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Svend Robinson

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Spare us the crocodile tears and get lost, Svend.

This is another aspect of this affair that I don't understand. Can anyone be sure that public figures are faking when they break down in public ? I sure wouldn't make that judgement.

A member of my family accused Tie Domi of faking tears when he was ejected from the hockey playoffs a while back. He just knew Tie was faking. I suppose it's human nature to have strong instincts like that, but I wouldn't post my hunches as fact whether it was Robinson, Domi, Limbaugh or Jimmy Swaggert.

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I can't belive the level of mean-spiritedness on this thread. Like none of you self-righteous prigs have ever made a mistake? Svend had an all-too human lapse in judgement or reason and committed a crime. He admitted it, stood up and took responsibility and is prepared to face the consequenses. That takes courage, which is uncommon, especially in the political arena.

I also am fascinated by the implications being tossed about that whatever Svend's problems are, they should disqualify him from life in politics. Yet would certain posters say the same thing about someone like Ralph Klein (an admitted alcoholic)? I detect the stench of partisan hateraide.

I don't always agree with Svend, but have tremendous respect for him. He's one of the most dedicated and committed representatives in government, and I wish him the best.

Robinson's statement



I thought looniness was suppossed to be the domain of the left? :rolleyes:

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Svend stole a piece of jewellery. He seems to be genuinely sorry for what he did, he's given it back, and he has already condemned both his actions and himself in word by his admission of irrationality, and deed in his step down from public office. He is also seeking professional help for the issues he feels led him to this.

I cannot and I will not condemn Svend here. I admire any man that can admit he is wrong and then apologise and atone, so I give Svend my blessings and I hope he fares better in the future.

Perhaps we would all do better to stop kicking the man who can admit wrongdoing and tries to make amends, and divert our attentions to the men who still won't admit wrongdoings, and are still trying to sweep things under the carpet and avoid justice?

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I can believe Svend Robinson is under alot of stress. Always calling anybody that he does'nt like homophobic, wanting to lower the age of anal consent for boys to 14. Svend Robinson's an idiot, he stole a 50,000 dollar piece of jewllery when their were a bunch of camera's around, and then realized it would look better if he turned himself, rather than being caught. I hope he gets 6 months in jail. As for Svend's courage, whats so courageous about him, he helped kill a woman, and whenever he is criticized he always screams homophobia, the man's a coward.

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Hugo and I almost never see even close to eye to eye, but I have to salute his eloquent post on this subject. Well said.

On the other end of the spectrum, we have gibbering apes like Alliance Fanatic who can't even be bothered to get their facts straight before launching into a foaming -mouthed tirade. People like you are the best friends the left could ask for. Keep it up. :P

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I am not sure what I can post here regarding what is or isn't copyright violitions, but here's the link:

NDP moral crusader Svend Robinson has spectacular fall from grace

Here's the snippet:

Back in 1989, Robinson raised eyebrows with his aggressive push to have Conservative MP Richard Grise turfed immediately from Parliament. Grise had been sentenced to one day in jail and fined $20,000 after pleading guilty to fraud and breach of trust.

"I think Canadians would shake their heads and say this place is not doing justice," by allowing Grise to stay, said Robinson. The Montreal MP resigned days later.

This was in the first year he was elected to parliament. How much compassion and mercy was he giving to Richard Grise?

Now his career has come full circle and he is in the other man's shoes.

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This was in the first year he was elected to parliament. How much compassion and mercy was he giving to Richard Grise?

Now his career has come full circle and he is in the other man's shoes.

Svend has stepped away from politics. he won't run in the next election and he's accepting responsibility for his actions. So he's practicing what he preached.

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Well lets hope Svend gets what he deserves. Clearly the facts are that he stole the $50,000 ring. He knew that the people working there would recognize him, he knew that all his moves would most likely be caught on video camera.

So its not a far stretch to think that his conscience along with his return to rational thinking (hmmmmm, haaaaaa, doh !!! I might get caught) that made him bring back the ring. This is speculation but who knows maybe the people he stole from informed him he had been caught on candid camera and gave him the chance to confess. Anways, lets hope another politician does not get away with any unlawful behaviour regardless of whatever party they are associated with.

Also lets hope that the Svend's decision on seeking medical leave for his stress, does not cloud the issue at hand. The man is a thief. If we start allowing this type of behaviour to persist we are in trouble. There are many people is this world who are under more stress than Mr. Robinson and DO NOT STEAL. I mean if we accept this line of thinking then everyone has an excuse for any of their actions, no matter how heinous.

In regards to Black Dogs post:

People like you are the best friends the left could ask for. Keep it up.

On the issue of the Mr. Robinson and the ring, the others I cannot comment on, nor do I care too. Alliance Fanatic is bang on.

