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Law protect racism and bully

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I think I made it clear but for some reason you seem to forget....I don't debate your kind. Feel priviledged I lower myself to correct your half truths , highlight your lies and point fingers at your idiocies...

why can't you debate... are you alienated by my opinions... do you feel estranged by my political leanings... my ideological diversity?


thank you for validating my point then...

go on...

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Now tell how is our ideological diversity a source of community and commonality and relatedness between you and I (because as you say diversity has NO LINK with alienation) ... so please explain (lol if you dare)

I make no claim to any link what so ever between diversity and alienation or non alienation. People may feel alienated for all kinds of reasons.....most commonly, as you are obviously painfully aware, adolescence ain't pretty. If you feel alienated I would suggest it has more to do with poor parenting skills on the part of whomever calved you than any fears you have about those who are different.. It's up to parents to instill self respect, respect for others and common decency. And it seems they failed with you. Often kids like you who feel marginalized try to join a group of like minded misfits....stay away from those...I would suggest the 4H club might be to your liking as the Rotary Club tend to have higher standards.

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why can't you debate... are you alienated by my opinions... do you feel estranged by my political leanings... my ideological diversity?


Ummm no. I just believe you crave debate because it validates and legitimizes your degenrate marginalized and discreditted beliefs. I have no desire to enable you, only to mock you and help you make yourself look foolish.

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Most people couldnt care less what religion their neighbors are, what foods they like to eat or what language they speak amongst their family, so long as they MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS. Even if they do care, the problem only begins when they start to criticize the other person. I think its fine to have your own opinions, no one says that you have to like it, but if thats the case, keep it to yourself. If someone wants to start something, in other words if someone can't shut up, then there's going be a problem.

And for the millions of people who live in cities, in diverse groups, the vast majority don't want any problems, just to live their life and raise their families. Its the ones who think that they have to tell other people how to live, who want to force their views on other people in the community, who are the problem. Its not the fact that there are differences, but that there are some people who can't handle it. Its the intolerance of a minority of narrow minded individuals.

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Ummm no. I just believe you crave debate because it validates and legitimizes your degenrate marginalized and discreditted beliefs. I have no desire to enable you, only to mock you and help you make yourself look foolish.

again calling me "beyond the pale" and "marginalized" is exactly the alienation I was describing.

You feel alienated and estranged with me, you self segregate, hence your refusal to debate me or give me consideration.

How is this not a validation of my statment that diversity (whether racial, religious, political or cultural) is a source of alienation and distance...

You yourself are a perfect example of just what I was talking about.

thank you again Dancer.

mocking me is simply a byproduct of your natural reaction to people who have a diverse set of opinions then you... it works the same for me... I treat you the same way to INCREASE the distance between you and I and let you know that I am estranged by you... all of this is perfectly predictable of what happens when diversity happens...

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Most people couldnt care less what religion their neighbors are, what foods they like to eat or what language they speak amongst their family, so long as they MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS. Even if they do care, the problem only begins when they start to criticize the other person. I think its fine to have your own opinions, no one says that you have to like it, but if thats the case, keep it to yourself. If someone wants to start something, in other words if someone can't shut up, then there's going be a problem.

And for the millions of people who live in cities, in diverse groups, the vast majority don't want any problems, just to live their life and raise their families. Its the ones who think that they have to tell other people how to live, who want to force their views on other people in the community, who are the problem. Its not the fact that there are differences, but that there are some people who can't handle it. Its the intolerance of a minority of narrow minded individuals.

Exactly ... minding one's own business is hardly a faculty of a close community... trying to separate one's self from others and "MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS" is a faculty of the alienation to which I was alluding to.

Minding one's business is a type of segregation, of separation with society at large. Its the "everyman for himself" mentality which permeates life in diverse big cities.

this is exactly what I was talking about.

to quote an earlier post: "Take away the homogeneity, and you greatly reduce the likelihood of bonding. Instead of a community you have simply a collection of individuals, and each of those individuals is thinking, at least at a subconscious level, "It's every man for himself."

