Mohel).

also, directly translated into Hebrew: BRITISH is: BRIT: "DEAL"


british means "DEAL MAN" in Hebrew... also the Big Ben has a star of david on the Clock... anyways... you'll probably go ahead and call me a disgusting swine for naming all these undisputed and indisputable facts.

I'd rest my case, but I know you'll add to this illustrious display of stupidity before long.

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