I am absolutely baffled by the blindness of many "lefties". I mean I will admit one hundred percent that lefties or NDPers, especially here in BC, are devoted and loyal followers of their leaders. But it also seems to me that this blind devotion leaves many leftists without the ability to use their brain and good judgement. Time and time again I hear the left trying to lynch Campbell for his drinking and driving. Yet a prime example of hypocracy of these lefties deals with a man that was continually voted into office by them and still holds a lot of support even after leaving politics. An honourable, honest, caring and sincere man named Moe Sihota. Please go on the internet and look up this man's history. I am sure it will impress. So I guess its ok for the left to sweep the misdeeds of their politicians under the rug and proclaim the right is out to get them, which is not true, we are just out for justice.......

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Svend has stepped away from politics. he won't run in the next election and he's accepting responsibility for his actions. So he's practicing what he preached.

I guess its a matter of interpretation. I certainly didn't read that he quit, that he resigned his position.

I will therefore be taking time off for medical leave immediately. My hardworking and experienced staff will certainly continue to serve the needs of my constituents, and I will remain in close contact with them.
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Poor Sven, fesses up the very first time he stole. What an honest guy.

Back in 1989, Robinson raised eyebrows with his aggressive push to have Conservative MP Richard Grise turfed immediately from Parliament. Grise had been sentenced to one day in jail and fined $20,000 after pleading guilty to fraud and breach of trust.

"I think Canadians would shake their heads and say this place is not doing justice," by allowing Grise to stay, said Robinson. The Montreal MP resigned days later.

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Is that an online poll, if it is its meaningless, who is more likely to answer that poll someone who supports svend or someone who is against or indifferent. You can throw figures around all day, but the fact of the matter is that if it were you or me who stole that ring. Charges would be laid.

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You can throw figures around all day, but the fact of the matter is that if it were you or me who stole that ring. Charges would be laid.

They might not be if you had thrown in a 25-year-career that obviously mattered a great deal to you out of guilt and shame.

My thought is that Svend is obviously going through a tough time and seems to be a sufferer of kleptomania. It's a genuine and well-documented mental illness and there's no medical rule saying that an MP cannot suffer from it. I think that he is punishing himself more than a court could. Whatever his views over the years, politics has obviously been very important to him and his decision to stand down as an MP is a big act of penance in my book.

Now, God loves nothing more than a repentant sinner. Repent and ye shall be forgiven. The victim of his crime has been fully recompensed, has accepted his apology, and demanded no further action. If his victim can forgive him, and God can forgive him, why would anyone else not forgive him?

I've also heard speculation that he did it as a result of legal advice he received in secret or that this is part of a calculated plan to lighten his punishment. I believe that kind of thought is very mean-spirited, to rubbish what I think is a very genuine and heartfelt confession and repentance based upon pure speculation without a scrap of evidence.

There are far bigger criminals still in Ottawa. Paul Martin only took action about the spending scandal the day before the auditor-general's report was released and, like Nixon, seems determined to let everyone else hang before he, when it was he who was ultimately responsible as finance minister. Martin isn't sorry he stole from the taxpayer, he's just sorry he got caught, and he stole two thousand times as much as Svend did. If Svend gets a year in prison, give Martin two thousand.

And as for Chretien, he's not even sorry he got caught. His reasoning seems to be that being Jean Chretien is automatic absolution for any wrongdoing and that he has something approaching Papal infallibility. These are the real criminals in our Parliament, not Svend Robinson. Let's talk about criminal charges for the thieves in the federal Liberals, the Ontario Conservatives and all the others who keep stealing and don't even care.

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They might not be if you had thrown in a 25-year-career that obviously mattered a great deal to you out of guilt and shame.

Not following you on this one. I do not see how the act of theft is somehow lost in all this. Do I think Svend is sorry for what he did, I do, partially. Do I think he should be charged, Yes I do. Does his public career have any bearing on this outcome. Yes it does, but it shouldn't.

Here is another politician that is going to get away with a crime that you or me would not, do not kid yourself. The business probably has forgiven him for a few reasons , who could ask for such publicity and advertisement. Also, why would they charge him, when the outcry from the left would be overpowering. The business has its hands tied. They do not want their business boycotted by supporters.

Now, God loves nothing more than a repentant sinner. Repent and ye shall be forgiven. The victim of his crime has been fully recompensed, has accepted his apology, and demanded no further action. If his victim can forgive him, and God can forgive him, why would anyone else not forgive him?

This has no real bearing on me, I am not in the position to forgive, he has never represented my views or my vote. Nor has he trespassed against me. Do I think he is a bad man, nope. Good people still make bad decisions which they should be held accountable for.

As for your diagnosis of kleptomania, I will leave that to the professionals who diagnose it. But I do not understand all these excuses people are making for him. I also do not understand that he wanted a former MP to resign due unlawful conduct, which the MP did. But he is only stepping aside for the time being, not practicing what he preaches and keeping his staff at arm's length. This was not a small jube jube out of the bulk bin that he stole, this was a $50,000 dollar ring, worth more than most people's cars, or a good years salary.

As for the speculation part of the story, I am not fully convinced that Mr. Robinson gave back the ring for genuine reasons, which I am entitled to believe. I believe this because he mentioned that people recognized him and that cameras would have most likely seen the theft transpire. Had he left out those points I would be more likely to believe his conscience brought the ring back rather than fear of being caught.