Edited by lictor616
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mocking me is simply a byproduct of your natural reaction to people who have a diverse set of opinions then you... it works the same for me... I treat you the same way to INCREASE the distance between you and I and let you know that I am estranged by you... all of this is perfectly predictable of what happens when diversity happens...

I mock all the tihfoil hat wearing toaster listening fruitbats.

It has noting to do with a diversity of opinions and everything to do nonsense spewing blatherskites. If you feel alienated from me it has to do diverstity and more to do with your teenage angst than anything else.

To be estranged from me you would have first to have had some commonality with me. I think you will have to grow up first before that is possible.

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Ah, good ole Keswick.

The butt of many a redneck joke in the GTA.

Didn't see anyone bring up the mention of the racially motivated attacks that have happened against Asians in Georgina, of which Keswick is the largest community.

There are some who don't like the sight of Asians fishing the shores of Lake Simcoe, whether it is in or out of season. So they came up with a new game. "Nipper Tipping" as it is known consists of accosting, assaulting and throwing the Asian fisherman in the water. This has been going on with more frequency over the last few years.

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"Take away the homogeneity, and you greatly reduce the likelihood of bonding. Instead of a community you have simply a collection of individuals, and each of those individuals is thinking, at least at a subconscious level, "It's every man for himself."

Maybe an Asian will never "bond" with a Tamil, but so what? As long as they leave each other be and live peacefully under the law there won't be a problem. They don't need to give each other hugs in the supermarket.

Around here we teach our kids to accept other people, even if they're from a different culture. It's obvious you have a problem with that. But thats just your problem. Who cares

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again, cowardice
:lol: :lol: :lol:
g'head: define RACIST... please ..

Since reading your own postings is not enough a lesson in what racism is...

From the Merriam-Webster Online dictionnary:



\ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\





1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Now... where have I read drivel that fits definition number 1?

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Social alienation, is a phenomenon where the individual is estranged from his community, society, or world.

What causes it? Primarily it stems from a feeling of UNRELATEDNESS... of incompatibility of lack of community of interests or characteristics..

The very NATURE of diversity is rooted in this dissimilarity and lack of relationship and point of commonality... THAT'S DIVERSITY: diversity is dissimilarity and difference.

So actually by elementary definition Diversity of the kind which canadians are forced to celebrate (almost at gun point) is this very sort of phenomenon.

It is not only easily demonstrable but IMPLICIT in the dogma of diversity... how can say: a French Canadian catholic raised child from a working class family have any profound sense of relatedness and commonality with a Sikh student in ceremonial garb... the French Canadian will feel estrangement... he will not understand the Sikh and naturally will be ALIENATED in such an environment.

The phenomenon furthermore is demonstrated by the white flight phenomenon as well as the ghettoization of ethnic community... if you look at any ethnic area you'll notice that people self segregate: hence "Brown Town" in Toronto, Montreal "NOIRE" in the north of montreal


far from having no validity, its actually universal the world OVER.

Not too long ago, I had dinner with soome friends of minee - a Mexico mextizo and his Korean girlfriend, a white married couple, and their Nigerian friend.

Shame on you for not warning me I was supposed to feel alienated.

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I make no claim to any link what so ever between diversity and alienation or non alienation. People may feel alienated for all kinds of reasons.....most commonly, as you are obviously painfully aware, adolescence ain't pretty. If you feel alienated I would suggest it has more to do with poor parenting skills on the part of whomever calved you than any fears you have about those who are different.. It's up to parents to instill self respect, respect for others and common decency. And it seems they failed with you. Often kids like you who feel marginalized try to join a group of like minded misfits....stay away from those...I would suggest the 4H club might be to your liking as the Rotary Club tend to have higher standards.

Stop insulting the 4H :P

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Not too long ago, I had dinner with soome friends of minee - a Mexico mextizo and his Korean girlfriend, a white married couple, and their Nigerian friend.

Shame on you for not warning me I was supposed to feel alienated.

ah sh*** there you go again offering personal anecdotes as "fact"

And my friend married a Mexican girl 2 years ago and we had dinner with their parents and of course in such social situations you try to like each other... they only see each other twice a year now.