This line of thinking is not mean-spirited or rubbish its called rationale and logical thought. This world is not a perfect Utopia, good people do bad things and those actions should not be candied coated with all things nice and fluffy. I am not preaching hate on this man, course some will see it that way because I do not see it their way. I want what I believe would happen to me, to happen to him. Appear before a judge. If found guilty then so be it, if not than he has proven to the law of the land that there was a rational excuse for irrational behaviour.

As for the comparison of Robinson to our wonderful leaders like Dumb and Dumber is silly to say the least. I mean No S%^t these dipsticks are as crooked and corrupt as they come. But thats got no bearing on what Mr. Robinson has done, so lets stick to this case, rather than comparing apples to oranges (stinking, rotting oranges that is)

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No matter what, he stole for whatever reason that only he may be able to understand and should be punished as any other person would. I, like millions of other Canadians, work hard and deal with stress everyday and I do not steal a $50,000 ring. I know if I did, I would be sent off to jail and avoiding bending over to pick up the soap in the shower. You do the crime, you do the time, no matter who you are.

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As for the speculation part of the story, I am not fully convinced that Mr. Robinson gave back the ring for genuine reasons, which I am entitled to believe. I believe this because he mentioned that people recognized him and that cameras would have most likely seen the theft transpire. Had he left out those points I would be more likely to believe his conscience brought the ring back rather than fear of being caught.

There's not a question in my mind that he returned the ring for fear of being caught. Most people know who he is and they had video cameras there. Then he has the nerve to appear on camera teary eyed telling the world that his mind just "snapped" and tried to blame it on stress. If he gets away with this with a lame excuse like that then our laws in Canada will need a major overhaul. Failing that, this will become a common excuse for every crime imaginable, murder, rape, you name it!!!

I must add here.. What does this say for all the people that are supporting him and feeling sorry for him.. People like Jack Layton for example? Do we really want to give people like that the power to have any influence over major decisions that are made in this country?

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This was not a small jube jube out of the bulk bin that he stole, this was a $50,000 dollar ring, worth more than most people's cars, or a good years salary.

That's what doesn't make sense. When politicians steal, they set up slush funds, money laundering and kickbacks and rip off the taxpayer for millions. What they don't do is pocket a $50,000 ring in front of security cameras. It makes absolutely no sense for Svend to have done it and that's why I believe he wasn't in full control of himself.

Regardless, I think most people here are succumbing to anger and negative emotion over all of this. The predominant attitude seems to be, "Good, I couldn't wait for that b*stard to slip up." That's hardly a very humane attitude. Vengeance is not healthy.

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It makes absolutely no sense for Svend to have done it and that's why I believe he wasn't in full control of himself.

I agree entirely with you, Hugo.

The issue of whether he went to the police out of fear strikes me as irrelevant. If Svend were a rational thief, he could have stolen in much easier ways.

Clearly, the theft was as he described it, a spur of the moment thing. Now what motivated it? Does the answer even matter?

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Reading the Letters section of The Vancouver Sun today I got a kick out of Michael Silver who asks:

"Having a serious fall causes you, six years later, to steal? Does this mean we should all be holding our wallets a little tighter when Mike Harcourt is in the room?"

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Reading the Letters section of The Vancouver Sun today I got a kick out of Michael Silver who asks:

"Having a serious fall causes you, six years later, to steal? Does this mean we should all be holding our wallets a little tighter when Mike Harcourt is in the room?"

In the same section of the said paper I have also got a kick out Diana Davidson who is a practicing lawyer. She wrote:

"In my opinion he didn' steal. Criminal theft requires the mental component of intention to deprive. Many have found themselves on the fateful side of the retail door with something they have absentmindedly popped in a purse, a pocket, tucked under an arm. As a matter of law they are not guilty of theft. They are "guilty" of absentmindedness." Mr. Robinson should not give up his important work because of what appeared to have been absentmindedness."

That reminds me of the Lorne Nystrom case where, even though he took the contact lens cleaning solution out of the box and put it in his pocket before putting the empty box back on the shelf, he was acquitted of theft after explaining that he was chronically absent-minded.

Svend just hired the same smart-alec shyster that got Nystrom off, so there would be NO WAY Svend would be found guilty if the auctioneers sued So it is just as well that

they won't prosecute.

IMO, Svend should counter-sue for ruining his reputation, or some such.

PS - Talking to MY lawyer, RDunn, just the other day he told me that if HE, instead of CRuby, were hired by the plaintif, he would also bring up the fact that Nystrom couldn't have SEEN where he was putting the lens cleaner because his lenses were filthy and thus he was as blind as a bat. He would even ask several bats to testify, he said.

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It is Saturday here on the left coast and I'm having a kind of a lazy afternoon so I pulled out a bunch of oldies and got a real kick out of this one .... listen:

"And here's to you, Mr. Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)

God bless you please, Mr. Robinson

Heaven holds a place for those who pray

(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)

Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes

Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes

It's a little secret, just the Robinsons' affair

Most of all, you've got to hide it from the voters.

Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mr. Robinson

Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)

God bless you please, Mr. Robinson

Heaven holds a place for those who pray

(Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey) ........"


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