Even a despicable racialist like me (who believes that race is a determinant factor in all manner of human faculties and behaviour) can lapse into civility in such situations.

But again, its clear that our cosmopolitan reality is a great source of alienation, as is verified by ghetto ethnic neighborhoods, "politeness indexes", suicide rates, tension and hostility over ethnic, racial and religious issues and many other markers of social cohesiveness.

Its a safe bet that if her korean family (if she has one) saw her leading by the hand a non-korean boyfriend that she'd be in for a hard talk...

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Nice try. In this case, your "alienation" is the self-inflicted product of your despicable world-view.

there no "try"- my difference in Ideology (which you call despicable) is a source of distance between you adn I and M. dancer...

right? of course...

so again; an instance where diversity is a source of tension, distance and alienation. its an obvious truism.

And the same is true for me. My stomach would really turn if I had to deal with you people on a daily basis. I'd rather have no part of speaking to such lemming like PC orthodox drones mindlessly parroting the TV party line about race and equality and similar pish posh...

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Why not? Beats pseudo-science on the imaginary link between race and intelligence any time of the year..

yeah looking at Haiti or any majority black country for scientific achievement is a big "IMAGINARY" trip isn't it...


no evidence... no evidence at all... keep telling yourslef that... keep sucking on that blissful pacifier of ignorance and self-delusion...

no relationship...

no relationship

no relationship

with race and IQ... and there is no single shred of proof of it...

*that can be your mantra for your life.. you can even smoke opium to make you believe it more intensely...

while rational people can open their eyes to the implications of evolution, genetics and science and the harsh and sometimes GRIM realities of the world about us...

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yeah looking at Iceland for scientific achievement is a big "IMAGINARY" trip isn't it...

You were saying?

I was saying!!! ahahahaha!

hahahaha! and where would you rather live? Iceland? or Haiti?

Iceland is also the only country in Western Europe that still has large resources of competitively priced hydroelectric power and geothermal energy remaining to be harnessed. Although electricity consumption per capita in Iceland is second to none in the world, at about 28,200 kWh per person, only a fraction of the country’s energy potential has been tapped.

Icelanders are world leaders in the use of geothermal energy for domestic and industrial purposes. About 87% of the population enjoy central heating by geothermal energy at a price that is generally less than half of the comparable cost of oil or electric heating...

Both hydro and geothermal power are sustainable and supremely environment-friendly –

Funny isn't it!? Funny how a tiny and super isolated patch of half uninhabitable land with only a handful of Icelanders manages these incredible feats. i'd say the Icelandic peoples are doubtlessly among the brightest and most resourceful in the world and certainly not lacking in creative spirit and capacity for innovation.

Btw, their per capita GDP is ranked 4th in the world... that's right way above canada.

great example thanks!

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They are also about to go bankrupt....not the chicken little bankrupt you hear the tinfoil crowd yelping about vis a vis the US....real bankruptcy....the country is flat broke.

REYKJAVIK, Iceland — Iceland’s financial system collapsed Thursday, and analysts said it was probably only a matter of time before the country would have to turn to the International Monetary Fund for help.


Personal Debt in Iceland reached 213% of personal disposable income. In Britain this figure is 164%. In the US, it is 140%. In Germany about 100%. The high levels of personal debt were reflected in the balance sheets of the Icelandic banks who were willing to lend with few questions asked.


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They are also about to go bankrupt....not the chicken little bankrupt you hear the tinfoil crowd yelping about vis a vis the US....real bankruptcy....the country is flat broke.



The crisis wasn't half as bad as was predicted in october 2008... Iceland (having few resources) resorted to an ingenious banking privatization that fell when the communistic economy of the US came crashing down...

but wait Haiti or Iceland MDAncer... which is it... which is a more industrious and innovative and well kept country...

are we seriously debating this? Is your tinfoil hat case broken out? Are you actually impudent enough to claim that Iceland vs haiti is a perfect example of how people from different races build equivalent countries?

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Racism is good - all races should practice it and it would be a better world - there is no such thing as workable enforced assimulation....to counter healthy racism only means one thing - the powers that be seek to disempower....those of great influence and power are ALL racists - so if you want some of that power - well - what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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